Using the actual GamePad is awkward and gets old quick. What first party titles do you have? The only cool thing I've seen thus far is the Luigi's Mansion multi-player ghost mini-game in NintendoLand.
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The second screen gimmick does get a bit old, I'll give you that, but I've never found the gamepad itself to be awkward. As far as holding it goes, I find it pretty comfortable (which surprises me, as I thought I'd hate it). As for games, I've got Nintendoland (which is alright), the Mario game (short but as good as some of the old 2D Mario titles), and ZombiU (not too shabby so far). I'm mainly waiting for upcoming titles at the moment, though.
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When I said it's awkward, I meant using it, not holding it. For example, in ZombiU, having to hold it up in front of you to shoot is awful. Then in other games, like Rayman Legends, it's hard to decide whether to look at the TV or the GamePad's screen.
The only WiiU-exclusive game that looks good is The Wonderful 101....maybe Pikmin 3, but I never got into that franchise. I'm sure the next SSB will be great, but better than the Wii or GC versions? Doubtful. And I would never choose the WiiU version of a multi-platform title.
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I didn't find it akward at any moment.
And don't say that games like Bayonneta, Scribblenauts, the remake of WW, LEGO City, and all the next game that are to come from the various Nintendo franchises (Zelda, Super Marios (Party, Kart, Tennis and so on) and Pikimin 3 don't look fantastic
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Really? Holding your hands in front of your face while playing a game feels natural to you?
Mario is not a reason to buy a console. I'm sorry, but the Mario formula hasn't changed much since the NES days...aside from co-op, it's the same game. I'm not saying it's not fun, but certainly not a reason to buy a Wii U. Let's face it, most of the first party Nintendo games have barely changed over the years..Mario, Zelda, Mario Kart, etc.
I'm glad you don't regret your purchase, but to claim it's awesome is a bit jaded at this point in time.
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How do you play hand-held consoles?
And I didn't say that Mario was the sole reason for buying a WiiU. And yes they have, there's more innovation in some Nintendo sagas than in many other topsellers.
Why it can't be awesome? What does it lack for being it? You tell me.
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It's a new generation console. Even if it was at the same level as those.
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Actually, console devs just have no idea how to properly use a GP-GPU, hence the poor framerates on games ported from 360/ps3. And then there's the NEXBox that will have always-on connection DRM w/ one-use activation codes, so GG used/borrowed games.
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I've had heated debates with people about why getting a pc that is capable of gaming (at least capable of playing games to the same standard as a console) is better i.e. more cost efficient than getting a console if you have other needs for the computer (socialising / homework / job-work etc.). The other people seem to think a less capable pc & console is more cost efficient >.>
They also argue that getting a computer capable of running games better than or equal to a console is more than a cheap pc & console and that you 'need to upgrade' a pc every year to be able to play all the new stuff which is expensive... They are talking BS if you buy a good enough pc initially (or build your own), but they don't see it that way.
TL;DR I know several people who refuse to buy a decent computer based on costs-vs-returns in comparison to console costs-vs-returns
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Dumbed down graphics
Weird, I've always liked games that were fun and enjoyable, not those with the prettiest pictures
Ruin games that are improperly ported to the PC
If consoles didn't exist, a lot of those games wouldn't either. Consoles expanded the gaming market in a huge, huge way.
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Honestly I think console gamers would pay more out of pocket than a pc gamer. The entry cost is less, but they're paying $60 a game.
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The prices still aren't comparable to steam prices. Used games may not be an option for the new xbox if the rumors are true and it'll be required to be constantly connected to the internet.
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To be fair, if you're patient and willing to look around a bit, you don't ever really have to pay full price for even a new game on Steam. Hell, I preordered a Steam copy of Tomb Raider for $28 on GmG thanks to various promotions and credits and such.
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Not excited for any of em, got my rig. Only reason I'd get a console(PS4) is for Kingdom Hearts III, and whatever other exclusives that would interest me, but for any and all multiplats I wouldn't touch a console. It'll be nice when they're out so PC isn't held back nearly as much and we get better multiplats as well.
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Oh god if they make KH3 PS/3DS only I will FLIP as I have neither and I loved KH1/2 (never played DDD or some of the non-totally-plot-related games, except for 385/2 which was wonderful [sorry if I got the name wrong I could never remember it])
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Every single KH game is plot related lol. Even something as seemingly non canon as 358/2 days as you see what was going on with Roxas in the Org XIIIetc etc.
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My take - they will make money ripping people off as usual.
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I'm probably gonna get one to go along with my PC. Never been much of a console fan anyway.
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Personally, I think that the Wii U will be the best-selling of this new generation's consoles (even if it is weaker than the others, the strongest system has never been the best-selling of a generation and the weakest AAA console usually gets the most sales), the NextBox will be about as successful as the Xbox 360 is and the PlayStation 4 will be the final Sony system if they can't turn their financial situation or the Vita around (if Sony is even around in 2020). I personally think that the Wii U's secondary screen, the OUYA and the Steambox will be the biggest game changers of the 8th generation, and that the idea of a "TV-PC" like the SteamBox will catch on to the point that normal consoles will struggle in the 9th generation.
Right now, the Wii U and OUYA are the only ones that feel like must-buys to me though, but I look forward to what Sony and Microsoft will do to challenge Nintendo, Valve and the dark horse pick.
PC = MasterRace;
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^This. I currently have the Wii because the experience is different enough from playing on the PC. Add a good gamepad to your PC and you can have the same experience that you get on any other console. (Minus the exclusive titles, but it's not like there isn't more than enough titles on the PC already.) The Steambox should bring an interesting new dynamic too because is it really catches on as a console, it will bring more titles to the PC market at the same time. So it's a win-win for everyone.
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I'm only excited for a release if it's HL3 or Sburb
Consoles are shit, I am a 99.999% PC gamer
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Honestly, I find most of them pretty useless for me personally. I already have an ITX build so thats pretty portable (similar to any console) and I have a few ARM boards so I really don't a need to go for any of the consoles.
At best, I would just spend that 500$ on some new components.
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A 'console' being released by Valve, supposedly running Linux, specifically as a cross over between Steam/PC gamers and console players.
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Hence the 'quote' marks. I wasn't going to call it a PC, but nor is it truly a console.
And you say portable, how portable is portable? Is it an all-in-one type affair? Or just a small desktop ala mini macs? I haven't been following the news about it much.
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Ah, sorry woke up in a bad mood D:
It's like a mac mini, they showed up the prototype at CES and looks pretty damn small.
here's coverage.
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Thanks. I'll watch it when I get the time to spare.
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Not enough info about any of them to really be excited honestly. Wii U is still in its infancy but I want it, hard time seeing it being worth it at the moment. Almost no console is really worth the money right after it comes out. I want to wait a year or two preferably before getting into any of them (also to see what becomes established with them).
There's little to no info on the two not out yet so... we'll see...but right now I'm neutral on all grounds.
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Asking this question on a PC related site :D Perfect !
I have had PC for 20 years. And still bought a PS3 3 years ago. Now i think it is PC which ruins people mind and phisical form.
PC is general purpose equipment, you play on it, wathc films, listen to the music, do homework, bussiness related things etc. You use it everywhere and always. You started to get addicted to it.
Consoles are gaming rigs ( of course you could watch films ect, but ist not what consoles are made for ) If you want to play, you switch them on, play, and switch them off . And you have much more time for your life, health, girl, family. Think about it !
Buy a console, not PC :)
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There's enough demagogy in that sentence alone to prevent me for any further discussion.
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Yeah, I must admit you have a problem with corgis.
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