let me explain something positive to you OP! : no gf = more money, more money = more giveaways ( which btw i can't find the hidden one)
and ofc.. dont forget that.. http://www.funnyjunk.com/funny_pictures/3498287/Women+Root+of+all+evil
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jelous ? quit smoking - its computer related forum not broken heart advise one, and that kind of joke was often seen here, ive even seen about malaysin plane [and how about a guy :''I can make your ex disappear if you want.'' - report him too, some ppl are just ... - or maybe welcome to the internet]
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Best to do is to move on, i had many experiences with girls.
The best thing, it would be to talk with her, if you can, and tell her, "I would like to be friends in the future, i can't right now because it hurts, but i will be your friend when i accept this".
If you don't do that, you will regret someday, or maybe not.
But what do i know about love?
Good luck in any case. Be strong, i know it hurts and it's frustrating and do whatever you like to do in your everyday.
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This happened to me once and it is best to not hang onto the hope of getting back together because once you separate nothing will ever be the way it was again even if you did get back together.
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Pretty much this. I had a boyfriend string me along like that before. Would break up but he wanted to be friends, then after a few months of him sleeping around, we would get back together then do it again after about a year. IMO, you might be better off just moving on eventually and not getting back with her. Id hate to see someone else getting strung along by someone. It hurts and it sucks.
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I know that feel bro... there isn't an answer for that, al least there isn't one that i can say to you, it depends of the personality of you girlfriend, only you can answear that, you could say yo her what you feel, or you could wait, it depends of what you think she would really like.
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My gf broke up with me two months ago too after 5 years of relationship. She also said that she didn't know if she was doing the right thing and that she didn't want to lose contact with me, so we kept texting eachother cause it made us feel more relaxed. It took me a while to realise what a mistake that was.
You should think thoroughly if there's really a chance of getting back together (if you try you can end up hurting you and her even more) and if that would be for the best (after all if the relationship is over there was probably many things wrong with it, and she must have thought a lot about it before getting the courage to do it). I know that you must think that being back together would solve your life right now (even I still think that despite understanding now that we weren't meant for eachother and that it was bad for both of us).
I've been like you until very recently (perhaps a week or two) but now I'm starting to see that there's a way out of this, even though I'm still in love with her. Keep yourself busy, hang out with your friends even if you feel like you don't want to, and tell them how you're feeling (unfortunately I'm a bit scarce of friends), go to the gym to do some activities (I used to go a few years ago to lift weights and hated it, now that I do activities with more people, even if I barely talk, I love it and I feel better with myself).
I know it's a real pain, but I think that cutting all contact with her is the best thing you can do right now. I hope you start feeling better soon.
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I just can't +1 !!! this enough.
I know it hurts, it really really can hurt, but the only way to treat a dead relationship is to make it super dead. Like Lowis said, cutting all contacts. Do and think about some other thinks. Start a new chapter in your life, if you want to say it this way.
That's the best I can suggest. You can't just wait forever ... and waste your own life ... for nothing.
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Break ups happen to everyone, and you have to accept that sometimes, no matter what you could have or should have done, a relationship was destined to fail; it does not reflect on you as a person. I know it can hurt, I myself was divorced after suffering an injury on active duty (Army) that left me with a permanent disability. Not only was I having to cope with a life-altering event, suddenly I had to deal with this on top of everything else. Regardless, no matter how miserable you feel, you have to get over it and move on, and with time, you will do.
If she broke off a two year relationship after you yelled at her, there was far more wrong with the relationship, even if you were not aware of it. Just get on with your life, do not hang out hopes of reconciliation, if it happens, great, but in my experience, once relationships start to go down this path they are often over. Attempting to prolong the relationship despite constant breakups and arguments will do neither of you any good.
Just remember, no matter how lousy you feel, you are not alone, your pain is no worse than that felt by others and it will pass. Sadly, some people start to imagine that their feelings are unique and no one can possibly understand what they are going through and begin to isolate themselves. Ultimately, this sort of behaviour often leads to real clinical depression, and once that happens, the effects of depression take over and it becomes much harder to cope.
Many people have a tendency to prolong the emotional pain after break up believing on some level that they should feel unhappy that this has happened, and will even feel guilty if they catch themselves feeling joy at something. They will dig out old photographs; sit thinking about the things they used to do together, listen to music and watch films that prompt old memories despite the fact it just makes them feel miserable. If you find yourself doing this, find something else to do, go out for a walk, go see someone you have not seen in a while, take up a hobby you have been considering for a while, anything to occupy your thoughts with something else.
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Good tips in here.
Breakups suck. I got over my last cheating. I mean i got to know another girl which is now my current girlfriend.
I got over it completely much sooner than i expected. I'm aware its not the right thing to do but the easiest one.
Before I did, I thought i couldn't get over it. When gaming doesn't feel appealing there is definetely something really wrong XD.
Breakups are also a chance for change tho. On that last one, I actually stopped smoking joints completely after 10 years of daily smoking.
So anyways... give it a try if you feel like it. Be realistic, if it doesn't work cut all contact with her until u really feel you got over it.
Best luck mate.
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Okay listen OP, your situation of course sucks and all, but why post it here? Why not open a personal blog if you feel the urge to tell strangers about what is worrying you or just talk to some friends who actually know you and can give you more than just the same phrases over and over again?
All in all, I never saw any point in continuing a relationship like you described one. Forget her. Move on. That's the best for the two of you. Don't even dwell on it. Just see it as a lesson learned and stop drowning yourself in self inflicted sorrow. Good luck
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So far people are helping a lot, that's why.
Thanks for your help too!
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i t take it this is his first major break up as he is taking it as if the world is going to hell,well i guess it sorta is but not for those reason
look that is part of life,you love,you lose...life was not meant to be easy if it was everyone would enjoy and sadly not all do
either move on or waste more of your life crying over something you have no control over it is a toxic situation anyhow she is using the yelling an fighting to break it off but also string you along saying she may get back with you she wants a back up in case she does not find someone within time she will go back to you
and if you are not having fun that is all on you,not her she has no power over how you enjoy life you have your own power and you have your own will and it is up to you to make the best of your life not anyone else
none the less it is also your choice to sit around a sulk in it misery loves pain and it is keeping you company get over it or not it is simply as that moving on does not mean you do not care or you quit loving it just means you are moving on in your life because life is too short to wait for anyone
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Women are no meaner than guys, nor any less intelligent, we are all individuals and this sort of thinking is poisonous. If you find girls are constantly behaving in a negative way towards you, you need to accept that it is likely because of your attitude and behaviour towards them. Sort yourself out; accept responsibility for your behaviour and attitudes, instead of ignoring the obvious and constantly pointing fingers at others.
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See.... I'm not sure if this is a puzzle or not. grunts and throws keyboard
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Sounds like you 2 are not compatible. Sorry, but your relationship is over. Be grateful for the time spent together, but you have to accept it's finished, or 5 years later nothing will have changed for you and you'll still be in the same situation as you are now. Do you want to spend the rest of your life like that?
And maybe in your next relationship don't spend all your time together. Each person needs to have their own hobbies and things they do themselves as an individual and not as a couple. Get a move on, try to do things you used to do before you were with her. Haven't you got any friends you can go to the cinema or do some sports with?
You can't mend a broken heart, all you can do is patch it up. If you don't patch it up you'll die from internal bleeding. You patch it up by doing stuff and not by sitting around waiting for something to happen or someone to rescue you.
This may sound mean, but it's not meant that way. Hope you get well soon!
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You were expecting to marry her or what? She wasn't your fiance or anything. There will be another girl, and then another and another.
Also you really need to cry on a gaming (?!) forum? grow a pair dude.
Oh, and the only advice i have: If any of you wants a small break (or if there are more nasty moments than nice ones) (heck, even if one of you starts to like someone else), then end the relationship there. It's obviously it won't work out so why delay the inevitable?
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At least you had a girlfriend. Most girls would much rather eat broken glass than have anything to do with me... -_-
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It was hard. It happened around two months ago, and she told me it was for my own good, as we were only fighting and and could not stop this fighting (that she always started for any stupid reason). After that she insisted that we kept seeing each other, so we kinda formed another relationship. We were together again, and crawling to a serious relationship once more.
Well, this time, and for the first time, she did something extremelly annoying using my name and I got angry and yelled at her. She started crying and after some time she told me that she wanted some time away from me. Without talking or seeing each other and etc.
She told me she'll still love me and after this we'll still have a chance to get back together but I don't know if I should believe in this. We were together for far more than 2 years and were always together, and this is breaking me!
I'm finding it difficult to have any pleasure, be it gaming, going to a friend's party or playing wargames. I'm being forced to live nightmares every time I sleep and the only two times I didn't have a nightmare about something horrible happening to her, I dreamed about something beautiful alongside her, and perhaps it was even worse.
I'm trying to remain strong and trust in her word, but it's hurting too bad and I feel like I'm losing ground...
Does anyone know what to do in this situation? I want to believe in it, I want to have her back, but this time is killing me and everything I once found pleasure in doing.
EDIT: Thanks for all the support, I can already breathe better. A lot of guys said some awesome things and it helped me a lot. Some even added me on steam and we chatted for a while, traded experiences. That's why I made this post here. You are all an awesome community that always made me laugh and now even helped me in some serious poop situation.
Thank you all, I won't forget it. Never. (AKA Giveaway coming soon)
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