Yeah the end of the world is nigh alright. For different reasons than you may think. You're also a terrible person. Politics are in the wrong, society is wrong and so are you. This is non debatable. It was never about being politically correct, it is about being correct overall.
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Give me a valid argument as to why i'm wrong. Nothing i said could've led to that deduction of yours. It's plain assuming.
If me hating politics and society implies i'm part of some agenda then you're fooling yourself.
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Admittedly i could've been a tad more tactful about my wording. There is a lot on my mind and the last thing i wanted to see in a site that's supposed to be all about kindness is toxicity.
It's got nothing to do about being right, i assure you. I have no ego i wish to feed here. My angle in all of this is just that unique.
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Yes, i am open minded enough to consider other people's views and thinking. I made the response taking that into account. I objectively see politics and society as massively flawed. I also see an approaching doom given the state of everything. Call it overly pessimistic i'll have to politely disagree with you.
For perspective. Consider my reply to adam1224. (in case haven't) I went a little more in depth regarding one problem. Which should further verify my intentions.
However, if we were to go in more depth and i had time to spare, i would prefer to move it to someplace else. These are difficult and sensitive topics and i don't believe they belong on steamgifts.
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He definitely needs to sort those out. Because i been closely studying the world and it's state of affairs and most of the issues he lists have got nothing to do with it. He comes from a place of uneducation, confusion. Which i can't entirely blame him for since people have a terrible way with words and redirect attention towards the wrong things. Unable to comprehend themselves right from wrong.
SJW's are bad but so are people for not understanding what real justice looks like. The world needs fixing using different , actually educated approaches. Not any more of this one sided , narrow minded nonesense.
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Some examples of refugees:
who were each born in Prussia (which was at the time in the German Empire similar to what Belgium is in the European Union) and fled from Nazis. And according to some, they are typical examples of the 'bad guys', apparently because they were not happy to be experimented on in concentration camps, serving as forced prostitute in Wehrmachtbrothels (introduced during Nazis) or to die for the glory of the Führer.
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Have a video about social memes. While the whole video is worth a watch when you have the time for a laymans approach to memes of the important kind, I have timestamped it for your convenient summary :
Beware of how you are being exposed to things via social media. By the mere act of befriending or associating, you are altering the selective lens through which you are exposed to samples of demographics and subjects. In my experience, exposure to polarising content tends to drive us passively to consume further content that affirms our biases, and we become stuck in a spiral of (usually) accidental making. Social media and the filtration of the repost (both in objection and in agreement) leads to open-ended echo chambers that fuel our anger, and thrive on strawmen and scapegoats. The kind of things you're propping up yourself with that opening post.
You say to be different, and not to follow the hivemind, yet you don't seem to realise the shape of your current attitude and behaviour.
You have, as many before you, become a mirror image of that what you claim to dislike, and you are too focused on the shortcomings of the bogeyman figure of your opponent to realise it. This phenomenon is referred to in 'horseshoe theory', in which the more extreme two opposing entities become, the more traits and attitudes they begin to share in common (like the shape of a horseshoe, with its furthest points curling back towards each other).
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As an aside : This is your gentle reminder that if you use 'gender' and 'sex' interchangeably then it's easy to see how you're mistaken. We have two differentiated sets of genital apparatus, but gender is more than just your junk. It may be worth your while googling matters of gender beyond just opposing political opinion pieces.
Just stumbled on this image trying to find something else to lay it out quickly and it's an amusing but easy to remember summary :
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You've put a lot of effort into your comments and it's admirable.
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Thanks, it's a bad habit of mine to reply seriously while checking comment sections. It might be wasted effort, but I like to think that if they water the seed of doubt I offer, they might see start to see something a little better than the end of the world via bogeymen.
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I don't know, you seem to have the measured tone of someone who is used to calmly and rationally explaining concepts to those who just don't get it. If you ever need a career change, I think you'd make an amazing teacher. I know I couldn't do it - I tried it for a year, and half way through my boss took over the bulk of the teaching and I took over her job - but I think you have the disposition and patience for it. :)
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I remember having some kid on Steam a few years back and he would always try to suck me into a talk about the dangers of refugees and how a white man's identity is slowly being erased and Islam is going to enslave all of Europe (through refugees, probably). I always tried to explain to him that I don't care about this sort of stuff but he would always try to get me involved into that sort of talk. Eventually, he got the message of my apathy and deleted me one day. I don't think he ever realized I was a Muslim. But this topic reminded me of him since he would also go on about the end of the world. My advice to you is to completely cut out politics from your life and focus only on the things that impact you directly. Which is a surprisingly small number, really. None of these things matter and you're only emotionally invested in it all because you choose to do so.
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"Hungary is racist for not accepting refugees since they are a security hazard."
we just gave refugee status to the ex prime minister of Macedonia so thats not true:-D
well, return to the reality: you could add now Australia, USA, Israel ec, not only those 4 backed out of the UN treaty, the list is long and getting longer with each day.
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"Also, there is no racism towards white ppl because they are priviledged."
Oh yeah, this will always make me laugh. It's just a non-sense.
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I am a white expat working in Africa. Racism against white people is a real thing. Most locals actually believe we are all rich and privileged. I only go out once or twice a month to buy groceries, always with a driver because I hate being stopped on the street and asked for money or my phone number and have kids shout at me in their local languages "white girl, white girl". And even by car we get stopped by traffic "police" for no real reason just to piss me off in the hopes of getting a bribe to leave me the fuck alone.
There are narrow minded people everywhere in the world who will discriminate against others because they're different, nobody is safe from prejudice. If you have the opportunity, you should travel more.
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Unemployment is low, however the majority have low paying unqualified jobs. I work in a pretty niche domain (gambling) so I can't compare myself to most of the locals.
Are these questions relevant to the example anetbok asked for or just curious?
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Black expats who are "in a better position" than myself don't have these issues because they don't stand out. This is about the colour of one's skin, not being in a "better position". I just want to walk on the street in peace like the rest of the people.
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I believe it was "crazy people will take over the world and call you mad for being different from them by virtue of not being crazy"
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These are all reasons why the almighty spaghetti monster invented the internet and amazon to go along with it. We don't need to leave our "safe spaces" to receive all of our basic human needs and "wants". Everything can be delivered to our door almost instantly. No need for human interaction anymore!
I get where you're going; I've been there too many times. In the end, when you stop thinking of all this crap and realize that you can't change people's minds or lives (at least overnight in most cases) you'll feel better. Focus on yourself and not everything else around you :) You'll feel much better.
And talking always helps! Even if it's an avenue like this; at least you're getting things out there and off your mind for a little bit.
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There are serious problems with environmental pollution and for you there will be the end of the world for people's opinions? Funny!
I think you need to visit some places where everyday people dies for cancer and other tumours, thanking the disrespect for our planet and its Nature. After that, we can talk about everything you want.
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All true, i agree, if this keeps up, the end is nigh. You also forget the fucked censorship policies, kids can be exposed to gore, but nobody can be exposed to nudity, specificaly tits, its mind hemmoraghing. My ''girlfriend'' lives in germany and she said that the refugees are murdering and raping everyone, meanwhile she is being overworked, going trough overtime, crunch time, and instead of receiving more payement for working more than she is normaly supposed to, she actualy gets 50% less salary due to increasing taxes, you can debate whether the world is fucked or not but i think pretty clearly that germany is fucked and im scared for my ''girlfriend'', i asked if shes safe, she answered, kind of. Comes home every night, so over worked and tired she simply sleeps without entering online on steam for days.
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you forgot to mention WHY Merkel and all these leftist SJWs are doing this...
I'll fix that for you...
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You talk and talk about science, but seems you can't distinguish between methodogical science and consensual science(which is corrupted dependeing of the interests of corporations,countries,etc).
Studies, studies, let me tell you how studies works.When a study is releases is considered true until proven wrong by other studies, and doing a study requieres time,paying scientists, sometimes a laboratory, among other things.The world of scientific research is highly underpaid and underfinanced and often no profitable .The ones that can pay the cost of studies and reseach are corporations and goverments and they have their own agenda, if the results of the study does not fit it, they just hide it or use a non methodic scientific aproach or just change the results, it's in their employees contract.
But yeah good luck asking for financing money to defunct any of these clickbait facebook/portal news studies.
An example of this is when the EU conducted and independent study about piracy in videgames,movies,music,etc.Once they found out that they did not like the results they hide it, but since it was made with Independent scientists, these filtered the study months later.
This is sadly a part of science nowadays.Don't be cult-like since "science" says it.
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Science sides with the alt-right.
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Oh, so you're what people refer to as an NPC? Huh.
The reason i didn't watch the video is because it began as detached from any form of proof or science as is possible - which is what you are claiming it is.
If you want to make a cogent arguement within this context, don't link to a youtube video.
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Wait, people are now referring to other people as NPC? What?
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You mean like straight-face, without any hint of sarcasm or irony, and devoid of any self-awareness? I don't know why I'm even surprised, I mean it's the internet. I should be used to stuff like these by now. Any jabroni would take something stupid and take it further I guess.
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And I feel fine!
Seriously though, how about just living your life the way you want to, and letting other people do the same? We're never all gonna agree about everything, but at least we can try to respect each other despite our differences.
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Oh I thought a meteor was going to hit Earth and literally end the world.
Humans dying won't be the end of the world. It'll just be another species going extinct.
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I effin hate this planet. I hate it so much that I put s** into consideration. Yes, I will get banned for this but please, consider being different. Do not blindly follow those ridiculous rules and the hivemind of SJWs. Be brave. Be yourself.
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