
Wide Ocean Big Jacket is a sweet vignette about an aunt and uncle taking their rowdy middle school niece and her quiet "boyfriend" on a summer camping trip. It's both silly and sometimes emotionally messy, and it's short enough to finish in an afternoon.

Thank yous are always welcome, but if you'd like to answer a question instead: have you ever been camping? If so, do you have any stories to share?

Just "camping" in my parents' garden. One time we set the tent on fire and man, it burned down really fast, like 1-2 seconds fast.

4 weeks ago

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Oh, my god. I assume everyone was okay, but that must have been scary at the time!

4 weeks ago

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No one was inside, everyone was fine.
It was a moment of, maybe grown ups are correct saying fire is dangerous.

4 weeks ago

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No, I only have camped in a garden from the neighbours. Because unluckly my family don't like camping.

4 weeks ago

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No, I haven't. It's too in-tents for me.

(Genuinely not, we just didn't have the adult / kid ratio to manage it when I was a child, and later it never came up)

4 weeks ago

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You always find the coolest games I never heard of!
I went camping every year with my grandparents when I was a kid. I would spend most of the summer with them and they loved traveling but lacked the money for planes and hotel so it was road trip and tents. Traveled all through Europe.
As a little kid from Canada, it was like going on an adventure in Middle Earth.
My grandpa was very organised so setting up camp was super smooth and quick and we would set up every night somewhere different until we reached our destination where we would spend 2 or 3 weeks depending on how far it was.

One time in Spain we had set up camp near a small waterfall and woke up at 6am to the sound of hooves. A band of wild horses were gently walking by to get to the waterfall. We didn't want to spook them so my grandfather took us up and around the fall and we looked down at them drinking and frolicking in the water in the light of the rising sun. Then they left the way they came. They didn't trample anything on our makeshift camp. They were beautiful and very gentle.

4 weeks ago

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I'm so happy you like my giveaway selection! (When I'm picking indie things to give away and not just tossing away bundle keys, that is.)

And gosh, that all sounds magical, as someone who was also a little kid in Canada once upon a time. I can't imagine how much you looked forward to the summer break if you knew you'd be spending it that way. That's incredibly cool that your grandparents (and presumably your parent-parents) arranged that, I'm genuinely jealous right now. The wild horse herd really sounds like a once in a lifetime kind of memory.

4 weeks ago

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Camping? no Im not that tough, nor do i aspire to be.😁
I'll stick to civilization and its chaos!

But to provide an answer, the closest adventure/hiking experience would be a hillstation in the Himalayan region. It involved a lot of walking on hills through the clouds, altitude sickness, a bit of resting in hotels and a lot of amazing food! I hope to go to such places again.

4 weeks ago

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Does sleeping in a tent during festivals count? Otherwise not, seems like a thing where I know only one couple in my acquaintances who does it, though I sometimes thought about giving it a go.

4 weeks ago

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Thanks for the giveaway ! :3

4 weeks ago

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Looks cozy & interesting❤️

4 weeks ago

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When I was a kid I used to have to go on camping holidays with my parents, I really hate camping... 😅

3 weeks ago

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Thank you for the opportunity! :)

3 weeks ago

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Ah one from my wishlist, thanks!
As for camping, I;ve been many times but to be honest I hate getting bitten by bugs constantly (they find me too tasy)

3 weeks ago

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On festival camping grounds. Not sure I'd consider that real camping. Noise all day/night and drunken idiots don't make for a good "camping" experience :P

3 weeks ago

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So few campers! I feel like I need to even put the statistics. I have camped but only a few times.

  • Camped only a few times as a was fine. Short overnights. Distinctly recall how to put up a tent.
  • 'Glamped' with some friends (car camping I guess) who brought pre seasoned tasty mushrooms and stir fries and mmmm. Woke to the sound of thousands of wasps buzzing over the lake, but they left us fairly alone. Crazy sound.
  • Took kid camping overnight twice, so he could have the memory of camp lamps and s'mores. I was in charge of s'mores supplies for like 14 people, so I went crazy with regular things, but also caramel and jam-filled Ghirardelli chocolates to go in with marshmallows. So amazing. Even mint was a tasty combo.
3 weeks ago

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No, I haven't :( I would really like to, though. Maybe one day :)

3 weeks ago

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You're Breathtaking

3 weeks ago

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thanks <3

3 weeks ago

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Thanks, GL all

3 weeks ago

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Thx, GL

3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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thank you for the opportunity

3 weeks ago

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Thanks! Good luck to everyone ^^

3 weeks ago

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Ty! <3

3 weeks ago

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I do a lot of backpacking and bikepacking, so camping is a big part of those activities. Probably a story or two in those trips somewhere, but mostly just great memories and breathtaking scenery. Love gaming, but have to escape outdoors every now and then for life balance.

3 weeks ago

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Danke sehr!

3 weeks ago

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Thx :D

3 weeks ago

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