Late Saturday night, early Sunday morning
I woke up stretching and a-yawning
I got a visit by something out of this world
I wasn't sure if it was a boy or a girl :)
It had wings and things
And forgave my sins
I said "Hi!" - whatever it was grinned
Here's some bonus +1 garbage for the (few) people who read giveaway descriptions. Hurry, before some asf bot redeems them all! ...
Sorry, no questions here... Oh, never mind, I did think of a question. If you actually play this this, will you make your own wrestling people, or just download everything from the workshop? I tried searching for some people my five-year-old self vaguely remembered, but they weren't in there (yet?) - and I wouldn't know how to do it anyway. Oh well. :)
Good luck! :)
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I generally make up my own stuff in games instead of playing other people's workshop/mod stuff.
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Making wrestling people for this game sounds like too much effort, though. I'm super lazy... :) But I'd probably never even remember to install it, so it's a good thing I'm giving it to someone else... :)
Good luck! :)
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Whoa, what?! Fire Pro on the PC? I just wishlisted so hard I think I broke my mouse button.
I love Create-A-Wrestler (or character creation of any kind, really), so I will definitely make my own. No promises they'll be very interesting, though... I am not terribly original.
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Aha, that reminds me, my mouse turned to crap recently, but I dunno what to replace it with, since every (Logitech) mouse I buy seems to end up sucking in the exact same way... :( Probably a ten cent piece of plastic wearing out or something... Maybe find a different brand, eh? :)
Hope you do something fun if you win, but somehow it's usually one of those quiet people who gets the game, and they never even install it... :)
Good luck! :)
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I agree about Logitech. I liked the last Microsoft mouse I bought.
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Hmm, don't think I've ever purchased a Microsoft mouse, maybe I should take a look... Couldn't be worse than the endless parade of broken Logitech ones I've had... :)
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I'll probably do a bit of both, to be honest. It'll depend on how lazy I am, and how bizarre/amazing the workshop stuff is :P
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I assume if you wait long enough every random wrestler anyone's ever heard of will be added... :) I searched for this guy last week and got nothing. Checked again this evening, and presto! :)
Good luck! :)
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I'm sure my first attempt will be an awful uninspired character, and then I will get lazy and just use someone else's wrestler :D
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Yeah, I would do the exact same thing, assuming I remembered to install it of course...
But most likely I'd buy this game, then buy a bunch of cheap crap in a new Indie Gala bundle, and then forget buying this... :( Hmm, wasn't there some other game... I can't remember... :(
Oh well... :) Good luck! :)
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Gotta try to make my own to see how it goes, at least once, right? It seems to be a big selling point of the game so it'd be a shame not to do it. :)
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Yeah, I assume that's the main point, otherwise just save your money... :) Would be like buying Dark Souls to listen to the music... :)
Good luck! :)
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I think the character creator is supposed to be really good for this, and there seems to be a huge amount of wrestlers done already, so even if the one you want isn't there it's not that bad
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Yeah, just in a week or so the workshop for this game was buried in stuff, I don't know how it happens... Maybe people are copying them from somewhere? Hard to imagine so much work going on so quickly... Unless every random wrestler I've never heard of is someone's favourite, I guess. :)
Good luck! :)
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This game is part of a long-running series, so it's possible that the settings were similar enough that a lot of them could be re-creating custom wrestlers made for previous games.
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Aha, that makes sense. Thank you! :)
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There's a lot of wrestlers in the workshop. I'd try to make one, but I'll probably play more with already created characters. They made so many... Even Polish wrestlers. Even in Poland they're not famous, most wrs fans are actually making fun of them here... and someone made them. That was a shocker. Now I'm pretty sure I'll find every single one of my favourites from around the world.
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Yeah, I searched for some random people when I first noticed this game in the store and didn't find them. But I tried today and somehow a lot of them have been added... Someone's been very busy! :) I'll bet that by the time this giveaway finishes, every wrestler who ever lived will be in the workshop... :)
Good luck! :)
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Making them, for sure! It usually is half the fun when they allow me to create my own monstrosities.
Probably would download a few well done/better done classic wrestlers though.
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Aha, I'm thinking people will make some pretty weird-looking stuff, like the sort of green cheat engine freaks people used to invade with in Dark Souls... :) Not sure if anyone still does that... :)
Hope it's fun if you win! :) Good luck! :)
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Thanks for all the giveaways fiftykyu! (^_^)
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No problem, it's probably not quite the Witcher, but I guess not many games are... :) Oh well... :)
Good luck! :)
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I hate being creative in games. After work I want to just shut off the brain and let the game hold my hand for mindless fun. All workshop downloads for me.
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Somehow, every time I make a new character in Dark Souls, I think hmm, let's do something different this time, and every time I end up doing something I've done before... :) Still fun, but yeah it's just shut off the brain, pure autopilot... :)
Good luck! :)
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i'll try to make eric cartman and bender
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I'm a bit surprised nobody's done it yet... :) Let's check again in two weeks! :)
Good luck! :)
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I remember wanting to play Fire Pro Wrestling games back in junior high before they were imported. I think they had one on n64 in Japan.
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The name sounded so familiar, but I didn't know why... I'm sure I've never played one, but no idea when I would have read about it... Search search...
Oho, there was one for Dreamcast, so maybe I did see it somewhere... I never had any of the other machines it came out on... Oh well...
Good luck! :)
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OO, i would definitely make my own characters, probably modeled after me and my brother. We loved to play WCW vs NWO on the N64, good times! :D
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Hmm, I never played that, actually there's a lot of games I never played, no sense making the entire list... :) Not sure if I've ever played a single wrestling game, might have seen some on a Playstation but I never owned one of those so it would have been a short peek somewhere...
Hopefully this game's as fun as your memories, and if not there's probably trading cards coming... :)
Good luck! :)
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Just wanted to say you're freaking awesome, and I really hope I win this game... If I don't then I will strip naked and try again next time!
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You got me curious, so I had to check the freaking awesome list and... Sadly, I'm not on it. :( Oh well... Maybe I was supposed to give away Wrestling Revolution 3D instead? Oops! :)
Hmmmm, maybe keep the clothes, what if nobody makes a giveaway of this one for months...
Good luck! :)
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Well, if not the "freaking awesome list" at the very least a "whitelist"! Take care!
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I think the first thing I'm gonna do is create myself as a wrestler.
P/S: Haven't seen you here in a while! I miss your giveaway descriptions. Hope you're doing well <3
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Oh, that's an interesting idea, didn't think of that... :)
Hmm, doing well, thank you, hope you are also... :) Basically I noticed I hadn't made a giveaway in a month or so, figured I should check all the bundle sites for some cheap crap to dump on people... :) Got to grab all that precious cv... :)
Good luck! :)
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As a lazy bum, I'd pretty much just download all my favorites from WWE and New Japan, and put them into tournaments and made up events that I'd lamely keep track of. I'd definitely create one or two just to test it out and keep things interesting though.
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From reading a bit in the forum, it sounds like there's a lot of stuff coming for this game, but that it's Early Access for a reason... :) Guess the winner will find out... :) Unless it's one of those +1 clowns, I guess... :(
Hope you have fun making some people if you win! :) And hopefully you won't have to keep track of events by hand too... :)
Good luck! :)
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I knew you had many talents but first time seeing you as a poet ;)
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Hmmm, guess it would be a spoiler to say you haven't seen any such thing... :) But I'd feel guilty otherwise... :)
Good luck! :)
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Hmm, I can't remember, did you notice what that "poem" was really for? :) :)
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oh you!, hidden poetry, looks like i'm still an amateur in this activity :)
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I would totally download all the old WCW's roster lol. Thanks for that!
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Hmm, seems I missed a day replying, sorry about that... But at least it's the weekend now... :)
I'm too lazy to check the entire workshop but I'll bet someone's already done it... :) At least, there's already 15 different Ric Flairs... :)
Good luck! :)
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Ultimate Warrior? Maybe Rick Flair? There was that other guy too... Nacho Man Randy Savage. Get that man some chips!
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Every time I check this workshop I end up wasting a lot of time searching random people, it's crazy how much stuff is being added... Wonder if it's just being copied from somewhere, some older program or something, or if there's a lot of creativity going on... :) For example, I just looked for Kenshiro from Hokuto no Ken, there's already four of him... :) And I don't remember him doing any wrestling... :)
Hmm, I don't have any chips, so how about some cream? :)
Good luck! :)
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Whew, that guy is a trip. Rick Flair has some good ones too. I remember one where he was saying his shoes were more expensive than some guy's house (I think it was Ultimate Warrior). The whew! he did. Priceless... They didn't mess around with the theatrics back then.
I consider American NFL to be sort of like a new version of the WWF/WCW/WWE whatever the heck it is these days. So many penalties I gave up on it around early 2000's or something. People do love it here though, for whatever reason.
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I would try out both. Thank you very much for the highly wishlisted opportunity. 😊
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Sounds like a good plan, lots of people being added to the workshop daily, some of whom were actually wrestlers... :)
Good luck! :)
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Thank you so much for the opportunity. You rule!!
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Nah, most of the time I don't make any giveaways at all, there are a lot of generous people around here giving away stuff every week...
Hmm, seems I just stopped giving away bundle leftovers at some point, but never though of anything else to give away instead. Some random boobie garbage, I guess, but most of those only get idled for the trading cards... :) Oh well...
Good luck! :)
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Thank you so much for the giveaway! I can remember when I was a kid!
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No problem, have fun! :)
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