
No "Thank you" comments please, since it spams the inbox notifications :)
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Good Luck and have fun!


Someone I knew just bought a Tesla.

They were looking forward to the 'new car smell', but all the got was an unpleasant Musk.

4 months ago

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Thank you very much, but:

Keys are temporarily exhausted for this product

If it not comes in some day's, i sadly have to mark as "not received" (can be updated later) to avoid a own account suspension.

3 months ago

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This is a Humble issue, nothing I can do unfortunately. Please check back like once a day. Moderators will understand and won't suspend over Humble issues :)

3 months ago

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I know It's not your fault, and I hate to do this, but:
Steamgifts check if I activated the game and if not I get a suspension automatically. So please open up a ticket and show this thread to the moderators.
Anyway, I can mark as received anytime, after I got it.
It's very possible that I can't answer the next days.
Best Regards.

3 months ago

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Hello WolfSoul5.

While it is true that this is an issue from Humble's side, a winner is never allowed to mark a giveaway as "Received" unless the game was activated on their account. When we in Support see the "Received" mark among wins without a game being on the user's account, we have no choice but to suspend the user for Not Activating Won Gifts. This is the same for everyone, regardless of the reason why the game isn't on the account. The winner has correctly marked the giveaway as "Not Received" at this time. Their feedback can be adjusted if/when Humble restocks the keys.

3 months ago

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Key came today, marked as received now.

3 months ago

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Good, thanks!

3 months ago

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