So what do i mean by it? It's basically the game you are 100% would love hell out of but for some reason ( financial or other ) cant afford/play at the moment.
For me it would be Divinity Orignal Sin 2. I love the first one to hell and from what i've seen second one is better in all and every way and it's basically guaranteed to be awesome! Sadly due to financial reasons im yet to buy it :)

What's yours?

Also a GA :Clicky

6 years ago*

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Too many to make a list, lol

6 years ago

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Jump Ultimate Star.

basically a 2d pixel super smash bro but manga/anime.

well, Ive played it at 2007-2008, a long time ago. I didn't watch too many anime, so I didn't recognize a lot. Only naruto, bleach and popular ones.
now knowing more anime, I wanna play it again and appreciate every characters. It was an amazing game only knowing 20% of the characters so im sure it would be a better game now. Oh, and there's over a hundred manga characters to choose from.

I can't play it cuz its in nintendo ds.

6 years ago

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For me it would be The Witness and The Witcher 3. Always loved puzzle games. Never knew that RPG would be that much fun before playing earlier series.

6 years ago

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Tales from the Borderlands. I own it, too. I've just never played a Telltale game alone, and my 2 Telltale partners aren't interested in it.
Maybe I'll eventually finally try a TT game on my own.

6 years ago

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Telltale partners? Do you introduce them that way at parties too? Because that would be kind of neat. :-P

6 years ago

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Just invite any of your friends for a movie night and put it on? TTG games barely differ from them these days anyway.

6 years ago

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That's what we've been doing for the other TTGs. Setting it up on the TV in front of the sofa. It's really fun:)
But a TT game is just not appealing at all to non-gamers, as opposed to a movie or TV show.

6 years ago

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I'm not a real big fan of the Telltale games, but the Borderlands one is absolutely awesome. If you are a fan of the series, I mean. Some really great music in it as well. Screw your friends.

6 years ago

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Dooo eeeet! I've been playing TellTale games with 3D glasses alone. Great experience. I would watch Tales from The Borderlands from the sofa, your partners don't know what they are missing :(

6 years ago

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Monkey Island 2

6 years ago

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I'd say DCS World. I own the A-10C and Blackshark 2 modules for it, but I can't seem to get into it. Flight simulators and role playing games are what got me into PC gaming (Falcon 3, MS Flight Sim and the Gold Box AD&D RPGs is when I started). I still enjoy RPGs, but I've fallen out of Flight Simulators lately. I don't know why I can't seems to get back into them. I used to love complex flight sims, like Falcon 4. Reading the manual, doing training and learning the avionics was part of the fun for me. I have the time, but when I usually end up doing something else with it instead.

6 years ago

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Like everyone else... console exclusives. Not going to buy a console just for a game, sorry.

Looking at you Heavy Rain, Midnight Club III, Last of Us, and probably more that got completely forgotten due to it...

EDIT: And if it's any consolidation hopefully by the time you can play D:OS2 they fixed the couple thousand bugs I reported to them. Quest system is a MESS. For a hardcore RPG that's pretty much a sin itself.

6 years ago

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Witcher 3, though I'm playing 2 now, and have just finished 1, so I'm going to do it soon probably. :)
And Bloodborne... no PS4...

6 years ago

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I'm really looking forwards to play Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus, Life is Strange and Until Dawn. They're all collecting dust in my PS4 games drawer but i'm too scared to play them. I've got a lot of school work (writing papers, making ppt's etc.) and i know that if i start playing, i won't quit until i finished them.

Life is hard for a gaming addict

6 years ago

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No One Lives Forever

6 years ago

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Witcher 3

6 years ago

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Probably the new Zelda game. I don't own a Switch.

6 years ago

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Tales of Phantasia for PSP

6 years ago

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The older I get, the more games I don't play. Sadly. No time nor money nor will.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago*

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I saw which game you already have played to get an idea of your config, and SOMA should pass :)

6 years ago

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DOOM and the new Wolfenstein games.

I can't get it because I have a low-end rig. I tested the pirated versions and they ran like crap (low framerates etc.).

6 years ago

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uncharted lost legacy

6 years ago

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Styx: Shards of Darkness , Styx: Master of Shadows And Overwatch

6 years ago

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Zelda: BotW and Super Mario Odyssey. I'm slowly accumulating money for my own Switch.

6 years ago

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Divinity Original Sin 1-2
The Witcher 3
Dishonored 2
(maybe MGS5)

I have the faint sense of there's something quite recent, but can't put my finger on it.

6 years ago

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Fallout 4 . I absolutely love the series but I lack the funds needed to upgrade my potato PC.
Don't laugh please, Q6600, 8gigs ram and nvidia 9600gt 1G
In any case though, I will play it some day (hopefully soon).
Now the REAL answer to your question for me, is that the greatest game I've never played is the proper sequel to fallout 2, Van Buren.
And the finale to Half life. And a proper sequel to the longest journey.

6 years ago

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I'd say Uncharted: The Lost Legacy on PS4. Super Mario Odyssey and Legend of Zelda on the Switch. Hellblade on the PC or console. I don't own a switch and I don't have money for the rest :P

6 years ago

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The first Dark Souls.
And the third I guess, as well.
I got the second gifted to me from a friend when it was the main sell of the Humble Monthly.

6 years ago

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Most of nintendo games, can't afford one of their consoles atm

6 years ago

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