
So some of you know, most don't. I suffer from multiple psychologial disorders and neurological ones. However, that is not an excuse for my behaviour I have shown on this website and in this community the past times.

I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart towards anyone I have disrespected or belittled. I never had the intention to hurt anyone. I was being an a-hole. For this, I am truly sorry. This is a great community and I love how people help each others out so much.

I cleared my blacklist a few days ago, so go ahead any join this GA I prepared: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/70SS0/quake-iv

Please don't hate me. I do that already and it's no fun.

Have a great day, guys.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I commend your apology, but I will still keep you blacklisted for some time. You have said incredibly hateful and ignorant things on this site. I hope your contrition is genuine, and that time will prove it so.

4 years ago

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Don't get me wrong. This thread is not about trying to get me removed from people's blacklists. If anything, more people should blacklist me right now. This is simply about myself realizing that I wronged so many people. I realize that I can't atone for everything at once, but an apology is a start, isn't it?

This really isn't easy for me.

4 years ago

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Mully is a red head.
Redheads are called gingers.
Gingers have no soul.
You want to know who else has no soul?

The fucking Anti-christ, thats who.

Still think being a ginger is worse though .

4 years ago

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Sounds like you've never dated a redhead (OK, I can only qualify that to redhead women since I'm not into guys).

Once you go effing insane you'll never be able to go back.

Souls are sooooo overrated. ;-)

4 years ago

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Nope, it was just me doing the same mistake again. But.. I'm still learning. That's why I said that I don't want people to unblacklist me. This needs time. People don't change over night.

4 years ago

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That's why ESGST invented the glorious feature that allows you to ignore trolls. Blacklisting people unfortunately doesn't prevent you from seeing their posts.

Generally speaking here, obviously. I'm not specifically targeting the OP or anyone in this thread.
Just pointing out a very useful and peaceful way not to get aggravated on your favorite steamgift board anymore.

4 years ago

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I hope that you say what you mean to the people you have offended. I have no beef with you so best of luck with trying to stay positive and being nice. Have a bump if this helps in any way shape or form.

4 years ago

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I truly do. This time, I am being honest. I should have been like this a long time ago.

4 years ago

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No worries, man. You seem ok, I never held anything against you. Now let's have some fun with video games!

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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You don't have to apology for have a illnes. I'm diabetic and when i inject insuline in public with a needle some people stare at me or show discomfort... I didn't chose to be sick during all my life, duh, i don't have to be ashamed of what i am, noone is perfect.

4 years ago

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Whilte that is true and I feel bad for you, I can't blame all of my behaviour on my illnesses. So that's why I want to apologize.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Well, i also want to eat when the dinner is on the table and don't have to leave, go to the restaurant bathroom inject there and then go back. Just want to eat when the meal is served, like everyone else.

4 years ago

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Illness or not, I think, that people affected by our actions deserve both an explanation and an apology. However, certainly nobody should feel guilty, because of actions solely caused by an illness. Unfortunately, in most cases, that are not extreme, it's very hard to know for yourself, if your actions were or were not caused solely by the illness :(.

4 years ago

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man youre always so harsh on yourself .
Aslong you have a will & stay positive you can reach any goal.
Aber falls dir die halsschlagader platzt und du wem zum anschreien brauchst ,kannst mich gerne anschreien :.

4 years ago

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:O ist das etwa ein neuer fetisch :D

4 years ago

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Hab viele schreihälse als Freunde ,bin daran gewöhnt :D

4 years ago

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lol :-D

Ich hab Epic abgehärtet. Wenn auch nur schreibend^^

4 years ago

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Well, it's a first step, I guess; actually changing your behaviour will be much harder. Anyway, un-blacklisted you for now in the hope of you being sincere.

4 years ago

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Thanks, but you didn't need to do that. My point is that I want to be more sincere towards the people on this website. And.. try to be an actually good person. Yes, it will be hard to do, but.. I will try my best toi accomplish that.

4 years ago

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Hey, thanks for the heartfelt apology (not that you did anything to me, we're all good :) )...it takes a lot of personal introspection and strength to publicly apologize, and most people are bad at it. So take that for the personal victory that it is.

Keep working on you...I know that anything that affects your brain is so hard to deal with. All you can do is keep trying to get better, and in the meantime, thanks for letting the community know. We'll both try to cut you some slack, and also call you out on bad behavior if it happens so that you can realize it and move toward fixing it and continuing to recover. 😎🖖🏻

4 years ago

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Thank you for taking your time to reply to me. And thank you for your kind words. I wanted to whitelist you for that, but I already had you whitelisted, so I guess there's that. But really, thanks for being so friendly. I really appreciate it.

4 years ago

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No worries. I don't suffer from anything (that we know of...lol), but there are some psychological issues with other members of my family that I've had to deal with. It's hard for the person dealing with the disorder and for everyone around them. But understanding that disorders are real is the first step to dealing with them.

I already have you whitelisted too. :)

4 years ago

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Freut mich dass du scheinbar erkannt hast dass das Problem tatsächlich nicht die Frage ist wo du Menschen finden kannst, um deine Einsamkeit zu überwinden, sondern wie du mit den Menschen umgehst die du bereits um dich hast.
Respekt für diese Erkenntnis, aber wie auch schon bei doc der Fall werde ich mich erst über einen längeren Zeitraum vergewissern müssen wie Ernst es dir damit wirklich ist. Aber ich wünsche dir ein gutes Gelingen!

4 years ago

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Es ist natürlich ein langer Prozess. Von heute auf morgen kann ich nicht alles wieder reparieren. Aber ich gebe mein Bestes. Ich danke dir, dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, mir zu antworten. Du bist ein guter Mensch. Und an solchen will ich mir ein Beispiel nehmen.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Exactly! Let's put the gift back in steamgifts!

4 years ago

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It take guts to admit to mistakes even more so to apologize for them. Keep up the positive energy t0b3berlin!

4 years ago

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Thanks for posting, and for your words. Wishing you good luck walking the good walk.

4 years ago

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Thank you.

4 years ago

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thanks for your words and don't worry, you're someone to admire and you did something great =) keep on working on yourself, I really hope for you that everything will settle and most of all you'll stay better =) best of luck =)

4 years ago

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Thank you so much.

4 years ago

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So... People were offended by words written by some stranger on the internet...
As for me - you can offend people as much as you want. I love the drama. Support might disagree with me though so just remember to avoid spamming and telling people to kill themselves :)

View attached image.
4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Tasteful mentality :\

View attached image.
4 years ago

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View attached image.
4 years ago

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No one is perfect, life can be harsh sometimes so better hold on to a positive mindset and stay away from hatred :)

4 years ago

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Since this thread is still going, accept this GA please


4 years ago

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Best advice i have is not centering your self esteem around a page that seemingly advocates goodwill and comradery. Once it´s gone, as all things go, you´ll only have memories to it left, not a single bit of your WL/BL or other stats carries over to your actual life. SG´s is a nice distraction, but the real benchmark, sadly, is where people judge you for who you are.

Then again, the same things could also be said about love & marriage ..... i guess it´s a gamble no matter how you take it :D

4 years ago

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i dont know what youre talking about but to confess and be in clear whats right or wrong is always a good thing
ps: hab dir nen random steam invite geschickt xD

4 years ago*

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I didn't expect such an apology from you, but I'm really happy to see it. I know that you don't ask for it, but I've removed you from my blacklist. The only reason I add people to it is when I see a person being very rude to other community member, but seeing that you acknowledge that you've done so in the past and want to change means a lot in itself!

Take care and have a nice weekend! :)

4 years ago

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Can't say I'm active enough around here anymore to know anything about this, but good on you to realize your mistakes and be willing to make things right by apologizing, if there was reason to. ^^

4 years ago

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Tbh, I dont believe you're truly sorry.
You seem to revel in drama and then starting threads about it or making cruel, spiteful posts.
I think it will only be a few days or weeks till you do something again.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

4 years ago

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I won't judge. it's your good right to think that way

It's different this time, however. But still, I can fully understand how you doubt me.

Just.. keep being good and just wait and see.

4 years ago

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Well, that didn't last long, did it?

4 years ago

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I'm still a beginner in being a decent person. So yeah, I will still make many mistakes. Judge me if you want. I cannot deal with people who have been toxic towards me just yet. It's been too horrible.

4 years ago

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Now you're going to blame-shift, make excuses, and play the victim?
How convenient.

4 years ago

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Huh? No. I am at fault. I am wronging people.

4 years ago

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I cannot deal with people who have been toxic towards me just yet. It's been too horrible.

Yes, it must be awful for you that she ignores and hides every thread you create. In fact, you said yourself she ignores you, but somehow your behavior is her fault. Cute.

4 years ago

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Saw the thread title first.
Saw the name/pfp second.
Assumed just another troll thread.
Read the opening post, saw big red flags, but still vaguely wondered about giving the benefit of the doubt.
Scrolled down a little, saw he already made a targetted troll thread less than 3 hours later after making this 'apology' thread.
Scrolled a little further and saw this comment chain.

Yep. Just another shit-eating attention grab from a notorious shit-eating attention grabber. Is not big surprise.
You can bet they'll still get to eat a lot of new whitelists and few will actually check the shit that just got pulled.

I mean, trolling is pretty lowbrow but whatever floats a persons boat I guess? But going full on "its not me, its mental health stuff" is pretty bad taste even for this clown.

4 years ago

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He follows a very distinct three-step pattern.

  1. Compose some "controversial," cringe-worthy, or trolling post (though usually a combination of the three).
  2. Notices his blacklist count is skyrocketing, and makes a giveaway thread to "make up for" the contents of step 1's thread, or to distract people from that thread.
  3. Follows up the giveaway thread with a self-deprecating, sympathy-grabbing, or insincere apology thread (or, again, a combination of all three).

Once the smoke has cleared, he goes back to step 1 and repeats. What I don't understand is why he doesn't just stick to step 2.

4 years ago

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Errr I'm sorry, but I will have to correct you there. I don't care about blacklists. They only prevent me from entering certain GAs. That is completely acceptable to me. Also, it is the first apology thread I created.

This thread is actually meant sincere. Yes, I do shitpost a lot. But lately, it has gotten way out of hand.

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, still. I won't argue there considering my past behaviour.

4 years ago

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"Sincerity." Spare me the bullshit.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Thanks., Well, Mully hates me. I apologized to her but she never replied. But that is all I could do, really.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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You seem to be a really decent person. may I add you on Steam? I would love to talk with you.

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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4 years ago

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I'm not 100% sure, but I think I remember that Mully is refusing to use SGTools, it's not the tool that blocks her.
edit: the " and I didn't with you" part implies otherwise, but a simple blacklist could work to do so, so I don't really know at this point...

4 years ago*

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4 years ago

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There are some nice rules that you can play with (setting max number of entrants if you make it for a puzzle, wishlist for a game, I think you can even make extra rules about you have to own X to enter) but otherwise it's not something I would use on an everyday basis.

edit: I'm stupid and misread ESGST

4 years ago*

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Oh fuck, I misread the tool, I was talking about SGTools in my comment >.<
I'm also using sgignore and ESGST as well - being able to hide certain people's comments and topics, or just unwanted topics is a really cool thing. In this light I can understand how it helped them.

4 years ago

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What did I miss???

4 years ago

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I don't see the real drama, but I'm fine with that

4 years ago

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There's no drama. Just shitposting.
This thread came first, followed less than three hours later with the one linked above.

It's just Toberlin doing his usual antics for attention, only now they've stooped to using psychological / neurological disorders as a shield, and then pretty much immediately showing openly that their 'apology' is just part of the usual theatrics. I get that trolling is a weird cathartic hobby for some, but this one particular flavour is just a certain level of tasteless.

4 years ago

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