but could we maybe get some kind of option to sort by points/price
Search for a thread called Search parameters.
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Oooohhh, baby.
Too bad that seems a little bit obtuse.
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Yeah, I just tried it myself and had problems figuring it out too but steveywonder just posted the right search phrase for costs more than X points. And once you've set them to your liking you can just bookmark the link.
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https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?point_min=5&point_max=30 (points)
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?level_min=1&level_max=5 (level)
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?copy_min=2 (number of copies)
you can do it already. Just change the value to what you want. Its easy to do :-)
The thread Sundance is referring to.
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Oh, so that's how it works. I was just trying it out myself but using _ instead of =
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You're welcome. I found this out through some kind fellow SG and now it makes my life so much easier :-)
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through some kind fellow SG
I totally picture a wise old man sharing his vast knowledge of the SG world xD
"Aaah, young lad! Times haven't always been easy in these lands. There were days when giveaways were scarce and supplies low, we did not have much to build on and hope was almost gone. Bots were ravaging and keys were often duplicates, one could never know whom to trust or what to believe in. Those were dark, dark days..."
*Looks in the distance, tears in his eyes*
"My poor Magdalene..."
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Thank you so much.
Kinda wish it was a little easier of a system though, just some buttons on the side or something.
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Have you seen this thread Steve? I love this thread :)
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I joined the site because I couldn't really afford games on my own, and now I'm in college (which I also can't even really afford).
Thanks for being, or trying to be so discriminate though.
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Yeah, but there is one thing to ask if there is in some way possible to filter giveaways (This you could find by just searching in the discussions). But I dont get why you pretty much say many users giveaway shit and you are tired to filter games.
Use ESGST and filter away.
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I'm just saying it's a bit ridiculous having to dig through over 50% (probably close to 80%-90%) of all the giveaways on the site in order to find anything seemingly worthwhile. I'm pretty sure a majority of the people giving away these kinds of games are aware that the games are poor quality.
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His first edited post was "i could kill myself over it" (which was harsh), his ratio and then complaining about it, as someone else put it, makes him feel entitled.
I can fully understand certain games are not for everyone (and you can call it flaws), but like with DLC you have to filter those out manually too, so take a bit of time for those games too you want to filter out, if you are simply not in a mood for it, that's his problem, noone is forcing him.
Sometimes it's simple even when a whole bunch are called achievement hunter, then search on that and voila 25 games filtered in less than a minute..
LIke being invited to someone's dinner, and then you go oh i don't like this food, and this.
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Do you not know what "exaggeration" is?
You can filter out DLCs, I don't remember how but in all the time I've been on SG I've only seen DLC for games I own but which I do not own DLC for. Might want to look into it.
If I invite someone to dinner and make food that someone dislikes, I'm a bad host, if I'm invited to dinner and someone cooks something I dislike, I won't eat it just because it's free. Lowering quality of life standards out of politeness or submissive attitudes is just pointless and self-harming.
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I know what it is, but i don't feel it's something you even joke about. For some it's serious (even some people on the forum).
Yeah i know about dlc for games you don't own, but i own 6700 games, so i will have alot of the DLC too, so i have to filter out alot, that's what i meant. Luxoury problems, but you won't hear me complain about it.
We got a saying here, je eet wat de pot schaft, which basically translates to you eat what you get.
My parents won't certainly cook me special, i can either make my own thing (and work for it) or just not eat, you can do that one or two times, but then you become hungry.I think i am not the only one where it works that way.
And as for being a bad host, bad comparsion because plenty of people here that would still like "the shovelware". this site just doesn't revolve around those who don't like it, simple as that.
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You own that many games that you don't even want the DLC for?
As far as the food thing goes, I'm kind of on both sides of the argument. My parents had a similar policy of, "you eat what you get". But at the same time they were actually capable of reason. If they knew one of us children actively disliked something there were always alternatives to things such as green beans for vegetables with dinner. Sure we weren't just going to throw out what was already prepared, and they could still occasionally make those kinds of dishes, but for future meals it was like, "They actively dislike this/these things, perhaps we could prepare one of the many millions of other options instead?". Not sure if I agree with the whole, "I'm actually just a bad host if I make something and one of my guests doesn't care for it." thing. Pretty sure at least some forewarning would be nice, though I guess you could also just ask.
It IS as simple as that, I'm asking for people to be able to better filter the giveaways they see individually. I'm not saying people should just stop giving away shovelware altogether (though I'd probably personally prefer that), people have different tastes. I just happen to prefer playing my 2004 Flash Games for free online like most everybody else.
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Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
Just another way SteamGifts could be improved.
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Usually I don't like when someone is discriminated by number of giveaways (come on, it's a site about gifting after all), but in this case you call something you can't even afford "shovelware"... That looks... strange, I must say.
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This is illogical.
I'm not calling all games shovelware just because I can't afford them.
I'm talking about shovelware games being shovelware.
Whether or not I'm able to afford a game has little bearing on its quality, though in reality most shovelware titles are $1.
They're of such poor quality that even if I can/could afford them that I would not wish to purchase them however.
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My logic is always perfect, proved. If it seems to you that something I say is illogical, then you either understand me wrong, or just lack logic yourself.
I don't deny that some games here might be considered shovelware. But nevertheless, complayning about it here is impolite, especially when you don't do giveaways yourself.
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"you call something you can't even afford 'shovelware'"
Alright, so what was your original intention with that comment then?
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I've noticed while searching around on Steam itself though that some games actually just don't (or didn't at the time) have metascores or whatever.
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ESGST can do a lot more for you! You can build your own complex filter mechanisms with ease and if some games still manage to slip thorugh the filters, just hit that "never show me GAs for this game again"-button :)
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Blame bundletrash sites and devs who develop explicitly for said trash bundles. No one is purchasing these games individually.
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And blame all the "gamers" who play the Steam social media ranking game. They are the ones supporting and buying the shovelware that is specifically made for people to collect games, cards and achievements to show bigger numbers on their Steam account. I'm sure this will offend a lot of people here since a lot of users here do that, but they are partially responsible. They are creating the market for these games to exist.
I personally don't mind if the games exist because I just ignore them. I don't think any games should be censored and nobody should be able to say what can or can't be made or put on Steam. I collect the games I want to play and the other ones basically don't exist to me. It wouldn't make any difference to me if there were 10 million shovelware games on Steam because I would not look at them. I would hear about decent games through word of mouth or reviews and ignore the rest just as I do now.
Yes, I give these games away here, but that is usually because there was a game I wanted from a bundle and I don't want the rest of the bundle on my Steam account, so I have nothing else to do with them. Plus, there is a CV system here than encourages it.
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Most of them probably don't use bots. I think a lot of people enter because they want the game to farm for cards or they just want to increase the number of games they own on Steam. It doesn't interest me, but I don't have a problem with people collecting games if that is what they want to. The only problem is that it does cause a market for more shovelware because the developers know there are a lot of users that just try and collect every game they can on Steam, so it is an easy sale.
Also, I am not calling all poorly made games shovelware, just the ones that literally are. The ones that have thousands of achievements or the dev keeps releasing the same game over and over with different skins, textures, or models. Also, the cash grabs where the dev never planned to complete the game and it was just a pure asset flip or something that never had a chance of working and isn't playable.
I personally like some low quality unpolished indie games. I like to give new games a chance even if they were made by 1 person and have some issues. You can tell when someone actually had a vision and was making something with a passion for gaming rather than a dev that is just looking for a quick buck.
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How entitled and melodramatic do you need to be?
Maybe get a job instead of playing games?
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About the only part of my post that was even close to being melodramatic was my saying that it's making me want to kill myself, and that was mostly in jest. I'm about as entitled as anybody else, if something can be made better I'd prefer it to be better.
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Sorry that the games being given away at no cost to you aren't up to your standards. Poor you!
Maybe you should just get a job instead of spending your time on video games and complaining here? If you have time for video games you have time for a job.
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A majority of them wouldn't even pass quality standards on a flash games site from 2004.
I'm currently in school, which I also can not/barely afford.
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No one on this site is responsible for your life choices. I worked full time and went to school, a lot of people do. You have time for leisure and video games and time enough to complain here, then you also have time to get a part time job. Have you ever had a job?
Try to gain some perspective. If you saw a homeless person and bought them a meal, and they complained that the meal wasn't filet mignon and lobster, you'd be pretty annoyed that your generosity was not appreciated. I doubt you would buy them another meal.
As others have stated, you could easily just use the wishlist and recommended filters, that is all I typically use myself. =)
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I'm not complaining that I'm not receiving filet mignon or lobster, I'm complaining that I've been offered feces. Try to gain some perspective. If you were a homeless man and somebody offered you their excrement would you happily eat it up?
Yeah, that's where I go every time I log on, but I also like to check the main giveaways list to see if I can spot anything that'd passed me by. There are games I wouldn't mind having that aren't on my wishlist, and as Steamgifts isn't run by psychics they're not just going to magically appear on the recommended giveaways page either.
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You are going to find life to be very difficult for you when nothing is no longer handed to you. You don't have any perspective and you simply leech here and complain about the quality of what you are able to leech. How entitled do you need to be?
No one is forcing you to use this site, you could be spending your time working and making money like an adult. Really? Offering a homeless person to eat shit is what you compare it to? Talk about dramatic and spoiled, again. When you are eating out of trash bins you would be happy if someone offered you their table scraps or the leftovers from the restaurant, even if that restaurant is disgusting McDonald's. You either eat or you die, and something tells me you've never supported yourself on your own.
Life does not exist to cater to us, being lazy and needlessly dramatic is a waste of energy. If you can't afford games to fuel your hobby, then complaining about optional free games given away by strangers is probably not the best way to remedy your life choice to be broke.
Good luck friend.
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Oh I'm sure life will be difficult, but I believe that's true in almost all cases. People that have easy lives continue to have life handed to them on a silver platter long after they've left their parents homes. My family and I have struggled financially longer than I can remember.
Yes, I am comparing it to feces. There's a difference between bland table scraps that you struggle to survive off of and things that are genuinely worse for you to have than nothing. Would sulfuric acid be a better comparison? A cool, tall glass of chlorine gas?
Well, I also wouldn't walk up to, and scream into said hypothetical homeless man's face about how he's a waste of space that's a drain on society who is only in his position solely because of his own life choices that it's not at all possible he's found himself where he is because of circumstances outside of his control. But I guess that's where you and I differ. Certainly he could do things to change it, and as far as I've learned from society college is one such opportunity, which is one of the reasons I've chosen to go, in hopes that I can have a better life in the future.
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Grow up.
You put yourself out there when you started to complain about 'shovelware making you want to kill yourself'. No one came screaming in your face, you are not some victim- YOU initiated this discussion by ranting like an entitled jackhole.
You're more a leech complaining about the generosity of others when you are not even generous yourself. You want things given to you and you complain that the choices offered are not up to your standards.
At least make an intelligent comparison. Are these games that are being given away going to kill you? Sulfuric acid and chlorine gas? You probably don't pay a single bill yourself, yet complain about your phone or your internet or whatever else you get free in life.
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Working on it.
Said about all I can say on that.
Payments on the mountain of loans begins six months after graduation.
Also, no. I'm fairly content. I'm grateful to my parents for all the things they have provided me in life and wouldn't imagine complaining to them. My phone, which I didn't receive until I was sent out of the house for college, and the internet are actually useful.
I simply dislike inconveniences, and if you asked anybody you encounter in life I'm sure they'd say the same.
Sure my statements may have seemed a little bit extreme, but I'm mainly a product internet toxicity in that regard.
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I had no real money for 10 years, my last console is the very first wii, i live in a crooked bed making my shoulders hurt, never had a smartphone (though i dont feel the need for one) and since 10 years i can now go buy a new pc, and it be the first treat for myself since then.
Yet i somehow managed to get the games i got and still sent 1000 gifts, you live in america so sites like tremorgames you can get plenty of tasks (like a 30 minute survey) and get some things, even if you'd just get one thing to gift, or sell some of your cards, it's really not hard, but like with filtering it just takes some effort. Making the no money arguement just bogus.
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"for 10 years..." "...since 10 years"
You're talking what exactly? Since you were 10 years of age? 10 years old?
Is this 10 years since some specific event in your life?
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10 years since i had enough money to get myself something "big" as a pc, had some part time jobs but most went to medical costs and other stuff, and had not treated myself on anything after that, simply because the money wasn't there (i still live with my parents), so i fully understand when other people have money issues, but you aren't living exactly in a poor country and i still managed to get myself plenty of games, and still plenty to gift, if you really wanted to put some effort into it, i am sure you could too.
And even so, some truely can't afford anything, but atleast they don't make topics like this, if you worded it entirely different then you wouldn't have received such negative reactions.
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Once you were able to make money it took you 10 years to be able to afford something like a "PC"?
Once you had the money to buy a PC, you did so, and were strapped for cash for 10 years?
Either way, I get that you're saying even during that period (whichever way around it is) that you used things like Tremorgames to get things to be given away.
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The second but uhm you are not helping yourself further with such comments. https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/wFbqj8Y
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I'm pretty sure that comment is fairly irrelevant to my original request.
Hostility is met with hostility.
"But I did it when I was in college why can't you do it?!"
The only one, in my mind, entitled here is antocapone and others crying over how somebody else who claims that they're too poor to constantly be making giveaways has not done so, and should really contribute and be as "good a person" like them, instead of a "disgusting leech". A term which, the longer I consider makes less sense on a site like this. I can understand it completely, but another person's kindness has little to do with your own, and it's rude to make assumptions or inpress onto others responsibilities that they have no obligation to.
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It's not just about your ratio (which by far isn't as terrible as a bunch of others here) that on itself isn't the issue, but then to just make a topic the way it's worded like this, and make comments like that (no you don't have to fight hostility with hostility) is what makes it bad for you alltogether, coming over as entitled to some.
Best advice. https://www.steamgifts.com/go/comment/6gF8VzX
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Edited it a bit more this morning before you even replied.
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Could you imagine being this fanny blastered over someone wanting more forms of customization and quality control in a website with customization and quality control features. All your posts read off in a extremely ironic manner, you need some introspection abilities pal.
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Not sure why you reply to me, but when someone cries that they want to 'kill themselves' because the generosity of others is not up to their standards I will gladly call them out on it.
Edit: The kid even edited out the part about killing himself, so yeah
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Because people told me to you freaking inbred.
People told you to edit it out (and you did edit it out) because it was a stupid and immature thing to say. I just wanted to explain the context of the comments Ruben6f may have seen.
Not sure why you had to respond with more immature comments, but whatever.
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He removed it because people like you are too autistic to understand what basic concepts of languages like exaggeration. However you personally have no problem with personal attacks and chimping out though.
Crying and hyperbole are not signs of maturity and aren't going to endear your cause to others.
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I mean, are you seriously complaining that I would like features already present on the site to be better integrated?
I lack transportation, a pretty big one, and I'd rather not fall apart both physically and mentally due to stress.
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You wanting features that are already there to use is fine, but the way you are asking for them is completely unnecessary. "This trash makes me want to kill myself". I mean, considering you are here winning games and it's costing you nothing, I don't see what you can expect to receive serious answers when you make yourself sound so entitled.
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Having started using the "Hide Giveaways" feature actually going through each individual giveaway to mark certain games to be hidden away forever I've realized it's pretty dang time consuming and tedious.
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Even with proper sorting tools the shovelware filtering is a mess. It's basically impossible and there's nothing that can be done on SG's end because the fault lies on Valve letting anyone who's willing to fork up 100$ to place their games on Steam. Sometimes when I have nothing to do while I am listening to a podcast, I like to hide every shovelware title (and some trashy games as well of course) that gets placed here, to the point where I only have 2 or 3 pages to sort through of valid choices by the end of my blocking spree, one or two days later and I'm back to having around a dozen or more page's worth of titles that can barely pass as playable video games.
But as stated, it's on Valve's end, and any filtering option only gets ya so far before you end up missing out on neat games that fall under a random criteria that shovelware fulfills as well.
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Yeah, that's basically the same boat I'm finding myself in but I'm quickly realizing how time consuming and tedious that is...
In general though there are some genre on Steam that I avoid like that plague as only maybe 1 in 1,000 (Give or take 1,000,000,000) of the games in said genre are even remotely interesting. Survival, Dating Sim, Visual Novel, Hidden Object, etc. with just those tags alone a massive chunk of games that don't interest me in the slightest are culled from my Discovery Queue, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Steam also just doesn't advertise games with those tags to you in general? I don't recall with 100% accuracy.
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This X 1000. Nowadays I only ever look at my wishlist tab, and it's great because a) I only see the games I actually want to play, b) I only therefore enter giveaways for games I want to play, and c) I don't fill up my wins with trash I don't have any intention of playing.
At the very least the recommended tab shows the 'good' games a lot quicker than dredging through crap, if you're only here to win 'good' games.
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Indeed. The only tabs I use: Wishlist tab for obvious reasons, DLC tab, Recommended tab - sometimes, to find something that eluded me before, and, finally, the Group tab - to more easily spot who bluehearted me so that I may return the favor. That's all I need.
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My wishlist is not an exhaustive list of all games I might possibly consider entering a giveaway for or buying at one point in time.
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I do also check that, but for some reason it's usually also just games I have little to no interest in and rarely seem related to other games I'm actually entering giveaways for.
On that note... Does anybody actually know what the Recommended Givaways page is based on? I'd always assumed it was just supposed to be games similar to those you've recently entered giveaways for... But giving it some thought I'm really not so sure.
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I know this site has wishlist integration
This is the best filter for the public giveaways and the only one you (and everyone else) should visit. The "recommended" filter is useful as well to discover some good games that probably aren't in your wishlist.
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Unless you spend a lot of time blocking games, then you don't need any filter. My main giveaway list is usually only 2 pages.
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I keep a couple of the custom url searches in my favorites so I can just click on them when I want to do a specific search and then you can edit the url if you want to change anything. That way you don't have to remember them.
Blocking the games is the best because you will never see them again, but there are a lot to block. I currently have 10,303 blocked and I usually have a total of 2 pages of giveaways which is very easy to look through (more right now because of the Humble Monthly). Pruning games was pretty easy for the past year, but in the past month or so there has been a very large amount of cash grab shovelware showing up. I use to only block a few games a day and would sometimes go a few days without blocking anything, recently I have probably been blocking around 20 new games a day.
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Thank you.
Suppose it's just more of a challenge for me as I haven't been doing it for over a year or whatever.
I'm not even really keeping count, but there's definitely been multiple pages worth.
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Please don't use phrases like "making me want to kill myself" even in jest.
It's stupid and with "the amount of shovelware titles being given away" makes you look like an entitled twat.
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As stated in the comments, much of what's allowed on Steam these days, and as a by-product of that, many of the games being bundled and given away on this site are of such low quality that they would not have even passed quality standards on a flash site from 2004. I didn't mean for this statement of fact to personally offend anybody. The amount of people who have taken offense at my statements and are now trying to personally attack me and my life choices is fairly sickening. I figured it would be simple enough to ask for features to be better implemented into the site.
Plenty of people have created games of poor quality in a self-aware fashion, others have made cheap clones, or asset flips. Occasionally people make genuine attempts at creating good products but they fall flat, and the developers fail to recognize their own inabilities to create a quality product, just look at Tommy Wiseau. Plenty of people give these horrible games away. All I'm saying is that I have no interest in these intentionally terrible games, and that I would like a better way of drudging through it all than going to giveaway for each one of these games and hiding them from view individually. I'm not saying I can make a better game, I tried looking into it when I was younger and fairly quickly realized it wasn't for me. In today's world I thought it fairly common knowledge that one does not require ability to create something in order to be able to adequately judge it, that's true of multiple areas of life, food, media, etc.
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The problem people seemed to have with what you wrote were, that you were angry that people give bad games away, but you yourself don’t give anything away. If all people would stop giving shit games and act like you this site wouldn’t work at all.
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Ranting is okay, unliked, but I recommend you to edit the part about kys out.
As someone who has depression, it's generally in bad taste to joke about it, because it takes away from those who really do mean it.
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People who are serious about kys and will actually act upon it.
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I mean... Depression is not a particularly rare or unique thing. I've definitely considered it in the past. I decided not to because I actually have a family who loves me and it would be devastating, who knows what's going to happen when they're gone though. That, and I fear death, and pain, etc. Kinda thought about what might happen to/with me if I didn't actually die from it, thought about how messy it could be and how I'd probably feel horrible (blood loss doesn't make you feel all that great) if it wasn't quick. With all of that I was like, "Man, it'd be stupid to actually try to kill myself." That doesn't mean I suddenly no longer feel the sensation of life's meaninglessness. By saying that I'd said it "in jest" I didn't mean I said it actually expecting a laugh, there's just not many other 'good' ways of saying that you didn't mean something quite so literally. But to say I was "Just kidding guys, lol!" would, in my mind, just come across as even more dick-ish.
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What Southrobin means is that sometimes to people who have darker thoughts, seeing expressions like that may trigger their darkest symptoms. It's not to start a whole discussion on depression, because that is a topic that really varies per person and that takes encyclopedias to explain and define.
Long story short, do avoid drastic expressions like that, because to some people it might lead them towards dark thoughts that they already have a tough time staying away from.
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My advice, if you care to read it: word the initial post differently :) Take out the drama and emotive language:
"Could we maybe get some kind of option to sort by points/price, or as many online retailers have the ability to adjust the giveaways seen by a range, like say for example I only want to see giveaways for between 5 Points and 30 Points.
An option to exclude games with certain tags would be nice as well. I know it may not be all that easy, but you're able to exclude games with certain tags from being advertised to you on Steam, or at least to prevent them from showing up in your Queue thing. I know this site has wishlist integration, is there any way of integrating the "I never want to see this, or any games like it" list?
I'm aware there is an option on this site to hide specific titles, but I'd like a more efficient method."
:) o/
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Hey everyone!
I got the perfect solution!
When trying to put your game on Steam, there could be a checkbox saying "This game is a shovelware" and if people check it, then Steam Store says "Sorry, we don't accept shovelwares."
So, no more shovelwares!
Proof of concept below
Woah, Nobel Prize of Ingenuity material right there!!!
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Or Steam could just go back to the old days where they actually curated their own games or whatever.
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2,599 games have been added to my filter list. Guess why.
Of course it takes a while to check each game's store page and I didn't do it all at once. I got to that number through several years, every time I see a "new" game among giveaways I check its store page and if I'm not interested I filter it out.
This is the feature that I personally use the most to keep shovelware away from my sight. And when I feel tired to waste time on shovelware this way, I blame Steam rather than SG.
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I'm not blaming SteamGifts for their existence, I actually did blame rather clearly Steam itself for allowing such games to be on their storefront to begin with. I just wanted an easier way of drudging through all those thousands of titles. Some people have given good suggestions and actually pointed out that there are certain search parameters available, though even if they exist they're not particularly easily accessed or memorized so I believe such features could at least be better integrated into the site.
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Like how? I personally can't think of better features than the existing ones (plus the ones ESGST offers) to make shovelware easily filtered out. But if you have concrete ideas about how to do that better, you can open a thread in the suggestions section and explain them. I'm sure everyone would appreciate your effort and your ideas will be taken in consideration.
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The search parameters people had been suggesting/directing me towards. Yes, they exist, but they're not well integrated into the site.
Go look at basically any online retailer's store/website.
They could easily be made into buttons, or checkboxes, or whatever else along the side of the giveaways, or even just added into the section that already exists that allows you to check some boxes to filter out certain kinds of giveaways.
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As I said, you can propose these things in the "bugs/suggestion" category, you would get a better visibility by mods.
Or you can try ESGST, it has a feature called "advanced giveaway search" which is the UI integration of the search parameters through checkboxes along the side of the page just like you are saying.
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I think everyone should give the OP a break. I'm not thrilled with his ratio either, but who likes shovelware? We all know its purpose is just getting cheap points and leveling up. I bought a very cheap bundle once and leveled up thanks to it because I had seen so many of these games on SG and thought that people actually wanted them. It seemed like the norm. After a while I realized how wrong that is and now I'm honestly ashamed I have those games in my giveaway history.
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I consider leeches far worse than free games and I didn't even had to write a full post to address that.
By the way, giving away Men of War: Red Tide and then complaining about trash here is pretty hypocritical.
"But that was 3 years ago, and I swear I didn't just do it to get to Level 1"
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seeing shovelware on steamgifts makes me really upset, like if you want to up your contributor level you'd be better off doing a giveaway with one big title rather than a bunch of garbage you got for 50 cents
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If you don't want the game, just don't enter the GA.
Shovelware or not... sometimes is just a matter of opinion. It's people giving free games. In the old times of computing prehistory one of my favorites time wasters was to load a 2000 something shareware CD and explore it. Was mostly full of awful games, or artwork, or modtracker music.
But there was gold to be found. Some games were horrible, but had an interesting mechanic, or a clever idea, or maybe a good story behind the horrible graphics. Those games would never reach a publisher, but I played them, and enjoyed them a lot.
Look at the original One Must Fall demo:
This grow to became the timeless classic "One Must Fall 2097"
Or... Take a look at Ken's Labyrinth:
This game was released the same year as Doom. The creator Ken Silverman, later made the Build Engine (Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, etc)
Same is happening to me with "shovelware" in this steam times. Or Itch.io I think it's fun to discover new games, or mechanics, or creators.
Steam needs better curation thou.
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you've given away 1 game in 3 years, and complain about shovel-ware.. you're like the embodiment of entitlement.. maybe if you want to change the shovel ware give aways from this site, start by giving away games that aren't as you put it... Shovel ware..
also hide the games you don't want to see.. and you'll never see them again.. super hard to wade through the free shovel ware games once and hit the hide all giveaways and have it last forever..
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I'm not saying it's hard, I'm saying it's tedious and time consuming. I believe that everybody is entitled to a better experience, I'm not demanding people start giving me and me alone games,nor am I demanding people just stop giving the games that I consider shovelware away all-together. I'd just much prefer to only see giveaways for games that I actually want, and that I've only got a 0.01% chance of winning anyway. And if people desire the games that I personally have no interest to, they're still entitled to enter those giveaways.
While we're pointing out flaws, and calling each other names that the accused are most likely going to deny... Calling out somebody's opinions as entirely irrelevant simply because you consider them to be a "leech" (they have a poor ratio) kind of makes you, as well as everybody else doing it, a bigot.
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Maybe get some kind of option to sort by points/price, or as many online retailers have the ability to adjust the giveaways seen by a range, like say for example I only want to see giveaways for between 5 Points and 30 Points.
An option to exclude games with certain tags would be nice as well. I know it may not be all that easy, but you're able to exclude games with certain tags from being advertised to you on Steam, or at least to prevent them from showing up in your Queue thing. I know this site has wishlist integration, is there any way of integrating the "I never want to see this, or any games like it" list?
I'm aware there is an option on this site to hide specific titles, but the stream of shovelware seems nearly endless. I've actually tried now a couple times, going through every page with active giveaways and hiding everything that does not appeal to me in the slightest, but the next day there's just as many. It takes up at least 75% of all the giveaways on this site. As the current system is tedious and time consuming, and there seems to be a hundred new shovelware titles on Steam everyday I feel it might be nice to somewhat future proof things rather than to have to go through and block thousands of titles everyday.
(Edit: Considering editing that part about wanting to kill myself back in. It's a good thing I wasn't seriously considering it originally or else the responses to this Discussion might've just gotten me there. Here's to hoping nobody's actually serious about it and gets responses like I did.)
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