Rejoice because another disgusting Asset flip developer has been banished from Steam :D

I just noticed that all Crimson Duck games have been removed from Steam. Crimson Duck is / was a notorious Asset flipper and not a single one of their games was developed by them (except potentially Barclay: The Marrowdale Murder since it's not mentioned in the video linked below but since the game was released after the video I highly doubt they programmed that themselves neither.) but instead they bought them as is from various Asset stores. I wasn't aware of this until I stumbled over this video from SidAlpha linked in a review in one of their games.
Developers like this seem to have no shame at all so I'm glad Steam is finally doing something about it and starting to purge their Store (even if slowly).

Removed games include:

  • Sleengster
  • Sleengster 2
  • Torch Cave
  • Torch Cave 2
  • Rage Parking Simulator 2016
  • Barclay: The Marrowdale Murder

Since the Store pages have been removed I can't look into this properly so if there are more games from Crimson Duck that have been removed please tell me and I'll add them to the list.

Just to clarify: I use the term non-games in the way Steam did in their recent AMA not for movies, kinetic novels and other stuff that does not necessarily qualify as a game but rather for games that are not intended to be played but rather solely to cash in on Trading cards and Achievement fraud (1000+ achievements that can be gotten in ~half an hour)

As moppelmurks pointed out the dev apparently pulled a Digital Homicide and threatened to sue Steam users for badmouthing his game so Steam cut ties because of abuse.

Thanks to everybody who went the extra mile and looked into this matter further than I did. Your researching skills are top tier SteamGifters :D

7 years ago*

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Should asset flips and non-games be purged from Steam ?

View Results
As long as they hand out free keys I can farm for Trading cards I don't care.

Who cares? Burn them all down

7 years ago

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Oh wow I had no idea Sleengster and Torch Cave were created by other people... that's so shitty. It's really too bad that the money from the game sales and cards don't go to the real creators..!/content/65877!/content/489

The creator of Endorlight did the same thing. Below is a video showing off the Platformer Roguelike Engine that's on YoYoGames marketplace.

7 years ago

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I didn't know about Endorlight... I wonder how many other games I've known about for years have yet to turn out as asset flips :D

7 years ago

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Probably alot.

7 years ago

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Good, but not enough.

  1. Steam needs quality control.
  2. Hundreds of such games should be removed.
  3. Steam needs achievements ranking system. Trashy pseudo-games killed achievement hunting.
  4. Manual "permanent removal" from the account is not what it's called. Data stays in database, including pseudo-achievements.
7 years ago

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lol, reviving this thread because of this
I guess it's a record.

7 years ago

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Someone in Russia figured out many dumb Westerners would gladly pay 1-2 dollars for "free" achievements.
Now they are ridiculously trying to top each other in no-effort games with tons of achievements to milk said people. The one you linked does not even care, even the achievement names are just the pre-assigned placeholder names.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

7 years ago

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Didn't you mean:

to milk sad people


7 years ago

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Damnit! Putting Achievement Hunter in brackets in the game name aside; they even managed to spell achievement wrong :D

7 years ago

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Steam's High Quality Investigation Team at its best, it seems. Imagine the flood of the likes of this, as soon as Valve finally implements SteamDirect to its full extent - marvelous!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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And play some shitty Free 2 Play game because my buddies don't believe me it won't be good in the long run.

7 years ago

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Not all F2P games are shitty. And praise Lord Gaben, PC master race all day everyday

7 years ago

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No, not all of them are. I've had a lot of fun with Anarchy Online as a Froob (they even have a Froob T-shirt) and Allods Online or Black Prophecy were ok too for a while.

However judging by the Steam reviews I'm afraid Marvel Heroes Omega is. Actually it even starts out promising but so did Neverwinter and I don't really wanna invest too much time into a game that's going to fuck me over in the long run.

Just a little annoyed because this month PSN freebie is Killing Floor 2, one of the coop games with the best reviews and they still wanna play Marvel Heroes...

7 years ago

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There's a joke here somewhere about you being a Corgi and abandoning the PC master race (seriously, who came up with this idiotic term anyway xD), but I still got a slight hangover from all the Pina Colada's yesterday ;D so I'm gonna give you a pass - this time. Now, let me continue to put some thumbs down on every Rockstar/TakeTwo product ever released, I finally reached Amazon.

View attached image.
7 years ago*

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If there is I can't see it right now neither but it's hot as balls over here today so I'm operating in Zombie mode :D

Edit: But sadly those no effort games are starting to appear on PSN as well lately. Not as bad as Steam yet but is has already begun. Toro

7 years ago*

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Yeah, here too. :[

Ist echt zu warm für die Breitengrade hier... ich hab nichts gegen solche Temperaturen am Strand, mit nem bisschen frischer Meeresluft... aber nicht hier, vor allem während ich in nem schlecht klimatisierten Büro meine Zeit absitzen muss :x. Ich klau jetzt erstmal den Kollegen ihre Ventilatoren, hehe.

7 years ago

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Das klingt nach nem Plan :D

View attached image.
7 years ago

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Not as bad as Steam yet

Now presenting: Skylight Freerange 2: Gachduine. A game that did get released on PS4, but actually tried and failed to get onto Steam via Greenlight.

7 years ago

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Eine Schwalbe macht noch keinen Sommer :D (= One swallow doesn't mean it's summer yet.)

But as I said it has already begun there as well. I even linked Toro as an example ;) They are also jumping on the Nostalgia collecting bandwagon as well.

7 years ago

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Sleengster 3 added to steam store 😭

7 years ago

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Here's something about the game Grind Zones back in 2016 I found in the discussion section on steam. Apparently the dev didn't even buy the assets they were taken from a demo. The dev had the purchase button disabled for their other game Lemurzin due to fake reviews and card farming with tons of accounts(watch the video in the discussion link below)

Oh and from the looks of it the dev created a new account under the name "Odnako Games" so it doesn't show they are connected to Lemurzin and the original dev name anymore.

Kut Stupid(old dev account)
Odnako Games(new dev account)

7 years ago

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Sadly I even own that "gem" from an OtakuMaker Bundle :( I remember people complaining that the "game" is basically just 1 level. Guess that explains it.

Sadly I also have to say that Hobbes459 Gaming, the guy who made the video explaining his money laundry theory, seems to be rather poorly informed and I hope he was doing a better job when he was a cop because his chain of evidence is lacking.

AFAIK Valve takes the same ~30% cut from selling DLC like they do from selling games (that's the reason EA left Steam) which would make it a very unefficient way to launder money. And beside the price there is no evidence that points at money laundring. He didn't even check if the accounts in that bot group own the DLC (of if he did it's not documented in this video).

It's probably just the usual case of selling positive reviews for cash or keys (or more likely the dev doing it themselves since that has been a reason for Valve to cut ties in the past) but if I were to say the intention behind the DLC pricing is to take advantage of gamers with OCD who have to have a complete game my accusations would be about as founded as his.

7 years ago*

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Is there anything I mentioned or links worth keeping, or should I just remove it? I definitely don't want to post the incorrect info.

7 years ago

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I'd say leave it there as is and (/ or) maybe add something that points to the original demo that Grind Zone was ripped from so people can confirm themself it's stolen.

I don't have "total information" neither and hopefully my comment will make people take the video with a grain of salt and if they want to look into the matter themselves and investigate further your links are a good place to start ;)

7 years ago*

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It might not be the kind of fish we intended to catch but it definitely smells fishy :D

7 years ago

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Dead Inside and Woodlands from what I read are pretty much the same game that are stock assets from Ultimate Survival on the Unity store.!/content/80368

7 years ago

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The scammers are mass giving away the keys here:

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hope Activision games will be banished too someday.

7 years ago

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how did they get on steam? is this greenlight or did they go the proper developer route?

7 years ago

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Crimson Duck Studious again at steam , wtf ?! And all their games are from 2017

7 years ago

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All Crimson Duck removed trash games available again 😭

Barclay: The Marrowdale Murder
Sleengster 2
Torch Cave 2
Torch Cave
Rage Parking Simulator 2016

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by Sundance85.