
This is a DLC. You need base game to add it to your inventory !!!!!!!!!!! Please im sick of rerolling all the time!

I guess few read descriptions these days ^^'
Do people just enter GAs without having interest in the game itself? O_o
Me, for example, I LOVE the little eye beside the titles, so I can "get rid of" games I would never play XD
Thank you for your GA and I hope you dont need to reroll this time :)
Respect for even taking the time and effort to check! :o Dont let this site get on your nerves ;)

8 years ago

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I've had very bad luck with these situations. Lots of people don't read the description and don't know they need the base game to use such a DLC. I had to have the last giveaway of this type deleted. I think I'm going to try again, but make the giveaway private and post a link to it via the discussions area. That way people will have to read before clicking, and it should (hopefully) eliminate the need for reroll after reroll.

8 years ago

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I tried to give it away two times. Last time I did reroll like 5-6 times and all ppl said they dont have the base game and plz do reroll ;)

8 years ago

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I'm sorry. I won, but I'm one of those *ssholes who don't read description and I don't have the base game. I'm pretty pissed about it, because of two things:

  1. feeling shameful of giving you another task for rerolling
  2. sad, because I thought it'd activate the base game (like the GOLD one, since SG allowed me to join)

Once again: please accept my apologies.

8 years ago

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I've received an email about the steam gift, but since I don't have the base I can't accept it unfortunately. I don't know if there's a way to decline it, so I'll just ignore that mail. Deeply sorry!

8 years ago

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I think you need re roll once again :( sry

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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