Do you think Great Britain will leave the EU? What do you the British people on Steam gifts think? Should Britain stay in the EU or leave?

-edit it appears Leave won 52% of the vote. Congrats Great Britain!

8 years ago*

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Does that mean Guinnes, and Bulmers get a huge discount here? \o/

8 years ago

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as italian and EU citizen, im shocked...i still cant believe it.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Why is it bad? I thought breaking off from the EU would be beneficial for the British economy?

8 years ago

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It is! That dive the sterling made on the markets will just be a temporary hiccup.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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While I wouldn't paint apocalyptic scenarios, as UK is still one of the strongest economies of the world, the full-blooded Hungarian in me (one of our mottoes is "let the neighbour's cow doe too then!", so we are really, really good at wishing others to suffer as well) looks forward with great interest in how this will play out for them, especially if the EU really goes with the proposed "okay, then you leave completely" strategy.
(This is why I also would like to see Trump win. And partly because that may, hopefully, destroy the Republicans for a few decades. The world could use a few less rampant idiots near the seat of the greatest political and military power, especially since the second/third one has more or less put their rampant idiot in charge for the rest of his life.)

8 years ago

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I fail to see how losing unrestricted access to a single market of almost 500 million people is even remotely good for the British economy.

8 years ago

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In seriousness: was it? Last time I checked, they really wanted to stay out of the unrestricted Schengen area and they never joined it.

8 years ago

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It can be confusing because I mentioned the number of people in the EU, but I was actually referring to the free movement of goods and services - there are almost no borders to trade within the EU. Granted, they can obtain an agreement similar to those of Norway of Switzerland, but that comes at a price: they would have to comply with a large fraction of EU legislation (i.e. what 'Brexit' supporters wanted to avoid) without any decision power on them.

8 years ago

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Yeah, I know. This is why I want now UKIP to win an election and face this. Either do what you told your voters you will never do or enjoy the import/export taxes left and right.

Plus I'm sad that it was about only EU. If they want to be independent, they should do it, not just this pussy half-ass method. Leave NATO, leave UN, leave the Commonwealth. Independence means independence, not "I don't like this one club but gladly follow the rules of others".

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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The entire thing was about the British "independence", leave-voters are celebrating their "independence". They either don't know what the word means or they are just lying and celebrate leaving one of the many groups the UK is part of and follows the rules of.

8 years ago

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I currently am taking a break from a very long day -- night, being in the USA in the process of moving the two rather large privately owned groups (one that deals with the creative arts and in part games) away from the UK and London where they both originate from. It'll be a loss of 4000 British jobs and more indirectly. It doesn't matter what any Leave camp would try and say otherwise, it'll just be a small contingent left in the UK and all assets and potential employees will be Stateside.

This wasn't about the EU, it was about culture; a dying culture of discontent and "disenfranchisement" from the uneducated, nearly obsolete classes which aren't exclusive to the UK hoping for a last hurrah hoping to stop the already bygone era of low skill work and "god fearing white Britain" from automation, technology and repeatedly electing government that work against them and the people asking for more.

8 years ago

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Less crybabies . Good.

8 years ago

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Why do they want to leave EU in the first place cos I am not up to date?

8 years ago

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Probably Brits are unhappy with being part of the EU.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Nah, Trump getting elected will be funny. He is a clown. The UKIP has the old boring extreme right-wingers with their century-old mantras that are the same in every country.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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Would it? USA survived 8 years of Bush Jr. They would survive 4 years of someone who is probably not even that large of an idiot. And I doubt Bush knew more about foreign relations than Trump does.
On the other hand, it would shake up the political scene and hopefully sink the Republicans for quite a few years; more than Bush sank them. The Democrats aren't angels either, but at least they are not… completely… full of short-sighted raging mental cases who'd sell their own mother if a PAC asks them to.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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There were a plethora of reasons for that, but they could be mostly summed up in "he was a colossal idiot" without going to real hyperboles.
As for Labour, I'd fear UKIP more than a potential Scot secession.

8 years ago

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I'm from Venezuela and, believe me, you never saw the most idiotic politician it always can be worse (and probably will). What worries me is what is Trump is trying to accomplish with the presidency, you never get the full agenda of a politician.

8 years ago

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Venezuela is a… special case. Well, not really, since the darkest regions of Africa had lunatic dictators who literally massacred their own people out of paranoia, but what is happening at you is… yeah, it is pretty much as bad as it can get without a civil war or military oppression. (I'm honestly surprised that you still didn't have a coup.)

8 years ago

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Well I suppose we cannot get worse, but people said the same more than 10 years ago and here we are. A coup would be disastrous here, the political outcome would be for better, but there would be much blood too knowing that most military are in favor of the government and that it also works with armed gangs (one of these even demanded that the government changed some chief police officers, and they did). Now better not talk too much about this because it isn't the matter from the topic, but as a Venezuelan I feel a bit relieved to speak this out.

8 years ago

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I'm not from USA but we have similar concerns here in Poland (regarding imigrants). At least that's what we read in the internet news. In real life I've never experienced it but it doesn't necassarily mean the problem doesn't exist.

And why Scotland is so important?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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We (in Poland) have the same stuff about people from Ukraine. They work in most shitty jobs, bc people from here went aboard to work in better conditions, and xenophobic people say that they're taking up our jobs.

It's typical to every x-phobic, ultra-right winged people everywhere. It's not that we're living in middle ages when countries were more or less independent and self-sufficient. Nowadays globalisation, free market, easy flow of goods and people forces us to unite, connect with other countries and so on. And I really don't know why people are so against it. I won't be any less Pole just because I will buy bread from Ukrainian and kebab from muslim.
The same with "traditions". Like people don't realise that half of them are some foreign customs more-or-less assimilated to certain country. Even something like christmans tree - something treated like big, totally christian tradition here - comed here from bad Germany and on top of that it's pagan tradition.

8 years ago

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So the formerly largest colonial empire of the world is against emigration ? xD
It´s a bit sad what happened, but it´s not all day evening.
I´m quite sure a voting here would bring similiar results, that´s why here are no national polls for stupid people :-)
have a good one o/

8 years ago

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I am following the topic too and I completely agree with your view on the situation. I got the exact same impression about both supporters groups - uneducated and poor people think the immigrants are taking their jobs when they would never work for the same wages these same immigrants go to work for, and old conservative Brits wanting to stick it to the EU's a**, basically.

Working class, well-paid people, business, intelligence, hell even famous people wanted to stay in. And seeing as how obvious the consequences from the Brexit are even a few hours after the referendum results were clear, I hope these people don't stay silent. To be honest, I am hoping for some form of protest of people to remain in the EU and call for another referendum if needed. Otherwise the UK will lose Scotland and possibly NI too, need to completely break from the EU and trade with China (will they compete with Chinese wages in factories I wonder? Imagine an English guy working for a dollar or 2 a day), or maintain their relationship on the same grounds they wanted the UK to be out. It's always madness when stupid people are allowed to influence the world.

8 years ago

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They don't like that the EU is forcing rules and regulations on them. Plus there was an undertone by their own right-wingers against immigrants (from or outside of Europe).

8 years ago

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So even IF the EU gets a unified music licensing scheme in place for streaming services, I'd STILL get that "this music isn't available in your region" for a lot of UK bands... ;(

8 years ago

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Well, it went as it went, I just hope that Scotland and Northern Ireland will break off and stay with the EU (just like their people voted)...

8 years ago

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This just... sighs

8 years ago

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This still won't happen tho, don't get your panties in a bunch. The peoples voice means nothing.

8 years ago

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To think that this affects only around 60 million people! Really don't know what the fuss is about!

8 years ago

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the fuss is that it does NOT only affect 60million but 500million people. It is the first part of the EU breaking off. This could lead to the collapse of the EU because other countries don't want to stay, too. This is a huge problem.
On the other hand it was a democratic decision and the EU may be more independent in their choices. UK has always been close to the US and supported agreements between the EU and the US. I hope this will affect the vota about TTIP.

8 years ago

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What surprises me most is that the Leave camp won by a measly 2%. Practically half the UK wants to stay, and they'll just ignore them.

On the subject of EU, I think if countries are so desperate to leave, maybe the whole concept of EU is not so great. I mean it's been around for barely 43 years. It seems the collapse of the EU is inevitable, though it may take a long time.

8 years ago

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I think the EU is a great project. Or rather would be a great project IF there were more decisions not favoring companies but the social aspect of politics. But somewhat overstepped the mark (decided without consulting the voters first)

8 years ago

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The UK is one of the biggest net payer of the EU. Less money flow to the EU will affect millions of people in leecher countries like Hungary, Lithuania, Greece and Estonia

8 years ago

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since the UK did pay 1/3 compared to what other European citizen this effect won't be as bis as you describe it.

8 years ago

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That's what happens when you depend too much on other countries.

8 years ago

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The flawed EU collapsing with big countries like the UK would trigger a global financial crisis. That's why it's better for the whole world that countries get off the sinking ship one by one.

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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At least Boris and Donald will look great together in photos. They almost have the same hair.

8 years ago

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now watch the UK turn to shit

8 years ago

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Scotland and Northern Ireland allready want to leave

8 years ago

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you are wrong

8 years ago

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Looks like we´ll have some cheap british Traders here soon. But maybe we´ll see some Region restrictions for UK, like it´s with russian steamgifts.
Besides that, I guess it´s a real bad day for EU and UK. Maybe thats just the beginning and other countries will follow.

8 years ago

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Sooooo, what happens if they leave?

8 years ago

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Maybe Scotland 'comes independent und Northern Ireland unites with Ireland. Who knows? Good move, UK

8 years ago

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As someone who lives in another continent and probably won't be affected at all if Europe itself collapses this whole thing just look like speeded up crisis movie to me. Like seriously, reading this thread feels a bit surreal XD

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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It will affect everyone sure, but not at a personal level. And I may be an asshole but I tend to not care all that much for what is completely out of my control. I have enough stress in my life to seek for more worrying for people I don't know.

8 years ago

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Thinking that you're not affected by a hypothetical EU collapse is very, very (did I say very?) naive. Countries are not isolated pieces of land anymore.

8 years ago

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He/she might be living in a mud village somewhere in Africa

8 years ago

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Nah, I just leave in a place that is the physical embodiment of the concept of mediocrity.

8 years ago

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If you're on steamgifts, you don't live in a mud village, you just don't.

8 years ago

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My country will probably have an economic crisis by itself without any need for external help any year now, it just crashes every 15 to 20 years anyway :P

8 years ago

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What? But that's like saying break my right leg as well, my left leg is already broken anyway.

8 years ago

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I suffer from depression (for real), what do you expect from me? Positivity?

8 years ago

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Ok, that is a problem. I currently suffer from depression as well (I'm serious too). All I can say is that your life matters more than you think it does and that I know it's easier for somebody to say that to you than to believe it yourself. Case in point, I also tend to think of myself as useless most of the time.

8 years ago

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So what are they going to do now, stop trading with the EU or something? Because they'll still need to abide by most of the rules they detest in order to do so. It doesn't really seem that much will change, only that British people will have less to moan about.
Well done Britain, well done.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I've always been curious about that argument. Because as it is now, Britain isn't forced to do anything in terms of migration and it's certainly not the case that you can travel as freely from France to the UK as from Belgium to France for instance. It seems like a slippery slope fallacy to me. (and yes, I noticed your sarcasm hint :P)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Yes, they decided to not be at the table anymore but the EU will pressure them into following our rules anyway.

8 years ago

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Proof again that EU is shit and pressure everyone to do shitty stuff. UK did a god job there !

8 years ago

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Yes and no.

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Short term "misery" for long term prosperity - congratulations Britons.

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8 years ago

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Wow, really didnt expect that.
I dont see anything positive in the UK leaving.
I really dont understand, to me its almost the most retarded thing to do.
Immigrants will come anyway. You cant nuke Calais. Economically... well.. you'll find out.

And for the rest of EU its a major blow. I really hate to see you guys go, but seems like thats what you wanted.

8 years ago

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They can now say fuck off to Bruxells and the USA. Like Iceland once did.

8 years ago

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"Fuck off to the USA…"
Oh, the naivete… Who do you think their new best buddy and trade partner gonna be?

8 years ago

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Yep, they can ignore Brussels now. But not USA, lol.
UK was a big player in EU had had quite some influence. Thats gone now. One way or the other, the EU will always affact the UK.

Its not gonna be cheap, voting for leaving.
People just think it cant get any worse, vote with their heart not with their minds.

And thanks for the blacklist ;)

8 years ago*

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It's not like Iceland was ever a major player like the UK is/was. Iceland is pretty much 2000 times smaller than the UK. Ever took that into account?

8 years ago

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Still, a "fuck off" is a fuck off :)

8 years ago

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Fuck off at what price though? Crumbling UK, EU and world economics altogether? For what? UK poor people won't get richer if the UK is out; problem is they will probably go even poorer.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Good picture, missing the monarchy crown... so UK fall in down only with flag and crown AND with the pride to being an englishman.
Nice work, keep up uk!

8 years ago

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Haha, good one. :P

8 years ago

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Once again :


8 years ago

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The cancer that was the EU desperately needed plucked. No doubt about it, an organization as bloated as that operating with next to zero accountability needed a kick up the ass. Question is what happens next? UK could stand to benefit a lot more than it loses from a severely weakened EU. I suspect actually it will be countries like France and Germany that stand to eventually lose more from the EU than UK if far more start to leave.

8 years ago

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For me the surprise always was that they joined back in the day.

8 years ago

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I thought it was good at first because I was terribly uninformed but the more info I'm getting, the worse it sounds.

8 years ago

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'EU is failing, EU is dying': Nigel Farage speech following Brexit vote

8 years ago

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everyone should leave!

8 years ago

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