Inspired by Eefrit's Quest #15 / Квест №15 -- 45 giveaways

I hope there is no mistake in mine.

A few games are from Humble Conquer COVID-19 Bundle, and some are from coin shop. The keys should work, but if they do not, please allow me to delete the GA.

Giveaways are restricted to level 2+.

6+1 GAs in total. The first hidden GA count towards the hint for the second secret GA.

This event end on June 14, around 7 pm (Eastern Time).

Start here, and feel free to bump this thread when you wake up from this nightmare.

Clue 1: 5+1+1 GAs in total.
Clue 2: GA codes can be in the format of mixed alphabet and numeral, such as "f171Y"

4 years ago*

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ok just bump, no clue about the 2nd hidden one.

4 years ago

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Answer was posted, feel free to check it.

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by ColdOut.