
My favourite rum, the best of the best:
Rumbullion! Just a mind-blowingly amazing rum. Beautiful to drink on it's own, an award winning rum and quite rightly so, nicely presented too. For any rum fans reading, please do yourself a favour and get a bottle of this. I buy and bring back a couple of bottles every time I visit the UK. Worth every penny.

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Added to my wishlist (the rum, that is). Thanks!

Wouldn't a longer period for GA be better? I don't know how many people will notice it in time. Edit: Enough people already did :-)

8 years ago

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A short one to get me to level 8 quickly :-)

8 years ago

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You're already there! Congrats! :-)

8 years ago

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Cheers! I was waiting on feedback for a few giveaways, just got them :-)

8 years ago

Comment has been collapsed. (I didn't check if you already have it or not !)

8 years ago

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I appreciate the link :-) I bought the bundle but decided I probably wouldn't play it, since I didn't really get on with Surgeon Simulator.

8 years ago

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I played both a little bit, Octodad is much more fun in my humble opinion. Less difficult and controller-ready :) Feel free to enter if you want to give it a try !

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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