

Heh, I just got the base game free on Humble Bundle.
Is it OK if I enter just for the DLC?

6 years ago

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also want to know

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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I would also like to know about this

6 years ago

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Happy cake day :D

6 years ago

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Heh, I think it is the same freebie from HumbleBundle.

6 years ago

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😉 Careful what you write, some things will earn you a suspension...

6 years ago

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how you got it free? it says 4,99

6 years ago

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It was a time limited offer to promote the start of the Humble Store summer sale. I guess you missed the discussion thread about it.
If you can wait though, it should be free on the Steam Store at some point, since Steam apparently doesn't let publishers do free key giveaways anymore without also doing a free promotion on the Steam Store.

6 years ago*

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since Steam apparently doesn't let publishers do free key giveaways anymore without also doing a free promotion on the Steam Store.

Have you seen any clear indication of that being the case?
Thus far, the information I've seen has suggested the restriction only applies to storefront discounts, subscriptions, and bundles, wherein equitable sale offers must be offered on Steam "within a reasonable amount of time" if any other storefront receives a discount higher than what Steam has received.

From the paragraph I see quoted elsewhere (below), there doesn't yet seem to be any clear indication that free promotions are covered in the matter, as they are not technically disadvantageous to Steam consumers (as anyone can pick up a free key, it isn't disadvantageous to anyone), they're not a discount persay, and they're not exclusively mentioned anywhere in the documentation for the matter nor properly fitted to the scope of what the documentation does explicitly cover.
Moreover, as a more notable technicality, free promotions don't have to be run through a storefront or even a storefront's standard purchasing system- as such, so long as the latter isn't used, the discount isn't officially being handled by the store in question, thus evading the guidelines as-stated (as then it would be discounted on a site, rather than on a store). Beyond the second part, the first part means that any non-store site would still be permissible regardless.

Again, if you've seen information to the contrary, that'd be another thing- but thus far, just off what I've seen mentioned, the intent of the new guidelines appears to be targeted exclusively at handicapping bundles and other retailers, not at targeting things like free promotions, direct-from-developer purchases, or backer sites. Put more simply, it gives the impression that it's driven by Valve's greed and attempt to weaken competition, and as offering a game for free a second time on Steam would perhaps only cut into Valve's potential profits, it may not really fall under the purview of what they're trying to work against.

It's OK to run a discount on different stores at different times as long as you plan to give a comparable offer to Steam customers within a reasonable amount of time.

Occasionally it may make sense to offer your game in a bundle or subscription, timed at the right point in a game's life cycle. Keep in mind that the perceived price in the bundle/subscription should be a price you are willing to run the game at a standalone price or discount on Steam. For example, 10 games in a bundle that costs $5 USD may have a perceived price of $.50 per game. Similarly, 10 games for $10 through a subscription this month may have a perceived price of $1 each.

tl;dr version:
There's no indication at all in the official documentation (that I've seen) that free games are covered by the new guidelines, and the documentation instead actually seems to indicate the opposite.

6 years ago*

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I got it from this comment by LeOFr in the Orwell HB giveaway thread.

Here the proof:
''Steam keys shouldn't be given away for free if you aren't also offering the same deal (i.e., give the game away for free) to Steam customers. If you want to run a giveaway on Steam, please reach out to us at''

As some others pointed out (both replying to that comment and another one in the same thread), it's not exactly conclusive... 😉
I guess it hinges on how Valve defines the word shouldn't 😆

6 years ago

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Cool, thanks.
(Obviously,) I hadn't seen that one come up before (despite, y'know, it being directly beneath the parts I myself quoted). :)

Well, I dunno. It really looks like Valve is just trying to kill all use of Steam keys, then. 'course, without clarification as to what constitutes "a reasonable amount of time", perhaps there's still some leeway for discounts. The section on free games seems to be more of a "do it here at the same time" in phrasing [present tense 'offering'], and since publishers clearly aren't doing that, it's all especially unclear at the moment. Without a requirement for a concurrent promotion, its timeline is even more vague than "reasonable amount of time", and could perhaps just be construed as "at any point, ever, before the heat-death of the universe".

Well, I dunno. I'm still vaguely hoping that one day Galaxy'll give Valve meaningful enough competition that Steam will no longer utilize such heavy-handed monopoly-based tactics. Trends for US consumer rights tend to be declining pretty significantly over time in general, though at least the EU occasionally pressures international companies like Valve into offering things like refunds.

6 years ago*

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Hmm, I wonder if I'll lose access to Steam refunds after Brexit... 🙃

6 years ago

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also have the base game and just entering for the DLCs

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

6 years ago

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Thank you!!! ~♡

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I have the whole collection but steamgifts is still allowing me to enter (which I won't, of course) so remember to check the winner.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Thank you.

6 years ago

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Thank you, bro

6 years ago

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Enter for dlc have nice day

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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Is it the collection with all the DLC or just the base game?

6 years ago

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Sadly, I cannot activate the product as I own the base game, which means this is not the collection.

6 years ago

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Seems pretty clear, but if you want to be absolutely sure, you can check using the developer tools in your browser.
Load Steam's web activation page and press F12 / Ctrl + Shift + I to open the dev tools, then select the "Network" tab and put "ajaxregisterkey" in the filter field.

Now when you try and activate the key, a line with "ajaxregisterkey" will come up on the right, select that and then the "Preview" tab next to it. Then select and expand "purchase_result_info", "line_items", and "0". You should get a "line_item_description" with the package name and a "packageid" with the Steam sub that this key activates.

If you add that id number to the end of "" you should get the details of the items in the package/sub.

6 years ago

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Nice trick, didn't know Steam revealed this data. Thanks!

line_item_description: "Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine Retail"
packageid: 8962

Close, but no cigar.

6 years ago

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Happy to help! 😁
One more thing, I forgot to mention that if the Steam sub is not for sale it won't show up if you follow the above link, in which case you just use StemDB, i.e.

6 years ago

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Yep, that I knew and checked already ;)

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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I guess that r/Steamgameswap isn't a great place to exchange game keys 😢

In any case, It was a gamble for me to use that sub-reddit as I don't have a way of verifying game keys with just a serial :(

6 years ago

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That's OK, no hard feelings :)

6 years ago

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