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Thanks for the chance!
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Thanks =)
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Recently turned 38, time is ticking.
Even though i feel and look younger compared to other men my age.
But both here and in america, moviestars and such, both men and women it seems to be a trend sill getting kids after your fourties.
Although i feel it kinda gets sad when like a 55yr old guy has a child with some 20 years younger, i do want a woman somewhat my age still, i'd say a difference of 12 is stretching it.
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Okay, I can see your concern. Sorry, when I heard that you were living at home without any income, I assumed you were in your early twenties.
It's ticking much more for women, but there's still hope. I had a co-worker who had his first child at 45 (I'm not sure how old his wife was). My brother just had his first child earlier this month, at 43. I believe his wife is 40. If they couldn't conceive a child, they would try to adopt.
I totally understand having someone around your age - you want someone with similar life experience, expectations, maturity. Though I find that gap does widen as you get older, but yeah, 12 years may be pushing it. But someone that's 30 wouldn't be out of the question.
May I ask what circumstances find you living at home without income? And if you feel like answering, but not airing it on SG even in an old giveaway, just add me on Steam.
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It's far from normal i know, (i started out as the only surviving one out of a quadruplet (maybe that's where things already started), got bullied, dropped out of school early, no drivers license, hard to find jobs etc), by far it's never been normal, but it aches trying to find and keep hoping things will eventually turn up somewhat normal. and even in certain jobs it clashed with coworkers sometimes).
I had a job as a flexworker, i was supposed to work with this woman with a few other people, but 3 couldn't manage to work with her, on the other side i had a job for a warehousing position, had 3 interviews (2 with the owner, seemed like a nice guy) there were the vacations in between, took 3 months and then some stranger from the office mailed me saying they wouldn't hire me.
To just keep it short i made my mistakes with jobs (first wanting to get something with computers, then the crisis hit) but i also got screwed over several times on promises (the warehousing position, internships) and such.
But even people with a low income in their thirties are moving back to their parents, because of a housing shortage and i just fear for alot of things to come (and also future generations).
My dad allows me to get a lottery ticket each week in this smaller lottery (80k tickets per week) there used to be a 100k prize each week, now it's 20-40, but at random intervals when the jackpot falls a million (like 6 times a year), i keep hoping on something big or small, even if it was just a little i could look into setting up my own food cart (people will always be hungry after all).
Offcourse i am not putting my whole life or hope into it, some might find it foolish, but i am spiritual and also like to believe with good thoughts it could perhaps one day create positive results too (ala "the secret")
And well maybe first the roughships had to happen before the good things can start to happen, it did change me alot.
I had this idea of coffee in cups to go 15 years ago, no finances either, but had someone that close believing in it, and wanted to join but didn't want to risk putting her house in, a few years later Starbucks came here and grown big, i can name 2 other american things i could introduce here and why i know there would be a small chance in failing.
And i try to keep hope out of those examples with couples in their fourties getting kids (thanks), and offcourse it's all still possible, but there comes a point when it will be too late.
Or, maybe write a book about my life experiences and hope they turn it into a movie. :p
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And because i dropped out early, i lost the 2 good "friends" i had, rather then having a friend group, it's sometimes easier too to find a relationship or work through others. I had 2 female friends from the UK, but it kinda watered down, got 1 female friend left, but haven't seen her awhile either because of several reasons, and that's just another long story on itself.
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Have you considered going back to school to get a school equivalent diploma? Is that something that would help open more job opportunities?
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I have a high school diploma and computer certificates through homeschooling, and no.
Also anything else cost money.
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And even with that, you're not able to find any work?
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Yeah well else i would't be in this situation, right? No drivers license simply does not help, with i could have had jobs.
They all want you to have x years of experience, even thos with a university degree, and it's what i am lacking (for stuff like warehousing they are afraid i might be overqualified etc).
Trust me, future generations will gonna have a lot of people where there will be no work for them.
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Yeah, that sounds really tough. Any way that you can get a driver's license? It's pretty easy to get in the US.
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No, it's very costly, 200 for practical, lessons are 60 (and yes in america and other countries you can let like a relative teach you, we are forced to use a professional driving school). I failed 6 times (just get nervous on the exams), that way it could rack up to into thousands.
Even if i had some money i wouldn't spent it on that because it's just no guarantee i will past the next time.
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assassins creed odyssey giveaway, whitelist only, starting soon - please join my new group to take part in any of my future giveaways
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Hey, thanks for the invite, and for your generosity in this and in the past. I requested to join the group. :)
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