
Its time to clean out the spare keys!

No need to say "Thank you", but if you feel the need to comment or write something then "Tell me what your favorite game, anime, or movie is from the last 12 months." These are going to be quick weekend giveaways so I can get them all given away in a timely manner.

Please remember to mark the key as received in a timely manner and to at least acknowledge your win with a comment! Winners will be checked through Steamgifts Tools before sending key. Good Luck and Enjoy

Sorry sorry, but this one I really gotta say thank you! Don't blacklist me for it :( I am a big fan of farming gameee! And you are offering 2 copies~
Hopefully I get a shot of winning one of it

6 years ago

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Don't worry I won't Blacklist you! I really enjoy Staxel and I like that the developers are actually listening to the players. I have actually been playing since Alpha because I couldn't wait for it to release on Steam, so I have seen tons of changes over the course of the development.

6 years ago

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Wow! Since Alpha?! Nice! I didn't know about this game till I saw it on Humble bundle's monthly! And even more surprised that HB is the publisher xD

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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"Tell me what your favorite game, anime, or movie is from the last 12 months."
Oh boyo
If I were to say a game in last 12 months, I'd have to say Caveblazers, that's getting online mutliplayer in not so long. A rogue-like platformer.

Anime... Well in last 12 months... idk, but my all time favourite sure is "Bounen no Xamdou". Be sure to check it out!
And movie... Well... It's kind of hard... but if we can use series, Netflix's Punisher was pretty good.

6 years ago

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hmm favorite game in the last 12 months that would be
and terraria

6 years ago

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My favorite game in the last 12 months is Transports, (
I like it that much that I build a mod tool for it, and I created a lot of new content for it ;)

6 years ago

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Favorite game was Ken Follett's The Pillars of the Earth, had been curious to try it for a while because its a well known story and i had seen the tv series as well, i won it here on SG and was very happy about it. :)
Favorite anime was The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. 2, its a hilarious series about a psychic teen just trying to live a normal quiet life but keeps drawing in more and more weird people to him, which results in all kinds of crazy events.
As for the movie it was Avengers Infinity War, I think they did a good job of packing so many events in such a short time, and those antagonists were so cool, reminded me of a perfect RPG party having 1 of each class complimenting each others performance.

6 years ago

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Since I already answered my favourite game of the last 12 months, time for my favourite movie... which has to be Avengers: Infinity War :D

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

6 years ago

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Favorite movie released in the last year would definitely be Thor Ragnarok. It was just a blast. I've always liked Thor but this movie was just so much more fun than his previous feature.

I don't really keep up with anime very much, so I have no idea what's been coming out. It's a "now and then" sort of thing for me. I think the newest one I've watched was a season of The Devil Is A Part-Timer on Netflix. My SO wanted to try and get into an anime (she hasn't watched much, mostly stuff I've shown her like Ghibli movies and a bit of Cowboy Bebop since they're safe bets), so we just picked that. It was pretty funny!

Games, that's a tough one to answer. I mostly play a lot of bundled stuff when it comes to new (to me) games, which often aren't bundled within the first year of release. So going with something recent-ish that I've enjoyed in the past year, I have to say Rimworld. My SO and I were both obsessed with it for a while, and we still think about it a lot thanks to Youtube players. We were just talking about picking it back up to play this Western mod we saw one of them using, actually. Speaking of mods, the community is great at them. I've had a lot of fun with the Star Wars and Lovecraftian-themed mods, in particular.

6 years ago

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Favorite new game would be Siralim 3. If new content counts, Enter the Gungeon is lovely as well.

6 years ago

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I am doing La-mulana 2 now.
Ruins search, action game. (In some cases, it is also called Metroid Vania.)

6 years ago

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I hasn't really watch movies for a long time. I have been watching varieties, dramas instead. My favorite anime is One Piece but its been dragging out recently so it has been taxing.

My favorite game? Probably Civilization III, I also have quite some hours in Don't Starve. Recently, I won and completed the game Smoke and Sacrifice. Its a good game and pretty good story. The devs too are very responsive to the community, although recently I felt there are less interactions. There isn't much interactions needed when there is an official guide and a finished product. A recent patch also greatly improved gaming experience and cut down a lot of farming time.

However, this has been one of the indie titles that are fully launched and overall bug free experience. A rarity of its kind in today's gaming industry. If you hasn't heard about the game, check it out. The art is hand drawn and animated. Indie titles like this which deserves more attention are often overlooked.

Regards + Cheers, Cruse~

6 years ago

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my favorite game is the binding of isaac: rebirth , i played about 450 hrs to get all the achievement and i absolutely enjoy it

6 years ago

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Last game that I enjoyed is Cook, Serve, Delicious.
I never thought that game would have that much depth.

6 years ago

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