Wow I was not expecting so many comments on this thread. Best of luck Brits whatever happens. Good luck with the Muslim migrant issue too!
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Damn I cannot read these comments or write a detailed one myself....but I am all for staying in the EU (ideally with more immigration control too) not all of the factors are positive but it is what I think is best for the future.
On a linked but more global/future note I actually believe that all countries should join together and we all become citizens of the world living in different regions not countries, unity and all will never happen in my lifetime but maybe in 200 years it might.
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I'm necroing this topic because the Brexit vote is today. Any new thoughts guys?
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Damn it looks pretty close so far. It's leaning towards leave but there is still plenty of votes to be counted. Could go either way at this point.
I'm an american so I have no stake in it personally. I do know this vote is a pretty big deal though. If I was British I'd definitely vote leave.
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The way the "Remain" campaign has acted has probably spurred more support for leaving. I don't think bullying and fear tactics work so much here and tend to backfire more.
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Blimey, early indications are that we may just go and leave. Experts saying it's likely, bookmakers now have leave as the favourite, 53.7-46.3% in favour of leaving with 10.7% of the count done.
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lol, remain ahead in the last figure I saw. This is going to go all over the place with each side going in front then behind by the looks of it.
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Just going over what heavy population centers have declared on average, there's a good chance that remain may win this one yet. The leavers need to win a few cities or they will lose their lead.
Overall though it's shown how divided the UK is on the EU.
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Looks like every single area in Scotland wants to stay. I will be surprised if anywhere in Scotland turns blue.
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i just the irony of trying to stop Scotland to leave, and then wanting to leave themselves.
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Buying bundles in $ is going to hurt tomorrow. Pound at it's lowest since 1985.
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Congrats GB for voting to leave the EU! The future is uncertain but in my humble opinion I think you guys made the right choice!
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We'll see ... I often shop in UK but I will have to review my decision when prices increase ... and they will increase for sure
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Happy independence, Brits! Thank you for reducing the political power of undemocratic and unelected eurocrats
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Their pound crashed because people were gambling on remain winning the vote. The market won't be like that forever.
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If a small nation pulling out of a political union ruins the economy of the world, that world economy is founded on shit and is liable to collapse at any moment anyway.
Would you argue that no region or nation should ever seek independence? Should the USA still be a British colony? Should no one ever change anything just in case it has some bad side-effects?
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That small nation houses one of the few financial centers of the globe. And a good number of those financial institutes stated that they will leave the country and resettle if they don't remain in the EU. But nobody knows if they go through or not.
By the way, the world's economy was ruined and plummeted into a global warfare once because someone in New York had a panic attack and started selling stocks like crazy. And one single person once managed to topple the British pound sterling on his own once, and he wasn't even on the same continent.
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You've basically just given an argument against globalisation. You don't want economies to be so tied together that a relatively small amount of people in Belgium playing with money can wipe out the pensions of a bunch of people in Spain.
Last time I checked, the last massive economic crisis we had occurred whilst the UK was fully entrenched in the EU. Funny how what Remainers assure us all is a 'bastion of economic stability' didn't save us from that clusterfuck. Just as risky to stay in as it is to leave. Lots of countries outside the EU survived comparatively unscathed.
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And on the other hand, it is VASTLY hypocritical hearing large independence war songs from a country that is still lamenting on the loss of their overseas territories as they went independent, and one that not so long ago launched a large campaign to dissuade the Scots from doing exactly what the English are doing right now. Double standards is a phrase that doesn't even begin to describe this situation.
In reality, from the outside, do you know what most others see? That the Brits are throwing a childish temper tantrum because they cannot rule the EU like they ruled their empire in the last century. This is why their only supporters in this regards are some extremely right-wing Eurosceptics (who are funny enough often funded by Russia) and some of the similar pockets that want their own independence, like the Catalans.
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I for one support Scotland leaving the UK and joining the EU. If that is the will of their people so be it.
Citation needed for the second paragraph. Don't pretend like you speak for most. You don't.
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I feel bad for you if you're willing to sacrifice democracy in Europe if it means that the USD temporarily grows stronger
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Those "racist skinheads" are fighting for a future of the UK that is not dominated by Islam, which it is on the fast track to that future if leftists and white apologists keep letting in hordes of people who would slaughter them in their homes if they had the chance and usher in Sharia Law. Jihad by immigration. UK and Europe are in a huge culture / demographic war right now, whether people choose to face the reality or not. Multiculturalism is a farce. Go walk in the Muslim "no-go zones" and you will change your mind on the matter instantly as you are chased off / assaulted.
The greatest irony of all is the masses of LGBT persons voting for the pro Islam left. Voting to have your own head rolling down the street much? Lol some people just will never get their heads out of the sand no matter what, they won't change their minds due to their brainwashing up until the day they are forcibly removed from their homes and killed.
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okay, I guess, the UK can survive without Scottland and Northern Ireland
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Noone will leave UK, it's not like your citizens will eagerly pick up all these shitty-payed jobs and live happily with it. Besides most of the people live there for years, I don't see a reson why they'd have to leave right now.
Rich countries needs their immigrants, to do their dirty, low-pay jobs for them. That's how this world work.
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Not having enough shitty-payed workers mean that companies will seek ways to raise immigration into UK. Not the other way around. Or they will just move their companies into places with cheap labour, as it will be more profitable for them to pay people there and send their products aboard (like they did with Amazon logistic centers by moving them from Germany to Poland - you don't agree to our low wages? Fine, screw you we will make our profit either way)
The only exception is when you need well-qualified workers with lot of experience - in this case you can pick up any company you want, so they will fight for you. So yeah, here your example work.
But noone will raise 2x wages in picking up cucumbers from the field or putting chips in a box just because you want to "stop migration".
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They also drive wages down in almost every sector in a country with one of the most expensive living costs in the world.
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And you understand that if you will raise wage everywhere, even in these shitty paying jobs your living costs will skyrocket as well, as companies will have to pay a lot more to their workers?
You will go along street, having to pay more for your cup of coffee, then pay more to go to te cinema and then a lot more to for kid nanny. As all these low-paying jobs (waitress, barmans, ticket checkers, nannies, cleaners and so on) will get more money => higher cost for companies => higher price to still make profil?
It won't miraculously be "yeah, bigger prices, the same cost of living". Look at Norway, how much they earn but at the same time how ridiculously high prices and cost of living they have.
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How can you just raise wages for everyone? I think you misunderstood what I meant.
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Immigrants won't leave Britain mate (if they are working people that is), what is more,after the exit, Britain's markets will remain open for any EU citizen that wants to work in Britain. It's a misconception that EU immigrants will be somehow forced to leave their jobs etc.
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Someone who is mad about this explain to me why the decision to take back power to make our own laws (which is what this was about, and thus what you disagree with) will be catastrophic? The EU can quite happilly carry on trading with us where it's in both our interests. The only reason it will be an economic catastrophe is if europeans conspire to blockade us as an act of revenge.
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The turnout in Scotland was about 60%, 1,018,322 to leave and 1,661,191 to remain (out of a population of 6ish million), with most polls coming out as near even just like all over the UK. The margins for Scotland alone just show the scots didn't give a toss about whether we left or stayed.
It's just an opportunity to rouse the scots up for another punt for another referendum when clearly, they didn't vote in favour of staying.
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EU is also interested to protect its own products and firms. British products and firms will not be included in this anymore.
Free trading with the EU is much more important to UK than the British market is for the EU. It doesn't need to be revenge to decide to put import taxes on British products which will make it harder for UK firms to be competitive on the EU market.
UK wasn't the leader of the EU, but a lot of decisions were influenced by them. Now this influence will be gone. Clearly, future decisions of the EU will not take UK interests into account so they may be disadvantageous for the UK, even without revenge as motivation.
Only future will tell how it turns out.
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I don't think there is anybody mad outside of britain about this and I don't think this is in anyway a catastrophy.
But regarding trading, well, products made in the UK will still have to comply with the laws of the EU, if the UK wants to sell those in countries that are part of the EU, but now you can't even take a stand in those decissions anymore.
While there is certainly no conspiracy "to blockade you as an act of revenge" going on, a productive trade relationship will probably rather fail because of the bureaucratic beast that the EU is - and that's not going to change just because the UK can make its own laws "again". But maybe that's not even such a bad thing, there are other countries the UK can trade with.
Well, feeling independet is a good thing, so: Enjoy!
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GG UK !!!!!!!!
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they told Scotland to stay in the UK to be in EU..
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Do you think Great Britain will leave the EU? What do you the British people on Steam gifts think? Should Britain stay in the EU or leave?
-edit it appears Leave won 52% of the vote. Congrats Great Britain!
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