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Watch out, I own all the games but can still enter this, even though the bundle doesn't even show up on Steam in Germany.

1 year ago

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Italy here and got sent to Steam homepage (dunno if it matters...)

1 year ago

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New Zealand here, I also got sent to the Homepage

as per Xiangmings post further down the page I own everything (Except the free dedicated server) and can still enter

1 year ago

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You get sent to the homepage because it's been removed from the steam store. You'd have to check within your library to determine if you own it.

1 year ago

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i have 1 and 2 but not 3. how do you feel about people entering this giveaway who own a portion of it already?

1 year ago

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feel free as long as you do not own one of them, if you want to be on the safe side let me know in a comment so I know :)

1 year ago

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I don't think it includes 3. I remember I bought this pack but I still don't own 3.

1 year ago

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oh weird, thats a strange way to make a trilogy

1 year ago

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It includes Ghost Warrior 1 and 2 + Art of Victory, so it may be counted as trilogy :D

1 year ago

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I have Sniper: Ghost Warrior (1). So I don't have two of them. Thank you.

1 year ago

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Here is what's included for anyone wondering:

1 year ago

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Thanks for the giveaway !

1 year ago

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