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but you have to tell me "Who Needs a Knife in a Nuke Fight, Anyway?"

1 month ago

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Put your hand on that wall trooper.

1 month ago

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:notes your lack of a comma:
:deliberates what a wall trooper might be:
:contemplates whether floor and ceiling troopers are also things:

:starts becoming concerned about troopers INSIDE of the walls:
:wonders if there's a trooper exterminator available:
:sadly muses once again over the fact that Starship Troopers: Terran Command doesn't seem to let you play as the heroic, anti-trooper alien faction:

:continuing that thought, the truly saddest thing is the lack of Neil Patrick Harris in the game, even though he was the best part of the film, despite only having maybe three scenes in it:
:tries to remember what the original topic was:
:blinks as they notice where they are:


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1 month ago*

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Nahh, I'm good thanks :D

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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Thank you!

1 month ago

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Good luck Trooper!
Remember, the only good bug is a dead bug. So get out there and kill them. Kill them all.

1 month ago

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