Greetings community,

Due to the enormous amount of bundles lately, I want to revisit this very old policy. A lot of people try to gift bundle keys, and it's not as if they have bad intentions, they simply have no use for leftover Steam keys. Considering the amount of bundle related giveaways I remove a week, and how many people are truly upset when they're removed, I want to open the floor for suggestions on how to better handle these giveaways.

We have some ideas ourselves, as we've mentioned a couple of times, but what do you think would be fair? For each previous suggestion, we have follow up questions. If games that go Bundle no longer count towards feedback (which would be an incredible amount), what if the game goes on sale and people have giftable copies? How about a "separate section" for giveaways that is bundle key only that doesn't affect points or feedback, just as a way for people to generously gift their leftover keys.

Many people try the forum route, but that only lasts for a couple of seconds and too many can clog up the pipes. Even if we had a subforum for "gifting bundle keys", it could be messy. We're open to any suggestions and feedback.

-best regards

12 years ago*

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Isn't the point to just "give something away"? I would use this to get rid of keys/games I would never play that came with games I did want via the bundle. If it's in a bundle, doesn't everyone know about it (usually from this site)? How they acquire the game is no concern to me. The "value" of the game is no concern as the value does not affect your winning status.

TL;DR Who cares if it's from a bundle? There is no monetary transaction.

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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I think the games that are currently in a bundle should be marked somehow so that creating a giveaway won't add points, it should value should be less (say half the points needed to enter). Also in the giveaways list they can be colored differently, so that the other users know it's in a bundle(maybe a link to the bundle too??) and they might be encouraged to buy the bundle.

12 years ago

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There's two main motivations to revising how bundle keys are handled. First, and most importantly, is easing the workload of the single moderator and single administrator of this website. Without them, the site is dead, and there are no spares of them sitting around. Second, is how to handle the feedback/recognition/reputation that is earned from giving away games here.

The mod and admin workload is in large part due to the policies that they have put in place. So, one possible way to ease things is to have less things to enforce. Obviously easier said than done, since there is usually good reason for the rules.
Despite rigorous efforts to enforce the bundle key policies, it is obvious that many, to say the least, have slipped by. The potential is that an entire account could have reputation built upon cheaply acquired individual keys from bundles. How much worse is that than having rep built on bundles which are worth six points or so, and were bought in mass for 1 cent each? Doing this is actually in line with the rules of the site, even though all those purchases actually cost the bundle selling companies the credit card transaction fee and provided nothing to charity. At least now, most bundles come with a minimum of 1 to 5 dollars, so the keys bought were something of a legitimate purchase.
Then there are game keys that come at no cost or limitation by a funding source. Reddit mass giveaways and the old IGN trial days provided a lot of free rep to some people, and they are usually not viewed as much of a problem as bundle keys are.

One point I think I'm coming to is that the whole feedback/reputation thing has gotten out of control. Are people really giving games away as a pure philanthropic gesture, or is it to gain recognition and possibly reward? I think people who do good, and are generous to others deserve some "karma" or some kind of indirect benefit in life. But, as is evident from many "Why do you give?" threads, many people need more substantial motivation than that to give. I can say for myself, sometimes I give because it will make me feel good to do so, and some times it is because I feel the need to live up to my generous fellow community members. But, it sure doesn't hurt if it keeps you in good standing with those other generous people, right? Right.
Fact is, the feedback/rep system is what it is, built on money, exploits, and everything in between. It is too late to totally overhaul it now, and it is mostly a good thing. To go back, and retroactively change what is recorded would be basically impossible to do, especially fairly. So, it is hard to make those same games now worth nothing on the site. At least bundle keys cannot be obtained completely for free, as far as I know. And there is no stigma against giving away games gotten free from the winter coal days.

One possible idea, which comes partially inspired from another giveaway site and partially from SteamTrades, is to give games point values based on fair market value, rather than current Steam retail. Actually, this is already done with CS:GO and DOTA 2, as they have no retail price. Every time a game goes on a big sale, there are coupons spammed out, or it gets put in a bundle, the value of said game drops. One day you could get a lot with a tradable copy of Assassin's Creed Revelations, but after the mass coupons, it was always valued less.
Problem here is that it would certainly have an initial difficulty curve, with all current games needing to be evaluated. So I could see how this could be unpopular with those who must do the work. Another possible problem could be user feedback, or backlash for that matter, if they do not agree. As much as this is a community website, it is still something that was started and run by one man(to my knowledge). So, if cg says that Toy Soldiers is worth more than Shank, who should argue with it?

As for the problem of front page spamming of too many bundle and free games, I think that filtering could solve most of that. The well known SG enhancement add on is useful to me, as I can filter out every game I already own or choose to ignore.
If the spam of key giveaways is so massive that it actually causes server problems, then that is another matter.
As important as it is to provide a pleasant user experience, I think most people wanting a free game will be willing to wade through the listings to get what they want. I mean, they are games you can win at no cost to you, how bad is it that you have to complain about there being too many? That brings me back to the ability to filter ...

I'm tired and tired of rambling.

TL;DR - Mostly observations/opinion, possibly add filtering to the front page, and possibly implement game points at fair market value instead of retail.

12 years ago

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Agree with what you've said here. Value of a game that has been part of a bundle as an individual key should be based on demand, not whether it is a key or inventory game. A filter that lets you filter out games that have been part of a bundle as an individual key will appease people who don't want to be bothered with those games.

Probably much easier to set fixed values for "past bundle" games, then it is to try to police key giveaways.

12 years ago

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Didn't read everything, might be already said, but here is my suggestion:

Step 1:

Only allow a regular giveaway to be made if the user has the Game in his Inventory. You CAN check this.

Step 2:

Add new type of giveaway: Key. This is assumed to be a bundle, does not generate points and does not add towards the amount gifted, since this seems to be important to some people.

But we really should allow people to give away their leftovers.

12 years ago

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What about keys that are not from bundles?

What if someone is going to buy the game once the giveaway ends and then send it to the person?

12 years ago

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Buy it before you make the giveaway. It's easy to do.

And with all the Frauds that happened arond keys, I say don't count them.

12 years ago

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I'd like to suggest that first off, buyers of bundles check the ToS. Most bundles have a line that says "your download link (or Steam keys) are yours and cannot be traded, exchanged, sold...".

By gifting a single key, any user breaks that rule and this could result in the deletion of the bundle copy. Basically, both the winner and the gifter don't have the games anymore.

I'd also suggest a banner appears when creating a giveaway for a bundle, and it tells you to check the ToS.

The system is already in place however. Should a winner have his game removed, they can just turn the feedback to not received.

12 years ago

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Can you show me a bundle ToS which has such a clause? (And not just a generic "for personal use")

12 years ago

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Most bundles reuse the very same EULA, but here's examples:

Groupees: "You shall not, directly or indirectly, disclose your account information to anyone else or allow anyone else to access your download page." (and later on they say that failure to safeguard your download page will result in preventing you from accessing it any longer)

Humble: "You shall not, directly or indirectly, disclose the unique URL for your download page to anyone else or use anyone else's download page". They also have to safeguarding of your download page.

Indie Royale: "You must not: disclose any keys or logins for any Account to any other person; nor allow any other person access any part of the System through your Account." - first bundle that states you can't disclose your keys, not just the URL. (Also, the System here is the whole website).

Indie Gala: "You shall not, directly or indirectly, disclose the unique URL for your download page to anyone else or use anyone else's download page"

Indie Face Kick: they don't have any :/

As we can both see, they only talk about showing your download page (except Indie Royale). However, it's entirely conceivable they'll eventually suspect a person of sharing their page when all they did was get the key and give it to someone else. There's a clause which states that they only need to suspect you and they can take action. Doesn't mean they will, but eventually it will happen.

12 years ago

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What is wrong with that generic phrase? All ToS are somewhat generic. Only because it is generic, it doesn't mean you can ignore it.

12 years ago

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Maybe a plausible solution to it, would be: if the giveaway maker makes a giveaway of a game that belonged on a bundle, they have to specify when creating the giveaway itself (maybe by simply adding the option, such as [xxxxx (4 copies)(key or gift)] ), and if they are giftable copies, adding a screenie of the item in the inventory, since forcing everyone to have a public profile is just not right.

This is open to suggestions and modifications, my 2 cents :D

12 years ago

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Add a key drop feature to SteamGifts. Allow people to deposit game keys that get given to users randomly (SG knows which games you have) with a few buttons for Redeemed, Already Used, Invalid etc.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

12 years ago

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A shame but completely understandable.

If it sends keys instantly they won't be as much of a target but still a risk.

My other idea would be to allow keys, make them cost the same amount of points but they earn the submitter nothing (contributed amount).

12 years ago

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A separate section for bundle keys with a different points system would be best. I have an extra ARES and I can't think what to do with it.

12 years ago

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How about a giveaway that is made every week or month, and in it should be all bundle giveaways that people created in whole week/month. That should keep only 1 giveaway on front page, and it would increase chance of winning, would be more winners.

12 years ago

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Just allow people to give them away. That's the whole point of the site.

12 years ago

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nice idea, making a [BUNDLE KEY ONLY] giveaway, with a banner, or something (like the DLC, group banner, etc), with no effects on poits/feedback

the forum way is just full of ninjas... i do that once, 3 seconds after, all the keys where gone...

nice idea, go on with this!

12 years ago

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"ow about a "separate section" for giveaways that is bundle key only that doesn't affect points or feedback"

12 years ago

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Make a new dropbox for "Bundle" Games. And don't let games generate points. (It still has to cost you points to participate but just not generate points.)

I also have alot of spare keys sitting around. And not willing to give em to Ninja's ;-)

12 years ago

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After reading most everything, you may be on to something here.

12 years ago

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Personally like this idea, but some side coding would need to be required. If somebody has it in their inventory (assuming the inventory is public) the game in question should still act like a normal giveaway.A check box on the front page could also be included to separate "bundled" and "standard."

On a side note I am sitting on a few bundle keys myself, just games I didn't want out of the pack, and nobody I know seems to want them. lol

12 years ago

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I dont agree wit the "not generate any points" part. I traded away some spare indie-bundle-keys for other steam-games or TF2 items, so they are worth something.. and if someone descides to give them away for free even if he could get something in trading, it should not be completely unrewarded. The second dropbox or additions "Bundle"-Entries in the normal dropbox would be great and a reduced pricetag for bundlegames is okay too, but I would not put it to zero.

12 years ago

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For "single" keys I would not recommend to give out points for them. There are just too many bundles at the moment. For a whole bundle, that's a different thing.

12 years ago

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Well, seriously, what about discounts in Steam? You don't care about separate games and value them equally if they were bought on sale or they were bought for full price. More importantly, i haven't seen anything about retail keys — they also are considered legit.

tl;dr I don't see a big difference here. Allow submitting of individual keys, leave the system intact, maybe create a checkbox on giveaway creation "is this key?" for retail/bundle keys to separate them from gifts.
Maybe lower points required for indies etc. But don't dig too deep here, it's not an actual problem.

12 years ago

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Glad to see someone else thinks this way ^^

12 years ago

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I tend to agree with this. Also almost all the bundles now have a minimum of some sort so the main reason I think this policy was introduced (one cent abusers of humble bundle for example) no longer exists.

12 years ago

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im glad to see someone else who thinks like this... i described more cases in the message i posted today... i think its kinda unfair to discriminate just games that appear in a bundle, when there are more ways to "cheat" the system

12 years ago

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I honestly have to say, it took me quite a while to understand what the problem is exactly.. IMHO it doesn´t realy matter how much someone payed for a gift, it is the gift that matters!

I now kind of understand your point of "not giving someone more points than he deserves" when the gift is "only" a leftover key of a bundle, especially with the contributer-giveaways and all.. but lets face it: There is absolutely NO way to make this a 100% fair system. Last week there were "Homefront"-Keys on sale at an onlineshop for 3€ each.. I bought one for myself and thought at this price, I might give one away on steamgifts. I payed 3€, created a Giveaway and the system gave me 20$ in my statistic for this game. This means I´ve cheated the system just the same way someone with Bundle-Keys does.. and anyone else who buys games on Steam when there is a sale.

With most bundles nowadays having a minimum-pricing (at least for steam-keys) and no 0,01c-scams are possible anymore, I believe the system should not be too restrictive. I want people to be able do give away leftover keys and I think the best way (like its been suggested before) would be to put an additional "bundle-version" of a game onto the games list.. like "Machinarium" and "Machinarium (Bundle-Key)". Of course there will still be some dishonest people, but there always are and this way you would not punish the good and honest guys.

I think A Bundle-Key-Game should be considered as 1 or 2 dollars worth and the whole bundle should also follow this rule.. right now the database-price is set as the final minimum price of the bundle, but I think the amount of games in the bundle should set the price.. 1 or 2 dollars a game, like the single-keys.

As I said before with my homefront-example, it is imposible to get a 1:1 translation of what I payed for a game and what it nets my statistik on steamgifts, not only when it comes to indiebundles.. you should get your mind completely off that idea ot find a nice solution.

Hope that I didn´t write too much confusing stuff, because english is not my native language and its kind of hard to explain these things ^^

12 years ago

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+1 for you, Sir!

12 years ago

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make a two options in a giveaway key and gift btw Who cares whether the key is whether the gift I was glad to get the game the only thing that is important is whether from a legitimate source, such is my opinion

12 years ago

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btw promotions = bundle keys mayby look at it this its legaly So I do not know what's the problem

12 years ago

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Some thoughts about bundle price:

Let's try to compare to other cases. Steam often has indie bundles at over 90% off on big sales (summer / winter). As I understand it these would show here at full price. Most indie bundles costing $4 or more, such as Indie Royale and "beat the average" versions of bundles (perhaps not including Indie Gala, whose "happy hour" can lower the price significantly), offer discounts which aren't disproportionately different than this.

It's also possible to assume that since it's a bundle its total (speculative) full price is slightly lower than the sum of prices of the games, say 10 times the minimum price. For example Be Mine 2 costs $4 so the package may be worth $40 even though the games in it are worth around $70. This aligns well with Steam discounts and is therefore a good price for that bundle.

$1 bundles offer a much steeper discount, for example Indie Gala 5 offers $70 worth of games for $1. That's somewhat rare, but bundles regularly offer $30 worth or more for $1. This can be solved by ignoring the actual value and just pricing the bundle at $10, following the formula above.

That's for complete bundles, but what about single games from them? A recent Amazon deal offered five games (four of them Steam games) worth $85 total for $7.50. That's a better than 90% discount for the entire bundle. The Steam games from the bundle are allowed on Steam Gifts without a problem and are listed at their full price.

It follows that there shouldn't be a problem to list games at full price if they come from bundles with a reasonable minimum, or are games which are given as a part of a "beat the average" deal.

As before the $1 bundle is the problem, and games which are part of it shouldn't be listed at full price. I'm too tired to provide a good formula right now, but it shouldn't be too difficult to derive, based on the bundle's "full price" and the relative cost of the games.

TL;DR: Use full prices for games in bundles with a reasonable minimum or "beat the average", and a lower one for $1 bundles.

12 years ago

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Just had another thought following the "Contributors giveaway - suddenly seem pointless" thread:

Price each game, in terms of value (not points), according to the lowest price it's ever been sold for. Considering that this site is affiliated with, this shouldn't be a problem technically. Also put a value of 0 on any game which has been given for free. (Don't adjust older values if the game goes lower, just from that point on.)

This will make the value better reflect what the contributor actually paid. People who want high values will have to give games which haven't been seriously discounted.

12 years ago

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By the way, do the bundle key giveaways get removed also "retroactively", if they slip by the mods (for example by being group/private, and not being reported) and end? Seeing people use 3 copies of the Ironclads collection to $150 (yes, that was a verb) their way into any contributor giveaway they wish makes me a rather sad panda. (Especially considering the fact that they can keep the DRM-free download link, which, at least on moral level, basically equals to piracy, i.e. two people having access to the game for a single payment.)

12 years ago

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Since the games being in bundles are not allowed to be submitted (even if they are not keys from the bundle and just regular steam gifts) while the bundles are still live due to confusion, how about disabling them from the drop down menu on Create a Giveaway page while the bundle is out. I realise how that would require lots of bundle monitoring and constant changes to that drop down menu, however it might be less work than the massive bundle key giveaway spam.
After the bundle ends, people would probably submit the keys they have leftover then though. Not sure how to counter that.

12 years ago

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This has been suggested before if I recall correctly. Only cg can do that and he is not always available. I don't see why he can't give loko the power to do that though.

12 years ago

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It would stop the spam while the bundles are live, it would postpone it to when the bundle ends though which I can't see how that could be avoided :/

12 years ago

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Make all bundle games 0 points. Problem solved easily without punishing people, and it encourages giveaways for philanthropy's sake. Of course, some people may have Steam copies of bundle games and lose out on points, but it really isn't a big deal considering the point of the site is to give things away.

12 years ago

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maybe 3 different tabs, 1 for regular gifts, one for bundle keys, 1 for both. Or add the option to tag the giveaway as a key

12 years ago

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Most of the bundle keys are indie games. so u can create a database for those games as a bundle keys. If u can sync steam inventory similar like steam library, then u can check the gifter's inventory (like u r checking library in current system) If its available, then gifter will get full feedback score, otherwise whatever u want to do means less feedback score or nothing.

12 years ago

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Like many said before, making separate entries for games, a bundle key entry and an entry for the rest. That could still be exploited by those who concsiously use bundle keys to up their credits, but should largely reduce the current number of the bundle keys reported.

12 years ago

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New section would be best.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by lokonopa.