check winner cuz i own this dlc and can enter gw

2 weeks ago

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I guess if i win i will have to actually play more borderlands 3

2 weeks ago

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Thank you for the chance.

2 weeks ago

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@Zorskan I've sent you a Steam request to contact you (couldn't find a way to do it on here)

1 week ago

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Please reroll the winner - I tried to activate and it says I already own it. Sorry for the inconvenience! Key is still valid :-)

1 week ago

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Hello Stromsky.

Why are you marking a gift as received when you are asking for a reroll? By that you've accepted a gift for a title you already own which is against the rules and is addressed via suspension.

Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the rules and proceedings of Steamgifts as outlined in the FAQ and Guidelines. Especially the part where it says:

What should I do if I win a game more than once, or if I win a game that I already purchased?
When this occurs, you should contact the giveaway creator and inform them you will not be accepting or redeeming the gift. Explain the situation, and ask the giveaway creator to request a new giveaway winner. During this process you should not mark the gift as "Received", or reveal the key if the option is available. This will help inform us that you are not accepting the gift, and it will prevent you from being suspended for not activating a gift you won. Once the ticket from the giveaway creator is approved for a new winner, the win will be removed from your profile.

1 week ago

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I saw this part when I looked up what to do - but I realized the error AFTER already revealing the key (when I tried to activate it, I didn't see that before because the DLC does not show up in the games DLC-list ), which is why i marked as "received" to show that the giveaway-creator did nothing wrong. I removed the mark as "received" now.

Again, I'm sorry and I'll double-check next time

1 week ago

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Thank you for the key!

1 week ago

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You're welcome :)

1 week ago

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