
Hello guys and girls XD

A little giveaway for my birthday. I wish you an awesome day and if you have time leave me something interesting in the comments, please dont just say thanks ></

Happy Birthday!

Pirates didn't usually go after gold, jewels, and other material goods when raiding another ship. Instead, they would take whatever food they could.

7 years ago

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Thats one interesting thing I did not know! And thanks

7 years ago

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Happy birthday!

As a random curiosity, Random Curiosity is actually a site about anime, manga and japanese stuff online ._.
Wanted to bring something better, but really sleepy right now >.< Maybe I'll have something better tomorrow!

7 years ago

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Mildly interesting: When you're holding a heavy slice of pizza and its tip wants to hang down, you probably instinctively shape the short side like an U to stop the tip from hanging down. That's because the combined amount of curvature (left to right * top to bottom) of a surface has to stay the same according to maths. A flat surface starts at 0 (no curvature) - at least one side always has to be straight (0) for the result to be 0. By bending one side you force the other one to be straight.

Thank you for Scanner Sombre! I wish you a great birthday and lots of pizza.

7 years ago

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Oh wow XD
some serious info you got there!

and you are welcome for the game!

7 years ago

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Random Curiosity II
A lot of people believe Vatican is the smaller population of the world, but actually is a island called Tannutuva.

Another curious one, is that someona made a study to prove that people take decisions faster and more decisively when in the urge to poop. (That one was told me from a friend, and the part that actually did surprise me most was someoen do a study about that o.o)

7 years ago

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