Redeemable STEAM key of ARMA 2
be member of each STEAM group listed below on time of entering giveaway, winner drawing and receiving of gift:
if the winner not meets these criteria he gets nothing and new giveway is started
the more people join the giveway and STEAMgroups the higher chance i consider additional giveaways and more often
note: i would like to hear feedback if you fine with the rules and if anyone would oppose same rule e.g. for facebook groups ;)
73 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by Freilyreydia
296 Comments - Last post 31 minutes ago by GeekDoesStuff
24 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Myrsan
115 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by wigglenose
2,452 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by Ch1cWolf
18 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by makki
322 Comments - Last post 13 hours ago by ManlyMeatMan
362 Comments - Last post 39 seconds ago by Hawkingmeister
730 Comments - Last post 24 minutes ago by SolvedPack
141 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by q0500
108 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Kingsajz
147 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by shandyseggs
914 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by rufioh
1,598 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Ingrid88
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Hijacking the top comment. This is someone who works for Bohemia Interactive, the developers of (among other great titles) the ArmA series. So, if you feel like entering to win, go ahead. But, he posted stipulations, so please follow them if you enter.
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Alright, good to see an official word on this kind of thing. Thank you Cult.
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So we're having game developers on this site now. That's awesome and a great idea with the Steam groups.
Hope this catches on and more developers do stuff like this on here ;)
Oh and thanks for the sub Dwarden!
Edit: I think facebook would take it a bit too far, I think most people aren't comfortable with joining facebook groups and spaming their friends with random stuff.
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facebook is long term shot and probably would be either as private or i need wait for Cg to support it (so You can filter / see it in the list)
or i would simple create 2 giveaways one with and one without
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We've had developers on the site before - BEEP's creator gave away 5 copies here.
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i keep that in mind and try beat it ;) (looks into backcatalogue)
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thanks, i also need to hint i spoken beforehand about these giveaway(s) with author of this site ...
i may in future do also some w/o any rules but that can't be done so often ...
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what do you mean ?
Also, will Arma 3 have a Public Beta testing ? And when ?
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Your NATO clearance isn't high enough, so no comment ;)
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ah, geez. So I suppose that Arma 3, still has not done yet for testing around. Also, will it available for xbox 360 and ps3 ? And How many people can participate in a multiplayer match (maximum) ? (I think this should be planned, and i'm not in E3 yet :| )
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I'm surprised to see people haven't followed the rules, 800 entries and only 200 or so in one of the steam groups. I don't use facebook but followed anyway under a old account.
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Seems a bit excessive to add stipulations to giveaways, but I guess it's Cult's call.
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Just you wait, those kinds of stipulations are on cg's todo list after he's done improving moderator abilities.
Also, skill testing questions and requiring a password (forcing people to put in the answer to a riddle, trivia, or community-related in jokes)... It's all in the works... Hell, eventually he's going to be implementing, "gift giver exclusive," as an option for giveaway creators.
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If the winner does not follow the rules and you don't give them the key and make a new one you'll just get bad rep
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This. Also what if the person has set his profile to private?
I guess if he won he could just quickly join the groups, set his profile to public and after receiving the gift set it back to private (and leave the groups he was asked to join)
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They are the developers of the ArmA series.
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Just dropping by to say that you guys make the best damn tactical shooters today :D
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First and foremost: One group is enough.
Secondly: You'll get more people actively watching the groups for information and such that you can advertise to if you Ask people to join a group instead of requiring it, and informing them that they will be notified of special offers if they are a member of this group. Currently people will just join the group and never actually Watch the announcements and such because they're only doing it to gain entry in the giveaways.
Sure, that will mean less people in your groups, but it will also mean more active people and more entries in your giveaways as well. It will also allow you to hold "private" giveaways for people who are members of the group to encourage active membership in the groups.
Third: Run your explanations for the giveaways by me and I can spell check and grammar check them for ya so they're easier to read :P
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Type: Redeemable STEAM key of ARMA 2
Rules: Must be a member of each STEAM group listed below at the time of winner selection:
If the winner does not meet these criteria the prize will be redrawn using a new giveway.
More giveaways will be hosted based on the number of people joining the STEAM groups and joining these giveaways.
Note: I would like to hear feedback if you are fine with the rules and if anyone would oppose same rule e.g. for facebook groups ;) Please offer other suggestions if you don't like these rules though.
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always someone demanding better grammar ... for fun, i shall start write something in medieval English :)
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^^ lol
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Why not? I've been interested in ArmA for quite some time, so thanks for the giveaway ArmA Dev!
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Ok, i understand about ARMA 2 but i don't understand why to join groups of ARMA 3 and Take On Helicopters? I don't even know anything about these games.
P.S. Blackmail is not good. If i win, i'll leave these groups.
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Thanks for the sub!
My comments on the entry requirements: No problem with them, but don't really see what they accomplish. I joined the groups and there wasn't anyone else in chat or anything that I could talk to. FB Groups might work a bit better, and I'd be fine with joining them :)
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groups use is sort of limited i post there some news and events from time to time
but i don't want spam people with the 'event pop-up' because it steal focus (can even minimize full 3D app)
so it's not as usable as e.g. Facebook or Twitter (e.g. my Twitter is way better for that anyway)
yet i intend to improve the groups with some 'giveaway' stuff in future, just need to prepare and get it approved
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Oh no, Techno753 is down!
Medic, heal that man!
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Just my opinion, but I'm against these sorts of requirements. This is steam"gifts", not steamadvertising. I'd suggest making a normal giveaway, letting people know you're with the company, and that if they want to check out your games they can head on over to your site or group or facebook (and provide the links).
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and you need to realize then there would be zero reason for adding this type giveaways on this site ...
sure, i wish Cg finds time to implement the 'dependency' rules on STEAMcommunity groups or even facebook
and then You will be able easily filter / decide if take part or not as You can tell them apart ...
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Then don't create a giveaway here. To me your companies marketing looks like a desperate attempt to jump on something great and trying to make it commercial. Its pathetic and you should be ashamed.
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I hate these types of advertisement campaigns.
Join our group or else!
Like our Facebook-something or else!
Public Relations people should be ones that attract you to the games not act like the authority figures that you hated while growing up. Now I have a bad impression about ARMA titles even before playing them...
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then don't enter the giveaway ... how simple
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If so, why didn't you create a private giveaway, btw? As someone said, "how simple".
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the giveaway is for public ...
if i needed private giveaways then i see no single reason to use this site and can just roll dice
(no matter how i like what cg did)
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You did ask for feedback, didn't you? (:
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i know but 'deny everything' is not much of constructive feedback :) tho it's obvious i still read it :)
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He's right in that when you force ppl to join your "social groups" in exchange for something, you alienate part of your audience and annoy the rest (except maybe ... 10% ?). This is the worse possible marketing move.
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I'm not going to enter this giveaway because I don't like these kinds of poor promoting attempts. But even more, I find your attitude is offensive. I don't know how Bohemia Interactive Studio operates but talking back and taunting your potential customers is simply shabby.
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:) true this... yet you seem to be ok with it in your heart, since you have entered the giveaway echo :)
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A mistake made before reading all this mess, quickly remedied.
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I certainly agree, I don't want this site to become one of those "win a free x" sites where you consent to get spam disguised as "information" to get a slight chance of winning something.
Also this:
"the more people join the giveway and STEAMgroups the higher chance i consider additional giveaways and more often"
doesn't sounds nice to me. Accept my rules and I may consider giving away more, I think this is how drug dealers operate to get more people hooked up.
I see from the recent promotions of ARMA 2, with sun giveaway and the free to play option that it's not doing well and yet it looks like a good game. Yet this doesn't seem to be the way to make it work to me, here you have my feedback.
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@Mavromatis's 1st question
Yes, there is a way to check who entered. When you are on front page you can see "xxxx entries" "xxxx comments" simply click on "xxxx entries"
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Thank you, that is useful.
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No problem. :)
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Thank you!
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Yeah, this kind of marketing would be a lot cooler if it didn't require the participants to jump through such unnecessary hoops. And demanding Facebook groups would go way to far. You should just put a game up for a raffle, make it known that you represent the developer or publisher, perhaps mention some of those Steam and/or Facebook groups and welcome anyone interested, and leave it there. That would give you the best kind of publicity and image you can get for your company for the low price of one Steam copy of the game.
That said, I did join the groups because, even done in this way, I want to support creative marketing of this kind and Bohemia specifically. I absolutely loved your Operation Flashpoint. :)
Thank you!
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as I repeated the answer several times ... i cut it short ;)
best would be if Cg implements STEAM Community groups depedency directly into site, thus You may see it, tell it apart, filter it, ignore it w/e ...
same goes for facebook (but that's very long term shot)
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I'd rather not have group dependancies added to this site.
Sure I haven't been here awhile, but I (personally) dislike all social networking through groups and the such. It's OPTIONAL, no-one should forced to do something. If you don't want people joining this giveaway, other than those who submit to your near blackmail needs, then create a private giveaway and post the link within the groups / social media.
Otherwise, if the winner ISN'T part of the group, that's kinda tough luck. You shouldn't deny them the chance of the game. Afterall to acquire 20 points, $200 worth of games must be donated. Seems foolish and naive to withdraw a game in that sense, doesn't it?
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Thanks For The Giveaway :) - Rules are fine I believe and it is awesome to see an actual developer on this site too! :D
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thanks :D
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Great! Thank you for the giveaway! Though I think the facebook thing is a little too far and also exclusive; I don't have a facebook account, for example and I wouldn't want to be left out :)
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well the key point is i hope the site system for giveaways will support it one day,
e.g. Facebook and STEAMcommunity group dependencies and you can clearly see / filter it as You like ...
just to understood w/o the dependency i can simply just roll dice manually on STEAM groups to pick someone from 10k users ...
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Well, for feedback:
I don't really appreciate being forced to join groups. One Steam group is ok; but 3 - 2 being completely unrelated to the game - is far too much. Facebook groups is way over the line too, I don't like being spammed on my personal profile (yes, I have different profiles and friends for gaming and RL).
It'd give a much better impression for the company just to say "Hey, we are the developers, we are giving the game away, and we have other nice ones too - check them out!" and then links. Yes, you don't get to qualify how many people "joined your group", but it gives a much better (and friendlier) overall impression on the long run.
tl;dr just say you are the developers and watch as people will thank you from their hearts.
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i hope will understood that the group rules are to have 'more than good feeling about it'
w/o these dependencies (which are plain simple as "click on join" on STEAMcommunity site)
there will be no key reason to run many, often and great ones giveaways (by us)...
it's not much to ask and if someone wish to leave the group after winning
it's his call but i hope he will stay as i plan to do more :)
(if anyone follow my Twitter he knows i do that often)
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Joined! Thanks!
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Thanks for this social experiment as you put it.
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yes, i'm still baffled about some of the negative reactions ... but after releasing ARMA 2 Free the 2nd question was "where is ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead Free" so i guess it's normal lol
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Thanks for the giveaway, don't need to enter because I got Arma2 for free from the Sun Giveaway...
Unfortunately multiplayer doesn't work because of a "Receiving Data" issue :(
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any server? got installed BattlEye w/o problem ?
see game dir \BattlEye\
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Yes any server, and I'm pretty sure battleeye is installed fine, its not the router causing it either. Running as admin doesn't help either (Didn't expect it to since I don't have UAC on)
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definitely weird, i suggest you check, ask on the BIForum troubleshooting section ...
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Well it seems like a common issue, there's at least one big issue around it, but there seems to be 2 different issues related to the "Receiving Data" problem, one during gameplay (SP or MP) that seems to be a graphics issue and the less common issue that I'm having. I will probably end up making a thread about it or bumping an older one.
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