
By entering that giveaway you agree to participate in an experiment.

Possible sideeffects: migraine, hair loss, blackening of teeth, spanish flu, bleeding from anal

Pack with youself pair of slippers, tooth brush, pain pills, favourite stuffed toy, three pairs of underwear, taxidermy tools and personal hygiene stuff. Departure will start 8th october in 9am CET, sign your timezone to reserve your department time or let us know about your solo department to testing area.
Failing to arrive to test area will result to court proceedings for breaking these ToS. Test area address will be posted ahead - 30 mins before start of experiment.

Thanks for the giveaway!

1 week ago

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Thank you for joining our experiment. Please, take a number and wait.

1 week ago

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thanks for GA, I can't wait to participate the experiment, I'm already used to hair loss and bleeding from anal, so it's no big deal hahahaha

1 week ago

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You are most welcome, dear Rocki08, hope you will enjoy it.

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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1 week ago

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What if I alraedy participate in the hair loss program? Will I get my own new and unique side effect?

5 days ago

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There is slight chance procedure will make your hairs grow again.

5 days ago

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let's be honest, there is some catch ... like your hair will grow back, but it will migrate to your buttocks

4 days ago

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At least it is on outside part of body. For now

4 days ago

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you know what? you are right. I will take it! And no-backsies !!!

3 days ago

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But i already lost all hair!

1 day ago

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I've already lost most of my teeth, but you're welcome to blacken the remaining few!

46 minutes ago

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