Yes, not only for relaxing purposes but our economies would skyrocket xD
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It should be legalized, if nothing more than medication. Recreational use I feel should also be legalized, though not for under 18, as I believe it's been proven to affect the development of the mind.
Alcohol and Cigarettes are legal, and are much more harmful than marijuana. If it was legalized, I feel crime would go down, as not only would people feel better about their shitty situations and not turn to crime, it would also take away some power from the drug cartels. Not only that, but the government could tax it, and make money, as well as release the thousands(?) of people in the justice system who are doing time for marijuana use.
The government would of course have to put up a system to handle it all, and I'd have no idea how to do that to be honest.
TL;DR, Yes it should be legalized.
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No, it is relatively easy for a country with a few million population to execute the legalization properly(as in plan, test and make changes to the entire chain from the beginning to end as necessary) but any of the countries with more than that is just asking for a bunch of problems since I don't really see any of those governments having the willingness and competence to do it properly.
TL;DR: In terms of actual problems it is so far low in the list it amazes me people discuss it so much.
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Yes, I do believe it should, (and, no, I'm not a smoker myself). Whilst it's still illegal here in the UK, I've had several specialist doctors say I should start smoking to help with the pain I have, (as they're running out of options to help me). Instead, I'm on a substance that is infinitely more dangerous than marijuana....Morphine, of which I take 120mg tablets twice a day and (usually) 30-40mg Oramorph, (the liquid version,) every hour or 2, depending on if I'm having a good day or not, pain-wise.
But, honestly, the advantages of weed FAR outweigh the negative aspects of it. I really do believe it should be legalised everywhere. I read about Colorado, who legalised it fairly recently, "The state's Department of Revenue reports that marijuana retailers sold nearly $19 million in recreational weed in March, up from $14 million in February. The first three months of legal weed have netted about $7.3 million in taxes, not including medical marijuana sales taxes and licenses, which bring the number to $12.6 million". Think of the good they could do with that money, if they are actually putting it into the kitty to help the city
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No, it's permanent. I was hit by a speeding car when I was little, around the age of 10, and it buggered my hips up. The pain started when I was 14, (23 years ago), and is chronic. As the years have gone by, it has gotten progressively worse, is degenerative and has spread to encompass my entire legs. I also have several bulging disks because of the way I have to stand/walk.
I have to use a walking stick to get about and am prescribed ridiculous amounts of morphine just to help me through the day. If I survive to be much older, (doubtful given the meds I'm on), I'll be in a wheelchair. They said I should have one now but I've told them that as long as I can stand on my legs, even though the pain is really bad, (on bad days it's outstandingly painful), I'm not going in a chair.
Hmm, given all that, and the post I put recently, (my wife stranding me at a hospital on the 4th July, knowing I couldn't get back and using the time I was stuck there to leave me, moving herself and the kids out), it could seem that I'm unlucky and, believe me, MUCH more has happened to me in my life but I don't see it like that. Firstly, no matter how bad things are, there's always SOMEONE who is worse off and 2nd, it had to happen to somebody, that's just the way the Universe is, (intentions, good or bad, are released. Those same intentions are also received, unfortunately not always to the person who was the originator), and I'd rather it happened to me, who survived it, than some little kid, who might not have gotten through it.
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" Instead, I'm on a substance that is infinitely more dangerous than marijuana....Morphine, of which I take 120mg tablets twice a day and (usually) 30-40mg Oramorph, (the liquid version,) every hour or 2, depending on if I'm having a good day or not, pain-wise."
That's gonna hurt down the road, just try some weed, hurts me to read this, even your doctors think its a good idea, if your afraid of it being addictive I can tell you its not unless you have 0 self control.
I hope you feel better man, truly do...that sounds like hell...whats your condition, its cool if you don't wanna say, just curious...
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Oh, don't get me wrong, I smoked it when I was younger. I smoked it a LOT when I was younger. I just can't afford to buy it, even if I wanted to.
The closest they have gotten to telling me what the problem is is "an extremely severe case of Trochanteric Bursitis and Arthritis. My hips are kinda inverted a little due to the accident but I'm not all gnarled up, which true severe arthritis would make me. I'm special, I get all the pain without the joint-twisting.
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Sounds bad, hear about this yet?
I hope it becomes a reality in many places in the future...
I must also mention that if its a money issue, it might ease the issue if you use a vaporizer or edibles, smoking it wastes a lot of it. Just some food for thought.
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That's actually a pretty damn fine idea, good for Berkeley!
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Sure is, I wonder when its legal everywhere where all the hate people in here are gonna move...because it just smells so awful, man I liked the smell when I was 5, I didn't know what it was even lmao.
Granted some stuff smells weird, some smells good, kinda like food I guess, different foods smell bad or good. :-P
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As long as they aren't the "Weed cures cancer" people I have no beef with them. As for kids doing any kind of addictive substance: of course they shouldn't be doing that. But for adults eh whatever they can smoke gasoline and cat turds for all I care.
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This isn't some big conspiracy theory. Smoking pot isn't going to cure your pancreatic cancer is what I am saying. Or probably any cancer for that matter. Even if you prove THC does that is like saying foxglove can help with certain heart disorders. Just because something contains something else that does some other random thing does NOT mean that it does that thing as well.
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Personally I think certain parts of the plant(See: the ones that don't get you high) should really really be legal, and they should be studied with advanced equipment, even if its just a chance of a cure its worth a shot, I posted an article somewhere around here, here.
Not cancer but you know what its VERY effective on certain diseases, what needs to be done is studies! They can't keep blocking it for foolish reasons.
Look up the endocannabinoid system.
That is all.
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Oh yeah for sure they definitely should test it and I could totally believe that it can cure other stuff. Just cancer seems a bit.. Out of the realm of reality for me. Hillary I have really agreed with a lot of points that you have made and I have to tell you I actually really appreciate some of the things you have said even if we might not see exactly eye to eye :P
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I just want the chance to prove it can/might be helpful, to many times has it been stopped. Who know, it might at least help in the cure for cancer, maybe it will point us in a direction even, we can't know until we try. Don't need to see eye to eye really, we just need to try to come to a live and let live mentality I think as people. I have nothing against us having different view points as long as its not "Weed is the DEVIL" kinda talk, because its not that black and white. The government, big business, big pharma need to step off and let people try new things because I mean look at the pills that come out now, I know someone that was on adderall and a bunch of other crazy drugs that were basically destroying his insides, he started to vaporize weed and eat edibles, it basically made his life bearable again and he didn't need to take them anymore, he even stopped his anti-depressants and man most of those have some heavy side effects, I can't be against that, even if I didn't like the stuff personally.
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Well that is why I have liked a lot of what you have said. There has been a lot of absolutely idiotic shit on here from both sides just because people want it to be black and white but you seem like you are actually willing to listen and take things with a grain of salt which is so rare in conversations like this lol. It is just refreshing is all. :P
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Back at you, I don't like closed minded people is all, in all honesty I am actually quite pleased with the responses by both sides here, which is super rare...I mean a couple people have written dumb things but its more good here then bad.
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Calm down there Mr. KnowsEverythingAboutCancer, let me elaborate.
Cures Brain Cancer
Cures Mouth and Throat Cancer
Cures Breast Cancer
Cures Lung Cancer
Cures Uterine, Testicular, and Pancreatic Cancers
Cures Prostate Cancer
Cures Colorectal Cancer
Cures Ovarian Cancer
Cures Blood Cancer
Cures Skin Cancer
Cures Liver Cancer
Cures Biliary Tract Cancer
Cures Bladder Cancer (Sign-up required to view study)
Cures Cancer in General
Is that better?
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It's also worth noting the U.S. Government's Health and Human Services division has a patent on cannabinoids use as antioxidants and neuroprotectants.
"We claim:
Note that "diseases caused by oxidative stress" would most certainly include cancer, as the two have been thoroughly linked through decades of research.
What's that about it not being a conspiracy? Seems strange that the Government would obtain ownership of a patent like this, doesn't it?
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What motive would they have for not trying to cure cancer with it then? No one really gains from keeping the cure in the dark. Put it out in the open and they win big bucks. And most antioxidants have been shown to prevent cancer. Not many have shown promise to cure it. A wall of links doesn't really make me want to believe you either. That just means I have to dig through them for the point you think you have made which I am not willing to do for you. I have already agreed elsewhere that it could potentially cure disease but again I really doubt cancer is one of them. Cancer is a hard nut to crack and people want to cure it. Not only for moral reasons but because the person who does it is going to be very very rich. There is so much incentive to do it which makes it hard to believe is all. Not necessarily saying it is impossible. I just believe it to be improbable.
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Also just to clarify my main point was that WEED in itself wouldn't. I never said anything about the chemicals IN it. As another example: penicillin is from a fungi named penicillium that does not do the same thing as penicillin at all.
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YUP! Its not the thing itself, its what can come from it.
They need to stop fighting testing on it, its literally killing people....possibly.
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I would go through those links before debunking it. The main reason I can see cures for things like HIV/Cancer being kept in the dark is mainly because of how much pull big pharma has, treating cancer/HIV/big disease is BIG BUSINESS. If you go and cure it all do you realize how much money would be lost for them? I mean they go as far as to shut down studies that try to prove it can cure things such as Cancer....
Sure they might make a tiny bit on the cure(Again might not due to its hard to patent a plant like this) but in the long run its much more profitable to keep people hanging on while sick and draining money from them.
Yes I know this sounds insane, don't forget there are many evil people in this world and the world is quite insane itself...
I have no articles to link to you, I have nothing to prove what I am about to say but my mother used all sorts of herbs, tinctures, meditation even etc.. when she had ovarian cancer, doctors said it was incurable, and they had to remove them, she cured it, without chemo, without meds, without anything from a doctor, they were all shocked, they didn't know what to say...You can choose to not believe this and I would not blame you one bit, I have no proof, I am just talking to you based on what I have seen.
She did not use anything Cannabis related, but who knows...
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I have heard of psychosomatic effects curing diseases alone. That is the kind of cure that really fascinates me. Even read a nice little story about it curing cancer although I can't remember how credible the source was. I think that pharmaceutical companies could potentially take a hit but there are still ways that they could make a pretty penny on patents even if it is a natural plant. They would rather be the first one to get to it than let their competition figure it out first because then they lose even more. I also think that they would also have a hard time keeping everyone's mouth shut over something like that even with so much money involved but I guess you never know.
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Every drug should be legal, since everybody should be entitled and able to decide for him/her/it self, what he/she/it wants to do. You could also make a nice industry out of it, save taxes for useless institutions like drug enforcing department, gain taxes from selling the shit with taxes and create safe work environments for thousands and thousands of poor opium/etc. farmers who earn crappy wages and are under the hands and terror of the drug cartels.
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YES.Why can alcohol be legal,when its known to do damage,its known beeng a drug,and using it may turn into dangerous addiction.I truly do not beleve this is possible with weed.You can stop smoking it whenever you like.Its not like cigarettes,whitch have addiction factor same as cocaine-and once you start smoking them,you kinda never quit.But this is because the goverment takes a nice cut of every box of cigaretes and every bottle of alcohol.Its just a matter of time,till same happens with weed.And its better that way realy,if you buy your weed from a store,you know what are you paing for,you dont have to meet shady dealers and support the black market.Some peapole say-it kills brain cells,it a trampline to badder drugs.It all depends on how you use it.If you smoke a pack and drink a bottle of vodka a day,dont you kill your brain cells?Dont you turn into retard? It is also know that many artist and whriters use it as an inspiration.....
Yes,yes it shoud be legal.
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Alcohol and tobacco are not illegal for at least 1 reason each, other than taxes.
Alcohol was illegal, and that was the prohibition. It didn't work. Too many people found work arounds and there were too many people that were against it to have worked. I believe politicians left loop-holes in so that they may continue to drink, which caused some of the problem. If we did try to make it illegal now, we would probably have a better result, but I suspect that it will still fail.
Tobacco has too many people addicted to it at any given point to become illegal, though the tobacco industry is losing strength as the number of users dwindle. Tobacco will become illegal one day I think, but it will have to be when they can manage the people who are addicted at the time without causing too major of health incidents.
I imagine the income of taxes isn't enough for them to decide to keep each alcohol and tobacco legal, due to the fact that a lot of the money brought in through taxes, is spent on dealing with alcohol and tobacco related issues, including medical issues and drunk driving. Also, the taxes are partially meant to be deterrents to the consumers, rather than benefits to the state.
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Not dangerous. Does not cause health problem. In some way is repair brain cells (I've read that somewhere). Does not make people violent. Death statistics till now 0% whereas cigarettes and alcohol millions .... and these two are legal...
In my opinion, It should be legalized (Death rate of cigarettes may decrease ... Maybe..)
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Smoking anything can cause death honestly so if you are smoking it then it potentially could kill you.
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What is "necessary"? I think even a puff of smoke is more than necessary.
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I would agree. Anything but clean air in your lungs is probably a bad idea. Not a terribly far fetched concept.
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And that isn't a good idea for us to have that in out lungs either :P adding more non-clean air to our lungs doesn't help.
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It DOES effect you, just not to the extent most make it out to be.
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It does not repair brain cell, nor does it cures cancers as some would have you believe. It actually disrupt brain activity and can do so permanently for heavy and long-term users.
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I usually not one to defend somebody buuuuuuut...A girl I went to school with died of lung cancer at age 18, and she didn't even smoke....neither did her parents, just in case the logical people were going to throw that one in there.
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I am almost sure walking down my main block breathing in bus fumes everyday is more dangerous then weed...point is yeah you can get cancer in the lungs without smoking for sure...
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True but weed probably doesn't help. Take that same person who breathes bus fumes all day and add the fact that they smoke weed from time to time and it probably doesn't help their chances.
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My doctor says that weed and any kind of drug is dangerous. Are you a doctor? I didn't think so. Don't go around spreading lies just because you "read that somewhere".
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I am not spreading lies.Smoking is dangerous,that is a fact.I am just annoyed of quotes like-Weed makes your stupid,
You will die from lung cancer,OMG you are a drug addict.As i said,everything that you overuse will turn out to be dangerous,some of the things can cause you canser too.Hell canser can happen even if you never smoked anything your entire life.
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I was mostly talking to KainNy and didn't say that you were lying. I actually agree that pot/weed should be legalized for 18+, but I am still against the use of weed.
In the human rights point of view, pot should be legalized. But for health reasons, pot should be avoided.
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Grow it at home for your personal use. No one will now. I once tried it just for fun to see whether it would grow in a small planter (single seed). Never smoked it or anything, never would. Besides, it died for some reason and I lost rest of the seeds so no more experimenting xD
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"Should nature be against the law?", "Does the Government have a right to tell you what you can and can't put into your body?", "Does the Government have the right to tell you what medicine you can and can't take?" etc etc.
Grass, History Of Cannabis
The Union - The Business behind getting high
Oh and the US Gov states that cannabis is a schedule one drug with zero medical benefits yet they have many biological patents on cannabis for various different medical uses. You'll probably figure out on day that they are lying ass holes with a hidden agenda that is not in the interest of the people and civil liberties/freedoms.
And OP, if you ever end up trying it (I'm not recommending you do or don't), wait until you are 18.
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There is a process to make the opium, you can't just grow and smoke it like cannabis.
I should of also said "Does prohibition work?", because it most certainly doesn't. Just look at the prohibition on alcohol and what happened. They need to legalise drugs (especially cannabis) so they can be regulated, it would also destroy a large section of the black market.
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Opium itself is simply the plant which can still be used. It has to be processed to make heroine or other drugs though.
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"Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence." -DEA
Not saying it does not have medical benefit, saying it has no accepted medical use.
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Not accepted by the DEA, the congress of 1970, and Richard Nixon; which aren't exactly a credible team of medical experts.
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The point wasn't that it was outlawed my the most intellectual minds in the country, but that it had no acceptable medical benefits vs. it's risk, rather than the suggested "zero medical benefits"
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Well, I don't do drugs, never will do drugs, never will smoke, anything like that. So, yeah... Someone wanna hate on that? Go ahead.
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You don't even use caffeine? No stimulants? Nothing for pain? Frequent and prolonged aspirin use can lead to ulcers, and caffeine can lead to heart issues. Tylenol has killed more people than cannabis ever has or will, so yes if you're going to avoid cannabis you should all other drugs as well. Keep it clean dude.
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I think he meant "drugs" as in abusing medically acceptable drugs, or illegal drugs. Aspirin and acetaminophen both are not used recreationally, which is where the issue mostly come in with marijuana. Saying Tylenol has killed more people than cannabis ever has or will is odd, mostly because how much wider the use of acetaminophen is compared to an illicit, recreational drug.
Better comparison would be coffee vs. marijuana. Neither are well known for their side effects from over-use, but it doesn't mean that there are none.
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People have died from caffeine too. So that also goes to show that cannabis is not dangerous.
How many millions of people need to "abuse" cannabis before someone dies? With outlawing there is still a significant number of users all throughout the world and there's still zero deaths related to it. How can you say something that actually has resulted in death is safer or less dangerous than something that has never killed anyone in human history?
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People have died from effects directly tied to their marijuana use.
Assuming there is zero risk or deaths is just going to make it that much easier to die from it. It is the same problem with caffeine. People assume it is safe to use as much as they want in any way that they want (including mixing with alcohol) and that will and is causing deaths with both marijuana and caffeine.
What I meant about neither being well known for their side effects is that people do over use caffeine, and they also go overboard on marijuana, and the effects associated with each cause deaths, but just about no one hears about this stuff, and assumes what they've got is as safe as a sandwich.
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and causes apoptosis in cancerous cells killing the cancer and leaving surrounding tissue healthy.
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If you've ever done any kind of drugs, you know that weed is the weakest/safest stuff out there. Alcohol kills like 25 K people a year I think it is, and nobody gives a **** cuz hey it's legal right yea let's go drink man. It's easier to fool people, than to convince them they have been fooled as the saying goes. People have been duped into believe cannabis is dangerous and will destroy society, and they can't accept the fact that they believed the people who lied right to their face. The facts support cannabis legalization, and it is inevitable now, thank goodness. Would love to grow cannabis next to my tomato plants, onions etc. Cannabis will be the next American icon. Revive the pioneer spirit, the entrepreneurship, the love for freedom. The penalty for being caught with a plant that makes you feel good for a couple hours should not be death or rape, unfortunately that is what happens to a lot of cannabis users who are caught and who are put into government cages.
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I would actually love to see some statistics on the death/rape rate of prison inmates compared to the death/rape rate of prison inmates who are in for marijuana. Prison is a bad place but it isn't just a murder rape fest in there. I will admit that there are plenty of fights in there though.
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I would too. A living human being should not be arrested and placed into an environment where they could be killed or raped just because a thug cop with nothing else to do pulled them over and found a little bag of cannabis in the backseat they were going to enjoy with their loved one that night in their own home. I hope you or your family never goes to jail, especially for cannabis possession. Not only does the traumatic experience disrupt your life and leave an internal scar that never goes away, it follows you everywhere you go forever. Arrested for drug possession
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Some of my family has been to jail. Hell I have been in jail for a day. It isn't some horrible horrible place. Sure it is kind of shitty to be there but you probably won't be killed or raped I can tell you that. If people want to do something that they know can put them in a place where they can be killed or raped then that is their business though. It isn't like they haven't heard any stories about people being put away for weed.
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Less people have been duped into thinking marijuana is dangerous, it is just some people overstate it at the same time others understate it. Marijuana does have it's dangers, and it the dangers are not yet fully understood, which is one reason in itself should push against legalization. Alcohol can't really become illegal because too many people believe it is their right to have it, regardless on what affect it has on them or the people around them when they use it. It is the same philosophy as the right to bare arms. Sure, it is a right, but too many people abuse it. No one needs an assault rifle to protect their homes; and when people say people with guns stop school shootings, sure, they do, but they are paid officers with training and a track record of responsibility to go with that, and many lose their jobs when that responsibility is proved to be misplaced.
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Well I saw a study that states the use of marijuana in someone who is 18 or younger actually slows the brain growth or something like that. Even without that it should obviously never be legal for kids under 18.
But should it be legal? Why the hell not? I dont use it and I probably only will ever use it for any medical issues. I live in Washington State where it is legal now but I'm still not going to use it recreationally. People are going to get weed regardless of it being legal or not so why not tax it?
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The THC in cannabis does destroy developing neurons in young people, by interrupting the biochemistry in their formation. And inhaling degrading carbons from any smoke can have degrading effects on brain cells and lungs. Which is why some habitual cannabis smokers have a chronic cough and why smoking weed is of concern to stroke foundations.
As an adult you can always eat your weed.
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The children argument is a straw man. No one, literally no one, is saying that children should be using any kind of drugs, including cannabis. Chronic cough, stroke concern? If the media had cases of chronic coughers / people dying soley from cannabis use (COPD, emphysema) or people dying from strokes they would be parading it throughout the media daily, they have literally no cases of this happening, so they can't. Show me the statistics of people dying from cannabis, please, I would like to see you try. It would be amusing :P Have you ever even smelled cannabis in real life, let alone smoked it? Only people with chronic cough are the cig smokers
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Go on any forum about smoking weed and there are people concerned about their cough.. You have to be an idiot to think smoking things daily doesn't give you a cough, mixing your drug with a carcinogen as u inhale its going to give u problems. As with all possible causes of stroke there is always concern about more environmental causes adding to the mix, you cant say that cigarette definitely gave a person a stroke as there are too many environmental factors there is more research and more substances in cigarettes to suggest it may have impact on strokes, so people think that cannabis has less so should be fine is just bull shit. Ppl are mixing weed with tobacco anyway.
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I believe marijuana causes blood vessels to dilate, increasing stroke risks.
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Its really funny, I know someone that smokes both and just switched to e cigs, he has stopped coughing and says he is breathing much better, feels more energetic, muscle pains are going away, still smokes weed, doesn't cough like crazy when he does anymore, 1 week in of not smoking regular cigs.
Hint: Its the burning 4000+ chemicals that do the most damage here.
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Also OP you say you are young so I don't expect you to know this, but it's actually easier to get weed than it is to get alcohol because weed is illegal and alcohol is legal. Regulated establishments check IDs, guys on the street don't.
edit: A 20 sack is just a couple texts away, a 6 pack of beer you have to convince somebody to take the time to go to the store for you and do everything for you if you are underage, and they will most likely say no.
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Believe me, I do know. I've seen people in my High School smoking it, and I've NEVER seen an open beer can. :/
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Just my opinion: No it shouldn't be legal, in fact cigarrettes and alcohol should be illegal as well. They are addictive, there is no way around it, and in an ideal world people should stay away of addictive stuff(ideal worlds are just dreams, but dreams should be chased). That said, I'm pretty self concious about my addictive personality and that's why I stay as far away as possible from drugs. If I can get addicted to games and things like that, I don't even want to know what would happen if I ever use drugs.
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People should be free to make their own choices. Just because you are afraid of a plant, doesn't mean others should be banned from using it to enhance their life. We cannot live our entire lives behind bars in padded cells with cameras watching us 24/7 "for our safety"
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It is protection from the affects that we still do not completely understand that causes the banning. Marijuana doesn't exactly "enhance" people's lives unless it is medically relevant, in which most cases it is not.
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If someone asked you to give him/her a knife to stab him/herself. Would you provide said knife?
We make society, we are responsable to look after the ones incapable of keeping themselves alive by not alowing them to commit a slow paced suicide.
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Yes. But it doesn't mean I like junkies. Ok, I know it "doesn't affect user's mind" and stuff... But the thing is almost every fool smokes weed here. Which doesn't mean all smokers are stupid but sometimes it looks so.
Are you stupid and smoke weed? Then you are getting super stupid, congratulations.
Are you regular guy and smoke weed? I don't care.
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I think that anything that alters a person's brain chemestry, like marijuana or alcohol, has lasting affects on the user's mind, whether there is proof showing that now (which there are studies) or a lack thereof.
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I have a serious topic, and I only want truthful answers. I'm 15 I'll admit. I see kids in my High School smoking weed, talking about weed, and how it should be legalized, it disgusts me. I mean, if you're over 18 and you smoke it, that's fine, I don't really care. But, you shouldn't do drugs if you are under 18 for god's sake! I hope people who are reading this agree with me, and here is the real question. Should weed be legalized? I mean, it's somewhat proven to not be that dangerous, but I call BS on that. I truly do. I mean like I said, even if it was, even if it WAS legalized in all of the US, kids still wouldn't be allowed access to it because they are under aged! Anyone have an opinion? (Be smart, and be mature ONLY.)
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