
The Powers that Be said this was going to be a hot summer, and so far there's no lie detected. I wonder, will we ever look back from a more temperate time and say, "Well that one was a scorcher, I'm glad the weather settled down at last" - or will we look back one day from a burning world and remember fondly the old reasonable days of Heat Domes and long sweltering days without a break? "Remember back in 2024 when we used to complain about all those days when we thought it was really hot? Ha, how precious, what were we thinking!"

On Saturday we're opening A Midsummer Night's Dream in a park on the Upper West Side for a couple of weekends, and then we'll move indoors for a couple of weeks in the theater in August. It's a joy doing Shakespeare outside in the summer, and also a battle with the elements. We're hoping for rain to behave and leave us dry, and for the heat to have some mercy. Wish us luck.

This is an old key, recently revealed. It should be good, but these days who knows. Once upon a time I would have loved this game, but these days my twitch responses aren't as quick as they were once - so best I pass this one on. Enjoy!


6 months ago

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Thanks for the chance!

6 months ago

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Thank you for the opportunity! :)

6 months ago

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Thanks a lot !!!

6 months ago

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