Thank you!

2 years ago

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Hi, first of all, thanks for the giveaway.

I've noticed you haven't set a level restriction on your giveaways, may i suggest, that you do so in your future ones?
The reason is simple, there are a lot of bad accounts on this site, like autojoiners, multis, bots, win resellers and other rule breakers or just leechers, who doesn't contribute to the site at all, and most of them are found on level 0.
I even suggest to set a higher level than 1, because it will cost like 10 Cent to reach that level, even level 3 is pretty cheap to reach and will cost like 10 to 20 bucks, also being poor isn't an excuse for me, because i live below the poverty line of my country and even i managed to get to level 5 in few months.
Another advantage of setting the bar higher is, that you won't get bothered by all the annoying thank you messages from autojoiners with thank you script, that's why i set my bar even higher to at least level 4 and level 3 being the real exception.
You can even go right away and delete your giveaway to set it up new with a level restriction, if you wish to do so, deletion of running giveaways are accepted instantly.

I'm a person, who checks his winners, about ratio and also rule breaks and if you like to do so:

If you see red marks there, you can request a reroll for a new winner, just put the link into your support ticket

If you want to know how many users are on each level:
with 970k users on level 0 85% of the accounts on the site haven't contributed with a giveaway and just there for leeching, another reason for setting up a level restriction.

If you got more questions, feel free to ask.

Have a nice day

2 years ago

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Once again :D you are so expectable.

2 years ago

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do you also reply to autojoiners with thank you script with this sentence? no? why not?

2 years ago

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No, because I don't know who is an autojoiner. I can't spot them as I don't have a detector, apparently unlike you. And what good will it have if I send a message to an autojoiner?

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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I'm using my brain to do more important things than spotting the autojoiners, unlike you, apparently. I just want to make you understand that you are disturbing people.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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As I was saying, I don't have to look at who is entering the GAs or who is sending thank you messages or whatnot. I'm just check the games that pique my interest and enter the giveaway. That's it and I can't spare even 2 of my braincells to autojoiners.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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ah yes, I can understand you now a lot BETTER especially after seeing what TMM has to say. I had no idea about how bundles and third part sellers work. Now I have and I understand you better. lol

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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"so you're saying you make your first GA now, which gives you CV or are you still too stingy?"
unlike you he actually gave away some decent game not bought for 10 cents from key resellers

i'd rather have his surviving mars or little nightmares over your no name 10 cent games any day of the week, he gave them away and didnt get any points, because he is not like you.

"and of course you only understand what you want to understand and couldn't take my other messages into context"
well, better than not understanding at all

2 years ago

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unlike you he actually gave away some decent game not bought for 10 cents from key resellers


over your no name 10 cent games

which games besides Soulblight are you talking of? wrong accusations all over again?

2 years ago

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i will wait 10 minutes for you to finish the comment since you will probably add more words over time.

2 years ago

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ah in the two minutes I was writing my reply, he edited his reply again adding more :D

2 years ago

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And I told you earlier and you don't understand apparently as it must be really difficult to empathize with others for you. You don't know me, and you don't how who I am, what kind of life I have or my situation. I'm not stingy and I'm trying really hard to choose my words very carefully atm.
What I wanted to say was not I'm going to make my first GA. What I wanted to say was that now I understand how you have made it to lvl 5. Do you understand that or should I be even more explanatory?

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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Yup. He and his buddy are still spamming.

2 years ago

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" because i live below the poverty line of my country and even i managed to get to level 5 in few months."
i am sorry, but what country are you from?
for someone under poverty line in my country they would need to save every single penny they earn for 8 months to be at the lowest end of tier 5.

your account says you sent gifts worth "$3,527.53"
that's almost 3 years worth of salary at minimum wage, which most people either don't even make or barely make it.

not everyone lives in your country or have the same privileges as you.

"with 970k users on level 0 85% of the accounts on the site haven't contributed with a giveaway and just there for leeching, another reason for setting up a level restriction."
that number includes people like me, someone who made this account almost a year ago and never used it again, which is probably the vast majority of these people.

most giveaways dont even reach 10k enterances, that's less entrances than every single one above level 5 that you're at, not to mention the 1000000+ below it.

it's really funny the idea of "give to the wealthy but not those leaching poor ****"

for me personally i plan on getting to level 3, that's the most i can do in my current state, it's not so i can access your giveaway, but because even i am considered to be privileged to some, and i would love to share with them and make someone's day, even if it's not that much.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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"if you hover over the bracket it'll show you the Real CV, which is also far away from money spent"
which makes no sense why would you bring it up if it's not even close to what you spent.

"Fanatical usually has bundles which gives you 5 times the Real CV for 1$ spent and there are other options around to obtain cheap keys"
so you admit to giving away garbage 1$ game keys to inflate your level so you have access to higher tier giveaways while also pretending to contributing something of value to the community?

"so i probably spent 10$ or less a month"
which is about 10~15% what people make in my country and would make no sense for them to spend that much

since you joined 11 months ago, so that would add up to 110$ spent or less, so you literally added nothing of value at all to the community and just spam giveaway the 10 keys for 7$ bundle from fanatical to inflate your level?
and then you have the audacity to call others leeches?

you're not advising him for the sake of the community, you're advising him because you're salty you had to pay money to get access some good games while he would allow people who paid nothing to have access to this.

"assumptions, you can't proof anything and neither can i, about the activity of those accounts"
you can literally see how many people enter giveaways, even the most obscure game that no one owns or knows anything about doesn't get that many entrants.

"well, this site isn't a charity and levels are in place for a reason"
it's up to you to decide what it is, for me it will be to share for everyone, make someone's day, for other's it will be a community where you hope you get a game in exchange of a game, for other's it will be a community but you require levels to encourage participations in the giveaways.

"that's honourable, maybe my tips for getting cheap keys will benefit you"
your tips of buying keys of garbage games and offering them here to artificially inflate my level while not providing real value to the community?
nah thanks, i am good, i'd rather give away an actual decent game or two instead of 130 60 cents keys you got from 3rd party key sellers.

would have been much nicer of you to actually get some decent games to offer them instead of 1 dollar keys of games that cost 30$ on steam but no one plays them and only have 200 reviews mostly negative

honestly it's really scummy to get junk keys off the sites you personally said enter these giveaways to resell the keys, then artificially inflate your level by getting 1 dollar keys for a games that cost 30$ on steam and then come here and pretend you're part of the community and care about it, when in fact you're just here leeching while not adding anything of real value to others.

i am sorry for anyone reading this that i got mad, i just can't handle the audacity and hypocrisy of some.

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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"neither do i give away garbage games, nor Fanatical offers those, are you sure u know what you're talking about?"
almost every single game you ever gave away is a 20~30$ game on steam, very low number of reviews most of them below 500 or even 200, and you can buy a key of it for 1$ or less on 3rd party resellers and probably came from the fanatical 10 keys for 7$ bundle, i am gonna assume you use other sites but you're just saying fanatical because you'd get less backlash from it.

for example you just gave away 5 keys of a game called "Soulblight"

that game has 50 reviews on steam 55% rating, is being sold for 15$ on both fanatical and steam.
but other 3rd party sellers sell it for as low as 10 cents and as high as 1 dollar.
so i am just gonna assume you didnt spend 75$ on fanatical since you spend less than 10$ a month, and assume you got it from other sellers for way less than 5$ for all 5 keys.
which would make so much sense.

"always the same with level zeroes, sheesh"
i can't believe the audacity of someone who gets the cheapest key he can find to pretend to contribute then act all high and mighty, thanks man, that really made me laugh, i needed that.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago*

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"this game was in the "Stand with Ukraine" Humble Bundle"
oh, you mean the 40$ bundle from 8 months ago that had 1 copy of the game but you managed to get 5 copies of it 8 months later and put it in a giveaway?

there are two explanations.
1- you bought 5 copies of the bundle 8 months ago and held the keys till now
2- you bought the 5 keys from 3rd party resellers that you were complaining about for dirt cheap.

and since you spend 10$ a month i dont think you paid 200$ to humble bundle for 5 bundles.

"many many people before me gave this game away, so you're saying they're all unworthy and scum? "
only the ones that bought the key for 0.1~1$ then started to talk about the community and leechers.

people who genuinely bought the bundle and gave away the keys are saints, people who bought the keys and gave them away are ok, but people who talk as if they actually contribute to the community are not.

"Not to mention this game is far away from the real 1P garbage games from shady ru shops"
sounds like you know your dealers.

"that most people here give away bundled games"
yes, these are good people, and you are not one of them, you yourself admitted it.
even without admitting it, a quick look at your profile and we can see you give away multiple copies of the same cheap games that are being sold by the resellers you're complaining about.

" it's not against the rules"
no one said they are :)

"and maybe another fact you didn't knew, bundled games give only 15% real CV"
literally written in the FAQ...
did you think you're the only one who knew that fact?

"i think you're lacking some vital informations, so that we can discuss on the same level"
you're just a spoiled german lad that spends 1 hour of minimum wage a month on 3rd party websites then come here and pretend he is adding something of real value to the community, that's all the info i need to know.

also i thought you were done with me and not gonna respond, i am just gonna assume that's gonna happen now, right?

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago*

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"and what's your point? i'm not doing forbidden things here"
nobody said you're doing something forbidden, we're just calling you a hypocrite.
you pretend to care about the community and add something of value to it, when in reality you're just inflating your level by buying the cheapest key you can find, and then have the audacity to call others leeches that dont add to the community, when in fact the only leech is someone trying to gain access to decent games by buying cheap keys and inflate their level, then brag about it and recommend it to others.

"first you argued about the game being garbage, now you shifted to arguing about my "shady" shopping practices, the usual throwing dirt till something sticks"
oh no, they are still garbage games, the argument was "garbage games from 3rd party websites for as low as 10 cents and as high as 1 dollar"
the argument never changed, your mental capacity of understanding it as a whole is at fault here, not the argument itself,

"and to clarify, 3rd party keyshops are not the same like shady ru shops, don't mixmatch"
3rd party keyshops are the ones you literally were complaining about in your original comment.

you literally complained about them joining the giveaways, then literally went to them to buy your cheap keys to inflate your level, then recommended i do the same.

"it looks like, that in your eyes only AAA games are worthy, well i have another fact for you, you won't see those games here"
the vast majority of games i own are indie games, but they are quality games, not a random game i found a key of for 1$ or less.

for example a game i bought recently is called "Kingdom Two Crowns"
a nice little game, can be bought for as low as 3.5$ from the websites you buy your keys from, but you will probably not giveaway 5 copies of such game, you'd rather buy 5 copies of a key being sold for 10 cents, then have the audacity to mention the war on ukraine bundle as if you contributed to it and bought the bundle to help them.

"there are much much more shady accounts around, who really outplay the system"
says the guy who is proud he outplayed the system and got to level 5 without adding anything of actual value to the community.

"but as you already have shown, you're lacking basic knowledge when you've been enlighted, you'll recognize i'm not the enemy here"
the only knowledge i gained is that at first i thought you were some snob that loves to gatekeep others, but then i found out you're worse than that, you didnt even put the amount of money or effort a snob would put in here, you just played the system and now pretend to be something you're not, a fake snob lol.

"mental gymnastics
i dont think you understand what that word means.

"no, it only shows that i know much more about everything than you, but with your attitude i won't explain it to you either"
you're so knowledgeable about shady websites and cheap junk game keys, please teach us your ways, lets fill the website of lv10 10 cent games giveaways.

"yep, like the both Homeworld titles or Lacuna, real garbage games..."
so out of almost 140 giveaways you managed to find 1 game with more than 1k reviews?
and would you look at that, still being sold for 1 dollar on 3rd party websites and probably was even cheaper when you got it lol.

"yes, it will happen now, you know, i'm a nice guy and still tried to enlighten you a bit, hence your attitude"
i have reached levels of enlightenment that werent even possible before, all thanks to you lol.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago*

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"another fact, there is no El Dorado and AAA games at level 5+"
there are better + more games at that level + there are less entrants + private groups that require certain level that give you access to more and better games.
no one said there's 10 elden ring giveaways everyday.

"i wonder who is lacking mental capacity here,"
still you

" understanding that my GAs weren't garbage 1P games"
your games are worse, literally the game i mentioned was being sold for 10 cents on the websites you use.
those garbage 1p games cost literally the same amount of money you paid and sometimes even more.

so nope, you're still not adding much value to the website, the only difference is that the guy with 1p game doesnt buy keys off 3rd party resellers, unlike you, maybe you should write a comment in their giveaways and teach them your ways of how to get keys for a few cents for a game that will give them more points 👍.

"i actually bought the bundle :D my library is public, look how many games i own from the bundle"
so the bundle gave you 5 keys for the same game because you're special?
nope, you just went and bought them from 3rd party resellers that you're constantly complaining about.

"repeating your wrong accusations over and over again, won't make them more true"
more like wont get you to understand them lol.

anyway, have a nice day being salty, in the future please try saving those 10 bucks and instead of a bundle of 20 shitty games giveaway, buy a key for 1 decent game and give it away, that requires you to work 1 hour at a minimum wage job in germany, so shoulnd't be that hard.

mayba karma will come your way if you start doing that instead of chasing inflated levels on here.

2 years ago

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and for the love of god for once finish your comment all at once, stop editing it 5 times to add one more line.

"both means 2, Lacuna is another one, so it's not only 1 game, "
oh my bad, i thought the bar was set at 1000 reviews, didnt know i set it as low as 500 reviews lol.

yes, you gave away 2 full games with more than 500 reviews, my bad lol,

" given away multiple times, more than 10% of my GAs, nice how you desperately trying to smear dirt at me"
my bad, you gave away 2 games that have more than 500 reviews,
that totally makes up for the other 120 giveaways that got you level 5.
but you still missed the main point about them being sold for less than 1 dollar..

but what can i say, you cant really buy brain power, you gotta work with what you got.

anyway again, once again again have a nice day being salty, i am done for now, maybe i'll come again at night if i am bored.

2 years ago

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TMM dont send messages one after the other without him replying as he sees that as spamming. LOOL. and he says it is against the rules of this website.

2 years ago

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i send my wall of text, then i see he edited the message, so i go to edit it again, then 10 minutes later he thinks of an alleged clever come back so he comes to edit his comment and add 1 more line, it's really annoying, like come on man, just dont post and wait an hour or two till you think of all of your alleged clever come backs,

2 years ago

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he did the same thing in another post to me. He sent a couple of arguments first, I replied and later I realized that he added some more two a previous reply. I guess after using 2 braincells of possible 3 on spotting the autojoiners, he doesnt have much remaining. Pathetic.

2 years ago

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I guess after using 2 braincells of possible 3 on spotting the autojoiners, he doesnt have much remaining

you're right, my last remaining braincell outplayed all of your braincells by editing my post, where i probably just fixed some typos or grammar and you guys arguing that i probably rewrote all of my post, sure
man, level zeroes these days, very proficient in mental gymnastics

2 years ago*

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no, you know very well that it's not typos and mistakes you add more arguments. whatever you say here, you and I and TMM know the truth. so you think you outplayed us? well maybe you outplayed us by deleting your messages :D. If you think that you were outplaying, why did you delete all your messages and flee then? I'm a lvl 0 ok but as far as I can see from what TMM brought into the open, it's better what you do, hypocrisy....

2 years ago

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If you think that you were outplaying, why did you delete all your messages

because i wouldn't obscure anyone elses GA with massive texts, i'm not an attention whore, which posts have to remain there forever, especially when i'm trying to argue and only dirt and wrong accusations are thrown at me and the discussion is dragged to a personal level

2 years ago

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when you send all those messages, even if you delete them, it still takes up space. so wrong argument. personal level? you start insulting yourself and delete your messages and say we drag it to a personal level?
funny you :D

2 years ago

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i talked about massive texts not space remaining after a deletion, you're fabricating arguments out of thin air

well, i was called all sort of names in these discussions, don't you think this is personal level?
i wasn't calling you a leech or other names, yet you opted to speak up for others and insult me in their behalf, that's the really funny part here, maybe you can laugh about yourself now

2 years ago*

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you say in all your arguments that level zeroes are leeches and leechers. you are stereotyping. I'm a lvl 0 and when you say that I take it on myself of course. If I say, all Germans are Nazis, won't you take it upon yourself as long as you are a German?

2 years ago

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you say in all your arguments that level zeroes are leeches and leechers

maybe read my initial post again, i don't say that there, it would be stupid to call someone a leech, who've given away games
or are you just looking for arguments to justify your insults towards me?

If I say, all Germans are Nazis, won't you take it upon yourself as long as you are a German?

well no, because that's the most supid and uninformed statement someone could make

2 years ago

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Maybe you don't say that in your initial comments but everytime we had this discussion, you insulted all level 0s saying they were leechers. Either you cant get a hold of yourself showing your true emotions or you get so angry you say things you dont normally believe in.

"well no, because that's the most supid and uninformed statement someone could make"
yes, just like saying all lvl 0s are leeches.

2 years ago

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yes, just like saying all lvl 0s are leeches.

good that i didn't said that and i'm not responsible for what you read in my words

2 years ago

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oh my bad, i thought the bar was set at 1000 reviews

and i thought Lacuna had over 1k reviews, but just replace it with Tacoma, As Far as the eye, Cook, Serve, Delicious! 3?!, Dead by Daylight - The 80's Suitcase and Between the stars
and i don't even know what reviews should proof, maybe that the game had a good ad campaign, who brought attention to the game? I don't see the relevance for giving away games or do you clutch on every straw, trying to paint me as the badman? pathetic

yes, you gave away 2 full games with more than 500 reviews, my bad lol

this sentence shows the full scale of your wrong accusations, throwing dirt and distorting, not to mention, that i gave away multiple copies of 7! games with more than 1k reviews

my bad, you gave away 2 games that have more than 500 reviews

you're repeating your wrong accusations, as i said before, repeating lies won't make them more true

but you still missed the main point about them being sold for less than 1 dollar

guess what, Fanatical also sells bundles where games cost less than a buck, you're trying to paint something as shady, which is common practice on this site, i don't know, if it's out of spite, envy, inexperience or all of them

but what can i say, you cant really buy brain power, you gotta work with what you got

interesting, tell us more stories about yourself

have a nice day being salty

i'm not salty at all, got any more wrong assumptions and accusations in stock?

2 years ago*

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are you gonna delete this comments too?
should i bother responding?

2 years ago

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Thank you my man. I'm trying to voice all these a couple of times before in separate spamming activities of this so-called charitable person. Finally someone that helps the cause. :)
And now I'm thinking if he might be a bot as he comes up with the same words, same arguments and whenever he cannot find any arguments to counter, he starts hitting under the belt like he does now.

2 years ago

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is it just him or is everyone here like that?
i was genuinely considering giving away some games, but if there's many people like him in here, might as well just do it in a discord server for my friends.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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" or someone who will sell the key or never play his win and only idles it for cards"
mmm, arent you the one who said you buy your games from these key resellers to play the system?
and aren't you the one with the games you won sitting in your library doing nothing?

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago*

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"no, you must confuse me with someone else"
yeah, the other guy was not that bright, my bad, you just look the same.

"and with your attitude i won't explain my backlog to you"
don't care tbh, you just complained about:
1- key sellers.
when in fact you admitted to buying all your keys from them
2- people who dont play the games they win or only farm cards.
then when you get exposed for doing the same, now they are backlog games that you will eventually get back to.

"to be honest, your account looks a lot like someones alt, only 36 entered GAs in 11 months"

remember my first comment?
when i said many people make these and forget about them including me?
do you really have that short of a memory?
i made this account 11 months ago, entered 1 or 2 games, forgot about it till yesterday, that's where the remaining 37 games come from.

"i have some crazy persons in mind"
no, this isn't your alt, dont worry.

2 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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what do you mean?

so you write a comment saying it wasnt you, so i respond to that comment, then you back and edit your comment to add more text to it, and now i am the ass?
should i go back and edit my comment completely like you keep on doing?

2 years ago

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and this is where he starts complaining about being insulted and ad hominem bs. :D and he has that "being spammed" complaint. He follows the same pattern. and being the hyprocrite he is, he is trying to pass the buck to the other person. Actually reverting to insults is what he does, calling other people leechers and hinting at not having the brains and all.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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yet another insult to people when you are out of arguments.

2 years ago

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don't care tbh, you just complained about:
1- key sellers.

i see you're still suggesting that, when this was never the case and i already told you, that you obviously understood something wrong, but i get it, it's just another wrong accusation

2- people who dont play the games they win or only farm cards.
then when you get exposed for doing the same, now they are backlog games that you will eventually get back to.

bruh, you have a very vivid imagination, but let me take you back to reality, you exposed nothing and just throwing wrong accusations left, right and center again, i don't farm cards and you will have a hard time proving the opposite.
And my wins aren't suddenly now on my backlog, when they were there before, also your causal chain is lacking, because i actually had the time to play at least some of my wins. Should we talk about your wrong accusations once again?

I don't even know, why i'm defending myself against level zeroes throwing with dirt they're sitting in

do you really have that short of a memory?

nah, your words are just that irrelevant, so that i'll instantly forget them, i'm sorry

2 years ago*

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are you gonna delete this comments too?
should i bother responding?

2 years ago

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what does it matter to you, if i will delete them or not
or is it just an excuse for not answering my valid points, because of lack of arguments?

2 years ago

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i dont wanna waste more time with you, so i didn't even read your comments, however i doubt you had even a single valid point.

anyway, when you decide not to delete your comments tell me so that i would read it.

2 years ago

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i doubt you had even a single valid point

says the inexperienced newb on SG...

2 years ago

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sAyS ThE InExPeRiEnCeD NeWb oN Sg...

2 years ago

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There are not many like him TMM. There are only two, spamming people giving giveaways worth 40 or more points here. You ll never see him spamming "cheaper" games. Its like he is doing exactly what you said. gatekeeping others so that he can enter GAs with less people increasing his chances.

2 years ago

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that's very sad, specially when he lives in a 1st world country and can easily buy most of these games .
this game in particular is included in humble bundle choice, which he can get by working 1 hour minimum wage in germany.

2 years ago

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yeah, I know. Actually I dont really care if he buys from 3rd parties and get to level 10 and get the best games. What gets on my nerves is at level 0, he copies and pastes those tedious messages, trying to manipulate people.

2 years ago

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you mean inform them and make them aware

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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"did i already mentioned, that i'm doing this to get the biggest attention to the issue?"

2 years ago

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he is gone. lol

2 years ago

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i miss Prosac already
i was waiting for him to edit his last comment

2 years ago

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we need to go to the next 40-or-more-point GA to find him. :D

2 years ago

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and yeah. he has that effect, when he goes away, he leaves behind a feeling of emptiness...

2 years ago

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Have you seen this?
"i won't delete relevant information making people aware of problems with the site and unrestricted giveaways, especially when i have a prominent spot on top of the page"
Oh and he edited again adding the last bit :D like 5 mins later. :P

2 years ago

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so you are cheating as well Prosac. Maybe you are not not privileged yourself either as you put yourself. :D
"well, this site isn't a charity and levels are in place for a reason" and what part of GA don't you understand, I'm appalled.
It's f... GiveAWAYYYYY!!!
If you don't want to be a part of that you can go to lvl 5 and do whatever you want. But spamming people sending GAs on level0 is getting on people's nerves as you can see.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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can you please delete this original spamming message as well like you did with the others?

2 years ago

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i won't delete relevant information making people aware of problems with the site and unrestricted giveaways, especially when i have a prominent spot on top of the page

2 years ago

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:D funny you.

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Αlthough there's still 2 more days thanks for the chance and good luck to everyone!

2 years ago

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just wanna say thanks and sorry for the spam up there ❤️❤️

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Thanks for the chance (ง ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)ง

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Watchy Watchy

2 years ago

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Thank you for the Giveway

2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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Thank you :)

2 years ago

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thank you

2 years ago

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obrigado pelo jogo

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway!

2 years ago

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thanks! ♥

2 years ago

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Thanks, GL all

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thanks for the chance...

2 years ago

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