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Is there a game you wanted to win, but never managed to do so even after multiple trys? I personnaly don't :)

yes, but I fear someone might try to give me keys for it if I name them >>... I tried to dodge the gifts in the xmas thread last year and failed

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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My White Whale that used to escape me for years was Days Gone. I went ahead and bought it last sale.

1 week ago

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Have you tried the game? I'm worried it might be too stressful for me

1 week ago

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Nope, haven't had the chance to start it yet. It's sitting there, nicely decorating the pile of

1 week ago

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It's a treasure trove, not a backlog. It's just waiting for you to dive in and pull a treasure when you are ready ;)

1 week ago

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/pedantic on
The "white whale" term comes from the book Moby Dick, by Herman Melville, and one of the most important novels of the XIX century.
But Melville didn't create the idea of Moby Dick. He adapted a real story among whalers. (The following part is a mix of my memory and looking at Wikipedia to refresh what I forgot.)
The story is about an exceptionally large sperm whale known as Mocha Dick, known so for being first seen around the Mocha islands. He was easily distinguishable because he was albino, thus a "white whale". Mocha Dick, being so large, attracted many females, and he had a large pod (group) of females. Even before having the large pod, he learned that ships = trouble. He wouldn't attack unless provoked, tho, not being naturally aggressive. But sometimes even lowering a boat would alert him. So he protected himself and the pod. And being large, you can not only swim away or submerge. You can attack, you can breach through the water. And his attacks became deadlier as he learned how to attack. Any boat would be sunk, ships got heavy damage, and became a legend among whalers.
After many attempts, he was finally slained some 30 years since first seen. When he was being cut to transform into oil, 20 harpoons were found in his body.

Melville adapted the story doing two things really well. First, relating the life in a whaler ship, often almost in a documentary style, while keeping a sense of adventure whenever the Pequod saw a whale. Second, telling the futility of the concept of revenge against nature. "From hell's heart I stab at thee" (had to look at the exact quote in english). But Ahab (pronounded Akab) got nothing.

There are quite many special whales - several albinos were saw in the seas; there's the sad story of the 52 hertz whale, "the most lonely whale in the world"; and there's one that I don't remember the name, a sperm whale who survived so many attacks. He was found stranded on a beach and there were more than 100 harpoons in his body. I wish I remember that one, that was a true fighter.

/pedantic off

1 week ago*

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I have a few but lately it's been Zoeti.

1 week ago

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Root Double: Before Crime * After Days was one i really wanted to win. Sadly it hasn't been offered for a while. From unbundled games, there was a period where a few people were offering Slay the Princess. But i have plenty of incredible games to get back to, so no worries

1 week ago

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I had a few but Icaio, Igel and CultofPersonalitea filled my stocking in the December thread

1 week ago

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Probably Plague Tale Requiem, I played the first 1 with my dad and we really enjoyed it! But the recent many GAs have all left me hanging, my only hope is that it gets cheap in the future.
Gonna go pray to the regional pricing Gods now!

1 week ago

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Your search may be over. Added you on Steam :)

3 days ago

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3 days ago

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I will forever be trying to win The Long Dark and Hoa, someday it will happen I am sure :)

1 week ago

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So I decided to check with the script and I have 29 games with at least over 100 giveaways entered. And only 1 game with over 200 giveaways entered and that is Beholder 2.
But to be honest, the games that I wanted most was dark souls 3 with 8 entries for base game and 2 entries for deluxe version. And of course, gta San Andreas with 5 giveaways entered. Damn rockstar, for removing the original game. That shit hurt. I will never forget that.

1 week ago

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I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

1 week ago

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Borderlands, the first one!

1 week ago

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I honestly don't know at this point. Bought so many, ended up forgetting so many, or just giving up on them - because out of sight, out of mind :D

1 week ago

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When I started using the website, I had a few that I really wanted to win and keep eluding me.
I ended up winning a few of them via random Steam gifts, like Stardew Valley and Slay the Spire, plus won a few via SG (RDR2, Stray, Just Cause 4, to name a few), and since I learned how to farm cards and use the cents I get for each to buy games on a deal, I've been able to get some of the others that I really wanted to try: Titanfall 2, Dragon Age: Origins, Undertale, Far Cry 2, Jedi Fallen Order.

I feel that at this point I have so many incredible games on my backlog, which I've been slowly tackling away, that not winning a single game here for a few months feels strangely fine. That said, I feel I see a lot of GA's for Dredge, Pseudoregalia, Cult of the Lamb and Unpacking here on the site, and even though I always prioritize those over anything else, they keep eluding me. There are all highly rated on my wishlist so I'm sure I'll be able to buy them soon, but it'd be good to snag one of those here hehe

1 day ago

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