I should have made a "reserved" post when I created this thread, so adding a comment here. I hope you're ok with it :-)
Thread title when not doing key drops: "If you win the same game multiple times, do this to avoid becoming a rule breaker: [+howto fix]"
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It's just annoying that you can't stop the badge from appearing and showing that red 1 all the time until the support manages to resolve the issue.
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There shouldn't be as long as you contact the GA creator and let them get things right. Until they do you can probably wait with step #2. It would be tricky if this all happens on the same day and if the GA creator (with the first key you tried to activate) is not responsive.
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Well, I talked to the GA creator, but they did not get things straight, and now I'm always unsure wether I should join a GA for the same game again or not... especially since there are sgtools to check if you won the same game twice ;)
or won't there be any problem if i marked as not received?
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If the GA creator did not help and the key was not good you should just mark as Not Received. If you've already marked as Received, you can still toggle it, but I think it can indeed be seen as foul play by SGTools. You may want to ask knsys in the relevant thread...
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Negative. Policy is as it was, but that situation falls under "extenuating circumstances." See my reply, below.
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This is an interesting question.
Q. I won two giveaways at once. The first one I redeemed and marked as "Received." What do I do with the second?
A. Under normal circumstances, request a re-roll from the creator of the second giveaway and leave the second key alone. Do not redeem it. Do not give it away. Do not use it in any manner. The easiest way to request a re-roll is by doing so in the description of the giveaway in which you won the game. (That's the second giveaway, the one you are refusing.)
Q. What if the owner of the second giveaway does not respond to my re-roll request?
A. Once again, do not do anything with the key or gift which you were given due to your duplicate win. If the creator of the giveaway fails to respond in a timely manner, you may choose to "force" his or her hand by marking the gift as "Not Received." You have done nothing with the key/gift except reject it, so it is still "open" and available for re-issuance by the giveaway creator. Marking it "Not Received" puts the matter squarely on the shoulders of the creator who must then contact Support for resolution. Support will take steps to resolve the matter by forcing a re-roll or deletion of the giveaway.
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Use your good judgement.
Sometimes, people leave a game unmarked for months before resolving things with the giveaway creator. I had one instance where it took me a year to replace a won game which had been revoked due to credit card fraud. (We were scammed.) The winner eventually got her gift (again), but it took a while to straighten things out.
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If it's your first win of this game, activate it.
If it's another win, ask for a reroll and don't touch the key (follow step #3 above). You're likely not going to get any response from the GA creator in this case (10,000 keys), but at least no one can say you broke any rules.
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While it is good to be in direct contact with the giveaway creator, posting in the giveaway's description is also helpful to Support staff (who are looking for an excuse to re-roll).
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Ouch. Idk about that.
Or maybe something like mark as favourite post.
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So, what happened?
True, it's not in the FAQ, but still
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Nothing happened. It just occurred to me that requests for changes (like the one for adding this info to the FAQ) aren't going to happen, so it might just be better to be explicit. Hopefully more users will see this now and will avoid falling into this "trap".
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so, lets make a deal
make another thread of User made FAQ. add this one. i'm sure others will add more (or you ;) )
i'll link that master one to my SG bookmarks.
or this one if you disagree.
it's just that there are many more FAQ to do. as always.
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some one beat hyou to it:
sort of ;)
i'l add both to bookmarks once you amke yours ;)
have't read this one yet
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Update: Due to recent site changes it is no longer needed to perform extra steps to avoid winning the same game multiple times. However, many users still have multiple wins in their account, so the appendix below is still relevant.
If you win the same game multiple times and mark the wins as received, you are breaking the rule of this site and are very likely to get a suspension (and if you still continue to do it, get a permanent suspension). You will also be blocked from entering most SGTools-protected giveaways, so better avoid this unpleasant situation. Here's how:1. Activate the first win, and (assuming success) mark as Received2. Add a comment in the second win: "I won this game from another giveaway. Please request a new winner. Thanks!"3. Important: Do not mark the second giveaway as Received or as Not Received. After requesting the giveaway creator to reroll, your part is done. Just forget about it, and of course do not re-gift the key to anyone else and do not activate it on another account. For all intent it's not yours to use and should be assigned a new winner. If the giveaway creator didn't respond in a timely manner you may also mark as Not Received, but leaving giveaway feedback untouched is acceptable too. More info here.4. To reduce the chances of multiple wins in general, after winning, resync your account (this script can automate this after you mark as received), go over your entries to other giveaways of the game you just won and remove them manually.Appendix A - How to fix multiple wins
If you previously won the same game multiple times and already marked the wins as received, it's too late to follow the process above. There are however things you can still do to fix the situation. Getting rid of multiple wins is not easy, as it requires some co-operation from at least one of the GA creators. It can be difficult to get co-operation if they're not active on this site any more, or if the they gave a large number of keys. Still, the following procedure is worth a shot:
Good luck!EndedComment has been collapsed.