I think that from that list the only that might make a place into my list is SSB. But hey, tastes and that.
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There's a surprising lack of Portal in this list.
Edit: Actually, there isn't.
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Okamiden's late game is amazing. Heck, the entire game is amazing xD. It's got a lot more humor, I feel like the gameplay is more user-friendly with the touch screen, the plot is better than Okami in my opinion. But you're right, it's got a lot of similar elements
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Indeed I have, and I didn't like Mother 3 as much as Mother 2
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You forgot:
aaaand that's pretty much all i can think of right now.
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This post took forever to type because I'm on mobile xD
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TBH, I too got bored of Bioshock's beginning (After the plane crash that is), but I played through it and ended up having one of my most memorable moments in gaming. Getting used to things like the FoV, and the then awkward controls was something that I was quickly annoyed by.
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I agree with all of these except TWD and BL. Borderlands 2 is terrible compared to 1, you should really give it a try sometime.
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Look. All you have to play is basically all that list and you will have the best time of your life! This is probably the greatest list. Except for a few
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Half-life 2?
Okey but seriously, where is the Pacman?
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Super Meat Boy is the main game I want on your list that isn't there. When I try to think of a #1 favorite game it's one of the first I always think of, as are Mother 3, Deus Ex, Super Mario Bros 3, System Shock (1 and 2 are tied for me), Mirror's Edge, and probably some others I can't think of right now.
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Deus Ex: HR isn't comparable. It might as well not be a sequel. The first one is by the creator of SS2 and resembles it.
For me, SMB is the pinnacle of NES platforming - as a platformer. I dislike its aesthetic, it has poor production values, and it's very poorly coded (from an optimization/stability standpoint.) Its design, challenge, and platforming gameplay, however, are almost incomparably better than anything else in its hardcore/oldschool platforming genre, imo.
Are you saying you've never tried Mirror's Edge and hate the idea of it, since you don't seem to have an actual opinion of it? ...
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In no particular order.
1)Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2)Sly Cooper 1
3)Fire Emblem Awakening
4)Civilization 5
5)Saints Row The Third
6)Tales of The Abyss
7)Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten
8)Doom 2
9)Super Smash Bros. Melee
10)Final Fantasy IX
11)Resident Evil 4
12)Sleeping Dogs
13)God of War 3
14)Devil May Cry 1
15)Persona 4
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Woah, Defender's Quest is that good? I only heard of it because it came out with cards recently. I really am loving the new Fire Emblem though, I will definitely agree with that choice.
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this list makes me feel better as i have bought civ 5 , saint row third , and sleeping dogs recently but i haven't played them yet.
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what about fortix ex: castle revolution? i think it was the most underrated fortix gam ever
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For 13 you have pretty decent taste in games. Really, any list of favorites though is going to be subjective, even if you've played every game ever, to completion. After some thought, here's the list I came up with:
There are of course people that will vehemently disagree, but there are a lot of games that I have (probably shamefully) never played, and I tried to limit it to games that I've played to death. There are a lot of things that pained me to leave off the list to, for example: Rome: Total War [series], Bastion, Star Wars: Tie Fighter, Star Wars: Dark Forces [Jedi Knight], Civilization V [+Gods & Kings], Secret of Mana 2 [aka Seiken Densetsu 3], Half-Life [2], Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Sim City 2000/3000, Mother 3, Super Metroid, Portal, etc.
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I've never played Seiken Densetsu 3. I really need to do that.... As for the rest of your list:
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Not sure you'll like Seiken Densetsu 3 if you didn't like Chrono Trigger. Although honestly I'm a little bit surprised whenever I hear people say they didn't like CT, its routinely at least on, if not near the top, when places make lists of the best games ever. And I'm not a big fan of jrpgs either, but it's still my number one game. How far did you get in it, out of curiosity?
As for the others, a few things:
Also why not just use an emulator for the SNES/Genesis games you haven't played? There weren't as many buttons and directional controls on those systems as later ones, so using a keyboard over a gamepad is perfectly fine.
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Did you do only one playthrough of CT? CT is one of those games that you appreciate the different endings and have all the feels for the characters.
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im glad you have counter strike there but in my opinion 1.6 beats source.
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My top 15 strictly for PC would be:
15) Spec Ops, the Line
14) Command and Conquer - Red Alert
13) Divine Divinity
12) Splinter Cell, Pandora Tomorrow
11) TES : Oblivion
10) Dragon Age: Origins
9) Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
8) Battlefield 3 Multiplayer with friends
7) Diablo 2
6) Jagged Alliance 2
5) Quake 3 Arena with OSP mod
4) Max Payne 2
3) Half Life
2) Portal
1) Half Life 2 with Episodes 1 and 2
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bad list besides for half-life and portal my opinion
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it is a personal taste. Those games ended up being games that I played a lot and enjoyed. But I am also really influenced by soundtracks. Divine Divinity made it on the list by soundtrack alone, for example.
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if you name cod games after cod 4 i will slap you through the internet!
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WaW - Most disappointing CoD game.
MW2 - Great.
Black Ops - Good.
MW3 - Disappointed me majorly.
Black Ops 2 - Fantastic
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I got weird taste
15) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (N64)
14) Sid Meier's SimGolf (PC)
13) Arma: Cold War Assault (PC)
12) SimCopter (PC)
11) Dear Esther (PC)
10) Unreal Tournament (PC)
9) Sid Meier's Civilization 2 (PC)
8) Okami (PS2)
7) Limbo (PC)
6) Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
5) The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES)
4) Swat 4 (PC)
3) Flower (PS3)
2) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (SNES)
1) Endless Ocean: Blue World (Wii)
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1) Suikoden I (PS1)
2) Suikoden II (PS1)
3) Suikoden V (PS2)
4) Suikoden IV (PS2)
5) Suikoden III (PS2)
6) Crash Team Racing (PS1)
7), 8), 9) Sam & Max Season 1-3 (PC)
10) Sleeping Dogs (PC)
11) Worms Reloaded (PC)
12) Saints Row The Third (PC)
13) Mark of the Ninja (PC)
14) Trine 2 (PC)
15) Quantum Conundrum (PC)
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Man i remember CTR (crash team racing) that was my fav game when i was a kid. +1
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15) Broken Sword
14) Portal 2
13) Halo (Coop!)
12) Tony Hawk 3
11) Persona 3 FES
10) Diablo 2
09) Day of the Tentacle
08) Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney
07) GTA 3
06) Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
05) Pokemon Red
04) The Witcher
03) Lumines
02) The Legend of Zelda - Link's Awakening
01) Xenogears
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I'm 17 years old and this is my list
Most Favorite being number 1
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decent list , but ratchet and clank WTF , im guessing you played it when you were younger
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Earthbound was a great game, I'm surprised you didn't mention Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross or Final Fantasy 6. :o
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Well here's a list of 15 of my favorites:
1) Chrono Trigger (Snes)
2) Final Fantasy 6 (Snes)
3) Super Smash Bros 3 (Nes)
4) Final Fantasy (Nes)
5) Earthbound (Snes)
6) Lufia 2 (Snes)
7) Secret of Mana 2 (Seiken Densetsu 3) (Snes)
8) Breath of Fire 2 (Snes)
9) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Snes)
10) Chrono Cross (PS)
11) Guild Wars 2 (PC)
12) Super Smash Brawl (Wii)
13) Diablo 2 (PC)
14) Ultima 8 (PC)
15) Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale (PC)
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I don't played many important games yet like OoT, FFVII or Chrono trigger, but here is my list:
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32 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by xaivierx
6,628 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Masafor
So, after thinking about this FOREVER, I finally found my top 15 favorite games of all time. I would appreciate your opinions on the list, and hear your favorites (Although I know that it's impossible for most. I mean, it took me forever to put this together.) The console next to the name is the first console it was released on. So, without further adieu, here it is:
There ya go! Honorable Mentions go to Sonic 2 (Sega Genesis), Mega Man Battle Network 5: Team Colonel (GBA), Counter-Strike (PC), and Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
EDIT: One thing you have to realize is that I am only 13. I have only played about 250~400 different video games in my life. So there is no way I could have played every single game you guys mention. Granted, I have played quite a bit of games, but I'm not the person who's played everything. Also, my age could be a factor in my taste in gaming. Not sure how, but it could be.
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