
Lilya decides to explore the ruins, hoping to uncover any hidden passages or clues that may lead her to Princess Isabella. With caution in her steps, she navigates the ancient structures, wary of any traps or dangers that may lie in wait.

Despite her skill and vigilance, Lilya is caught off guard by one particularly cunning trap. As she investigates a suspicious corridor, a hidden mechanism is triggered, causing the floor to collapse beneath her. Lilya tumbles into the darkness below, her leg injured in the fall.

Unable to move freely and with her escape route blocked, Lilya finds herself surrounded by skeletal warriors rising from the depths of the ruins. Despite her valiant efforts to defend herself, she is quickly overwhelmed by the relentless onslaught of the undead.

In her final moments, Lilya's resentment towards herself consumes her, regretting every choice that led her to this tragic end. With her last breath, she curses her own folly, knowing that her ambition and greed have cost her everything.

What a total bummer.

Lilya should have brought a sliding carpet with her.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Wow, thanks for the game, Althalus! Can't believe I won this one...quite a few entries and kind of a long shot. Maybe I need to buy a lottery ticket... :D

1 year ago

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Lol feel free to buy me a lotto ticket, my luck is horrid ^^ Nps and Grats ^^

1 year ago

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