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Take a look at my other game. I've been making it since Covid, and it will be released in only 43 days! (yes, I'm counting)
It's as if Terraforming meets Into the Breach, marries her, holds her hand very tight, and they have a very special kid :D
Because it is a 0% random puzzle strategy, but with indirect control via terrain manipulation.

Look here:

Zero Orders Tactics

Game in action! (I'll replace the terrain visuals very soon in the next update)

View attached image.

it is a 0% random puzzle strategy

No, enemy placement and reinforcement placement are random. The only non-random parts are pathfinding and combat. Please stop false-advertising your permadeath rogue-lite.

You even told me you'd rewrite that part, but here it is again. C'mon.

4 days ago

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I've just made the necessary disclaimer on a Steam page. Thank you for saving the lives of all those persons with deadly allergies to randomness :3

4 days ago

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Having helped design the board game Paiko, just let me say that the randomness allergy is real, and taken very seriously. :D

3 days ago

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3 days ago

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