Did you make someone smile today?
You are delicious, and I appreciate you.
I.. I just wanted you to know that.
The poll insisted I attempt to obtain smiles. :P
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Stabbykins. :)
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Pie is love, pie is life, is @Sooth is life and love, then @Sooth is pie
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Everyone appreciates pie. Perfect for comfort eating ^^
Thank you, I needed something silly!
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Rachel is a very kind person. I'm sure she will come back! :)
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All praise beer, our true and delicious leader! ;_;
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I appreciate the fact you mentioned beer
Keep being you ;)
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Not much of a beer drinker and can't drink a lot with this medication. But is does help letting yourself loose! :D
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Rootwater is a very good person. ^_^ I still remember our discussion!
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Rootwater is a great person! Always cheerful and friendly :D
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Sometimes I feel blue, especially when I'm home alone, without a job and without the will to finish my studies. Studying, working (sometimes I work of course)? For what? I'm 26 and I don't have any project in my life, I don't see myself being a parent, or being with someone. When I meet my friends, to eat together or to play cards, I forget about all these feelings. But they come up again after a while. Don't really know what to do.
Have a warm hug, you crazy chicken.
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Yeah steam and irl friends help a lot with times like this. All I know is its going to get better. Keep fighting it and keep your friends close :)
Thank you! hugs <3
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I'll be honest, I don't know a whole lot of users here by name (more so by their profile picture), but anyone who takes the time to put together a puzzle, whether it be jigidi, itstoohard, or otherwise, I appreciate. They put in a little (or some of them a lot) extra work to give the rest of us some entertainment. Thanks!
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Yeah I appreciate everyone that takes out the time to make those events. I've even been a part of a few of them and A LOT of work goes into them. Its not easy and they sure love this community :D
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Umm, not sure I want to direct my appreciation to anyone in particular. I mean, it's good and all that, and I like a lot of people here, but it's a bit like asking a parent who their favourite child is.
So let's just say I am a well-wisher. Meaning that I don't wish anyone any specific harm.
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Yeah I didn't want to direct it on to people myself in case people felt left out but I'm confident a lot will get mentioned anyway! Plus I wanted to give an example for everyone :D
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Aww you should be a part of conversation more! I'm glad I made you smile though, that makes this worth it in the end :)
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No longer around (but still loved!) Entropia and Yunie. They both made me smile every time I saw one of their posts.
Mama Momo. She helped me through some VERY difficult times, and literally helped me change my life for the better.
I'm at work, so back with more later~!
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Thats great! I'm glad you had people to talk to in hard times. Its always important to keep those people around you in your life :)
I'm looking forward to hearing more positive thoughts! :)
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Is Entropia gone too? Another one from my whitelist bites the dust.
But wait, she's online now...so confused.
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I appreciate you, for this very nice comment you made on this beautiful thread.
Keep existing please ;>
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SadisticChicken - thank you for this thread, for crazy comments, for kind words you sometimes tell me which make me smile, for thinking more positive than most people despite being depressed I❤v❤I
Sazz - thank you for caring, for your patience (I still haven't watched this movie, I'm so sorry), for a great sense of humor and being so polite and always willing to help, for our chats that used to made me smile and that you still keep messaging me <3
IgantiusVulcan - thank you for being soooo selflessly helpful, I know I can always text you whenever I will need you and you will always be there to help, thank you for caring ans asking if everything is ok <3
Beard-topians - thank you for being so nice to me, for appreciating my presence despite being quiet for most of the time and special thanks to Yunie for introducing me to this people before she shut down her group! <3
Traqie - thank you for all our chats until 4 am, I enjoy them and I really appreciate them, hoping to read your story soon <3
hotbullet8 - thank you for caring about how I feel and for sharing your experience with fighting bad mood, I appreciate you being around <3
Senpai - where are you, I miss you :(
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Senpai is here, bend over <3
But on a regular note, I like you, just because you exist, and even though I don't know you, I'd love to.
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Beard-topians - thank you for being so nice to me, for appreciating my presence despite being quiet for most of the time and special thanks to Yunie for introducing me to this people before she shut down her group! <3
I wanted to say something along those lines, but I couldn't say it better then you did. So instead I'll just thank you for wording it so well :D
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Thank you IovoI for the kind words about me! I appreciate you, you are always friendly to me and everyone here! We need more like you :D
I keep hearing of Beard-topians... Do I need a beard? :(
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It's nothing owlie! I'm glad to be of service ;D after all we're in the same emotional roller coaster, we should at least enjoy the ride :3 thanks for making ME smile just about now
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Hey you, yeah, you. I appreciate the fact you exist, keep being amazing.
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I'm glad, I wanted to help at least a few people if they are in the same situation or maybe its worse. I'm thankful I went to the doctors recently, and didn't keep it bottled up. All I want is to make others happy and spread the word :)
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I like to spread happiness! Its just something nice to do, cheers me up :)
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I appreciated everyone in this thread ;)
I love you all, for absolutely no reason other than that you exist and are you <3
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I didn't know you had such hard fights. I always thought you are very strong woman. My buddies are not into steamgifts and I haven't got any closer relation with anyone here yet. However for the most part SillyScream and also in some extend Yirg are those thanks to I learned most about this platform,I'll not write more as I already did this in other threads. Also MilleW was the first on this forum that checked I'm noobie and welcomed me, that was nice.
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I never really told anyone here, until now. I found out recently really. So, I'm still taking each day as it comes :)
I'm glad members made you feel welcome here :D
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Yeah everyone in this community makes it worth coming to :D
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Its always nice having people do great events. Makes coming to the forums interesting :D
BLAEO is awesome but my RL addiction is overtaking them ;-;
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No your wife is fine to be mentioned! It can be people in your daily life as well (Wallister kind of counts as that since he is my boyfriend) XD
No worries :3
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Tell someone you appreciate them. That's all. :)
Before anyone says anything. I don't want pity, I just want to make someone smile today
So, for as long as I can remember I've been down. I didn't do anything, I would sleep my days away, wouldn't go to school etc. I found this place. A place where I could forget about my life and be someone different. I would laugh and smile, I would be bubbly and stabby and I would be outgoing. I played games with people and talked about everything playful to profound.
Some people stayed and some people left. Some people said goodbye and went on with their life... Some just deleted me and left without a thought.
Things got worse both in my life and on steam. I didn't know where to turn.
Drama happened and I thought I'd lose the one place I can be... Happy.
Yes. I suffer from depression and I'm getting better. I know there are many people on this site who know they are suffering too or maybe they don't know yet.
You might be asking Jaye (chicken) why are you telling people something so personal? I don't know really. All I know is out of all the shit that has been going on there has been good. I want people to know about it.
I here by am doing another nomination thread :)
I want to thank anybody who as been in my life for a second, a few minutes, days, months or years. These people may not have done anything big but they are 5 people I want to say thank you to. There are many others but these are just 5.
TinyPurple - Thank you for making me smile. Asking if I was okay and telling me your story. You care and it makes me happy :)
LadySanta - You sent me a lovely message on my thread and it made me genuinely smile from what you said. We need to play Rocket League very soon. Thank you.
bigbud13 - Thank you for thinking of me to nominate for Delta's thread. It was so unexpected and made me feel like people remember my name and respect me. You probably thought nothing of it but it made me happy.
Khalaq - You've commented a few times on my threads where I mention being "a little sad" and gave me some very good advice and I appreciate it. Recently even your "<3" comments have made me feel appreciated. Thank you for being so kind.
Wallister - You have stuck with me through everything. I don't deserve you but you stay. I love you for everything you do for me. I couldn't ask for anyone better. You always make me smile without fail and have me giggling until 5am. You are the definition of a soul mate. Words don't describe how much you mean to me. Thank you.
So, now its your turn. This isn't a +1 event, or really an event at all. I just wanted you to comment as many people as you want and tell them why you appreciate them in your life. You never know, you might give them one thing to smile about today. No it doesn't need to be someone well known because they gave a good game. I want someone who made you laugh so hard your pee'd yourself a little, someone who listened to you rant about some bitch at work, someone who took time to play a game with you or someone that asked how you were doing randomly.
If you seen anyone mentioned. Why not permalink the comment and show them considering there is no @ system.
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