I have a serious topic, and I only want truthful answers. I'm 15 I'll admit. I see kids in my High School smoking weed, talking about weed, and how it should be legalized, it disgusts me. I mean, if you're over 18 and you smoke it, that's fine, I don't really care. But, you shouldn't do drugs if you are under 18 for god's sake! I hope people who are reading this agree with me, and here is the real question. Should weed be legalized? I mean, it's somewhat proven to not be that dangerous, but I call BS on that. I truly do. I mean like I said, even if it was, even if it WAS legalized in all of the US, kids still wouldn't be allowed access to it because they are under aged! Anyone have an opinion? (Be smart, and be mature ONLY.)

10 years ago*

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Yes, end of the story. Weed is love, weed is life.

10 years ago

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Nobody should smoke weed. Vaporise it, save your lungs. It is a relatively benign drug but I don't recommend it.

We are biological machines, our thoughts and the way we feel are controlled by our brain which is a network of neurones controlled by neurotransmitters. Drugs have their effect because their shape is similar to these neurotransmitters and so they can bind with the receptors. The brain adapts to regular drug use, the receptor numbers change and an addiction starts to develop. The primary neurotransmitter affected by drugs of abuse, either directly or indirectly, is Dopamine, this is the reward neurotransmitter, it controls drive. We are therefore predisposed to want to continue to use a lot of these drugs when we start. Drugs are good, it is the negative aspects of being a drug user which are bad, the cost in time, money, health, etc, and this may take a long time for a user to fully realise, especially with their drug addled brain, which will have come up with all sorts of justifications for continuing to use their drug of choice. The classic drug experiment is to put a rat in a cage with a lever to administer some drug, say Cocaine, and then watch that little rat keep pushing on the lever. It is biology. Whilst I would like to see all adults given the freedom to use drugs, I also want people to understand why they shouldn't take them.

Some natural nootropics (smart drugs) are ok. My favourite drug is Tea, if you want something to bind with the CB1 receptor brew a cup, don't roll a joint, you will get a lot more done. Catechins are the only substance I know of, apart from Cannabinoids, that will bind with the Cannabis receptor.

10 years ago

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I'm 14, so it's not like I will be doing it. Though I plan on it when I get older, I will just go from my current perspective. From an economic perspective, it makes complete ZERO sense to have it illegal. I will list a few reasons. 1. The U.S. puts people that smoke it in jail and use tax money to keep them fed, supplied, etc. At the end, it seems counter-productive. 2. At least if you legalize it and sell it, you can gain the money via the taxes instead of no money being generated. 3. It has been stated numerous times that marijuana is less dangerous than other legal items, alcohol and tobacco in particular. That is just my take on it of course. After looking at the mass amount of replies, I doubt many will read my reply. Just nice to vent.

10 years ago

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It makes perfect sense from an economic perspective to the tobacco and alcoholic beverage industries. They don't want another substance competing with their products.

Fun fact: in California the majority of the funds used in the campaign against legalizing marijuana were provided by Budweiser.

10 years ago

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Thanks for posting that fun fact actually. I am really glad, and a bit angered, to know that.

10 years ago

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Budweiser: "Why smoke weed when you can drink piss?"

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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lol, I think with beer, it should be quality, not quantity.

10 years ago

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Agreed, same goes for weed, usually the crap that makes people paranoid is dirt weed or regs....I mean its not bad really for you but quality usually has better effects, calmer, and all.

Yeah pretty sure brands like bud are just get get you drunk frat boy status and not to actually enjoy the beer, I don't drink but man from what people told me, shit taste like piss.

10 years ago

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I rarely drink beer, but I judge beer quality by which one tastes the least like piss (another fun fact: as a small child I pissed in a green Sprite bottle and the next day forgot it was piss, dropped some ice cubes in a cup, poured up a nice big icy glass of my own urine and took a big drink, puked violently, so I CAN say that beer definitely tastes similar to piss, haha..)

Anyway, I think the ONLY part of weed that makes anyone paranoid is the "social implications", like breaking the law or disappointing loved ones, or just being caught doing something thats generally "frowned upon", or potential fear (for those just starting smoking) that they'll do something embarrassing or might trip out and eat a whole pie or "see colors" like Family Guy portrays weed (apparently you smoke it and then lay on the couch naked in front of your children..) :| Once I came to grips with my smoking, once my family knew and accepted it, there was no more paranoia.

10 years ago

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Next time, check for the carbonated fizz (or see a doctor if that comes natural)

I've gone over sooo many articles since this thread started to find where I'd seen this, but from what I understand is that it is part of the chemical change that takes place in your head, though I doubt the social implications help.

10 years ago

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I'm ok with medical marijuana as long as the person actually needs it, I hate how its set up in California where if you have a booboo on your finger you can go to one of these doctors who only give out the medical cards for the stuff and nothing else and get one for 25 bucks.

For recreational use, no I don't agree with it. If there is nothing wrong with you, taking drugs just to feel good or because you are bored or what ever is stupid. If you are under the age of 25 and smoking crap or drinking and getting drunk, you're an idiot. Last I read the brain is still developing up to around the age of 25 (though that was a while ago that I read that so the science might have changed since then).

Also remember when you get the stuff, its not just weed you're smoking.

If the medical stuff has all that crap on it, imagine what the illegal or even legal stuff for regular users has on it.

10 years ago

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"For recreational use, no I don't agree with it. If there is nothing wrong with you, taking drugs just to feel good or because you are bored or what ever is stupid. If you are under the age of 25 and smoking crap or drinking and getting drunk, you're an idiot. Last I read the brain is still developing up to around the age of 25 (though that was a while ago that I read that so the science might have changed since then)."

Translation: If I don't like it then it should be illegal.

You know what, to me this just sounds like a control thing, why should you care if someone drinks or smokes weed to have fun, I hate alcohol, I am not gonna stop or bitch about other people drinking it, I just stay away from it and mind my own business, you know for freedoms sake. Yeah put an age limit on it, hell make it 21+ if you like but really...? Sounds like you want prohibition back also....-_-.

"Also remember when you get the stuff, its not just weed you're smoking.


Number 2

Mold spores are always in the air btw if you did not know...we live around mold and fecal matter, getting on a public bus you are bound to be touching it, the skin is our biggest organ, think about it.

10 years ago

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This kind of summarizes my opinion on marijuana, medical use can be okay, but recreational stuff has too many issues that arise.

Anything that is consumed into the body probably should have a lot of the same standards that the food service has, such as mandatory hand washing, and there should be more consistency between what is available, otherwise you will get more than you bargained for.

10 years ago

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Then wouldn't you want legalization? Legalization leads to regulation after all.

If you want to make sure the plant is grown, stored, and distributed in a safe and healthy way then you need to legalize it and let the FDA control it like they would for any other food or drug.

Black market drugs sound like exactly what you don't want, and without legalization they will be the only option for people who choose to consume them.

10 years ago

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My point was that if it were legalized, the basics of regulation should be dealt with immediately. I my opinion, though, there are other issues that legalizing brings up that would have to be addressed to make me feel better about marijuana being legal.

The article was talking about marijuana from legal medical dispensaries (I believe in Seattle) that are having issues with the cleanliness of the products that they are selling. When someone purchases something from a business, they have a right to products as free of defect as reasonable, which includes free of fecal and vaginal born bacteria in products consumed, ingested, injected, or to be put in or near orifices. The employees should be required to wash their hands since people consume the product that they are handing out, yet there are various forms of bacteria on the product they are selling. This regulation is in the food and pharmaceutical industries, so there is no good reason for this to be happening. The fact that this is going on shows a either a lack of regulation or lack on enforcement of regulations meant to protect people from other peoples' poor hygiene habits.

If someone chooses to take risks with illicit/black market drugs, they are accepting the health and legal risks associated with it, as it is outside the law, including the fact that there is no regulation on the drug they are purchasing. There is no reasonable assumption that the marijuana is safe.

10 years ago

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Well, exactly, we should want full and strict regulation on the product just like we would demand from any drug. The best way for that to happen is for the product to be legal and grown under precise government guidelines.

Once legal, the FDA will set out guidelines on how it needs to be grown and handled (just like they do with all other food and drugs.) Big professional farms and greenhouses will start growing the plant which should see a notable increase in cleanliness and quality vs. the grey/black market stuff grown in some basement.

No one should have to take risks when the solution is so simple. We already have the systems and rules in place for alcohol, just copy that model and allow people the freedom to make their own choices. Prohibition only serves to make criminals richer; a legal product is safer and provides money to legitimate businesses instead.

10 years ago

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There are other issues than just purity and regulation, but on the issue of regulation, they have found holes in their regulations, namely with the food products, and it has caused deaths. Prohibition is meant for the public's safety, and if it is to be lifted, any issues dealing with cleanliness, consistency, and quality need to be talked about, researched, and then dealt with before legalizing it. My point before is that when you are going around the government, you had no expectation of cleanliness, but when it is legal, the bacteria on the product is inexcusable.

My argument in this context here is not over legalizing or not, it is those conditions in legal dispensaries is inexcusable. And honestly, I am kind of tired of arguing over whether it should be legal or not because I have been dealing with one guy who cannot be an adult about it.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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Yes and No. Yes because I feel like police and government officials are spending too much time trying to stop the production of majuraina and it just seems effortless. No, because I'm sure too much weed can and will kill someone and if this stuff is legalized I'm sure the number of potheads we see roaming the streets will increase significantly. One of my neighbors teenage kids got sent to jail from being high. I teens can easily get access to this stuff then how sooner will children get it?

10 years ago

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"weed can and will kill someone"

Citation needed. Because thus far I have NEVER heard of that happening...you been watching reefer madness?

"One of my neighbors teenage kids got sent to jail from being high. I teens can easily get access to this stuff then how sooner will children get it?"

Uhmmm yeah...what, lets punish everyone for some kid being dumb, might as well ban all alcohol also...

Oh and this...

10 years ago

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Weed can but will not kill someone. It would not be possible to consume the huge quantities required. You would need a dose about 20,000 to 40,000 times greater than users typically consume, about 1500 pounds of marijuana in 15 minutes to create lethality.

In comparison, a severe withdrawal from alcohol can cause permanent brain damage and death.

10 years ago

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To add to this, same can be said about water, anyone remember that terrible radio contest? Mom went on a radio show, whoever could drink the most water won a Wii(When they came out, hard to find etc...). Lady one the Wii for her kids and then died. Poor kids...


Point: To much of anything is bad. Don't ban water please, sorta need it.

10 years ago

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The LD50 rate of cannabis is 1500 pounds consumed within 15 minutes. With that much weed you'd suffocate from the smoke or be crushed by the weight of it before you would actually have the capacity to consume enough to result in death.


10 years ago

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i see no reason to keep people from smoking weed when over 18, why would it be any more dangerous than drinking, (i know you have to be 21 in the US, but 18 where i live) smoking or even drive a car, by legalizing it you would also avoid people having to do it in criminal environments, and also they'd be able to get some clean products. "I call BS on that" it has been proven ya know, it's just been this tabu that people have build, the only dangerous thing about it is the smoke, but hell, cigarettes are more dangerous in that manner, as long as you're not talking about an actual abuse i see no problem to it, sure you might get addicted to it, but can you not get addicted to drinking? or smoking?

10 years ago

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Both create tar when smoked, only problem is cigarettes have like 400+ burning chemicals, none edible chemicals that should not be breathed in...good news is both can be vaporized and cannabis can be used in foods/drinks/etc...

10 years ago

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it already is here :D

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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You know the government will tax the hell out of it.

10 years ago

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Ehh let them, still a better option then letting it stay illegal.

10 years ago

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When they tax it too much they will make space for illegal weed grown by people in homes.

10 years ago

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Sure, but even at that at least the normal everyday guy on the street wont be sent to jail for having a ounce on him in his pocket for personal use or anything...

If they wanna go after illegal growers that are selling it by the buttload so be it.

You are also forgetting if its legal we can all just grow our own, most places that have it legal allow a certain amount of plants per person.

10 years ago

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It's already legal where I grew up. I haven't smoked weed in years. I do think it should be legal though. Is weed a bad vice? Yes. It's no worse for you than alcohol though. I don't think it should be a crime.

10 years ago

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The irrational and unsubstantiated fear of plants in the cannabis genus. This includes, but is not limited to, any and all strains of Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis, and even the innate cannabinoid compounds of the plant itself. In some lesser cases of this phobia the one inflicted with it may only fear THC, may only fear cannabinoids and not the plants used for industry or fiber, may fear all but CBD, may fear smoke, may fear cannabis oil, or may fear/not fear any combination of these forms of cannabis regardless of how these fears contradict themselves. For example; they may claim cannabis is an excellent medicine, while at the same time say it is not fit for recreational usage or human consumption to any degree beyond healing illness. Another example was a Chinese Cannaphobia sufferer I encountered who believed industrial hemp should be legal and free to use, but all "cannabic compounds" should be illegal and heavily monitored; even though hemp contains CBD just like the female cannabis does.

Cannaphobia is signified by paranoia, hatred, bigotry, fear of the alteration of laws/society to any degree, unclear arguments, unfounded claims, constant citing of hypothetical scenarios, and the continued proliferation of a reprehensible agenda regardless of the negative consequences.

There is no known cure to Cannaphobia, at least in our current allowed pharmacopoeia.

10 years ago

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Well I am from The Netherlands, it's already "legal" here. I started smoking weed at a very early age but thats not due to that it's legal here. It's also not allowed here under the age of 18.
I do think weed should be legal. If you want to get weed you can get it anyway. If it's illigal you mark it as "dangerous" or "exciting" especially for the younger crowd which makes them wanna try it more.
In holland weed is smoked but nobody really cares. There is nothing "cool" about it.
When I was in highschool I did hang out with others who smoked during breaks and stuff, but this group was actually rather small. I guess there were 6 of us who smoked regulary and the size of the school was about 400-500 people.
Also, if you look at the percentage of the amount of people who smoke weed between countries you can see that in Holland less people smoke weed in comparison with France for example.
So, yeh, I think weed should be legal. Not for underaged people ofcourse, but in all honesty, you can't stop that anyway.

10 years ago

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420 blaz et

10 years ago

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History has proven that prohibition never works.

Regulation, instead, has numerous advantages with state control on production and selling :

  • no mafias involved
  • no cheap toxic products added
  • tax income
  • more trustable and effective prevention messages (when I was a teen-ager, the "take pot and you'll end as a crack-addict" messages sounded so stupid that numerous people did not even acknowledge the simple fact that smoking pot is not something good for the health)
  • less people to take care of in jails

My 2 cents.

10 years ago

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I'm 31 years old and have smoked daily since age 17 or 18.. It hasn't reduced me to some sloth-like sub-human idiot, it hasn't caused me to run over a child after grabbing a burger from McDonalds.. Alcohol, on the other hand, has caused me to vomit blood, has caused one friend of mine to attack another with a metal flashlight, has turned many (MANY!) peaceful people into violent hazards :|

If you want to experiment with ol' mary for the first time, DO NOT judge your "experience" solely on a single usage.. Just like some medicines that say "may make you dizzy in the first week of taking", marijuana does hit (abnormally) hard the first time you ever smoke it. Smoke a couple times a day, and then judge the experience on day 3, I'd say.. I'd LOVE to quit smoking cigarettes and can't seem to find the power, but I can stop smoking "weed", side-effect/withdrawal free, any time I want to (just got done quitting for 11 months, in fact..) Another thing, from the pharmaceutical commercials: WARNING! May make you grow breasts, or get cancer, or have a stroke, or turn your genitals purple, or cause you to bleed from your pores, on and on and on.. Marijuana does none of that.

And I hate seeing television shows (Seth MacFarlane, I'm looking at you..) where they portray marijuana as something that makes you see colors or go insane or eat entire pigs. DON'T have an opinion if you don't have first-hand (lengthy) experience.

Another point is, if it does get legalized, if the prices "legally" aren't lower than the "street" price, private sales of marijuana WILL NOT stop.. "Yay, its legalized! Except I was getting 7 and a half grams for 25 bucks, now they're trying to charge 40 dollars for a single gram!" will not work, at all. The only real way to eliminate private sale is to offer a MUCH better price than the street does.. And we (the "United States") are capitalists (before family, before religion, before human rights, MONEY), so the government will keep pushing taxes on it up, will keep raising the base price up, and thats when people will start breaking into the places its sold instead of buying it :) Don't kid yourself, its a cheap plant! You can't charge rocket-boots prices for it, especially when I can just buy it from a guy down the street :)

The main reason they're thinking of legalizing it, though I'd like to believe its because they've realized it isn't the giant fire-breathing demon they made it out to be, its mostly because people are over-filling the jails/prisons with repeat marijuana offenses :> I REALLY thought they'd NEVER legalize it.. My fiancee got "caught" with half a joint that her "friend" stuck in her purse as a surprise, and ended up with a little over a thousand dollars in fines. I didn't ever think they'd let go of money like that.. But, now that they've seen the revenue rolling in from these states that have legalized already, they're ready to smile and say "GO WEED!".. As it is right now in the US regular sales tax on a dollar is 10 cents, so it COSTS YOU A DOLLAR TO SPEND TEN DOLLARS. All this while they cut my disability payments down, and cut my food stamps down (for a single human being the government currently gives me 21 dollars a month for all my caloric needs.. Less than a dollar a day for breakfast, lunch, and dinner..) If our government found a place they could sell their grandmother's hair for a couple million dollars this would be a country of bald old ladies.

One last note!! SET YOUR SEEDS FREE! Don't crush them, trash them, burn them, no!! Take any and all marijuana seeds you've got and throw them into an area that people don't travel through (and an area that doesn't get mowed down on a regular basis), or throw them into a river or flowing creek.. The part that bugs me the most is that you virtually cannot find a "wild" marijuana plant in the United States. We worry about protecting endangered species, we worry about recycling, we worry about air pollution, but no-one says much of anything about us causing a highly nutritious food source to become a natural rarity in the wild :| Thousands of critters eat it, and for the past seventy or eighty years the government has basically wiped them out..

In the end, legal or not, people will do what they want if they feel they aren't hurting anything. I either want marijuana legalized or alcohol made illegal.

10 years ago

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"7 and a half grams for 25 bucks"


Not in NYC....

10 years ago

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Oh, you find people here trying to sell single grams of "kush" for 30-40 bucks, which is insane.. Mostly insane because "kush" translates to "decent weed" :| Ten years ago I could get a half for 30 bucks, sometimes 25, and quarters of decent to not-so-decent for 15 (but usually 20).. It is.. difficult.. to find a 25 dollar "quarter" (6.5g weed 1g bag and you usually get 4-5g these days..) Here (in Arkansas) its 30 a quarter and 60 a half from 90% of the people you talk to.. As I said above, I'm on disability and the reason I quit these past 11 months is due to overpricing.. I've just now found a guy thats "old-skool" and still selling for 25 a q.. Here (in Arkansas, for clarity), medical legalization almost passed last year and will pass this year.. The only reason it failed last year was a bit they added in saying that legal-weed folks would be allowed to grow up to 3 plants for personal use :) That won't be in the next attempt.. Anyway, once its been even partially legalized I'll probably try growing my own plant just because the price gouging is getting out of control..

The only reason the price is so high is "to justify the risk" of selling it illegally.. Not because its super-difficult to successfully grow the product :> Very, very easy to grow the plant :) And each average plant yields a pound of smoke, 120 dollars per ounce, close to two thousand dollars per plant?? What other plant on this planet is anywhere near worth 2000 dollars per pound?? Maybe a giant redwood or something!

Either way, legalization for the purposes of scalping yet another profit isn't going to work (to stop "drug lords" from importing it, or people from growing their own for personal usage). As far as recreational legalization, that law should always come with the ability to grow your own for personal use..

10 years ago

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Ounce of decent(Mids, actual mids, regs are about 100 an ounce) in NYC is around 300, most sell for even more, shits nuts here, I have 0 ounces, can't afford it, its also how I know its not addictive haha, haven't had it in months, no actual craving, would be nice for my back pains atm and foot issue but yeah...what can you do! I am moving out of NY soon, not sure where yet...

10 years ago

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I've got 3 support disks out in my spine, so I can dig the back pain relief.. While NOTHING short of being knocked unconscious can handle serious nerve/spine pain, marijuana (smoked softly to avoid coughing) is definitely a help (especially when the only pharmaceuticals that offer "real" help with high-caliber pain are generally highly addictive)..

You know its bad, bad news when the prices are as crazy as they are (basically saying weed is, pound for pound, worth the same amount as Alienware laptops) when you see people packing their weed into rock-hard bricks just so they can add almost-empty stems and seeds from other batches just to increase their already insane profits :| Anyone who smokes knows that no stem shows up naturally in a bag with a single little bit of weed stuck to it :> Plus packing the extra seeds like that usually breaks the seeds and permeates the rest of the bud with damned seed oil :| Not to mention that leaves broken shards of seed all scattered through it :| Bastards! :)

10 years ago

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I'm an hour in-land from Sydney Australia, and I pay $300/$320 per ounce...

Yeah, addiction potential is quite low; cold-turkey from heavy/daily use can result in the body's temperature regulation becoming hyper-senstitive, increased sweating, and reduced hunger for a day or two. Pretty mild in the grand scheme of things.

10 years ago

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"cold-turkey from heavy/daily use can result in the body's temperature regulation becoming hyper-senstitive, increased sweating, and reduced hunger for a day or two. Pretty mild in the grand scheme of things."

Yeah I don't think heavy is a good idea, everything in moderation, eating to much mcdonalds will probably give worse side effects though haha...

10 years ago

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"DON'T have an opinion if you don't have first-hand (lengthy) experience."

No, just, no. That is a lot like saying, "You've either smoked marijuana or your wrong" or, "You opinion doesn't count unless you've smoked marijuana."

10 years ago

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That line was in the context of people making it out to be hyper-fantastical.

Ironically, the person over-simplifying things is the guy that doesn't smoke pot...

10 years ago

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If you want it in the context of people making it hyper-fantastical, do not make it as generalistic sounding as "don't have an opinion without firsthand knowledge."

When it comes to Seth MacFarlane, nobody takes things like Family Guy seriously, and I wouldn't be surprised if he has had firsthand experience with pot. In his cartoons, he does things so out of proportions for everything, that being surprised that he isn't being realistic about marijuana is silly, though I don't remember seeing anything that suggested that in the cartoons of his, but I don't watch all of every one.

10 years ago

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It's in context because of the sentence that preceded it in that paragraph. Had it been a lone sentence then yes, it's context would be highly generalised.

10 years ago

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I personally do not feel that the government should have anything to do with laws that pretty much are making responsibility legal or not. As long as it harms no one else I feel people should be able to make whatever bad decisions they please once they are adults. Then it could be taxed and gain revenue rather than costing a fortune in locking people up for using said drugs.

So really, I'd support many drugs that are illegal being legal because I feel the government doesn't have the right to enforce people being responsible, especially when said "responsibility" is not always based on anything more than someone's beliefs that something is bad.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I legit hurt from laughing at certain parts of this, the teenager part and the ending was amazing.

Lets smoke this bag of....haha no!

10 years ago

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Getting high has been a part of human's lives since the beginning times.

Native Americans chewed cocoa leaves often. Getting high was literally the main basis for old medicines.

I don't see why people think it's such a big deal. It's a fucking plant. Why should a plant be banned?

10 years ago

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The amount of people here wagging their fingers and imposing restrictions on the freedoms of others concerning something that probably won't ever affect them is hilarious... and saddening. The "self-esteem movement" really did a number on some heads. "You aren't allowed to relax this way at the end of the day when you get home from work." "You shouldn't be able to enjoy your weekends like that." "I know how you should spend your time better than you do." "I'm pretentious, therefore I'm correct." "I heard from a relative 2 years ago that weed is bad, so weed is bad." I am all for promoting the freedom and rights of the individual. I am against big government sanctioning SWAT raids on normal everyday people traumatizing them for life for a small bag of cannabis. Cannabis will become a normalized commodity around the globe that people won't think twice about eventually, just like cracking open a beer with dinner.

10 years ago

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Yeah mate, people are gullible; especially the cynical... Most people are raised to be centre-of-the-universe life's-not-fair mini-dictators that are filled to the brim with intellectual insecurity (and therefor over-confidence).

10 years ago

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Not to mention the tax cost of robbing people of their freedom. Instead of taxing a legal product and actually making some money, we spend billions on police/DEA/prisons. All to fight a "war on drugs" that only serves to hurt people who are simply doing what they want with their own bodies.

10 years ago

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in my house is legalized

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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It should be legal, retards die, world gets better.

10 years ago

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Wait, do you think cannabis kills people!? hahahahahaha. You clearly think that from what you said. "It should be legal, retards die, world gets better.", just for the record.

If you believe that then you don't deserve to have any input. I also find it hilarious that most of those with flase information generally claim to have a superior intellect and come off as a little elitist; because they don't use cannabis (whetther it be recreational or medical).


10 years ago

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Not saying only those with lots of smoking experience should have a voice, but it's like me being a scuba diving expert with a decade under my belt, and somebody's whose water experience doesn't go beyond their own bathtub tries to lecture me on the ins and outs and the nuances of scuba diving... "scuba divin should be illegal cuz u could die mayn land dweller 4 lyfe hur"

10 years ago

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I understand what you mean and I normally help trying to inform people but they clearly haven't actually tried to research cannabis one bit themselves. Making the horribly inaccuracte statement "it should be legal, retards die, world gets better." shows this. As if I have to break it down but this person believes that, a) Cannabis kills people, b) Cannabis causes retardation, c) Cannabis users deserve to die (as if anyone has the right to decide who dies).

Why help someone that doesn't want to help themselves, doesn't appear to be able to think critically and appears to lack the ability to research, that is why I said they don't deserve any input. If they do some research and actually form opinions based on facts & not beliefs, I'll be happy to talk to them.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Hahaha, that show is fantastic.

10 years ago

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Loved every minute of it, Sarah Silverman show is in the same zone so to speak, worth a watch.

10 years ago

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Yeah her show is great too.

10 years ago

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