One bright morning when this thing is over,
Game will fly away home.
One bright morning when this thing is over,
Game will fly away home.
Say unless the winner is suspended for being an evil bot user,
Game will fly away home.
Although I'll buy all sorts of visual novels, somehow I haven't bought this one yet. Not enough boobies? Game not finished? I dunno, just somehow it just didn't end up in my account yet. So I can't tell you anything about it. Hopefully it doesn't suck.
Ok, I ran out of Steamgifts-related questions, so let's try a different one. :)
What do you think about buying an "Early Access" game on Steam? Do you not care about it, and buy the game anyway? Maybe first you check reviews or videos or the forums? Maybe it depends on the developer? Or do you treat that blue box as a big "Don't Buy Me!" label? :)
For me, it's definitely the latter. When I'm checking what's currently on sale with that steamdb page, I click about 10 tabs worth of games at a time, and see what's up. And when I see Early Access, I close the tab. :)
Not interested, guys. Come back when your game's finished.
But I guess if everyone does that, the game's never being finished. :( Of course, the failure of your business model is not my problem. :) Sorry, developers... :)
And good luck, human! :)
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I don't really care if a game is in Early Access or not. I believe that if a dev sells copies of a game in Early Access and later abandons their work, all the money they have earned should be forfeited and returned to customers.
It will cut down on all the cash grabs that give Early Access such a bad name.
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Aha, interesting... But I'm not sure how that would work, though. Aren't most abandoned Early Access games abandoned because the money is gone? So there'd be nothing to return. Dunno...
Good luck! :)
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+1 for this.
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Yep. This.
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They'll just "release" it then and cash in the cash, nothing changed.
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I don't mind early access when I am convinced enough and really want to play the game
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Oh yeah, playing the game, I've heard of that! :)
Recently I bought a new drive, so all month I've been working on downloading the game, which is a necessary prerequisite to playing the game, but somehow it's not sufficient by itself... :( Does looking at the game in the Steam client count? :)
Yeah, I guess if you're already following a game the little things like "it's not done yet" aren't so important. And if the developers get enough money, maybe they actually finish it... :)
I see DayZ is still in my wishlist... :) Think that ship has sailed, though... :)
Good luck! :)
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Usually if it's something I'm interested in, I click on "Follow" and leave the page. I generally don't actually play them until they're fully-released. SO, that being the case, are you OK with me entering for this one and leaving it in my backlog until it's finished (or at least more finished)?
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Oh yeah, follow, I never remember that... :)
Oh, don't worry, even if I bought it for myself I'd never remember to play. :)
A lot of people have hundreds of wins on Steamgifts, and thousands of games on Steam, so it would be unrealistic to expect every giveaway winner to drop everything and play that new one... :)
Good luck! :)
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normally i wouldnt buy an early access; especially not for full price. I've seen too many half finished products being distributed... there are exceptions though.
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I never know what "full price" is, though. I think a lot of Early Access games adjust the price at random, or to make a discount seem better than it really is... Wow, 90% discount! I better buy it! :)
Good luck! :)
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I am quite wary of Early Access games. I have only bought very few and those only after extensive research (Darkest Dungeon and Conan Exiles).
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Hmmmm, that's interesting, somehow I thought I gave one of those Conan Exiles games away, but just looked and there's nothing. :) Wonder if I checked the store page and changed my mind. :)
Hmm, Darkest Dungeon is one of those I keep meaning to play, and keep not playing... :( How is it?
Good luck! :)
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Back in the phase of Early Access during which I bought it it was challenging but fun. However, as far as I read, the game became too unfair and not fun shortly after release, although that's been quite a while ago now, too. I was repelled by all the negative reviews back then, but I might give it another try once I'm bored with what I'm playing currently.
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Hmm, I remember reading about some Darkest Dungeon DLC recently, but there's not much point in my buying DLC when I haven't even touched the original game yet... :)
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For sure a big "Don't Buy Me....yet!" label. :)
Since i don't have that much time for games anymore, i just wait for big sale.
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Yeah, lately everything for me is "wait for a big sale." :) I've been downloading my Steam games all month, so I'll feel guilty to buy a new one before I've finished downloading the old ones... Not sure if it's working, or if I'm just too cheap to buy anything... :)
Good luck! :)
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If the game looks nice, I'll just purchase it.
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Feels like there's so much nice-looking stuff that just dies, though. Hmm... I'd feel silly to play an early-access rpg, before most of the game is finished, since when it's finally done I won't want to play any more. :) Guess that's just me, though. :)
Good luck! :)
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I have no problem with the concept of Early Access, though in reality I really pay nearly zero attention to it. I'd love to know if someone keeps statistics on how many Early Access games successfully make it to being released as a completed game and how many are abandoned.
I try to play a game however it happens to exist at this moment and don't really get too emotionally invested in it. I don't do kickstarters/preorders etc. and I'm pretty much a non-participant when it comes to the "community" around games.
On Steam, as in life, I try to make my decisions based on what I'm getting for sure right now, not based on any kind of promises of things to come. So, I also do not expect or feel like devs/publishers are obligated to continue developing a game after it has been released. Obviously, if there are some major day 1 game-crashing bugs I'd expect they would fix that, but I don't expect new content or anything like that. Especially with refunds being a thing on Steam now, there's really no reason for people to get bamboozled by promises of things to come.
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Yeah, I don't keep track of games so I dunno what the percentages are... Actually, that reminds me, my nephew keeps asking me if I know when this is coming out, like I've got some secret knowledge or something. Umm, google it? How am I supposed to know? :)
I've seen a lot of interesting kickstarter things for RPGs, which is one of my favourite genres, but haven't bought a single one. Don't want to buy a pig in a poke, so to speak. Plus, once it's finally finished, with Steam everything's on sale eventually, if I can wait long enough. :) Still haven't touched 95% of the RPGs I already bought, there's no rush to fill my library with a new one... :)
Good luck! :)
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Shame on you!
(And guilty. Playing D:OS2 now since kickstarted for a lot of money, but Tyranny is looking at me with sad eyes, and backed Pillars of Eternity 2 too. But fortunately that'll be a while. And Tales of Berseria I won got pushed away a bit by 100 hours of PoE1. I really want to boot that one up to play too :()
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Sorry! :)
I didn't buy the new Divinity game, but since I never finished the previous one I don't feel too bad about it... :) Oh, I mean I feel bad for not finishing the previous one, you know. :) Oh, and Tyranny, forgot to keep playing that one also... :( Oh, and Pillars of Eternity... :( So you can see there's not much point in my adding one more "never gonna finish" RPG to my library... :(
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As far as I get an enjoyable experience I don't really care how finished a product is - a finished game with a massive cliffhanger, never to be continued is not better than a not finished EA game. I prefer to play games when they are done (I played almost too much Broforce around alpha, then played months after release for the first time - hell, it improved a lot!) but I bought a groupees bundle for an openly abandoned EA game because the reviews said it's nice sandbox-like game, BUT unfinished. And for a bundle price, I'm fine with it :)
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Aha, I buy a lot of groupees bundles, but usually I'm too lazy to install the games. :( Just keep adding them to my account in the hope that some day I'll start working on the backlog... :( Still dreaming... :)
Good luck! :)
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I have bought a couple early access games because I thought they looked really nice and I wanted to support that. But, I typically put all early access games into a category together in my library and then completely forget about them
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Oh, a category, I should do that too! And maybe one for asset store greenlight garbage, so I won't waste any bandwidth downloading them. :)
Good luck! :)
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I prefer to purchase only finished games. But on occasion can be convinced otherwise or end up with them from a bundle.
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I'm reluctant to buy a game before it's done, because if by some miracle I try to play it now, I'll forget to replay it once it's actually finished. :( Guess that's mainly my problem, though. :) Too much random crap in the library... :(
Good luck! :)
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Omni Link! That is super high on my wishlist, it's been there for ages. Yessss!
It's not that accurate of a rule, but when achievements are out, I consider the game 'finished' enough to play it:). That's why I haven't bought Omni Link yet xD
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Yeah, looks like it's been in my wishlist since last year's Winter Sale, hopefully it's cheap enough this year to buy it. :) And hopefully it's finished by then, too... :) I never thought of checking for achievements, that's a good idea. :)
Hmmm, seems this one's got fewer entries than the other two, maybe nobody wants visual novels though... :( Hope it goes to someone who actually likes them! :)
Good luck! :)
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I don't normally buy Early Access games, but I'm happy to activate them when they're part of bundles and the screenshots/genre seem promising.
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I'll activate anything, oh, except for stuff I bought for giveaways I guess. Wouldn't want to redeem those keys by accident... :)
Good luck! :)
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I rarely buy Early Access games but Rimworld was worth every penny.
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Hmmm, I remember reading some rps article on that game, but I completely forget what they said about it. As usual. :( So hopefully it was a good one. :)
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.
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Somehow I don't even remember to play the finished ones. :( Just buy them and a couple days later I forget what I bought. :( Guess I should install them immediately, so they are just a click away... :)
Good luck! :)
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I do not buy EA games at all. Heck - even if I win it or it is in a bundle I buy - I will usually wait for it to be finished. Good example is Slime Rancher - I loved idea, had it WLed, got it in HB Mointhly, checked it out for like an hour or two, liked idea and uninstalled. Now when it's finished I installed it again and it's back on my to-play list :>
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That Early Access thing is great, since no matter how nice the discount looks I can safely skip them. :) Otherwise I'd have to think about it, and in a moment of weakness anything can happen... :)
Aha, Slime Rancher, hmmm, wonder where I got that? Was it in some other bundle too? Guess I'll have to check it out when it's installed, got up to the "L" of the adventure game category so far, so next month or so... :( So much junk on Steam... :)
Good luck! :)
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Aha, it looks like some sort of SpongeBob gif, I wonder if that's still around... Too lazy to check, sorry. :) But it looks quite apt. :)
Good luck! :)
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Many of us wouldn't be here today if it,wasnt for,early access... I.e. cesarean
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Oho, clever! :) So take a bonus good luck! :)
Bonus good luck! :)
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I sometimes follow early access games just to watch their development, and wait to buy until official release.
tbh, I wish there were more specific criteria for when a game can be considered early access. It seems like too many "early access" games are trashed by the developers without being finished, which is a huge problem. Early access should mean that the full game will be finished within a few months imo.
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I never remember that "follow" thing. :( I just put things on my wishlist and check for a big discount... :)
Hmm, I think that might require a crystal ball, though. I'm sure most of the Early Access developers intend to finish their game, but sometimes things happen... I think some people underestimate the amount of work required. Or they don't really have a game at all, just some game-related ideas and a lot of optimism... :)
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.
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Steam reviews can be very helpful, assuming it's a real review and not some meme garbage... :) So many people trying to be "funny" ... :(
Hmmm, so it's FPS + MOBA? That sounds like the sort of game I'd never be able to play... :) Just not my sort of thing at all. :(
Aha, I was going to check how Paladins got in my account, and it's free-to-play, so I guess that's how. :)
Good luck! :)
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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.
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Aha, thank you for the recommendation, but somehow I just don't play much of multiplayer games - had fun with tf2 years ago, but lately I'm more into single-player stuff, when I remember to play a game at all... :)
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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.
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No boobs, so I'm gonna skip this one :P
Keep ToB, but if you get another copy, I'll be here waiting ;)
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Sorry about that, maybe I need to find a boobie game on sale somewhere today... :)
Think I'll give that Berseria game away this time, and buy it for myself when it's cheaper... :) There's never going to be enough time to play all these RPGs... :(
Good luck! :)
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well, quite few long EA games on your WL :)
I do not buy much directly on steam, and usually those games are heavily discounted, so rather not EAs
so, meh, maybe later :P
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It seems like "Early Access" is one huge graveyard, filled with abandoned games... I wonder if most of those should have been worked on a bit more in private, at least the ones that the developers actually tried to finish I mean...
There's a lot of games where I suspect they were never intented to be finished, and the devloper used "Early Access" as an excuse to release broken garbage and walk away... :)
Good luck! :)
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I never bought early-access before. My budget doesn't match my eager to play maybe.
I think if one don't have problem with money and they really want to play the game ASAP, well, buy away.
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Think all my Early Access games were from bundles, don't remember ever buying one from the Steam store...
Yeah, if I could afford to buy every game, I'd probably get bored, buy a Playstation and start collecting that junk too... :)
Good luck! :)
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like any game, if i have some interest in it, i take a look at reviews first, see how many pos and neg there are.
then if it ever goes on sale :D for the most part though. to hell with early access. it used to be alpha, beta testers. now you're paying to maybe get a game that the developers shady or not may or may not deliver on damn it!
as for your other post about tales of berseria. if you've never played any of the Tales games before in the series, you're either in for a treat or you're not. because some folks just dont like the kind of gameplay the series is (seriously just one quick look at some persons lets play of how the combat of the game is). just about all the tales games that i've played (with zestiria as an iffy exception depending on who you ask) are super great time sinking adventures of awesomeness.
and its great that if you think you might enjoy it, that you have berseria first. since it is the prequel to zestiria.. although they made zestiria first anywho
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Yeah, Early Access seems like a silly thing in retrospect. I don't want to play your game before you've finished making it... So come back when you're done, and then ask for money... :)
The main problem with adding that Tales of Berseria game to my account is I've (probably) never played any of them - so it's just pointless RPG collecting, waiting for that wonderful day when I can finally start catching up on the backlog... But at that point there will be hundreds more of them... :( So giving it away seems to make more sense to me... :)
As a genre RPGs are generally a lot of fun, but they are all so long... :( You can finish most action games in a weekend, but for RPGs you're screwed... :(
Good luck! :)
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good god i do hope you make berseria a giveaway then!
i spent 100+ hours grinding on tales of zestiria, and that was in the tales series 'an iffy one'
whereas berseria is highly praised in comparison. i bet i would put so much more time into that one
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I did, it's hiding behind the new puzzle in the forum thread... :)
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!!!!!!!!!!!! hot damn thanks! i'll be sure to figure it out... on my death bed!
and man such a great timing to finally get to lvl 5! (turned 5 a few days ago)
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It's not a real "puzzle" - it's just to keep the bots out... And there's a hint in the topic, since I screwed up the hint timer in the puzzle... :)
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I haven't seen this one before. Thank you for adding to my Wishlist. :)
As for EA, I am cautious.
Lately I've been given a number of games to review for a gaming site, and EA games get 'previewed' as part of that. I treat my EA previews as reviews anyway; it seems to me that if a developer has put a game out there for people to buy then it is ready to be reviewed. I do make certain allowances for EA games, but I also try very hard to review only what actually exists, not what has been promised.
As for buying EA games, I have bought a few and will continue to do so, but I see it as a risk. Many games will not be finished, but I also don't have enough free time to finish many games; a game doesn't actually have to be finished to be fun. I usually try to work out what is there already, see how often and how recently improvements or features have been added, and see if the developer has any other games to compare. I think you are doing yourself a disservice if you completely ignore EA games, though. There are some absolute gems that have been in EA for many, many years, and some that still are. RimWorld is one of the best games I've played in the last few years. Kerbal Space Program, too, though it's now been released. And a friend of mine swears by Ark: Survival Evolved, which many thought would stay in EA forever (though it, too, was finally been released last month). More recently I reviewed Citadel: Forged with Fire. Though it has its faults, even if the developers gave up on it now I can still imagine spending many days playing it.
Similar arguments go for non-EA games, too, though I think it's fair to expect a higher level of polish from them (or even Polish, if you can speak it). I think Starbase DF9 is a great example of a "full release" (non-EA) game that isn't finished, but it's still fun. I bought it on sale for $0.99 and I have definitely had my money's worth out of it, even in its current broken state.
Sorry. Too much raving. My bot is working well today.
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Hmm,, i could swear that Spacebase DF-9 was in early acces.
But maybe you are not talking about that game from double fine.
As far as i remember it was received well during early access with a lot of promises what will be there once finished, and after it was released.... pufff all dreams crushed.
So for me it is a prime example of most EA Games.
At the end the released product is disappointing.
Development with feedback from community can be beneficial, but the urge to please everyone is not good for a game.
Most of the time it is like the saying "To many cooks spoils the mash".
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I think Spacebase WAS in early access, but not anymore. It's an example of a released game that isn't finished.
Edit: I see what you're getting at, though; EA games that leave EA often do so because they devs are abandoning them, as opposed to actually abandoning them. :)
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This game is still on my wishlist, don't remember when I first noticed it... Probably in some sale, where I thought hmm, that game's not done yet, I'll wait... :)
Aha, I see what you mean, it's easy to imagine how much you'd be enjoying a game if feature X actually existed, filling in the blanks with the power of wishful thinking... :) Instead of thinking hmm, there's not much game in this game yet, is there? :)
For me, ignoring Early Access games is mainly a practical consideration - I can't buy everything, so I need a way to reduce the choices to something manageable... :) Like you can't interview all 50 applicants for a job... :) I'm sure I'm missing out on some gems, but once they are in a bundle they will end up in my account anyway, without my even noticing... :)
Ahh, my nephew played that Ark game to death, think he's moved on now but for a while you couldn't get a word out of him when he was busy doing that dinosaur stuff... :)
Good luck! :)
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