If you want it on Steam, today is the last day you'll be able to pre-order it there.
EDIT: Apparently it will return to Steam on Feb 14 2020 for those that are fine with waiting a year instead of pre-ordering.
EDIT2: Physical copies of the game will come with a Steam key.
EDIT3: Correction, it looks like retail keys will activate on the Epic store.
EDIT4: The game is now no longer available for pre-order on Steam.

5 years ago*

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f_ck that stupid firms... not better to be everywhere to more income? more sales? omg who are trying to shutdown steam behind this whole sh_t?

5 years ago

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Competition: Good. I want Metro Exodus in the Epic store and Steam so they try to be better.

But this exclusive deals are the opposite of competition. (I know it's temporary)

5 years ago

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Yikes, was gonna get this game too, another game i won't be supporting then

5 years ago

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Oh man, not another one :(

5 years ago

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More expensive on epic than steam for me

5 years ago

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rip deep silverr

5 years ago

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Will Metro Exodus ever return to Steam?
Yes - Metro Exodus will return to Steam and on other store fronts after 14th February 2020. Tell me when 2020 arrive on sales

5 years ago

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This is an epic f*ck !

5 years ago

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lol well said

5 years ago

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I don't usually mind too much. But after already having Steam preorders, ehh, something doesn't sit right with me.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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All that pyramid of THQ Nordic (including Deep Silver, Handy Games etc.) must fall already, fail after fail and then moves like this? Appalling, they function worse then THQ itself at it's time.

5 years ago

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Wow, that's a gut punch... Why the hell would I get in on Epic Store if it costs more for my region than on Steam?

5 years ago

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На 4 грн. 😉

5 years ago

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Это не мешает немного повозмущаться)

5 years ago

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Fuck epic store man,
they don't give any services to mine and few other countries, unlike steam

5 years ago

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I'll wait a year until its sales are played out, then I'll pick it up on Steam for a fiver or tenner. :3
I'm not supporting this exclusivity crap. It's why I stopped buying consoles.

5 years ago

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Actually, this is also my own approach, because I would have done that anyway regardless of timed store exclusivity. I have too many games, I can wait for Exodus to get proper cheap and that will take at least an year anyway.

5 years ago

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I think I'm OK with this. Realistically, with Steam as the single absurdly powerful player in this market, Epic will need some exclusives to effectively launch a competitive service. I hope in time that competition will become a matter of pricing rather than exclusivity, but yeah, it is time for a meaningful competitor to break the stranglehold.

That said, I know little about Epic. It's hard to imagine they'd be a worse corporate presence than Steam; if having two services makes them rush to offer better services and prices, then a little bit of confusion at the start will be worth it in the end.

5 years ago

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Well, Epic is owned by a Chinese company called Tencent which is known to be participating in and profiting off of Chinas social credit system. So I suppose it depends how you feel about that as to how you should feel about Epic.

5 years ago*

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This isn't quite correct. Tencent has a minority stake in Epic (if I recall around 40%) but is not their parent company (maybe you are thinking of Riot games?). Tim Sweeney addressed this in a reddit thread here.

5 years ago

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Thank you both for the info.

5 years ago

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I don't mind the exclusivity as it is kinda a must since they can't offer lower prices than Steam while also being on Steam (part of Valve's ToS).

That said, this limited price reduction (US only) is the only one I heard of considering it is not the first game to leave Steam for Epic.

So... where does the consumer benefit in this? And how would they fare against Steam in the long run with this attitude?

Time will tell, I guess.

5 years ago

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Shame on you Deep Silver and EPIC.

5 years ago

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If Epic manages to make the game ten bucks cheaper in all regions, I think it's for the best that they switched platforms.

5 years ago

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cheaper only in USA, in another regions price same or more expensive

5 years ago

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That's why my sentence was an if statement.

5 years ago

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In My Country in Steam the Game cost $1199 Argentinos, is aprox Us$31.55. EPIC Store dont' have regional prices. But the problem is not the game METRO Exodus is en EPIC Store, the problems is the game cut off on Steam, becouse EPIC pay a big check to Deep Silver for the exclusive.
Why the game can be in both Stores, EPIC Store and Steam?
But No. EPIC don't want the game in Steam, their want Exclusive to capture new users for EPIC Store.

5 years ago

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I'm getting kinda tired of all the negativity around a lot of stuff lately. I've gotten to the point of "why the hell would I bother, and why does it bother me so much?". Yes, this situation sucks, but then again... I still have a huge backlog, it's not like a lot of people play games day 1. Everyone wants a big sale. I think... maybe...

Anyway, if anyone feels sad or angry, remember: there is a town in Australia called Eromanga.

5 years ago

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Ha! I just looked that up, you're right, there really is a town called that in Australia. Crazy.
(I just looked up Australia Manga town, don't even want to type in the full town name)

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Sorry but I have to disagree. Improving their services won't effect anything... The reason those publishers sell their games on the epic store are those 18% less they have to pay and nothing else.
Just look at the epic store theres no place for players to help each other if they have problems with a game, there is no place there the developers can discuss with the players, there are no reviews and so on, theres like no service at all...
The people who got Subnautica for free from the epic store even went to the steam discussions page of Subnautica for troubleshooting.
Steam offers way more services, but the only thing the publishers want is money...
So they only way to keep the big developers is not to improve anything about Steam but just take less money from the developers and thats something that won't make Steam any better for me as a customer and they might even cut some services to afford the 18% price cut

5 years ago

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And if that means better prices - I like it anyway :)

5 years ago

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I don't think that means better prices, just look at Metro Exodus it costs the same on Steam and Epic Store, the same with My Time at Portia or Darksiders 3. Hello Neighbour is even more expensive on Epic Store.

5 years ago

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Then I obviously won't buy those games there :) If devs don't want to share that "cut" with customers - it's their problem. I will wait for good price. Like idk - 1$ tier bundle for goty edition xD

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Valve takes such a large cut majorly because it's the biggest platform and they can afford to do it.

Valve takes 30% because that's what brick and mortar stores were taking when Valve started Steam.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Even Apple and Google charge 30%. It's the standard everywhere -- people are just making it a big deal for no reason.

5 years ago

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But those companies have monopolies on their respective markets

There isn't a monopoly if there's more than one and they're competing with one another. So, by your own admission, Valve is taking the same cut everyone else has been taking for ages, despite being "immune to it" (the competition). I'm really not sure how that's so terrible of them ... (edit: Valve even lets publishers/developers generate keys to sell elsewhere for a much better cut. Bad Valve! :P )

Sure, they could take a lower cut, but so could everyone else you've mentioned.

Edit: In fact, I'll go so far as to say Valve is already taking a lower cut, simply by allowing the generation of Steam keys to be sold elsewhere.

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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it's that "Valve isn't providing good enough service to justify 30%"

That's completely subjective. I cannot remark on that except with my own opinion, which is pointless.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Exactly this.

View attached image.
5 years ago

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That just makes me sad, because the people who will suffer from this are not the ones that made this decision.

5 years ago

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yeah exactly!

5 years ago

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I know the goal is to make us use the Epic launcher. But, all this will accomplish is lowering their PC sales.

5 years ago

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I want to have my games on one launcher, not ten, also i'm little confused about the achievements they release, because we need to choose where to complete them and its a little bit worried...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I don't think, this was Epic's decision or enforcement, rather the developer's choice, since they get a bigger cut, since Epic only takes 12% of the sales, unlike Steam which takes 30%

5 years ago

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Epic is paying devs for exclusivity.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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If it was only for the revenue, they should have switched to

5 years ago

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Satisfactory dev admitted they got "cash money" from Epic.

5 years ago

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It wouldn't make much sense to not sell their game on Steam if they're not being payed for doing so. They're going to lose a lot of sales by not selling on Steam, and the 18% difference in fees is not enough to cover that.

Already knowing exactly when they'll make the game available on Steam again is a big hint too that they signed an exclusivity deal with Epic (that's when the exclusivity deal expires).

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 months ago.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Closed 3 years ago by jiggakills.