
My graphics card is about to die anyway, so what do I want with these games!

Thanks or Destrado (did I e ven spell that correctly) who pointed it out.

To be a bit more detail-friendly, I'm currently running this awesome MSI GT725, which after four years of me owning it pretty much runs every game with high or medium specs and a decent framerate: A overclocking-friendly (3.2GHz)-dual core cpu coupled with a Radeon HD4850 and 4GB RAM isn't half that bad. The thing is just, even a comparable set up costs more money than I can prolly amass till summer, and there's no real alternative for me until then. I don't exactly want to switch to a single-core with embedded graphics chip, as that's hardly useful these days in terms of gaming.

With my current laptop in mind, there are only a few slight issues with graphics: For once, my native display doesn't show any output at all. I can only boot into safe mode, normal windows results in a fancy bluescreen mentioning the graphics card driver. Depending on the resolution of my second monitor I plug in via HDMI, I either get fuzzy stripes, blue and red overlays and stripes or, for reasons hardly known to me, simply no output at all.

This is platform-independent: Even the BIOS-screen doesn't work on the laptop's primary monitor, and it looks as crappy on external monitors as windows does with graphics drivers. Linux, same problem. Trying to play any DirectX-based games leads to the computer hanging up within the first 60 seconds.

I can't guarantee these games to be sent anywhere near the end of the giveaway: For once, it took me two hours to even get my computer booted again. EXPECTO PATRONUM, err, EXPECT DELAYS.

Thanks !

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thank You!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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thanks, and may [insert deity of choice] magically fix your computer! or give you cash to get a new one.

12 years ago

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awesome giveaway! thank you :D

12 years ago

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Thank you for the giveaway! I am sorry about your PC Mabako, get it fixed soon!

12 years ago

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thanks for the giveaway

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thank you very much

12 years ago

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Sorry to hear about your PC troubles :(

Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

12 years ago

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Thanks! And also let's hope your PC get an easy fix :(

12 years ago

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