It's better, but very unoptimized.. I know it's beta but for lots of peoples with high end pc its unplayable.
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So this is more Alpha version than Beta? Isn't open betas meant for free advertisement and polishing the rough edges? They're kinda missing the point here by offering a half finished turd. If I play shitty beta version of the game, chances are I won't touch it with a 100 meter internet pole.
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Open Beta for a multiplayer game is more generally for server stress testing. The polishing is all done in closed beta, and any free advertising they get from open is just a bonus.
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did you install the nvidia beta drivers for bf4 :P
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I have a 3 GHz CPU , but it's a fucking Pentium 3 , so you should also say the make and model of CPU.
Just FYI...
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How many Ghz your CPU operates at says absolutely nothing, 0, nada, zilch, about its' performance. What model is it? How many cores does it have? What kind of RAM are you running on, while we're at it? And is it running in dual channel mode?
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if it is an expansion and i am sure you dont know what expansion is.....Try to bf3 to destory a SKYCRAPER
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Congrats. You've mentioned one new gameplay gimmick, one that is level and location bound, so could easily also be part of a DLC / map pack of some sort. Hence, you've defeated the entire point of your post, by posting.
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Don't you mean 1942? I don't think I've ever heard of 1945...
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Just BF2. I wasn't too happy with BF3 when it came out since it seemed kind of "dumbed down" from what I had played before but I somehow got sucked in still. So far, BF4 seems to be a step in the opposite direction. In-game squad VoIP is even back.
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Well, then it's same as me. I just thought that you have ever played only BF3. I liked BF2 back then, even though I stopped playing it, it's one of greatest games I played, but BF3 is also good imo, it's not exactly the "right" Battlefield as it should be, but you are right, the BF4 is a little step back, it reminds me a of BF2 in some things. As I spent those ~2hrs in beta I found the game a bit chaotic. And I hope they will resolve those performance issues, those random fps drops are really, really bad.
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BF2 always had ping issues for me, even after 1.5 patch, so i couldn't like it so much because of that problem (naturally).
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lol how u guys play via Origin and that funny Browser kinda thing? buhahah its new Era People, and still no in game server browser. buhh
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I don't see how what I said is false? I am listing facts, I am being objective. Are you implying simply by naming the fact I act and think biased?
You seem to get very defensive, are you an EA developer? Your judgement also seems biased to me, seeing as you haven't come up with many real arguments or facts, other than tell me I am wrong and you are right.
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It's better in a few things, but it sucks hard for coop, because it only works once in a while and I could only complete a single one of them.
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More large scale destruction would be nice. being able to collapse C flag building alone leaves me wondering why the other skyscrapers can't be brought down as well :/
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It's awesome! I've been watching the loading screen for over 6 hours now since it always froze... and no, don't tell me to update my drivers, since I already done that and yes, my PC is capable of running the fuck you DICE/EA ..
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Same for me. Try to load game and just get loaaaaaaaaaading.... then it stops responding. Fun times!
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I cant be arsed messing around getting a beta to work anyway. I'm just gunna uninstall it and wait for the full game.
EDIT: Strangely enough I just actually managed to load a game. I got terrible fps (anywhere between 0-30), but its a start!
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It looks exactly like BF3, brings almost no innovative features apart from REPAIRING the game by readding the commander mode.
Also, day one DLC.
It has pretty poor optimization and they did something to the weapons, they feel different from BF3, they feel worse.
I am disappointed and prolly won't pick up BF4 on release, even though I owned every previous title of Battlefield upon release, even 1943.
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i upgraded my drivers to the beta and i get 16 fps ...unplayable for me
4 cores cpu and a amd 5800 series high one
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runs like a shit, and you get stuck in every stone.
Going to preorder.
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Guys, Try download the beta driver if you have an Nvida card. It worked for me.
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Played it for ~10min in total, every now and then I get some DirectX crash from my OC GPU, so until I get a new GPU and be able to play it properly at over 20FPS I`ll stick with 3....ARMA3.
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Downloaded the latest drivers for my AMD 7770 and I cant have a 'normal' FPS amount, not even in low settings. I'll try with these beta drivers that I found in BF4 forum but I doubt it'll change something, since I downloaded the latest ones 4 hours ago (I hope I'm not downloading the same drivers again)
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new engine. it's a brand new game and supposedly a next gen game. they should at least try visually, make it look different from the previous game. the texture looks similar, the voice over are the exact same thing. sure they may have re-recorded them but it sound exactly like it's bf3's. for a next gen game, it's poorly optimized to be able to use current hardware to their best capabilities. i understand it's beta but we shouldn't need to downgrade our gpu drivers from latest to a couple months old driver. they should have worked on it for at least 2 more years and release a true sequel and to truly innovate.
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I said I do, but you're still wrong. Concrete texture, road texture, is generally going to look "similar". You're not fighting on mars.
Looking through the community I normally see these complaints from people who can't run the game properly or have to run it at low.
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Your argument of it not being graphicly distinct or miles better from BF3 is a very silly. There isn't much more they can actually do. This is the rule of diminishing returns, it takes exponentially more effort for make games look the smallest bit better, it is silly to expect a massive visual jump from a game that was already (and arguably still is) one of the best looking games to date. The game does in fact use Frostbite 3 over Frostbite 2.
As for the optimisation, that is moot as you are not playing the latest version, not even close to it. No one has any idea how optimised the game is (the current full build) at this point therefore you can't judge it.
In your opinion a true sequel requires better graphics, better sound and run smoothly on current hardware. Apart from the latter your priorities in game development are incredibly mismanaged.
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Sequels should always improve from the previous installments. Graphical improvement isn't top priority, but optimization for current hardware is. If the game can barely function in open beta testing, then it probably won't be worth your during the first ~6months when they fix the things they fucked up because the game to be shipped quickly out of the door.
Sound is important, way more important than looks. I can't play BF3 because it sounds like a fart in a long tube.
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Well you want a different game, that is different than what you claim.
As I said you are probably running on low OR I did overlook one thing, maybe you're playing on the consoles.
As for any performance issue I have none. With that said most games run into performance issues these days. The funny thing is I don't experience that, as my system is well maintained, balanced, and properly setup.
Any performance issues during a beta are to be expected, BUT it wouldn't be a stretch assuming most people complaining of performance issues have systems in a poor state and/or expecting their Honda Civic to go off roading(analogy warning).
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what in the world are you even talking about...? what i claimed is that to be considered as a sequel and next gen game, it shouldn't look/sound similar to the previous game. as for the low setting you keep assuming, i'm playing with 780 sli, with maxed settings, i'm getting 35-45 fps.
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Who has already played BF 4 and what is our oppinion?
I love it and i think it looks much better than BF 3
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