
On top of the sled rode a plump silver cat,
With a bell-studded collar and a red Santa hat

“Get me off this darn roof!” I heard him exclaim,
As he lashed at the rodents and called them by name

“Down Dainty, Down Scrumptious! Down Toothsome and Tasty!
Down Morsel and Mouthful and Meatpie and Pasty!”

“Down Juicy and Chewy and Yummy and Crunchy!
Down Dumpling and Sushi and Nacho and Munchie”!

When on terra much firma they safely alit,
He jumped from his perch and I knew ‘twas Saint Kitt

His fur was alabaster, his booties were black,
And over his shoulder he lugged a huge sack

The cat-door banged open - I heard him clomp in,
He clunked and he clattered and made quite a din

As quick as a wink down the stairs I did scoot,
But he’d hopped through the hatchway and left me his loot

And there in the parlor piled under the tree,
Were oodles of presents and all just for me

I dashed to the window and peered through the panes
I watched him re-mount and take hold of the reins

He mustered his scurriers and sat on his seat,
They squeaked and they chattered and stamped tiny feet

And as they flew off with a crack of his whip,
“Merry Christmas!” he called out, “and lay off the catnip!”

by Henry Beard


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already have this, but still can enter

7 years ago

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Thanks for the poem :)

7 years ago

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hope you liked it :3

7 years ago

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Entering for Dlc ok?

7 years ago

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you can if you want it

7 years ago

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Nice poem :D.

7 years ago

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Nicely done!

7 years ago

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Great poem haha!

7 years ago

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I own this though I can enter, just a heads up

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Thank you for the read and shares. Happy holidays tigerelfe:)

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7 years ago

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