I have a serious topic, and I only want truthful answers. I'm 15 I'll admit. I see kids in my High School smoking weed, talking about weed, and how it should be legalized, it disgusts me. I mean, if you're over 18 and you smoke it, that's fine, I don't really care. But, you shouldn't do drugs if you are under 18 for god's sake! I hope people who are reading this agree with me, and here is the real question. Should weed be legalized? I mean, it's somewhat proven to not be that dangerous, but I call BS on that. I truly do. I mean like I said, even if it was, even if it WAS legalized in all of the US, kids still wouldn't be allowed access to it because they are under aged! Anyone have an opinion? (Be smart, and be mature ONLY.)

10 years ago*

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perhaps all drugs should be legalized and regulated

  • people get them anyway

  • state can get taxes out of them

  • no more deaths due bad quality

  • no more money for criminals

  • tabacco and alcohol do way more harm than all other drugs combined

  • make people consult a doctor to get prescription to those 'harder' drugs (he can talk to people about the risks and monitor their health)

  • use taxes on drugs to compensate the costs they cause

10 years ago

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Totally agree with everything.

10 years ago

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I don't know the details so don't take it as a big argument against you or anything, but there are actually reports done in WA and CO about how criminals are still making plenty of money off of it. Again, don't know the details, but something to look into. Your other points are debatable, but it's not like I can prove them wrong necessarily, I don't think anyone will ever have solid facts on the use of weed due to how controversial it is. Good points though

10 years ago

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if legal prices are not too high, the profit of criminals will suffer significantly, but you are right...the actual development of things should be monitored and no plan survives contact with the foe ;)

10 years ago

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  1. Sure.
  2. Again, sure.
  3. Unlikely, people don't generally die from smoking bad weed now.
  4. Again, unlikely, criminals/drug dealers will just sell something else or probably find a way to profit off of legal weed.
  5. Debatable, tobacco kills a lot of people sure, alcohol related deaths usually result from either doing something stupid while drunk or years of abuse. People will use and abuse whatever makes them feel good, that's a fact and weed wouldn't be any different.
  6. Because people can't manipulate doctors into getting prescriptions? They do it now and they do it frequently. In fact, a large portion of drug addicts are addicted to prescription drugs.
  7. So...create a problem then remedy it using the money that came from it? What's the point?

The more you know!

10 years ago

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not talking about weed, but about all drugs in general, so:

  1. the do not have anything exclusive left, and if legal prices are not too high they have no profit worthe the risk.

  2. harm does not mean death...more in harm to society and health in general

  3. sure they can, but if people get drugs via the doctor (without need of a health problem), he can help them reduce side effects and relating problems

  4. the problem is already there, why not redirect the money (which currently goes to dealers) to the health system?

10 years ago

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What's the point? Really? So, you'd rather criminals profit from the sale of unsafe drugs than to have that money go to legitimate medical professionals?

Even if it breaks even (taxes in = taxes out), you are still keeping the users safer with controlled substances and you are keeping the money out of the hands of gangs/black market.

10 years ago

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It's like this:
If you would illegalize olives, suddenly your country would cry for olives.
But because they're legal some people like and eat them, and others never touch them.

Same concept goes for weed; Here in Holland it is legal, but no one cares.
Some people smoke it regularly, but most people never do.

The only time it bothers me, is when a smoker gets on my bus. Weed reeks like a dead possum wrapped in dung and rotten eggs, and the smell will stick to your clothes like a newborn monkeybaby.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Legalized or not, i don't care.
I don't use it, never did, and never will.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Here are some quotes from this thread. I dont want to answer to anyone in person.

"Drugs are unhealthy."

People who say that most likely have not ever tried anything else than alcohol.
The feelings you get from drugs are original. You cant get the same feelings from anything else. What if some people really like it? Who are other people to tell you what you can and cant do.
Yeah it might be unsafe but so is bungee jumping and skiing. Should we just forbid everything that might hurt you?

"You get addicted to drugs"

Really? How do you know? Have you tried?
All the drugs are addictive in some way. So is chocolate, shopping and even working for some. Again, we cant forbid everything that is addictive.
Some drugs like opiates, cocaine, nicotine, etc are physically addictive. Most of the drugs are not.

10 years ago

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pros and cons about legalization.

pros: Weed can cure cancer, weed can relax, dealer become business men instead criminals and pay taxes for sell it reducing crime, weed taxes can be used in campaigns against smoking weed, the government can control the weed quality reducing the health problems caused by foreign substances mixed in weed, less ppl will be depressive, other products besides the cigarette will appear.

cons: pharma industry will be sad, weed can be addictive ( coffee, cocoa and sugar are more addictive than weed ), cause memory lost ( but the weed negative effects disappear when u stop using ).

feel free to complement the pros and cons.

10 years ago

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Why is "weed can be addictive" in the cons as well as "low addictive" in pros?
It doesn't have any physical cause of addiction, it is just a mental thing.

10 years ago

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yep no make sence. i read it and change it.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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actually today is more easy kids buy weed than alcohol and tobacco..

10 years ago

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Every drug should be legalized - it's your own business what do you want to do as long as you don't cause any harm to other people. It doesn't matter if drugs are harmful or not, if I'm a moron and I want to take it it's my own business and government should stay out of it. Seriously - they should stop treating people like mindless kids.

10 years ago

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no, not every drug. Opio, crack and others high addict drugs can't be legalized.
The India history shows us that is not a good idea. Some drugs can be epidemic.

10 years ago

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for medical purposes definitely, either self-grown or growing controlled by state just like is happening now in Czech republic

10 years ago

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If I think of it from my dark side (or light one, when it comes to animals), then yes, it should. If I wanna care about humans, then no, it shouldn't. I still don't get why people don't see how it is TOTALLY unhealthy to smoke weed... They say "Smoking cigarettes can kill, same as drinking alcohol", but they just can't put in their little head some logic and see how smoking ANYTHING can actually KILL them. Even if you smoke burnt wood's smoke, you can STILL die... The best thing is that they ask a link to a research that proves it, but when you tell them to do the same, they are like "Look at the annual deaths from alcohol/cigarettes and weed smoking. They are far less." OF COURSE THEY ARE FAR LESS, THAT'S WHY IT IS FUCKIN' ILLIGAL... SO THAT YOU WON'T DIE... Cigarettes should also be illegal, but drinking alcohol is a different think. It doesn't kill you, you kill yourself. In order to DIE from alcohol, you must drink so much that it's like you don't have a brain. Or if you are just an idiot, like that guy that drunk so much that got crazy, undressed and almost died by coldness. You can't just argue with the logical facts.. You just CAN'T. No matter what you try to prove, the logical facts are straight and unchanged. It's like saying that playing games makes you stupid. It doesn't, but still many idiots try to prove it...

10 years ago

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Bad arguments from either side: "It's not a drug". Yes it is. "It's not addictive". That's a matter of perspective. "Everyone will start doing it if it's legalized". People who smoke weed are going to use it regardless of its legality, the people who don't, generally won't. "Cigarettes and alcohol are legal, why not weed?". Just because a couple of bad things are legal doesn't mean another one should be, that's not even an argument, it's whining. "But weed isn't bad". Anything that interacts on a chemical level with your brain can be harmful, anything you have to burn and inhale is potentially harmful to your lungs.

10 years ago

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"anything you have to burn and inhale is potentially harmful to your lungs."

Except half the people are not burning it anymore, you need to research more...not to be mean but most people I know don't actually smoke it, most I know make it into edibles or vaporize it which is much much healthier.

Actually the only people I know that smoke at 40-50+ and stuck in there ways so to speak...

10 years ago

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You are still vaporizing and absorbing a chemical through your lungs, which can theoretically cause deformation in your areolas. Burning it would increase the rate of any issues related with it, but it still could cause them.

Can't say I know any "users", but just because most people you know do not actually "smoke" marijuana, doesn't really mean that is still not the most common way of using the stuff.

I have also known people that smoked tobacco for 40-50 years without COPD or lung cancer, but I know that cigarettes do cause those.

10 years ago

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Sure, but studies so far have shown that it gets discarded out of the lungs within hours while smoking it lingers for up to or more I forget 10+ years.

I can't see the issues with tinctures or edibles, I am just saying if anything, even smoking it is probably less harmful then cigarettes with the 4000+ burning chemicals...and that's legal.

I just don't see why people need to be policed so hard about this, I guess I just like the choice to choose what I put into myself up to a point at least, I get arresting people over cooking meth(Ruins houses, neighborhoods, peoples health that live in the house after those people are far gone, etc...)

10 years ago

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I agree "Everyone will start doing it if it's legalized" is a bad argument, but no because "People who smoke weed are going to use it regardless of its legality". Legalization will kind of be the government saying that it is okay to use marijuana, so people who haven't used it before will actually consider and even use it then.

And "it's not addictive", well, actually it is, just less addictive than a lot of other stuff out there.

10 years ago

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Its not more addictive then anything else, I mean I crave chocolate more often personally, I have a problem, and Delicious chocolaty problem.

But yes joking aside out of the 20 or so people I know one got addicted, he is also addicted to Soda and a bunch of other stuff, has had pain killer addictions also, I think some people just have addictive personalities...

10 years ago

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Chocolate does have an addictive property, I believe it is mostly due to the chemical in chocolate that is almost identical to one in caffeine. What I meant is that marijuana is addictive as a drug, less so than some (if not all) of the "harder" stuff, but too many people claim that it is not addictive.

10 years ago

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Well anythings addictive I guess, but its more of a "man I like this stuff" sorta addiction then a "OH GOD I NEED IT NOW Starts scraching neck" kinda addiction...

I know people that smoke a couple times a year, some that do it once a week, some once a month, etc...some that just stop for years with no issue.

10 years ago

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It does not generally have to much of a strong addiction on a lot of people mostly because there are not as many heavy users, and I imagine it takes a larger amount of marijuana to cause the addictive affects than many other substances.

Yes, anything's addictive, but marijuana is addictive as a drug. I am addicted to video games, no that's not a joke, but that is from endorphin and adrenaline, marijuana as a substance has addictive tendencies to it aside from any endorphin addiction that may be associated with it.

Basically, I am saying marijuana is addictive more than everyday activities, but less so than other drugs (can't remember which, but seems to me one causes addiction with first dose). And I imagine in extreme cases it could get to the "OMG I NEED IT NOW", neck scratching bad, but, couple of uses per year, month, or week won't get you anywhere near that. Anything that alters brain chemistry will have addictive tendencies as itself, more so than playing video games.

10 years ago

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Fair enough, I don't totally agree with it but that's your view and that's cool...everyone is gonna see it different, based on life mostly.

10 years ago

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An addiction is anything that has more control over your life than you would like it to. I've met people who are "addicted" to weed(yes I'm aware of how strange that sounds), not in the sense that they're living on the street like a crack head but they get irritable, panicky etc without it. Essentially, they can't/don't feel normal without it.

10 years ago

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Sure but you might as well ban everything at that point going by that logic, at least this should be decriminalized and legal for medical usage....at the least.

Just how I see it...

10 years ago

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He isn't saying ban it because it is addictive, just that it is, which too many people seem to think that it isn't.

10 years ago

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Yeah but its more mild then alcohol at least from what I have seen addiction wise, ciggs are 100x more addictive, its more of a I really like this addiction then a physical dependency is all, we discussed that already though. I know it technically can be addictive...for those with low self control or addictive personalities.

10 years ago

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From the various articles that I have seen since this thread started, the general consensus seems to be that it is unclear the physical addictive tendencies of marijuana, if there are any, so that is kind of a gray area, though there does seem to be the tendency to suggest not physically. It maybe something that still needs looking into.

10 years ago

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Personally based on my life I can't see it being physically addictive but I am ALL FOR studying it and confirming that for good. No arguments there! :-)!

Better safe then sorry as they say, if it is slightly physically addictive at all honesty I think that's up to a person to decide if he/she is ok with that, but they should know before trying it...

10 years ago

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100% yes, it should be, that way the state can control wether it's good quality or not and it will keep people out of criminality, because even if it's illegal, people use it anyways so better legal and less criminality and better health than illegal and letting criminals sell a bunch of unhealthy ****.

10 years ago

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The fact over if people use it anyway is not an arguement because legalization opens the use of marijuana to more people, and the current users have better supply. More accessibility also means easier access to people who should not be using it, mainly minors. Making something legal just because people just already do it does not make sense.

10 years ago

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Actually as a minor its easier to get then an adult in a way...at least from my experiences, parties alone...someone has it, schools are full of dealers, even in good areas, as an adult you have to be more careful getting someone to get it to you...kinda crazy that way.

I see what you are getting at but truth is if someone wants something, minor or not, they will get it quite easily in this world, not sure making it legal would change much about that sadly. I don't think anyone under 18 should be fooling around with it, I know I didn't...but I was a rather responsible teen and am now a pretty responsible adult at least when compared to others, I sometimes go and look at old friends facebooks and stuff and get sad, some just never matured, might have been the rampant abuse of alcohol and weed, I am unsure, maybe not though, to many variables...

The real reason I want it legalized it because of quality(Some people once in a while get shit laced with dust or whatever) and jail related reasons, even you have to agree I think that someone going to jail for 5+ years for being caught with a joint or a little baggy is just ridiculous...ruining peoples life over that, so many other crimes to focus on, its just sad...

10 years ago

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Legalization will allow more people to use it, I can guarantee there are a lot of people that would use it after it is legalized, but not before. Not everyone wants to deal with "dealers" or the legal issues involved with being caught. Also, 5+ year sentences are the federal minimum for sale of marijuana 50kg or less (however much that is, I don't deal with the metric system much), or for the cultivation of 50 or less plants. So really, all they needed was well enough proof that he intended to sell that little baggy to justify putting him away for 5+ years. Nevermind that the way our system is atm, he'd prolly get out in half that time.

10 years ago

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My point was people should not be sent to jail for something like this anyways.

This is the kinda shit I get fumed about.

10 years ago

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That article seems to neglect the sheer amount of marijuana he actually possessed. The cops came because the smell of the pot-brownies, and found the a lot more. Looking for an article that mentions that now...

EDIT: Upon further reading, the reason he is facing life is because the weight of the brownies, as they are a controlled substance with the THC inside, for distribution, as he was selling them.

It may be a bit extreme, but the DAs do that sometimes to try to make a point.

10 years ago

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Even so, cases like this happen, sometimes they just wanna make an example out of someone, they can even lie about the amount. I just think if it was legal this kinda thing would be avoidable. I mean if its fine in one state but highly illegal in another I just find that strange...

Not really trying to argue so much as just point out that I feel its wrong to jail people over MJ....

Look at states like Tennessee, that isn't a lot of weed to be carrying for a year or two in jail, just feels wrong...

As for your edit, that's sorta my point, thats fucking insane...brownies weigh a lot, the content in them is not a lot, that's just WRONG. Ruining his life over that, smh...

How about this, even making it not legal would be fine if they took away the crazy jail time laws, sure give a guy a 200 dollar fine, at least he can still live his life...

10 years ago

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I imagine they have it that strict for a reason. Possibly they had some problems from users in the past, or a congressman's daughter got hit by a high driver, or maybe that is just a carry-over from the highly overstated fear of marijuana that used to exist.

And if the DA does not make examples of people on occasion, sometimes issues can get out of control, but usually when they make an example out of someone like this, the affect on the person is nowhere near their initial charge.

10 years ago

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Yeah well my mom almost died from a drunk driver and now has health issues, lets ban alcohol again to be fair.

I think that they do, even attempting it is evil, but that's just my view, people with power can be vile when left with to much power....not to say everyone in the DA is like this, but bad and good both exist.

Anyways, glad this didn't turn into a screaming match, everyone has opinions, was just sharing my opinions :-). I would pass a pee test right now, have not partaken in a very long time...not something I need, just wish I could have without the worry...

10 years ago

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That is not what I am saying, politicians use stuff that has happened in there life and over react to some issues because of it. Can't say if Tennessee's laws are bad, simply because we don't know what issues they were facing when it passed. It could have been understandable, or it could have been while the lawmakers were under a bad trip of acid, we really will never know.

Yeah, I do really get into arguments online, but if I think I am seeming to be aggressive, like yelling, I walk away, and try to restate my case later, but it didn't come to that here.

10 years ago

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I see what you mean, yeah I guess so but I feel it was more to do with tobacco and medical companies but hey maybe it wasn't, wish I could go back in time and see for myself...its funny you mention acid trips, that's something I would never touch, especially nowadays...heard its like 20 times as powerful now, scary stuff....

Yeah I need to work on that, some times I can get a bit mean in the heat of the moment.... :-/

10 years ago

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Well, you stayed very well reasonable with me, unlike the guy who called me a moron, over what I assume was half understanding what I had said. If you think you've got a problem with getting over the top with arguments, just stop and read everything you wrote after you're done. Leads to longer posts, but helps you avoid saying something you'd regret later, and makes it easier to word your side more clearly.

10 years ago

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Your train of thought is not one of a Moron, I mean I disagree with you at points but you are not one of the guys going around saying things like "A good pothead is a dead pothead" which I have actually seen before...sadly.

You made a good argument, I feel we both did, so yeah I agree, everyone should use that method, needs to be less fighting, sometimes I go overboard myself, been trying to fix that honestly.

10 years ago

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Now if only congress can learn this...

10 years ago

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Fat chance......sadly.....-_-

10 years ago

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I too have a very negative opinion about weed smokers.
When I was in my -teen years, many of my classmates (first in elementary school and later highschool) started smoking weed at some point, and I had the "honor" to witness how it turned them into complete shitheads.
And yup, they were slowly getting dumber and dumber, in terms of school grades (although that might be either because of the weed or because they stopped giving shit about school... most likely a bit of both).

Really, they become impossible to get along with, because all they cared about was smoking weed in the restrooms. That, in my opinion, is just pathetic.
Plus, it smells awful. Way, way worse than nicotine.

So, to answer OP's question: No. Weed shouldn't be legalized, I think. Letting trustworthy doctors cure health conditions with it is fine with me, but completely legalizing it? Not so much.

10 years ago

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I am giving away 1 kg of marijuana
Hope no cops here

10 years ago

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Funny thing is, I don't think there is a law specifically against giving the stuff away. Sale, yes; possession, yes; getting rid of the stuff to others, no?

10 years ago

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I say legalize it. legalization will most likely decrease sales on the street making it easier to watch that its not sold to minors. But its already legalized here.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

10 years ago

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+1! Weed, much like every other drug, is not supped to be used "for fun". Its meant to help people in extreme pain or mental anguish. Cancer patients, those who suffer from extreme anxiety, etc etc are PRESCRIBED it.

Personally, I say no. But I'm against anything like that for various reasons.

10 years ago

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Well I'm a drinker, but I do believe weed should be legalized. Safer more controlled product would protect the children who will try it anyway. The new trend in here in Hungary is a stuff called herb with similair effect, but it's totally artificial. I've seen 2 or 3 of my friends puking after smoking one, and they are no strangers to the stuff.
So yeah I say legalize the real deal. Or at least decriminalize it.
Also it goes without saying that i mean smoking reefer once in a while is okay, but you WILL get addicted to it after daily usage. Not physicaly but mentaly. I know that type, not cool bro, not cool.

10 years ago

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You sir know what you are talking about. Also it is profitable for the country to legalize weed, as it will give them tons of money from taxing it.

10 years ago

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"but you WILL get addicted to it after daily usage. Not physicaly but mentaly. I know that type, not cool bro, not cool."

Depends on the person but I have seen that happen with many things, its really not cool...I don't think having a smoke after a hard days work is an issue everyday for most, but some have no self control or just have addictive personalities. Same goes for drinking, although I never actually tasted alcohol, my family has issues with it so I always stayed far away is all.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Pot legalized? HELLZ YEA! Taxes for local economy, STEAL MONEY FROM THE DRUG CARTAL JERKS, and a lot less people in prison.

10 years ago

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weed?NO..the end,close this topic now

10 years ago

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But moooom,all the cool kids are doing it.

10 years ago

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While we're at it: should unicycles be banned?

10 years ago

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Do I smoke weed? NO

Should weed be legalized?


Weed is not good for you. It just isn't, and don't listen to the potheads who have convinced themselves otherwise ("No man, it grows connections in the brain and makes you more creative!" Great, have you taken your ideas and turned them into anything? No? You just sat on your couch and smoked weed for six months? Super.).

But! It should not be the government's job to protect people from themselves. Especially when such "protection" is detrimental to society as a whole.

1. Weed is bad for you.

But if you want to harm yourself, I'm not going to stop you. But! What if you're underage? Kids can get weed so easily these days. You want to keep it out of the hands of teens? You need to regulate it, and step one of regulation is legalization. It should be treated exactly like alcohol, legally speaking. We already have all the right rules in place.

2. Weed funds criminals.

Criminals that then have a financial incentive to commit further criminal (sometimes violent) acts, in order to keep selling weed. I don't know about you, but I'd prefer to live in a less violent society. Legalizing weed defunds criminals, and removes incentives to violence.

3. Weed is costing you money right now.

Well, it is if you pay taxes. All that money flowing into the hands of the criminals, that's MORE TAXES you're going to have to pay. Taxes directly lost through not taxing that weed, taxes needed to fund police and incarceration and the entire justice system to prosecute weed offenders. Hey, I like my money where it is!

Long story short: it is in your best interest to legalize weed, even if you don't smoke it yourself!

10 years ago

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Excellent post that no one replied to for some reason. The crazy thing is that the "war on drugs" has almost no effect except for wasting our tax money.

Millions of people smoke weed everyday, and all of that cash is going to the black market instead of legitimate stores and taxes. Insanity.

10 years ago

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Proof that it is legit bad for you? I've heard nothing but that it can make people more lazy.

10 years ago

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Yet to hear anything concrete in that regard as well, and I've been studying it for a while.

10 years ago

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Legalise all drugs, but have a ban on all advertising and use in public areas.

"Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else" from Declaration of the Rights of Man

"The only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant . . . Over himself, over his body and mind, the individual is sovereign" John Stuart Mill, On Liberty.

10 years ago

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We should start with banning advertisements for pharmaceutical drugs, but with our bought political system that will not happen.

10 years ago

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You'd be surprised how many problems those ads make.

10 years ago

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I'm not surprised really. I think it's a pretty big issue for us. I've also heard those kind of ads aren't allowed in any country other than America either, which seems oh so hypocritical considering our war on drugs.

10 years ago

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I'm 16 and I smoked weed for.the first time last month. I liked it a lot. I do think it should be legalised. its not much worse than alcohol.

10 years ago

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Just be safe, keep it to a minimum until your brain fully develops or at least near that point. Always do so in a controlled environment also around people you trust, no reason to get into a shitty situation for no reason.

10 years ago

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I agree with waiting for the brain to develop, but a controlled environment with people around? Someone is not gonna jump off a bridge from smoking weed, Reefer Madness is a myth. Edibles can be psychedelic, but people only ever think they're dying on those and never actually die or harm themselves.

10 years ago

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Well, as with anything that alters the mind you have to be a little careful, when young you can already do dumb shit, under any influence can increase that. All I am saying is don't get high with strangers and play chicken on a freeway, yes I have seen this both with people high and not high...

10 years ago

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I guess so, but even thinking in a different way than is socially acceptable can alter the mind (as you mention sober people have a capacity to do crazy nonsense too). I wouldn't want drug regulation to bring about more punishment of thought crime like criminalizing mind altering drugs has though. I would agree with preventing drug users from loitering and interfering with travel/business, but other than that I don't think we should be trying to control the will of others.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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In my country there's a website for drug dealing. Yeah, pretty insane. It's there and anyone can visit it. It's basicly a forum/picture board that uses TOR. Currency is bitcoin and private conversations through hushmail. Completely untrackable by my country's police. I myself have just studied about this matter and would never touch it even with a 5 meter pole. (It's also used as a hacking society, illegal programs, illegal "adult content")

10 years ago

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what, weed is illegal, i never heard that here in the netherlands

10 years ago

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