
Episode 1 only
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Help.... It's my boyfriend's birthday in 2 weeks. What gift should I get him? He's not a gamer :d Any gift ideas?

Depends what he's into. Any bands/comedians coming to your area that he'd like tickets for?
Would he like a weekend away together?
Or books?

7 years ago

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Thanks! <3
I did buy tickets to a musical for us, but it's happening 2 months after, dunno if I can brazenly call that birthday gift >.>

7 years ago

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Oh sure you can! I bought tickets this morning for a show in November, and the couple I got them for have their birthdays in May and June. It's fine!

So long as he'll enjoy it, of course.

7 years ago

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Hmm, and I already told him I bought us the ticket. so it'll just be like "Oh by the way, that musical I told you about last week, let's just count that as your present, k?" xD
It does look like a fun musical though, so hopefully we'll both enjoy it.

7 years ago

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A good book always do this magic if he is into this, but globally, try to focus on what he genuinely like and inspire him, that's a good start I think

7 years ago

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He does like books, although he hasn't had time to finished the last book I gave him... xP

7 years ago

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Nothing bad with so-called piles of shame, eh? I have a few games still sealed and buy new ones nonetheless ;)
What genres does he like to read?

Also, are board/card games also out of question?

7 years ago

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pile of shame xD I have my own pile of game shame, but I've successfully stopped myself from acquiting more games (by giving them away. smart right?)
Book genre... Popular fantasy and weird books? There's stuff like... Hunger Games, Lord of the Rings, Fight Club, World War Z, Game of Throne, Divergent series, Sanatic Bible (My face was O_o when I saw there's a bible for that), and some more.

I know very little about board/card games, so I don't know how to approach that for gifts. Plus he's kind of a loner xD I don't know if board games would be much utilized if he owns them. Hahaha

7 years ago

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thank you!!

some suggestions about books:

fantasy and weird: check discworld

if he likes history and/or techonolgy (works as an intro too, kinda) check cryptonomicon

if he likes scifi: foundation by asimov

7 years ago

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Ohhh, I'll check out Discworld and Foundation... Might add them to my own to-read book pile

7 years ago

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