I have a serious topic, and I only want truthful answers. I'm 15 I'll admit. I see kids in my High School smoking weed, talking about weed, and how it should be legalized, it disgusts me. I mean, if you're over 18 and you smoke it, that's fine, I don't really care. But, you shouldn't do drugs if you are under 18 for god's sake! I hope people who are reading this agree with me, and here is the real question. Should weed be legalized? I mean, it's somewhat proven to not be that dangerous, but I call BS on that. I truly do. I mean like I said, even if it was, even if it WAS legalized in all of the US, kids still wouldn't be allowed access to it because they are under aged! Anyone have an opinion? (Be smart, and be mature ONLY.)

10 years ago*

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Yes, let retards do what they want.Even losers should be able to smoke any shit they want, as long as they don't harm other people.

My old roommate smoked some weird shit everyday, I saw his situation and I can honestly say; anyone who do drugs is retarded.

10 years ago

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You saw one person smoking "weird shit" so you're judging everyone who smokes weed?

10 years ago

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Yes, anyone who smokes something that makes you lose your personality is retarded.I don't care if you do or not, stay away from me and do what you want in your house.

10 years ago

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Ignore this clown Simowl

10 years ago

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Lose your personality? What?

10 years ago

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Man, D.A.R.E did a number on this guys head lol....

Lose your personality, give me a break...

10 years ago

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Lol... you do know personality is dynamic?

10 years ago

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Yes, it should be legalized, but not under 18 or even higher

10 years ago

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cigarettes and alcohol are more of a drug than weed, also they are harmful as opposed to weed

10 years ago

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Anyone who believes that not having it legalized decreases its usage and problems is fooling themselves.

The legalization of many soft-drugs might bring along some problems but it solves others.
And the reality is that people who WANT to use, will use regardless. They'll get their hands on it.

Keep it legalized and controlling the market solves a lot more problems than cracking down on it out of fear does.

To provide some perspective - I'm dutch, we have it legalized here and we have significantly LESS problems around the legalized drugs than we have in other countries (like the US).
The majority of problems surrounding those drugs (the legalized ones) have to do with tourists and foreigners who use it without proper knowledge or under the wrong circumstances.

Crime relating to these types of drugs goes down, the people that use it can get their hands on "good quality" products meaning there are less casualties because people were using crap.

Now as for the OP's comment towards youths using it - I've never used drugs myself, I've never felt inclined to do so and my parents have always been open to it. They have always told me that if I were to want to try something (be it cigarettes, alcohol or drugs) I shouldn't do so behind their backs and I shouldn't do anything foolish.
The more you forbid it, the more like it is kids are going to want to try it.

No, 15~18 year olds shouldn't be using drugs regularly - but legalization has NO impact whatsoever on whether or not someone is going to be interested in trying it.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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ITT: Pseudo-scientists who think that reading one article on either side makes you an expert on the subject.

10 years ago

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I smoke weed as a substitute for alcohol, wich one of those do you all think is worse for my health?

10 years ago

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Depends on the quantities taken. Both can be equally harmless and/or harmful.

10 years ago

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Really though the unhealthy part jayhr is putting into his body is the smoke, not the weed itself, make it into a tea/edible/vaporize it and it really doesn't have many negative aspects, well unless its laced which is kinda rare anyways but thats why it should be legal, to avoid crap like that.

10 years ago

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Alcohol hands down. Just smoke responsibly, and you will be fine. Try not to smoke more than 2 times a day. In fact your health and mental well being might improve quite a bit. Every 3rd month take it off and go cold turkey for that month then resume after

10 years ago

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Marijuana is not a drug, it's a leaf.

10 years ago

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Drug: A substance which has a physiological effect when ingested or otherwise introduced into the body.

10 years ago

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Cannabis is a drug, plain and simple. I hate when pro-cannabis people say it isn't, don't try to muddy the waters.

10 years ago

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It's a drug, not all drugs are bad, coffee is a drug also...

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Its funny because I am pretty sure he did steroids and cocaine also....hehe...

10 years ago

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Marijuana is not a leaf, it's a flower.
Cannabis is not a drug, it's a plant.

10 years ago

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This is the sorta shit that actually makes it hard to legalize it.

It is a drug, it effects the body/mind, not in a negative way, compare it to coffee if you want which is also a drug but don't say its not one, just makes it look bad. Natural things can be drugs....

10 years ago

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Yeah, i know. That was just a word-play with a small, technical correction (and a bit irony) :P
Also, same story with tea and sugar (and go on). Both has some impact on our perception and only human factor may decide if it'll be harmful or harmless one.

10 years ago

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I personally think Sugar is more harmful in all honesty health wise, if you look into the facts it presents a whole lot more issues with health that weed ever could...

All I am saying is saying its not a drug is hurting the fight to make it legal, makes people look dumb really. No offense meant at all.

10 years ago

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So we're on the same side ;)
That's why i used repetition (rhetorical device).

10 years ago

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For medical use, definitely. For recreational use, maybe, with strict restrictions and regulations.

10 years ago

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I'm against it but I also think that you should be free to do whatever you want in your house as long as it doesn't break the freedom of other people.
For example, I'm not a smoker and I hate the smell of cigarettes but I have little choice of action against a smoker who decides to pollute air around them on a street or anywhere not set specific for smoking. If weed was legal there would be nothing to stop people from "sharing the experience" with people passing by (and I heard from my friend who was unlucky enough to be around someone smoking weed that it smells even worse than cigarettes).
I believe that smoking in public should be heavily penalized and that penalties should be properly enforced (one can only dream). If gov could force people to stop poisoning others with their addictions then I wouldn't give a damn on what drugs are legal. Honestly, I don't care what you use, just don't use it when I'm around. It's this easy.

10 years ago

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Too much of anything is bad for you. I agree that it should be legalized, since it is less harmful than alcohol if both are used as recreational. Alcohol is more addicting and does more damage to your liver and other organs.

On the other hand, marijuana has a lot of tar and can hurt your lungs more than cigarettes if you are smoking it. It is also proven that marijuana is bad for younger people because their brains are still developing.

It should be 21 and up, just like alcohol, and have all the same rules and laws as if you were drinking and driving. The war on drugs for marijuana is bad for this society and isn't worth all the tax dollars the government spends to fight it and keep people caught in prison on very low end crimes like having a small bit of weed on them, etc...

10 years ago

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As long as I don't have people shoving it into my face every 15 seconds

10 years ago

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150 years from now or 200 people are going to be shocked and horrified that cannabis used to be illegal, office worker drones will wake up drink their coffee infused with a little bit of sativa in the morning and head off to work thinking it was the most normal thing in the world. Cancer patients will be cheaply cured by cannabis oil therapy and or at least helped by affordable cannabis. People will grow it in their own gardens and think nothing of it. Alcohol sales will plummet, so will crime rates, auto accidents, DV. Cannabis edibles will have taken the food and drink worlds by storm. Why drink alcohol and regret everything when you can sip a nice cannabis infused drink and feel wonderful in an hour? Actually remember things and not turn into a violent idiot. It'll be like looking back at slavery, people will think man I can't believe that it used to be like that. People used to be put in government cages for owning this stuff? Cultural conditioning is starting to wear off, and people are realizing they were lied to, I love it but we have a long way to go, lots of people still live in fear

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Really really. Plato has said, "Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses."

Here is the explanation for that quote if you don't understand it

"All cultures and societies have particular ways of seeing things. We all learn these from our parents, often not realising that there are other views in other cultures which are equally valid. Social conditioning is strong, and alters the way we perceive things, so when somebody breaks beyond his or her conditioning and puts forward new ideas, often they are dismissed by the masses who have not had the good fortune to free themselves from their own conditioning."

10 years ago

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Ok then, I will be watching straight into my camp fire and you can walk there and fro making up crazy scenarios... I mean looking through shadows.

10 years ago

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excluding all studies and other facts about marijuana itself: If they/we/whomever were to legalize it, the Tax profits would be huge and would help pay off large deficits or even help fund new things. Posing a utilitarian argument, it seems more positive than negative to legalize it.

10 years ago

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Our grand-grandparents used it!
Same with raw poppy (used for Opium), coca (used for cocaine) and many other herbs and mushrooms, which were used mainly for medical purposes, as well as for relaxing and yet they did not misused it as much as we do now.
Also coffee and chocolate are drugs but as they are not being teached as a "bad stuff" by the society, you will find rarely cases of misuse or overdose.

10 years ago

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I guess...

10 years ago

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This isn't even a discussion... the only reason it was ever scheduled was because of Big Pharma.

10 years ago

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I think it should be legal, or at the very lest, medically legal in every state. I get very very brutal migraines. Weed not only controls my pain better than prescription meds do, it does it a lot faster and with less stomach issues. When I can smoke, I noticed I get roughly half as many migraines (that arent as bad as they normally would be) as I would just relying on avoiding triggers and taking my meds (and normally I get 2-4 a week).

One of my cousins used it during chemo to help keep her appetite and to help with the pain. My mother currently uses it as well for medical reasons.

Obviously a lot of people use it just to get high, but for some people it works a lot better than the prescription drugs that are out there, and I think it should be an option.

10 years ago

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Yes, MEDICALLY legal. That's how I feel. (Remember, I'm OP, go easy on me) I don't see why people smoke Cigarettes, weed, do any kind of that stuff that really messes you up. Yes, I understand weed isn't the drug that kills you within two hours, but it's not something you should smoke every freakin' day!

10 years ago

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No need to go easy :) Im not going to bash anyone for having an opinion on a topic. And I do agree I dont think people should be sitting around smoking it every single day. Im still more or less supportive of it being legal for adult recreational use though. Getting drunk everyday isnt healthy either, but people still do it and it still gets in the hands of kids. I dont think potential abuse of the substance, or kids potentially getting their hands on it should be part of the argument to keep it illegal when there are two arguably worse legal substances out there already. But that is just my opinion on it.

10 years ago

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If people would only smoke weed where I can't smell it, I'm okay with it... But I think it'll be like with cigarettes; there's some places you are not allowed to smoke, but people do it anyway...

10 years ago

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Once edibles catch on more, this won't be as big of an issue. Way longer more intense high, no smell, only downside is you have to wait for it to kick it, it's not instant like smoking. Edibles and cannabis infused drinks are the future

10 years ago

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Future is edibles/vaporizers, no smell and very little smell.

But I get you, people should not do it in certain places.

10 years ago

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I don't smoke/consume it, and never will. I don't think any of the data has shown it to be that bad, though if you look at chronic users then clearly there are some lasting effects. My main issue with this being legal, is that every douchebag out there will think this means they can smoke anywhere they want and blow it in everyones faces. I got to work, and I don't want to smell like that crap because I take public transit, or go to a coffee shop. Cigarettes are bad enough for the stink and second hand factor, Pot is even worse.

Let it be legal. But don't be stupid! Toke responsibly

10 years ago

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Already legal here at Colorado.

10 years ago

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  • Legalize it.
  • Regulate it.
  • Tax it.

So much tax money wasted on fighting an impossible "war" when the product could be simply sold next to cigarettes in a store and actually earn tax money. It would also shut down tons of gang/criminal revenue. Besides, people are going to do it no matter what; the "legality" isn't stopping anyone as it is.

10 years ago

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The legality does stop people, possibly more than you think. It may be a matter of supply, or it may be a matter of not wanting to break the law, either way it has an effect.

Once marijuana is legalized, tax money will have to be used to deal with things like overdoses, fighting against under-age use, and car accidents, much like alcohol, so that "earned" tax money is then spent on dealing with the misuse that is already happening in Colorado.

10 years ago

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Do you think the overall rate of overdoes/accidents etc will go up across the board? Or is it more likely there will be very little change as it's going to be the same group of people who are already abusing drugs and alcohol?

Pretty much everyone who wants to do drugs is doing them. Making another drug legal is not going to create a huge surge of violence and chaos.

Also, regulation is much cheaper than prohibition. It's also much safer as it shuts down the criminal aspect and ensures the drug meets safety guidelines.

10 years ago

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Yeah its easy to find, I can walk down the street and ask someone right now and get connections...making it legal will just help society money wise and take the risks of the street of the table...

10 years ago

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There has been an increase in hospitalizations in Colorado related to the use of marijuana, through overdose and car accidents, and it is not just people who are already abusing. People assume marijuana is safe because it isn't alcohol, and there isn't a lot of research saying it is bad, and there isn't anything specifically telling them, don't smoke and drive, nevermind it is illegal to drive under the influence, of anything.

It will also take some time before people figure out the right way to regulate it, so throwing it out there too early is not the right way.

There are people who won't do marijuana because it is illegal, and I know making marijuana legal will not cause an increase in violence, but the risks and affects of marijuana is not understood well enough to just make legal. There is some proof that smoking it does cause psychosis, and developmental issues.

Also, even if anyone interested in using the drug, legal or not, is using it already, that is not an argument to legalize it.

10 years ago

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I looked it up to see, as I've never heard of someone being hospitalized for marijuana. Turns out there have been a few cases (around 1 per day per hospital) of people who usually overate edible pot cookies/brownies etc. With such a small number, I can't imagine this being a huge spike from whatever it was before they legalized it. As well, many of these cases are likely new users who either overdid it or had a bad reaction (just like kids who turn 18 and get alcohol poisoning, they smarten up.)

And that's the thing, all these "extra expenses" were already being spent before legalization. It's not like there were zero users and now there are millions overnight. The cost of a few ER visits is dwarfed by the insane waste of money on the "war of drugs" and all the jail cells that go with it.

It's a matter of freedom at the end of the day. I would rather pay for cops to enforce legalization laws and for hospital rooms when needed, than pay for DEA to fight gangsters and for jail cells.

10 years ago

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The question is where is this 1 per day per hospital? Is it in Colorado, where there is legal and widespread use, or in Texas, where there is that case of the guy with the pot brownies facing 10 years to life in prison? If it is in Colorado, that would be an arguement, if it was in a state where marijuana is illegal and/or has little to no use, it is a poorly stated fact. With how easy it can be to alter the facts by only reporting half the statistic, I would need to know more.

10 years ago

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The number came from Colorado. I looked it up to try and find any signs of an increase in hospitalizations.


  • "Dr. Zane says University Hospital is admitting about a person a day for pot-related problems, and most are linked to edibles."
  • "Dr. Richard Zane says the problem with edibles is they don’t take effect immediately, so often people continue eating them and ultimately take too much."
  • "It’s another thing when you have college students who are pretty naive ... they’ve never had this level of THC or this strength."

Seems no more dangerous than alcohol, which society glorifies and encourages the use of. Acceptably safe for 99% of the population, dangerous when people consume excessive quantities. In fact, that could be said about almost any substance and doesn't prove marijuana to be significantly more harmful than other legal drugs.

10 years ago

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They need to make it very obvious how powerful edibles are and how much to eat, you have to be responsible with these things...maybe regulate the amount of THC in them to a lower amount.

10 years ago

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They are working on that, as well as making it more obvious exactly how strong these things are, the maximum amount allowed in each, and stressing how much the maximum serving is.

10 years ago

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Thats good, there is bound to be some screw ups in the beginning with this sorta thing...hopefully its all figured out soon because it is a better way of taking it in...verses smoking it that is.

10 years ago

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It would be best to juice cannabis raw or extract the cannabinoids into an oil and consume that without adding it to candies or other unhealthy junk food.

This way the user won't get high though, which is obviously what the majority of users are after. I'm kind of sad the way it's legalized only medically in most places, leading most dispensaries to breed mostly high THC plants and make powerful edibles (all to cater to the majority of their non-sick "patients"). It's hard in most places that even are medical to get the oil people need as medicine, and not just dried buds and loopy doopy gumdrops or whatever unoriginal snacks they make. These business practices are done to appeal to people that are feigning illness just so they can legally get high.

Regulation unfortunately comes into play too though. Where I live in Montana my dad used to get lots of cannabis oil from his provider, but the state cut down on that because the lawmakers actually thought the oil is more dangerous/potent than smoked or eaten cannabis (likely cause they're old men barely grasping onto this reality). Vaporizers were illegal for a while too, so instead of inhaling harmless vapors most people basically have to smoke it. Medical-only legalization is really backwards in some places, I hope full legalization comes to more places sooner so people can stop beating around the bush already.

10 years ago

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First off, that is for just one hospital, so the actual number can easily be much higher as well as much lower. Assuming this is approximately true for all hospitals in Colorado, that means there is on average 110 people being hospitalized due to pot related problems daily. The fact that no one really saw this coming is part of my point, no one knows all of the ramifications of legalizing the stuff, and there will be other problems that will arise, maybe some not as bad, or maybe some worse. I just don't think enough research has happened to go before the legalization, so that the ones who could regulate it can determine and place a maximum allowance of what goes in the products, food born or otherwise.

Now when it comes to alcohol, it is harder to get the cat back into the bag than it is to keep it in. When the prohibition hit, it failed because too many people disagreed with it. I believe that the problems associated with marijuana will eventually reach a point in which they are comparable to alcohol, just because it isn't now doesn't mean it cannot reach that point in the future.

10 years ago

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I figure taking the number from one major Denver hospital is good enough to estimate 1 person per hospital per day. It might be slightly off, but for ballpark it's likely pretty accurate.

And to be honest, it's a number I'm fine with. These are likely one-time mistakes by inexperienced users who hopefully won't make the same mistake again. As well, I'm all for regulation; if the gov needs to place warning labels or limit purchase quantity or create awareness campaigns, I'm all for that. It far outweighs the alternative of locking these people up.

Will it one day be "as bad" as alcohol? Possibly, but at the end of the day I think that people should have the freedom to do what they want with their bodies. Something being "possibly harmful, maybe" should be my judgement call to make, not the gov's. Otherwise, what's to stop them from banning rock-climbing, sky-diving, dirt biking, owning a firearm, etc. These are are "potentially harmful" activities that could put me in the hospital but you would be insane to tell people they can no longer have those freedoms.

10 years ago

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Other than the things people can, will, and are doing under the influence that affects other people, I suppose the argument does kind of boil down to whether or not a person has the right to affect their health in a potentially hazardous way for a high on a drug. If you are fine with the numbers, I likely cannot sued you. You cannot say they are one time events for people, because there are numerous cases of repeat alcohol poisonings, but mostly with alcoholics.

The banning firearms is such a different argument though, as it is mostly an issue of what the owners of firearms can and will do with it, while they own it.

10 years ago

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As you said, the question is "do we have the right to affect our health in potentially hazardous ways?" Well, we already have that right. Our world is full of dangerous yet legal things that we have the freedom to enjoy.

It's hard to justify spending billions to keep one illegal when it could simply be regulated and taxed along with the rest of our legal recreational drugs.

10 years ago

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This, also its less harmful then Cigarettes and alcohol so.....

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I agree that 18+ seems like a good age restriction, beyond that it should be legal. Can't be any worse for society then smoking, alcohol or marriage.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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What kinda weed smells like pee? O_O

Dude don't even thinking about smoking it if it smells like pee, actually its probably something else the guys smoking....if it smells like pee.

10 years ago

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I'd say yes. Especially for medical use. It'll safer and more profitable for everyone.

The way I see it if it's legal you would buy through legal means so it should meet some quality standards, and not cut with some shaddy substances. Also you won't have to see illegal drugdealers so that's less temptation to buy something else from them.

10 years ago

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