will you be buying the game from the epic store or you will wait till 2020 to get it on steam , that if you are getting it at all after all that happened :3
same here , i decided to replay the games for like the 6th or 7th time since i first played the original ones lol and that's when i got the idea . let's get thousands of concurrent players of the first 2 metro games at exodous's launch time and give them a hard punch in the face for betraying us :p
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I think it is behaving like a spoiled child to
I also think this protest you are planning doesn't make much sense, won't be felt as a protest, and the only effect it will have is to make you feel bad while playing a game you profess to love.
If having another store client on your computer is enough reason for you not to buy the game, then that is your prerogative, but no one needs to cater to you.
In short, you are making a mountain out of a molehill.
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Agreed. In particular, fuck the review bombers. They make user reviews worthless (actually worse than worthless; downright misleading).
OP, if you refuse to buy the game on Epic then just don't buy it. Move on with your life. The anti-Epic hysterics are completely ridiculous.
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How posting an unrelated review on game B because something happened with game A is in any way contributing to users?
The amount of reviews I have to scroll through until I get to something useful is not a contributing factor.
Edit: Just to clarify, I don't care about Epic or Metro.
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Yes, it is free.
Purchasing the game isn't. But if you buy the two previous games just to leave a review and not because you want to play it, I think you have your priorities off. Normally you leave a review for a game you paid a price for to play it.
Also, SJW? Uhm, isn't review bombing by definition SJW? You know what SJW stands for right?
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for me it was never about having another launcher as i use origin for battlefield and titanfall and apex legends, battlenet for overwatch and even epic launcher for some time when i played a little bit of fortnie and you know what , all the games i mentioned are exclusive to their own publisher's launcher , they are their IPs and i have no problem with that they get 100% of the profit and if you're interrested in those particular games from those particular publishers then there is no problem getting them from there. but the problem here is when someone launch a store and start buying exclusivities of 3rd partie games that they do not even own the rights for them especially when they are a long franchises that has been here for years and then take 12% of the cut without any justification for games they do not own and giving absoloutely nothing in return is absurd , i for instance have been avoiding assassin's creed and far cry series on pc just for the sake of not having achievements on steam which are one of the main reasons i buy open world games and they were not that interresting for me to go and get them in the first place but i recently noticed that origins and odysse have that on steam now so i got origins and will get odyssey as soon as i finish origins . other thing that pushes me to buy an open world game if it does not have achievements is the steam forums and the game community so i can share my experience with others and get the most out of my games , and mods to extent my game experience so if a game does not have at least these bear minimum things then i would in 99.99% in cases just skip it no matter how good it looks or what the others say about it so why the heck would i consider getting the game from epic or what does epic offer to the game publishers themselves to justify the 12% cut they take just to provide a place for people from where they can go and download the game ? even a torrent link can do that lol
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"the problem here is when someone launch a store and start buying exclusivities of 3rd partie games that they do not even own the rights for them especially when they are a long franchises that has been here for years and then take 12% of the cut without any justification for games they do not own and giving absoloutely nothing in return is absurd"
That doesn't make any sense. Steam charges more than 12% for games they don't own any rights to. And saying they give absolutely nothing in return is just misunderstanding the situation: the digital stores provide a place for customers to buy the game. That is exactly why game makers agree to the percentage.
Other things you mention as factors in your decision:
mods integrated on Steam's platform
achievements on Steam
sharing with the Steam community
These are all fine reasons to choose to buy or not a game. None of them are reasons to protest or act spoiled or lash out a the game makers by posting false reviews. Just make your choice and let your wallet speak for you. At the end of the day, the game makers want people to buy their game. They will be studying the numbers, that's for sure. And I am interested to see how it turns out.
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Indeed. Developers moving to epic store exclusives are punishing themselves already, they're losing out on preorders and release week sales from the "steam or nothing" crowd,and you can be sure some of them will rethink that decision with future games. The only thing review bombs and "protests" will accomplish is to make anyone involved look like whiny children.
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I totally agree. It's not even review bombing past games because they're disappointed in the game, but because the game came out on a different store than Steam.
I get that these people want to make sure their voice is heard, but review bombing has always struck me as a mob mentality burning. I've even seen people buy a game just to leave a negative review and refund it, on what was a great game. "You dare to not release on my chosen store / not include my preferred language / delay the game by 6 months to fix bugs / not include dinosaurs that I can ride into battle? Then I'm going to negatively review you straight to hell!"
As to the OP's plan, it's not a protest, more an attempt to channel the negativity into something positive instead. And I totally support that. I feel like if everyone spent less time raging and more time playing games they love, the world would be a friendlier place. :)
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Acting like a spoiled child because you don't like a business decision? The irony kills here. Seriously. Mind you, I don't agree with most things that OP said, but damn you're really underdeveloped on the idea of protesting something. These aren't the middle ages. People should be encouraged to voice their opinions. Of course you have the right to call these people spoiled children, but I think it shows that you're not interested in a conversation.
You don't care for everything around it. If it was the way you described it, no one would care. I encourage you to do an ounce of research before biting into this dude. You pretend like Epic is basically just Steam and that Deep Silver just thought they'd really like to go to the Epic Store exclusively for no reason.
You do you. Stay ignorant and pretend like it is the way you describe it.
(Reviewbombing's a net negative tactic though)
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There are dozens (hundreds?) of games that are store-specific (Origin-only, Battle.net-only, some even have their own specific launchers that work just for a single game). None of them made so much noise. Yet none of them was long-announced on a store (the one pretty much everyone uses), then pulled off a couple weeks before launch and made exclusive on a different store (one that few people actually used or knew about).
IF Metro Exodus was announced as Epic exclusive, it would have been frowned upon a bit (Epic store is new, untested and lacks tons of features), but otherwise people wouldn't have made a huge fuss.
Instead, they made a decision that seemed pretty unfair to Steam/Valve and Steam users, as they siphoned all the "buzz" and goodwill Steam was generating and sold it to another store. If the game never appeared on Steam in the first place, the situation would be entirely different and nobody would be making a mountain out of anything.
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Wait a minute. It's not even an Epic exclusive! It's on the xbox and the playstation, too.
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Just because you don't like playing it on the console doesn't make it any more of an exclusive. Jeez, here I was thinking you could ONLY get the game on Epic Store...
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I agree that was a very shitty move on their part, but I mostly see the argument of exclusivity being mentioned.
It was unfair to Steam/Valve, but how to the Steam users? The result is the same as if it was announced as a timed epic exclusive on pc.
And Steam/Valve, well, they're big enough to speak for themselves, don't need us for that.
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Just so you know Epic is lacking a lot of features that affect the game such as cloud saves. The main reason I prefer my library on Steam is cloud saves. I often play the same game across a variety of devices over a long period of time. In the old days I had to keep backing up savegames, which was easy as they were in My Documents, but now a days they hide the saves in weird locations, making it an annoying process. I seriously think that in this day and age we shouldn't have to deal with such a basic game feature missing. It objectively makes the game worse.
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battlefield series are owned by Ea , their own property from the ground up unlike the currently epic exclusive games that epic had 0 involvement in and provide 0 user experience in return and then they say that getting more than 12% cut is unfair while they unfairely get 12% cut from the developpers for nothing just sting there and provide a download link to the game. yeah go ahead and convince me that epic is good for both consumers and game dev/publishers
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What exactly do you think Steam is doing to earn their 30% from games they had zero to do with?
They have more social features, that's true. That's also probably a big part of why Epic is offering a lesser percentage. It makes total sense to offer a developer a choice: on the one hand, pay 30% for a storefront and lots of social features; on the other hand, pay 12% for a more stripped down store offering.
It's a good choice to offer, and many developers are going to try out the alternative choice to see how it goes for them.
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and that takes me to the point of why do i even bother going for a store that provides nothing for me as a consumer to motivate me to get games from there and that will end up pushing me back from getting those games which means the sales will be extremely poor and that will hurt the publishers more . just take a look at ubisoft as they now decided to have an open beta for the division 2 after it was exclusive to preorders and was never planned, then they even made a new offer today that if you preorder a digital copy of the division 2 you will get 1 of their top 3 games just to push the sales further and try avoiding the unvititable which is a disastrous sales on pc .
and aside from that , no one is able to explain why epic take the 12% cut while any dev/publisher can just create their own launcher from which people can download the games and keep 100% profit instead of having someone else providing a download link and charge 12% for that , this is what epic is trying to do exactly , premium torrent if you ask me :p , even discord store is more benificial for them with 10% cut and much larger users count than anything else other than steam
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Creating and maintaining a digital store is not trivial. And creating your own would add significant cost to a game developer or publisher. If you think that creating the Epic store is a trivial task, then you just don't know anything about the business.
As for your first point about Epic not offering you anything that motivates you to buy the game there - that is exactly the gamble Epic and the game devs are making. It is a live question how many people are making their game-buying choices for the same reasons you are - mainly social features. I, for example, don't use those features. So, I typically buy games for the single-player experience, which I can get from any store.
I admit it's a gamble. And it may not work out for the Exodus devs. But then again, they may discover that less gamers are tied to Steam's social features than some people think.
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I played Axiom Verge from epic and after that I might buy more games on Epic Store.
On Steam a lot of social-features are more bad than good.
Again and again: that Koch Media changed the store that late is not the best move but... happens.
And Steam is not the good and epic the bad in this "launcher war".
Steam did so many bad things in the last 2 years and now, just because of "epic" all the gamers forget about it?
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-i never had any download problems on steam either, was fast always.
-games i bought or activated on steam worked without any bugs or problems.
-many games can be launched with an additional exe files from folder so dont even need steam
-reviewsystem is great because upvoted reviews most of the time very useful, there are great and helpful reviews out there, the % ratio missleading sometimes but this is why you can consider any 50%+ games for further consideration. Also, much easier to find a nice review on store page than a legit review on youtube where everyone just raging and hater and fooly because thats what get the views from kids whose dont even plan to buy it, while those fake gamer youtuber playing the games for like 30mins for one fast video.
-if i had a problem with any game steam forums helped me to find solution many time or get answer to it, yes there are a lot of trolls and hater but not more than on any other forum. However i would like to see that only those can post in a game forum who owns the game. That would be a nice feature to fight haters and trolls, they probably wont buy a hated 40eur new release game just to post there their crap, well, unless they are agitators from rival company because then they might still do.
-achievementspam and crapgames for cardexploit was an issue, i not liked that. There are still some developers which managed to give us good games because of greenlight but all the craps is coming is bad, thats indeed. Lets hope store will clean up a bit.
On other hand i dont like monopoly so wont buy anything from epic as i like to select where i buy my games, valve always allowed devs to sell their games on humble, gmg, etc, so other stores. Most of the time i preferred humble as it was the cheapest with the monthly sub.
Metro Exodus actually still advertised on humble as coming game tho, but the page on humble still say it will come with steam keys.
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"i would rather play Metro Exodous right now but i'm playing Metro Redux instead cause deep silver won't let me have exodous"
lolwhat ?! that's not true, I can buy and play exodus if I want.
installing another client won't change my life, won't hurt my pc, nothing bad will happen if I do that, the difference between having a game on epic\origin\or whatever is trivial to me
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but with that, you support exclusive c.ncer
i dont mind install another program at all, but for me it is about princip, i want to choose where i will play/buy my game, not to be forced, so i will silently wait for steam release, if not, i will buy another game, no hard feelings (same as i ignore everything outside steam, still have plenty games to play)
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What does "exclusive" even mean ?
I can download and install a client in less than a minute, how is that a problem ?
To me it's just who gets the money and I'm happier if money goes to the developers or the publisher (who is a total jerk !11!11!! funded the developers)
I don't care about the gaben wallet, I don't want to fund another Artifact or some other shit like the paid mods attempt (
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What does "exclusive" even mean
Just as i said, you cant choose where you buy the game, you are forced to use epic launcher/account to play game. Maybe you already have account there, but i dont like Epic store with almost zero adding to my game experience. What about make game Facebook exclusive nextime.
I can download and install a client in less than a minute, how is that a problem ?
I can do so much thing so easily, but i still dont want to do them, it is my choice. I dont want to do something, just because somebody is trying to force me.
To me it's just who gets the money and I'm happier if money goes to the developers or the publisher
I dont care who gets money, who gets more. Most of your money will eat publisher and actual developer got already payd for his job.
don't care about the gaben wallet, I don't want to fund another Artifact or some other shit like the paid mods attempt
I dont care what is Valve doing with their money same as i dont care what Epic or others doing with their money. I dont care about paid mods, you dont want support developer of that mode?
Just because you are easily to sell out, doesnt mean, that everybody else is too.
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thousands of games are not on gog, so they are steam """"exclusives"""" but no one is whining about that lol
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maybe bcs nobody know about them, but if i wanted any game and was forced to use gog, i would never buy it
metro series started on steam, exodus was and still for some people is on steam and they changed really close to release
also thousand of garbage games are exlusive on steam and nobody cares, bcs it is pile of trash
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You're using the term "exclusives" very loosely.
Games released on Steam are also allowed to be sold elsewhere -- not only in the form of Steam keys, but they may also sell on sites like GOG, Twitch, Discord, Itch.io (etc.) and even on their own sites as DRM-free games. They're not limited in any way as to what storefront they are allowed to use.
It's not the same thing.
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To people who review bomb:
Review bombing games is a disgusting act. I don't care if people are displeased with the developers or publishers. At the end of the day, you are basically telling lies about how you felt while playing that game at the time that you played it. A game is basically a piece of art that people spent time making, sometimes it's good, sometimes not. But when someone creates something great, they deserve those good reviews, regardless of your feelings toward them later. If their future endeavors don't please you, you don't go back and change your opinion on past works that did make you happy. I will never get behind this kind of behaviour for ANY reason. People who do this clearly don't understand the amount of love and energy that creatives put into their work, especially when it's actually friggen good. You find other ways to deal with your displeasure.
Real fans start a petition or find an existing petition to support, they don't review bomb. Starting a petition and putting it across social media and other platforms to obtain X number of signatures to show a game publisher, TV show etc that you're not happy with their decision is sometimes successful in getting results. Some of those petitions have even got the attention of media in the past. All review bombing does is show how ruthless and childish some fandoms can be.
I'm not really interested in this game myself, but if I was as passionate about it as you obviously are, I'd have taken a much different approach than finding ways to harm the game developers. At the end of the day, if you, and people like you, are successful in ruining their careers, you can say "good luck" to ever seeing any future additions to the franchise.
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yes that's what my point is , review bombing is not the solution and never will be . that's why i'm hoping for everyone to put their honest game review on the first 2 metro titles and if they are unhappy with the publusher's scummy move they just add a line to that on top of their review and just not buy the game on the store they do not like and wait for the game to come to their prefered store and play the other metro games on steam at the moment exodous is out as a way to help send their message to deep silver and every other publisher out there
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lol no i'm not supporting piracy if that's what you're pointing at . i'm done with it the moment we got a way to buy legit games in my country which unfortunatly was not available not so long ago and still here we buy the games at more than double the price anyway but i'm happy i'm legitemately paying flr them instead of pirating :p
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Epic game customer support is so slow ,i would feel safer with G2A or any shady reseller site xD
damn i did take them 3,5months to answer my support ticket .
i rather pay a bit more to have a full support team instead of 1 person & Steam has so many more features than epic games .
Btw the response was literally a joke from someone without knowledge about their own launcher .
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Reviewbombing's dumb. Really dumb.
But also, unlike many hypocrites on this forum, I personally recommend people to voice their opinions instead of calling people children or some other shit. I've seen most of those people complain about other minor shit and it seems then it was fine. It's fine if you can complain, but others can't because you disagree, so they're just children. Takes an idiot to do that. Seriously.
I personally also think that it's pretty counterintuitive to say that you'll never use Epic. You've basically given them a reason to never improve and to continue. If they improve, it won't help because people just want to complain. You're not making a good case here by basically saying "I've never used your product, I never will either, but please improve.". I mean, you do you and all, but you're just harming your own cause.
What a clusterfuck this has all been. Getting kind of tired of the topic tbh.
I have no qualms with those that will buy the game on Epic either. I hope you have fun with it. I 100% support people voicing their opinions and making their own choices. But I also hope that side won't keep calling the critics children or something else pejorative.
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well i did not say i won't be using epic ever , what i said is that i will never use epic if they keep pulling out this exclusivity bs on 3rd party games like they are doing now , trying to have a monopoly on the pc gaming market with shady acts and misleading titles is the reason i'm not going to support them even if they do improve but keep doing these acts , and i don't even think they will improve to steam's level or even get close since they have no reason to as they are already buying 3rd party exclusives so why would they spend more money to improve the user experience ?
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Nah, I'm just going to wait until sales have petered out and they come to Steam and the game is sold for $10 or less.
I prefer to speak with my wallet, since that's what most companies tend to hear.
Like Zeruel said, I am all for people voicing their opinions (and 100% against people who try to quell them), but there are productive ways to go about it that are more likely to be heard.
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I'll wait for a Steam release and a nice discount. I haven't even played the Redux versions yet, so it's not like it is a must-have-now for me.
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lol i disagree with you on the preorder part , check out fallout 76 , battlefield 5 and many other expemples out there that will tell you to wait and not preorder even if you are a hardcore fan cause there is the possibility of the game being broken at launch or end up being not what it was advertised to be , i've had a very very bad experience with preorders with my favorite franchises , man i preordered so many games and in 90% of the cases i hated the state in which the games were released and that turned me off of some of my ex-favorite franchises like cod and battlefied , or some of the new ips like division watchdogs and no man's sky and i'm done with preordering or day 1 purchase for any game and stopped following the "stupid" and pointless hype trains and being blindly loyal to a certain devs or publishers
and for the other point , supporting epic at this time will only lead to them ruining the pc gaming experience that steam has built over the year and which gog is trying to continue and doing well with it so far , they will keep recycling to money to get more exclusivity deals and give less and less in return to the consumers who buy from them leading to not only them but the other stores and service providers to give less and less care for the user experience and opinion in favor of trying to secure more exclusivity deals and seal the consumers away from their freedom of choce and that's the real problem with epic that most of people don't see
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I refuse to see any of the films in a theater without air conditioning.
Sure, that could potentially be uncomfortable
But let's be honest, no one is going to say "OMG, this is a good game but it's totally unplayable on epic, I wish I bought it on steam, look at the epic logo ! how am I supposed to play without my sweet and lovely steam that runs in background doing nothing"
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No, but I might say that I want to read some reviews first or that I want some forums for the game in case I run into problems with getting it up and running, or perhaps I even want to share my own review of the game so my friends know how good it is (or isn't).
Much like the theater that doesn't have AC, Epic is currently lacking several features that I use daily on Steam.
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Well, de gustibus, I don't want to discuss about how good or bad the steam forum is, if someone uses these features good for him and it's always nice to have something available even if you don't use it, but these are extras, I play videogames mainly for the... videogames, steam has 15 years, no one should be shocked if it has more features.
I get it, but I don't spend a lot of time in the steam forums and the reviews are not that important to me, if I want to share a thought on a game with a friend I talk with him directly, there are a lot of nice games on origin too (obligatory EA BAD, PRAISE GERALDO DE RIVEIRA meme) I don't want steam to keep me away from nice things just because they have a different DRM.
Also I doubt that all these boycotters spend a lot of time on steam forums and reviews, let's be honest, whining is fun :V
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but these are extras
For someone like me, they're necessities. I've had several games that simply wouldn't run until I used the Steam forums to find a "fix", and even a few games where I found information (either in reviews or forums) to make the game run better (most recently Nier Automata).
Having features I use regularly (and have been accustomed to using over the course of many years) in a store when I'm expected to drop $50 for a game is a very valid concern of mine. Apparently it's a concern of others as well, because they've been flocking to the Steam forums for several games with issues that amount to far more than "whining." A few have been posted here on Steamgifts.
Edit: And I didn't even touch upon one use of the Steam forums (primarily because I don't use it) - finding other players to play co-op or multi-player games with.
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and i might be getting it on ps4 if the frame rates are good since the main reason for me to use pc over consoles is the framerates , oh and guess what ? both soney and microsoft charge 30% cut too and even they are focusing on having more and better social features everyday and no one is complainting about that
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Are you freaking serious?! You start this thread, argue with people like me who don't think it's that big a deal, and then you're going to buy it on a console anyway. WTH do you even have to complain about at all? It's not an exclusive at all. You don't like the Epic Store so you're going to buy it on playstation.
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That's actually not a great way of looking at it either, Terminator. I agree with you on the review bombing, I even made my own post about that earlier, but not on the other stuff. I may even agree with you about how it shouldn't matter where you play it as long as you get to play it.
But...being a fan doesn't mean that you blindly jump into something feet first. A lot of people just don't have 60 euros/dollars or whatever currency to throw at a new game willy-nilly, even if they are a huge fan of previous games in the franchise. I know I don't. I have stuff going on in real life that means that I can't afford to buy new games right now. My account is filled full of bundles. BUT... if there was something I really, really was looking forward to, I'd save up the money I'd otherwise spend on bundles, but I wouldn't pre-order, I'd wait for the initial reviews.
I've been a fan of movie series before and there have been times where I avoided an installment in the cinema because the reviews were awful, often choosing to watch on DVD rather than paying out the 14euro per ticket to see it on the big screen. Therefore, still watching it in some form. The same applies in this case. I couldn't justify paying 60 euro for a game that was getting mixed reviews, even if I enjoyed the series up to that point. I'd be waiting for a sale.
So... it definitely doesn't make you less of a fan for waiting until you see what other people say about it and not pre-ordering. 9 times out of 10, those people are still going to buy the game at some point. They just want to determine how much they're willing to pay. Does a game deserve full price at launch, or should one wait for a sale?
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From what you said earlier, it sounded like you were calling people less of a fan for waiting for reviews and not buying it on pre-order.
As I said, I do take reviews into account, but not in the way you think. There are people online that I have come to trust over the years because their opinions/tastes are very similar to my own and those are the people I will generally ask, or wait to see what they say about it on our forums or discord. Those reviews will most definitely determine how long I wait before buying something. Shoddy work doesn't necessarily deserve full price. I just think that's a sensible outlook.
However, if a game has Mostly Negative reviews on Steam and it's not the result of review bombing, there is something very wrong. When it's mixed, well... then it's kinda still wide open and you or I might find it awesome. At least that's how I feel about it.
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"You didn't do it this way! YOU ARE NOT A FAN!" I have seen this time and time again in various fandoms. It's just snobbery and is highly unnecessary.
Haha! I guess I'll just never understand this need to be validated as a "true fan."
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Haha! Why are you so mad? I just shared my own opinion on people who are like "ooh, I'm the biggest fan ever. You're not because...." Maybe it's you who needs to stay off the internet. :P
I did not insult you personally, just said I don't understand these people. Grow up please. I have no interest in your drama!
Have a nice day!
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If the reviews are good, I'll buy it on any store when the price is right and when I have time to play it.
PS actually got around to playing 2033 several weeks ago, and parts of it are brilliant, but mostly it is not very good. I'll continue hoping to encounter more brilliance, but everyone could be arguing about a game that doesn't deserve much attention. By the time the price is right the dust will settle and we'll know for sure :)
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i would rather have that, instead of Cpu intensive games.
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-- if you don't want to read my opinion or simply just don't care then yiu can just jump strait to paragraphe 4 :p --
Hi everyone;
and as you all know recently , there have been many ways in which pc gamers expressed their displeasure and dissapointement like social media and review bombing the first 2 metro games and that pushed a member of the developpement team to rage out and say that those people are toxic and they are not part of the metro fanbase and they were not going to buy the game anyway, and what i could read between the lines is tjat he is pointing that those people did not even have or play metro before and they are just all aboard the epic hate train which is oviousely bs and completely misleading and inaccurate and since then i've been thinking of another good way to let them her our voice and say to them that they were wrong and the series fans and the first to be touched with this unfair deal that no one wanted and that affected their most anticipated game
my idea is that, at the launch time of metro exodous , every single one who liked metro and was unfairely affected by deep silver's decision to play one of the first 2 metro instead and edit their review to the first ones to the real review they would have put to the game without all what happened and say on top of that " i would rather play Metro Exodous right now but i'm playing Metro Redux instead cause deep silver won't let me have exodous " or something like that and that sould get the media's attention and prove that the pc gaming community is a more mature community that needs to be treated with respect in the future by deep silver or by any other publisher out there
in the end , for me i will be playing Metro 2033 Redux at the metro exodous release time :) , thank you for reading my humble post and hope to get a very positive reaction and the support from everyone to get justice for out cause
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