Would you rather have a cookie or a cupcake? (You choose all the specifics)
Any AAA game with sidequests that are just uninspired and tiresome fetch quests.
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Yes. I lost any interest in Bethesda games the first time I played Morrowind and every game they made since seems to follow the same pattern.
I must say, I'm easily bored. I couldn't finish Deus Ex : Human Revolution, GTA IV, Baldur's Gate and Xenoblade Chonicles although I have to admit there's some skillful writing in those. I have no interest whatsoever in Assassin's Creed or MGS V.
I don't want to start a big debate about this but the fact is that I find games where the moment to moment gameplay is the main purpose far more engaging than games with endless backstory.
I love Dark Souls though. The backstory is neat. But the gameplay !
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i have the same problem. didn't finish a lot of games. and i was honest about Skyrim. got bored very quickly in that game (although i am sure it's a good game). witcher 3 did the side quests so much better. i can accept side quests like this in some games though. i loved far cry 3. entertained me 'til the end for 35 hours.
i disagree on human revolution though. great game. didn't get boring at all.
and yes, dark souls is awesome. can't wait for ds3.
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;D I wasn't saying that Human Revolution was that bad. I just couldn't finish it.
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Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, the first game is much better
Grand Theft Auto V, well it's piece of garbage for a GTA game, but not a garbage game overall. Needs several mods to fix the shortcomings. Easily the worst GTA in the series next to Ballad Of Gay Tony.
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hmm yeah looking at GTA V it doesn't look as good as the others in the series hate the whole concept of the characters being OP
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Kind of agree on GTA V. The story is really weak, although the gameplay itself is pretty good in my opinion. Basicly all GTA's they made after San Andreas I just couldn't really enjoy (although I have played V quite a bit). I guess I've just grown out of the series.
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Compared to the gameplay of San Andreas and IV regarding shooting and driving mechanics and overall things to do, V is pretty damn weak. Vehicles are more arcade than San Andreas (motorcycles being REALLY HORRIBLE), too easy shooting and no repeatable exciting side mission like Vigilante or the like, making it personally the weakest GTA entry in the series. The radio is really, really awful too.
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I think i manage to get to level 3 once. I got it from Desura and i didn't download some patch at first. Non skippable cutscens, even more broken gameplay. And that "voice acting". Elmer Fudd really, really drunk. On top of that, Steam was selling it for 14,99 E :O I have never played in my life bigger garbage than One day fo Ched.
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Make that every Final Fantasy and I would agree even more.
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Infestation: Survivor Stories.
few friends and i bought it to play together...this game is so bad...the worse part is the spawn system (each one is spawned at different point) tokes us 30 min to group up!
then one died and again...
this game is so broken...
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Talking about platformers, you have a lot of hours in Speedrunners. Is it because of the multiplayer? Also, what about survival games? The best I can recommend are The Long Dark and Don't Starve.
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Never thought respect can be attached to like/dislike of games. I can understand not finding common grounds, that's important for any relationship, but I won't disapprove a person if they like a movie I think is garbage and the same goes for books, series and games.
Well, in your case you didn't click from the beginning so that's different.
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At least your answer was biased enough as an on rails game like DA2 in my opinion was shitty once I discovered I hardly had almost no choice besides discover about 5 locations before proceeding to the next block of locations. Maybe I am too spoiled from all the other Bioware and other RPGs I played before that. I played a ton of them and a large amount of hours of shooters on a daily basis. But maybe that's because my biased opinion is less mature and therefor inferior to yours /s.
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i try not to be a hater, the most recent game i felt physically angry about was Fallout 4. xD
Mainly for the branching quests been gone, and then the simplification of the dialog system, removing all the cool dialog functions, but the fact that its so lazy and mindless that the average gamer likes it.... sigh
and the factions... just like in Skyrim, they love as soon as you show the least interest in them, by that i mean you do one quest for them and then apparently you are special enough to know all their faction secrets...
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Well, Far Cry 2 in my opinion... for who played the first one, I didnt like this new and other after it. Just finished to say "I finished" hahahaha
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Star Wars Battlefront (the one made by EA, the other ones are awesome), basically a piece of garbage that needs more pieces of garbage to be a solid piece of garbage.
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but... but... Staaaarcraftz!!
Hearthstone is also very good.
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StarCraft 1 for me is the #1 example of how not to make a real-time strategy. Pretty much the fact that Blizzard continuously had to patch and re-re-re-balance it for almost an entire decade speaks volumes on how utterly terribly designed it was.
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Don't go to Korea :) Interesting opinion though. Never met such point of view about Starcraft before
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Korea long ago abandoned SC1 and switched to SC2. And since I gave up on Blizzard at WC3, I cannot really know how good or bad it is.
You rarely hear it because people like me who cannot fathom why so many people herald it as the best-balanced RTS ever (by the way: in reality actually most people do go for the simple Zerg rush because that is the only tactic Blizzard never managed to fully nerf due to inherited design flaws in their race) just don't go near to it any more.
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long ago? they played it for like 12 years, then continued to play it for a few years after sc2 release. they didn't switch right when sc2 was available.
what kind of zerg rushes are you talking about? a 6-pool can be defended. a 14/14 all-in can be defended. a 2-base roach all-in can be defended. it's all a matter of scouting. of course, a defending bronze player will fall to a 6 pool more often than a better player. a 6 pool is easy to execute, so the aggressive bronze player will have an easier time. i see that this is a problem. but balancing for all skill levels is basically impossible. blizzard balances for high skill level, and that works quite well. you don't need to be grandmaster. if you're gold/platinum, you should be good enough to defend an early rush reliably enough. not in all cases, of course - then it would not be balanced anymore ^^.
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I'm talking about stats like these:
Look at the race distribution: at least half are Zerg. At least. Every time I open a BW video, it's zergs, zergs, zergs, more zergs. Half of the SC1 changelog is about zergs. It's not as bad as Red Alert 1 (nobody in their right mind every chose the Allies on their own accord), but it's not too much better.
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sometimes zergs have a little edge, sometimes it's toss or terran. zerg was not dominant all the time, if you want to imply that. absolutely not. and zerg rush strategies are especially not overpowered on the professional level. most games these days go at least to the mid game.
PvP is a good example of how well blizzard balances sc2. in wings of liberty it was basically always 4gate vs. 4gate. now PvP is a wonderful matchup with lots of different strategies to choose from. and it's a pleasure to watch. the games often go on for a long time. in WoL you could be sure that there is a fight at 6 minutes and then it's over. ^^
on sunday a terran won the homestory cup, btw. same for the ICCup you posted.
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As I said, I stopped caring at WC3, so I really don't know about SC2. I hanged around a few hundred hours of a Twitch group that played D3 a lot, this is why I know about how they practically remade the entire game a few years in, because that was the only way to salvage it. Still, with the semi-recent soft reboot again, this seems like as if they really have no idea what to do.
(And the sad part that Diablo is among the better-balanced and designed looters…)
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it was one of the most brilliant RTS titles of its time, and most people thought exactly this about it. not only did it get extremely good reviews, the players liked it a lot and played it for way longer than most games survive. the fact that blizzard constantly cared about it and patched it, shows only how well it was received for an extremely long time (not how broken it was). and how awesome blizzard is as a game developer. even if they fuck a game up, they eventually make a good game out of it (Diablo 3).
but i was more talking about sc2 anyway. i loved sc1 back then, but sc2 keeps me playing to this day, for more than 5 years now. and it just doesn't get old. there is not a single game out there of which i could say the same. :)
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For me that game is Deus Ex 1. It also has some problems (some skills and augmentations are practically never used by anyone), but even after 16 years I still feel I may find something new in it.
As for SC… when a game's matches eventually degrade into "click faster to build any random army before the opponent does the same"… that's not strategy, that is a multiplayer Cookie Clicker disguised as a sci-fi game. Try this "strategy" on any actual strategy game like Ground Control or Total Annihilation, and enjoy getting slaughtered while the enemy just laughs. C&C had the same problem, by the way, but at least that series really enjoyed its own simplicity and never aimed to be anything more (unless we count Generals, where they essentially made StarCraft out of it, then quickly came to their senses and never followed it up and even scrapped the sequel).
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lol, it's absolutely not like you say. you can play sc2 like you say ("build random army"...), and i am sure you will even have trouble getting to gold league. if you want to be successful, you need to scout and react to the opponent. you can't just build a random army. because if the opponent reacts to you, you're done.
you describe the c&c phenomenon. build a shit ton of tanks, go to the opponent - who has more tanks, wins. that's not how starcraft works. ^^
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Steam Greenlight with the help of all bundle companies except HB filled steam with ludicrous amounts of absolute junk. It's a shame really. It's actually decreasing the overall quality of Steam Software itself. It looks like one of these websites with terrible Flash games all over the place. They should really do something about it.
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There are some pretty good games that have come to steam through Greenlight, & it doesn't harm you having these games available through steam
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i didn't say every single thing that came up from greenlight is bad, im fully aware its not. however the percentage of junk is huge and the way games are accepted by the community are bribery based, not from real support. Maybe it's not so logical, but I'm convinced it harms the platform in someway....
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I hate platformers (Ori and the Blind Forest excluded) so you can put almost any platformer in this list.
I don't like indie games (though I won't auto-dismiss trying one) and forced retros the most. If I want to play a nostalgic looking game I'll fucking play a real nostalgic game (Star Control 2 baby!), not something people made to look like one. Also 99% of greenlight games are shit.
Don't like any of the GTA titles well, the 2nd one, just before they went 3D was okay I guess.
And since disappointment is hate's boring cousin - I must say I'm pretty disappointment from Fallout 4 (gasp! :O), but I'm only 19 hours into it so I'm still hoping for improvements. Right now, combat is not very thrilling, the radio is annoying, quests are kinda boring and people faces.. wow, they really screw the pooch on that one.
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Haha, -1 for platformers, -1 for indie. +1 for GTA, +1 for Ori. Neutral in total :D
But really, how can you not indie-games? :O Terraria, Don't Starve, Outlast, Bastion, Transistor, Amnesia, Soma, The Stanley Parable, This War of Mine etc etc etc
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Well, most of them (that's why I said I'm not auto dismissing). From all the ones you mentioned I only want to -try- This War of Mine (because I heard it's so emotional devastating, same reason for Ori, I'm looking for games that'll move me, but don't look like crap;)).
Transistor and Outlast are actually on my wishlist and except TWoM I didn't know they were considered indie.
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(finally) played Transistor on the last weekend. it was awesome! don't delay it too much. i am sure it will be on sale this evening. :)
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well, I got my sights (and wallet) aimed at these sexy games.. Hopefully one of them will get a decent price cut.
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Any game that is multiplayer only that isn't a AAA title. Indie titles that CANNOT be played without other players are just lobby simulators most of the time. I can't count the bundle games I've gotten, installed, and sat waiting for enough people to start a game. Then I check Steam, see 2 players online, realize a game cannot start with fewer than 4 in the lobby, and uninstall it forever.
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Just take away the "that isn't a AAA title."
In my opinion games that are multiplayer only are pretty weak. Sure they can be fun, but you are so dependent on other players. No other players in game? Too bad, you can't play what you payed for. At least throw in some AI to play on some of the maps (like Battlefield 2 had, that was a very good game)
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I just keep seeing people who seem to confuse "games I don't like" with "garbage." I don't like a lot of games, but I can acknowledge that they're not utter garbage.
Your list, however, is a pretty good example of games with zero redeeming qualities beyond a +1 to your library count or free trading cards. :P Most of the games you listed reside in my "GAMES FROM HELL" category, never to befoul my hard drives.
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They had to because it tells the story of a gay love, otherwise they'd been homophobic.
Also check the comments, in which one contains this link: http://imgur.com/nVAqaoK
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GTA series.
Bioshock 2.
Left4Dead series.
CoD series,except the very first ones.
new Medal Of Honor.
Dark Souls PC port + keyboard and mouse.
In Exilium.
Into the War.
Metro series.
Uriel's Chasm.
Sims series?
5 nights at Freddy's.
and many others.
I just hide shitty games in my library if I accidentally get them or buy them for cards.
And ofc I don't enter the giveaways with games I already hate,but sometimes I expect the game to be nice and it turns out that I won't love it. ='(
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Yeah, Dark Souls PC port is uncomfortable to play. Though there are some fixes for the mouse.
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Dump every game you can think of that you utterly hate. Or that you wont even play because they look like garbo. Like this one. BUT, you can't name games that are just broken.
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