375 Comments - Last post 4 hours ago by AnonymousBroccoli
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914 Comments - Last post 20 minutes ago by Lakraj1209
214 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by Lakraj1209
72 Comments - Last post 29 minutes ago by Lakraj1209
Thanks for the GA.
I want to advice that you set a minimum level for your future GAs, i recommend min. level 2, because each one that gave one, not free, game is, at least, level 1.
Easy solution to hold the worst rulesbreakers, win resellers, autojoiner user and bots outside (40% of the level 0 accounts have infractions for unactivated or multiple wins + the ammount of used autojoiners are much more as in higher levels).
And besides that it lowers the cases of problems with your winners.
You can check accounts/your winners with:
If someone have red marks there request a reroll and put the link(s) into the support ticket.
Scroll down to the bottom and look at the "per level" info and you see 970k are level 0, only around 165k have a level, 113k of them are level 1. So around 15% of the members from sg gave something and only 4% gave more as 5 games.
Have a nice day
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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.
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yw, if you got more questions, feel free to ask
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What's your source for those numbers?
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i copied a message from Masafor, better ask him, but i trust his numbers
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Different GAs from different people that made tests in the last 2 years.
As example bron99, our green cucumber alien, myself and other ones.
We checked each entry and not only the winner(s).
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Danke. Hätte an der Stelle nicht erwartet, dass sich jemand diese Mühe gemacht hat.
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Wir haben damit viele erwischt aber wie du richtig vermutet hast ist es eine saumäßige Arbeit und nichts was im Endeffekt wirklich Freude bereitet wenn man die Zahlen sieht.
Bron99 machte 1k GAs ohne die Keys direkt zu senden, dadurch wurden dann auch die erwischt die denken es wäre sicher den GAs beizutreten, selbst wenn unactivated wins bereits vorhanden, da sie ja normalerweise automatisch gesendet werden bei mehr als 50 Keys. War dann auch lustig zu sehen wie die entsprechenden User auf einmal kein Interesse mehr an dem Spiel hatten und rerolls wollten^^ und wie pampig eine ganze Reihe wurde als sie nach 2 oder 3 Tagen noch immer keinen Key hatten.
Kappaking -unser Gurken Alien :-D- arbeitete sich auch Wochenlang durch seine GAs und listete alle Stats, quasi tagesaktuell, auf (den Link hab ich noch irgendwo).
Und ich machte nur einfache GAs ohne Level restriction. Da sind dann locker die Hälfte auf meiner BL (oder in meinem Black Sheeps Channel) gelandet.
Mittlerweile sind in meiner BL nur noch Accounts mit Level 5 oder höher und sie ist trotzdem voll bis oben :o(
Die letzte Zeit hat meine Gruppe und ich uns mehr auf die Autojoiner fokusiert um da wenigstens ein paar mal raus zu ziehen aber es ist ein Kampf gegen Windmühlen, erfordert extrem viel Zeit, die Leute Schaden der Seite immens, über Monate, denn sonst haben wir zu wenig Daten um sie zu erwischen, und je nach Mod erhalten sie dann teils nur die mindest Strafe von 2 Tagen. Das ist völlig Witzlos.
Einziger Lichtblick dabei ist, das auch viele davon Multiaccounter sind und dann so erwischt werden können für nen perma suspended, aber trotzdem macht auch das nicht glücklich wenn man sieht wieviel tausend Autojoiner unterwegs sind. Da sind die paar dutzend die wir erwischen ein Tropfen auf den heißen Stein.
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I really hate this mindset, especially when it's dropped randomly as completely unsolicited advice and is presented like it should be the general rule of thumb. What about your estimated 60% of level 0 accounts that have done NOTHING wrong? Just fuck 'em?
Presenting this statement as absolute truth (setting all future giveaways to lv 2) without consideration for the other side of the coin is dangerous because it tries to paint ALL lv 0 accounts as somehow being "the bad guys" or "unworthy". Not only that, but this is actively harmful to the longevity of our own community. If too many people give in to what you've so blindly copy/pasted, the site will look dead to new users because of the significantly fewer GAs available to them.
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initial settings will show all GAs, so it won't look dead
and it will just shows new users, that they have to put in minimal effort to reach lvl 2
i think leechers and such are way more harmful to the site
in my opinion it should be the general rule of thumb, if you don't think so, maybe you're part of the problem
and what happens, when all GAs are lvl 0, no one will ever consider giving away something, so much about your longevity
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A healthy community should be actively encouraging newcomers to join, not setting arbitrary hoops to jump through.
"i think leechers and such are way more harmful to the site"
This right here is exactly what I'm talking about! You said absolutely nothing about leechers in your completely unsolicited advice, but still want to imply it anyways!
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we talked about longevity of the community and in my opinion leechers and such (autojoiners, bots, win resellers, rule breakers) are more harmful, than setting giveaways to level 2
yes, there would be less giveaways for newcomers, but how are the odds for newcomers winning something with more than 1k entries, in my opinion it's nearly the same as no giveaways would be available to them
i never said each lvl 0 is bad, but 40% of 970k is still a lot and justifies countermeasures in my opinion
i think most of the people don't like to throw keys to bad accounts and most people are also unaware of how many bad accounts are out there, so i give them awareness of the situation, that is just a friendly warning, like i would warn people in RL from slippery floor or scam or whatever
go on, repeat your opinion about the unsolicited advice once more, but what is about my last point from the previous post, if every GA should be for lvl 0, no on will give away anything anymore and you can close the site
but i'm not keen to discuss this any further with you, you have a different opinion than me and i don't want to waste my energy on such bs
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1 in 1000 is still infinitely better than 0.
You never said each lv 0 is bad, yet you go out of your way to suggest other users treat them that way regardless.
Warning someone about a slippery floor prevents them from getting injured.
Giving a key to an anonymous account hurts no one.
Especially when the key was going to be given away anyways AND you've already admitted the majority of accounts are actually clean.
Hard to call it an opinion when it's just objective fact.
-No one asked.
-You were not prompted for input.
-You suggested they change their behavior and called it a "friendly warning".
Pretty much the exact definition of unsolicited advice.
If you consider differing opinions to be such bs and a waste of energy, have you tried NOT pushing YOURS onto others in the first place? Or is that not how double standards work?
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i didn't pushed my opinion onto others, i made them aware of the fact that almost 50% of level 0 accounts are bad accounts, that's no majority at all, just saying majority implies there would be a huge one, which is infact a slim one and taking Masafors numbers into account, in fact the bad accounts are the majority
most level 0 GAs have more than 1k entries, more like 2k or 3k, but if we take numbers, you have a chance of 0,1% to win something, with more entries even less, thats almost like 0 and almost the same, even in infinity, again a word which should implies something, which isn't the case, if you take a closer look, your arguments are standing on pretty wonky legs, tbh
of course you had to say unsolicited advice again and give my warning a bad touch, like i bodyshamed someone, which wasn't the case, in fact i only got positive feedback multiple times so far (besides yours), as people were thankful for a helpful advice
i don't know why you're defending level 0 so much (will this hurt your botaccounts?), they have to spend like what, 10 Cent to get to lvl 1, if they opt to don't do that, well then they are really unworthy in my opinion, even lvl 2 is easy to reach with 10 to 20 bucks and it's not like you'll lose this level, you can leech to infinity then
giving away keys to botaccounts hurts the economy, if you have a limited amount of things and people steal something from that amount, there will be less to distribute to honest people, you must be blind, if you don't see that
and these honest people are the ones who supply the limited amount of things, not everyone is giving games away, because they have too much money, i think these people are the minority, i think most people give away, because they want something in return, but if they have very low chances to win something, because of botaccounts and it takes ages for them to win something, they will consider to not give away something or leave the site completely and it will hurt the longevity and if you look at the stats, you see a decline in GAs in the recent years, so what's your explanation for that?
I don't have to be promted, i'm not in school anymore and live in a free country, where i can speak my mind
I suggested the change of behaviour for the sake of fairness on the site, which anyone here should be interested in, but you know, there are always special snowflakes like you, because it's the internet
i don't see the correlation between having a discussion about different opinions and thinking as bs of it, because it won't be fruitful, and making people aware of shady things on the site, which they are thankful for and which is fruitful. I think you've gone a bit overboard here, your argument isn't coherent and of course you had to put the SJW double standards in
I'm not sure anymore, if you're just trolling or really believe your wonky arguments, but i'm really out now, i think everything is said
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Bruh. You literally said "Thanks for the GA. I want to advice that you set a minimum level for your future GAs, i recommend min. level 2".
I'm sorry, what? Since when is 40% a majority? That's not how that works!
Improbable ≠ Impossible
I don't know why you keep trying to pretend they're the same thing.
See Ad Hominem
But actually I'll still answer that. It's because we were ALL level 0 at some point. But more specifically, I remember a time where I couldn't afford to buy games. Where this community was one of the only places I felt welcome at a time in my life when I had nothing. I remember making friends on this site who reassured me that I could contribute to the community in more ways than just purely monetary purchases. And since then, I'm in a slightly better place so I've made attempts to add GAs whenever I can. It's not much and it's not often, but I won't forget that welcoming feeling this place used to have.
So yeah, I stand in favor of those who are casually brushed aside.
The decline in GAs is the result of numerous complex factors, some internal, some external. And most of which, I acknowledge upfront will largely be conjecture. AKA I have no evidence to support the following claims, but it's also completely unrelated to the topic at hand anyways, so I ask you please hear me out.
if they opt to don't do that, well then they are really unworthy in my opinion, even lvl 2 is easy to reach with 10 to 20 bucks
So yeah. If I were joining the community in its current condition, I wouldn't want to stick around either.
(*Edited for formatting)
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you're so friggin stupid, just reading your first sentences makes me scream and want to run away
i don't want to discuss any further with you on that level, because you're lacking to comprehend
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And yet you came back 10 minutes later to throw around more insults so I think that says more about you than it says about me. Especially when you realize I've refrained from mocking or belittling you this entire time.
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i don't care mate, it's the internet and no one cares either, especially not your lvl 0 bot-friends
and i can't discuss with you on a level, where you twist every word or cut quotes, so they fit your position or just avoid to say anything to my core arguments, maybe because i'm right?
you behave like a troll and you're insulting my intelligence
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Ah, more baseless Ad Hominem in a last desperate attempt.
Truly the mark of a sharp wit and stunning intellect.
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so you compare rethoric skill with intelligence, something you can learn with something you're gifted with or not?
also, i'm not communicating with my native language, if that wasn't clear to that point
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Actually no. Or at least I try not to. That was you who remarked on how I'm insulting your intelligence while simultaneously insisting I clearly must have bot accounts and/or am behaving like a troll when I've done nothing but attempt be direct and honest with you.
It was already clear. And you'll notice I never brought it up or mocked you for it. It never prevented me from understanding what you intended to say and your grammar was never relevant to the points I was making. If anything, I respect you for being able to hold a conversation in a non-native tongue. Especially when English is such a travesty of a language to learn. So take that for what it's worth.
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i said Masafor numbers, can you do basic math with them?
if you quote me, then please quote my whole sentence, unworthy was related to the 10 cents, you piece of...
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Majority (noun)
ma·jor·i·ty | \ mə-ˈjȯr-ə-tē , -ˈjär- \
-a number or percentage equaling more than half of a total
Half of a total is equivalent to 50%. Unless my math is wrong, 40% (the number you provided) is less than 50%.
Therefore, I conclude 40% is NOT the majority. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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not these numbers, 90% of the 60% are inactive, leaves 10% of 60% and stand in opposition to 40% bad accounts
you conclude wrong, again, we talked all the way about lvl 0 accounts, even in my initial advice i was referring to lvl 0, but including lvl 2 is another example of twisting words, so they fit your position
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The 90% inactive accounts are in reference to the total number of users on the entire site.
The 60% of 'good' accounts are in reference to the total number of users who entered the GA used as a test.
By definition, that 60% cannot possibly contain inactive users because the test itself REQUIRED active participation.
In other words, the test GA is already excluding inactive users from the sample size. You don't get to then go back and exclude inactive users a SECOND time.
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whatever, that doesn't change my opinion
i'm also poor for my countrys standards and still gave away games and reached lvl 5, so being poor is no excuse for me
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Exactly, the experience for new users with GAs that are full of autojoiners, multiaccounters etc. aren't good and their chances to win anyway extreme bad.
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Yes, i am fully with you, that isn't automatic the case.
But when you see someone that is after 4 years still level 0, have entered 60k GAs, won hundreds of GAs, have a steam account with a lot of AAA games, have many CS:GO items that are worth hundreds of $, then you see a leecher.
And it give a lot of such accounts.
The level 0 users that are here 6 months, testing a bit around, entered 500 GAs, try to win something etc. are in the extreme minority.
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From that 60% that done nothing wrong are 90 or 95% inactive accounts.
Besides that never all gifters will set a minimum level for their GAs, so your fear that it looks "dead" for new users is nothing that could happen.
It's a info about the situation (how many have infractions etc.), a promotion for the check the winners option (that help to reduce that people resell wins or activate them on a other account etc.) and the advice to set a minimum level.
None is forced to check their winner after the info, none is forced to set a minimum level.
From my expereince, because the text is original from me, i can say that the feedback show that the majority not known before that they can check their winners, that 90% say "thanks" for the advice and that show, very clearly, that it have more good sides as bad sides to post such a text.
The last time autojoiners got catched and punished on sg, after 2 warnings that this will happen (so we can assume strongly, that a lot deactivated their autojoiners at that time) they still catched over 1600 accounts [i think that was 2 years ago].
Only to give you a number that you will find in the discussion when you search for it (source, cg the owner of this site).
And since that time they aren't get lesser.... sadly :o(
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Can you clarify something for me? When asked for the source of these numbers, you said you counted the entries in a GA used as a test.
Wouldn't that mean your dataset is only working with active users? How can you then try to tell me that most of those same accounts are inactive?
It 👏 does 👏 not 👏 matter 👏 if 👏 ALL 👏 users 👏 follow 👏 your 👏 "advice"
👏 Convincing ANY users to be automatically judgemental of ALL low-level accounts is STILL harmful. 👏
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you are harmful
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Look, I can't help that you don't know how to handle having your biases challenged.
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it's not a bias, if it's the truth, you know
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Thanks // Obrigado <3
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thank you ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
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Thanks for the giveaway! gl to all!
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Thank You xD
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ty for the opportunity.
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you are a legend, but only if you see this :)
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Thank you!
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