He only wants to spend around $200. I don't think you can get a 980 for that price and it wouldn't really be worth it because the 1060 is supposed to be as fast as the 980 and only cost $250.
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A GTX 980 for less than 200 Euros? That's 221 US dollars. I find that hard to believe. The 980 was released at $550 and almost every one I see for sale right now on major websites like Newegg and Amazon are $399 or more. People are even paying over $200 on ebay for broken GTX 980's.
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In the US online stores are almost always cheaper. They are so much cheaper they are putting a lot of retail stores out of business because they can't compete. To cover what fees? Online stores have a lot less overhead than retail stores.
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Wait for the GTX 1060. That will probably be the best for your money. It should be released in a few days and it uses very little power.
Edit: They say it will sell for $250 though. I would recommend not getting the Founders Edition, it will be more money with no benefit. If you want to spend a little less money, the RX 480 should be a good card.
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Are you talking about the inflated prices at launch because everyone wants one or the actual retail prices? The prices at launch are highly inflated in the US as well.
It probably depends on where you live, but according to this article from yesterday, the 1060 will sell for 239 in the UK.
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No, I'm talking about basic economics. MSRP in reality is what the wholesaler should pay according to the chip's manufacturer. But it's not that easy.
NVidia sells the chips. The GPU's manufacturer makes the card and adds its own profit. Goes to wholesaler, another profit. Goes to retail, another.
Add in that in Europe, electronics are converted at 1 USD = 1 EUR, so another margin. Then there is the import tax on the continent. Followed by 17-27% VAT. And finally, the local retail profits.
Or, to make it simpler: the R9 480 that had an MSRP of $200 is €310-330 around here.
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NVidia sells the chips. The GPU's manufacturer makes the card and adds its own profit. Goes to wholesaler, another profit. Goes to retail, another.
I understand that, but the price they are quoting is already supposed to include all those costs. The price to the consumer is supposed to be $250. We are not seeing this because of supply and demand. There is so much hype and everyone wants one so they are charging more money because they know that people will pay it. After a while when the hype dies down and supply catches up, the cards should drop to the correct prices.
I don't know anything about VAT charges, but I can understand if that increases the price.
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Others could probably help you more than I could with this, but I found http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php helpful when I was comparing GPUs.
Also, Winthorp, could I ask why you've blacklisted me? No worries if you don't want to answer. Just curious because I've only been on a few in my 5+ years on the site. Trying to remember what I could have said that was offensive. Anyway, have fun w/ the new rig.
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you won't be able to find either the gtx 1060 or the rx 480 8gb for less than 300€
the rx 480 4gb for 230€ (if you can find it in stock) or the gtx 970 for 260€ (used for around 200€) are your best options
oh, and don't buy the reference models, wait for asus, msi,... to start selling their custom cards with much better temperatures and less noise ;)
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GTX 970 < R9 390/X < RX480 < GTX980
i would recomend the RX480 but prices are wild atm, some places are going for the listed prices, orther places are going for 300$ xD. So ge the cheapest one, if you can wait a couple of weeks not only the GTX1060 will be released but also non reference RX480s.
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I have the R9 380X. It's pretty good, but by now you should probably be able to grab something even better for much cheaper.
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Wait for the 1060 and get that one. You should probably wait for the reviews to come out though. You could also get a 480, but I personally don't buy AMD cards. You could also get a 970 or a 960 for cheap now if you would be interested in that.
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if you can afford it get a GTX970, you can play any game on full settings as long it is fullHD (1080p)
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i'm not updated on current GPU\s. but i do know that GPU ram can be more important than other stuff, especially if you have 8Gb yourself.
my Intel chipset 5500 with 16Gb ram on the board can run most stuff on medium or low. and it's a F^ing chipset ;)
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I'd suggest waiting for the 1060 to be released, and then getting an RX 480. :)
More correctly, I'd say:
The best, IMO, would be to wait for the 1060 at $250 to be released, and buy that, assuming that it's significantly faster than the RX 480.
Second best would be to wait for the RX 480 to drop to its SRP, and then buy it.
Wouldn't suggest buying older gen cards, unless they're on very deep sale.
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For the price, probably the RX 480. GTX 1060 will be more expensive. Also, depending on how long you plan on holding onto the 480 (considering how long you've been on the 460), it might last longer than the 1060. The RX 480's performance under Vulkan for Doom is pretty impressive.
(I say this as an owner of a GTX 970.)
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Bump. The GTX 1060 was released today if you want to read some reviews and see how it compares to other cards.
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Hi guys,
I've this pc:
Processor: Intel i7-2600
MoBo: MS-7707
Graphic Card: Nvidia GeForce GTX 460
Power Supply
I wanted to update my graphic card, something within the range of 200€ more or less and if possible within the range of the power supply. Any suggestion of what card I should buy?
I was thinking to a Radeon RX 480 or R9 380X but being quite a noob I'm willing to hear out your suggestions :D
Usual mandatory GA :)
Thanks to everyone :D
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