I have a serious topic, and I only want truthful answers. I'm 15 I'll admit. I see kids in my High School smoking weed, talking about weed, and how it should be legalized, it disgusts me. I mean, if you're over 18 and you smoke it, that's fine, I don't really care. But, you shouldn't do drugs if you are under 18 for god's sake! I hope people who are reading this agree with me, and here is the real question. Should weed be legalized? I mean, it's somewhat proven to not be that dangerous, but I call BS on that. I truly do. I mean like I said, even if it was, even if it WAS legalized in all of the US, kids still wouldn't be allowed access to it because they are under aged! Anyone have an opinion? (Be smart, and be mature ONLY.)

10 years ago*

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smoking things will kill you in pain. if you wanna get high with weed, just eat it, do not light it up. there are recipes out there like 'space cake'. when you set something on fire, there will be carsinogen organic compounds. do not smoke anything!
i am a chemist by the way.

10 years ago

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Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced apoptosis in Jurkat leukemia T cells is regulated by translocation of Bad to mitochondria.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16908594

Antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids.

Control of the cell survival/death decision by cannabinoids.

Smoking cannabis alone has never been contributed to lung cancer or black lung and not one case can be shown and supported. The only real harmful thing about smoking cannabis is just the properties of smoke (smoking heated plant matter), causing damage to the cilia but that wouldn't cause cancer unless it was radioactive, coincidentally I know that the Canadian Gov irradiate the cannabis they grow to sell to the public.

You don't have to smoke it, you can cook with it (as you said), vapourise (smokeless) or you can make cannabis oil wich is better for terminal cancers and can be applied to skin cancers.


Cannabinoids: a new hope for breast cancer therapy?


Whilist its still illegal for most of the world the Pharmaceutical companies don't have a problem profiting from it

Sativex is a medical cannabinoid spray that contains THC, CBD (both taken straight from the tons plants they grow each year), a small amount of alcohol and mint flavouring. Its basically cannabis oil that anyone can make. Its made by GW Pharma and they are working with Bayer who help them distribute it, around £300 a bottle. This is also in a country where the public are still fined and jailed for growing, consuming cannabis. GW also aren't honest about all its medical uses.

Bayer were also the caring Pharmaceutical company that advertised and sold heroin as a cough medacine for kids and as a "non-addictive" substitute for morphine.


10 years ago

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yes for the following reasons

1) it would actually make it harder for kids to get, when I was in highschool very few had access to alcohol, but drugs were much more common(weed being the most common).. almost to the point give them ~1hr they could get some

2) taxes.. remove taxes being spent on users, and more tax dollars from new jobs, sales, etc..

3) I don't care about it enough to go beyond here, I will never use it

10 years ago

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Honestly I would love to say yes but every "stoner" I have ever met pushes me to say no. If you're going to smoke atleast be responsible.

10 years ago

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I haven't personally had a problem with the way they behave, but I have to admit I hate their "culture." All the time online I see people in games with usernames and tags with "420, blazeit, WEED" and so on.

Then there's the stupid art of children's cartoon characters smoking weed. Like I can understand the Scooby gang smoking weed, that is fitting, but Spongebob and Popeye? I don't appreciate that sort of promotion.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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