So apparently France wants out now?
Someone who's French want to give the skinny on this?
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We never know 100% for sure, there are alot of stories that are just to frighten people saying it will be so bad (just like it is happening now in England).
I think it has both it's ups and downs but in the end result it will be better for everyone.
Regardless of it's outcome we atleast should have given a choice for a referendum, our mp saying there is little want for it is wrong, if he really thinks that give people a referendum.
He totally lives in a bubble (in which he is single, not raising kids, alot better income) outside of what is really going on in the streets.
We did have a referendum a long time ago too which a majority was opposed too and our goverment just turned it down.
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Atleast we'll save billions already that wont go to the EU black hole and Greece.
That should help cover up any potential thermo-nuclear wars that leaving the EU will give. Wasn't that what they told Brittain? That it would lead to insta-war. Yeah, definitely want to be part of that group who threatens to murder you if you don't stay with them, swell folks.
We know they would do it, just look at Ukraine.
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If a vote happens, likely more than 50% will want out of the EU.
Problem is most of them don't understand the actual consequences.
Same with wanting the 'gulden' back. Quite a large amount of people vote based on the feelings from their gut and baseless assumptions, instead of actual facts.
It annoys me, but everyone has a right to do that if they want I guess.
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Most of the doomscenario's seem to be based about turning down the EU turning you into a void country.
But do you really think Germany, Brittain, Belgium and France would stop trading with us? Especially if due to no longer using the Euro it's infact more profitable for them to do so than ever?
Considering the largest national product is from export, that should stay fine. And thus there's fairly little risk unless Germany really revenge-blocks us. But then one has to wonder, would you want to be part of a group so dispicable in the first place.
An immediate benefit would be we can use all the money spend on keeping the fragile EU intact (even if we are a small country, a fairly large part of EU funds is from us, and still it gives us no power) on our own country.
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I can sense a lot of emotion in posts about this. It's odd.
To go into the point you made: Realistically the problem wouldn't be that trade goes to 0, but that renewing the necesary trade agreements would be more time- and moneyconsuming. And that's just one of the things that would change with regards to trading.
As for the amount of money going from NL to EU, I think that only works if you calculate it correctly:
(Amount of money going from NL to EU minus the money going from EU to NL and also minus the cost-saving and improved foreign deals the EU gets NL.)
So far I haven't really heard what the actual pro is to leaving the EU from people I've talked to. Except for it feeling better to 'be in control yourself' and 'not having to deal with struggling other countries' which are emotional ideas I personally can't really get behind. shrug
My point would be: It's easy to focus on just one part of the equation to support being pro or con, but a lot harder to really look at the big picture. I should probably leave it at that.
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Vote on RTLNieuws is currently at 60% pro-Nexit.
And yes, I totally agree. I think most people I know also hate this EU-crap.
But don't forget that our politicians will probably just ignore the result, you know, like ALL OTHER REFERENDA (EU constitution, Ukraine trade).
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I wish Sweden could leave aswell, tired of all bullshit that EU has brought.
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There are many pros and cons, but i think the disadvantages weigh over.
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agreed, same here in Italy...we are invaded by immigrants...5000 only yeasterday..and are all economic immigrants, only a small % are refugee..but Italy mantein them with money taken out form walfare for italian poor...we had 11 milions of poor italian and we must mantein clandestine? we had milions of unemployed, like myself, from 3 years now without a single € of help for me, but we spend 120€\day for a single clandestine...this is unacceptable
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Don't worry Murk. We will make our own rival Trade Commission. With blackjack and hookers.
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One I know from UK postet this one one Facebook today:
Well, Monday morning's activities are sorted, then:
- Put the coffee machine on
- Check emails
- Apply for German Citizenship
You are welcome ;)
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Oh but haggis with a bit of neeps and tatties with a cold can of Irn Bru! Oh it hits the spot!
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Oh I think people in BAA have actually heard me saying it. I even said it in a strong accent in my head xD
Glad I made you chuckle though ;)
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Non credo saremmo capaci di sopravvivere da soli, quello che è sicuro è che salvineee guadagnerà migliaia di voti con 'ora toccah a noi!!!!' Senza argomentare una minchia
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La lira si percepiva come "moneta buona per il popolo", perchè quando c'era una mezza crisi finanziaria via a stampare soldi, inflazione a pompa, la gente si vedeva più soldi per le mani e spendeva, una specie di effetto placebo.
Tutto questo però non lo puoi fare per sempre, sul breve periodo funziona pure, ma alla lunga fa male, infatti il cambio con l'euro è stato una sofferenza, non per colpa dell'euro, ma perchè la lira era gonfiata.
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In America un po' l'hanno fatto, in UK non so, ma considerando quanto vale (o valeva) la sterlina, dubito sia siano sbizzarriti a stampare banconote.
Ma il nostro bel governo faceva danni e stampava a rullo per riparare. Non si va da nessuna parte così, non nell'economia attuale, in cui ti devi relazionare\importare\esportare all'estero.
1000 lire nel 1950 = 30000 lire nel 2001
1 dollaro nel 1950 = 7 dollari nel 2001
Ora che non possono mettere a stampare carte, i nostri pagliacci del circo incolpano l'euro.
Che poi è normale, se noi mandiamo salvini a difendere i nostri interessi contro gente preparata è normale che ci rimangono le ruspe.
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Coi nostri rappresentanti politici che ci ritroviamo e un paese sempre più diviso no di certo. Piaccia o non piaccia l' unico che ha le idee chiare sull' ue ė Di Stefano di CPI.
Quanto a Salvini si credo che raccatterà qualche voto cavalcando l' onda, ma non dimentichiamoci che il primo sconfitto alle recenti elezioni é proprio lui... Noi con Salvini ė un fallimento totale e una scissioni interna é possibile. Col pellegrinaggio a Tel Aviv si ė praticamente dato la zappa sui piedi
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Can't wait for Europe where you have stop every 5 - 6 hours for border check, student's can't study aboard due to termination of Erasmus, you can't move out freely to get a better job, and whole products protection goes to shit and we will be able to produce legit "Parmesan", "Cheddar" and so on from water and milk, and sell it to China. It's gonna be glorious!
: ]
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"Can't wait for Europe where you have stop every 5 - 6 hours for border check, student's can't study aboard due to termination of Erasmus, you can't move out freely to get a better job, and whole products protection goes to shit and we will be able to produce legit "Parmesan", "Cheddar" and so on from water and milk, and sell it to China. It's gonna be glorious!"
You seem to fundamentally misunderstand what is happening.
First off the border checks are being re-introduced anyway because of the migrant crisis.
Erasmus available to anyone, whether from the EU or not (in fact non-EU students get higher grants).
You can and will be able to move anywhere for a better job, as proven by the millions of Europeans working outside of the EU already doing so - like I do.
IP / Product protection will also be unaffected of Brexit, or even if the whole EU goes belly up.
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Border checks are temporary and only on south part of the europe (little more up north if countries like Greece and Italy didn't manage to fulfill their duties). It's stated in Schengen agreement that countries can introduce temporary border checks in special cases like immiganr crisis, big sports festivals and so on. It has nothing to do with returning to border checks on every country border for all EU citizens. Temporary "crysis" borderchecks are annoying, but aren't strict. Second means isolation, kilometers of jams on gates and so on.
Erasmus is available for people outside of EU, because there is central institution which coordinates everything, gather founds, give them to higher universities and check how program is doing and what is wrong / good about it. Without all this it will terminate. It's not that it just "work" on it's own, it needs tons of planning and work of people in both Brussel and in country governments.
Right now all you have to do to find work in other country is to move to other country, find a flat to sleep and well... work. In case of closed work-economies you're forced to get passport, find work beforehead, be sure that country will give you chance to move in (as there are quite strong tendencies to limit immigration even now, by introducing "how many plumbers from outside of UK we will allow to come in"), your rights in case of loosing of job will be severly limited in comparison to native workers and so on.
And sure product protection is available outside of UE. But "killing" EU will get rid of whole traditional EU products protection (as there won't be instituton to oversee it), and as a whole UE has got more impact on trading and so on. Right now EU institutions can just say "Hey Poland! Don't make this fake cheese, or we will cut your funding!". And we're like "Ok... :C". And what when there is no organ to check it? IT can take months or years before UK, France or Germany will proove before some international court that we're in fact breaking a law, we'd be able to appeal and so on.
And do you think that without EU we would have stuf like identical phones / tablets / camera chargers, lower roaming bills, Intel or Google sued for monopolistic practises and so on? Of course not, as single EU country woudn't be able to force international companies into some behaviour.
Sure, UE is not all rainbows and pink unicorns, but I think it's giving more by uniting EU than is taking by having identical laws in some areas.
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But not every country is in or wants to be in Schengen.
The UK and Ireland aren't, whilst Denmark can leave at any time.
Erasmus will continue, like I stated. Why would Brexit change that?
"Right now all you have to do to find work in other country is to move to other country, find a flat to sleep and well... work. In case of closed work-economies you're forced to get passport, find work beforehead, be sure that country will give you chance to move in (as there are quite strong tendencies to limit immigration even now, by introducing "how many plumbers from outside of UK we will allow to come in"), your rights in case of loosing of job will be severly limited in comparison to native workers and so on."
If you think applying for a job on the internet then getting a visa and moving is more difficult than actually moving to a country then looking for a job then I think you're in for a rude awakening when / if you try it.
"how many plumbers from outside of UK we will allow to come in"
This is how it already works for people outside the EU, and without it you see chaos and resentment - it's one of the biggest reasons the UK has just voted for Brexit.
And nobody is proposing killing the EU, just the UK leaving it.
And please, EU Regional Protection policy is a joke.
A scam.
It encourages inefficient monopolies by conferring upon them an imaginary status based solely on their geographic location.
It's an anomaly in what is supposed to be a single market.
"And do you think that without EU we would have stuf like identical phones / tablets / camera chargers, lower roaming bills, Intel or Google sued for monopolistic practises and so on?"
But we don't.
See UK plugs and Apple products.
Roaming bills fair enough.
"Sure, UE is not all rainbows and pink unicorns, but I think it's giving more by uniting EU than is taking by having identical laws in some areas."
The EU is simply a club of relatively wealthy white countries desperately clinging together to try and protect their lifestyles and wealth from poor developing countries, many of whom were looted by Western Europe.
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Good luck, British guys and girls. Maybe that's the first step to destroy the greedy European Union. Still, even in Greece, we wanted to leave the European Union, but the government didn't care about our opinion, so be careful, because this may happen to you too. xD
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UK is not Greece, 'Greecexit' would probably destroy the Greece
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You meant Grexit. I know, we are more poor than the UK. The Queen has a lot of money (that she won't give to the citizens, but that's another matter). But still, if we won't leave the European Union, we will never know what will happen. Also, it would be better to be poor for a few years rather than be controlled for the rest of our lives. The "big powers" are controlling our assets and selling everything that we own really cheap. When all our assets have been sold for quite small prices, they'll come to us and say "you have no assets - you got bankrupt". -_-
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Yep, what you said it's true, Europe is literally eating Greece, but you can't simply say "So guys... I have these huge debts, but... I'll quit Europe and... let's pretend nothing never happened, debts canceled and let's be friends, ok ?" Dracma would be worth close to 0 if that happens
tl;dr it's fucked anyway and that's bad, I visited Greece and it was nice :c
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But even if we stay, nothing will become better. We get new taxes all the time, they lower the wages all the time, they sack people all the time, all the Greek assets are being sold for a few euros, the far right wing gains power, etc. Do you think that the situation here will get better if we continue like this? If nothing will belong to us in the end? In the past, some stupid people from the army took the power by force. I really don't want to see that happening again. -_-
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I feel you Greece is in a shitty position, not that other countries are fine.
UK's future is less stable now. Trump, Le Pen, Salvini... people abusing fear and ignorance, that looks like a déjà vu :C
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The European Union is nothing else than some people working for their own best interests. Never be afraid of a change when everything goes bad. But always be afraid of being static when everything goes bad. Britain MAY suffer for a little amount of time, but will get better eventually. Britain already had its own currency anyway.
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The concept of the EU is very good. The problem is in its execution, and particularly the execution of the Euro, which was very badly done.
And part of the poor execution is that people worked too hard for their own interests (and their own countries' interests), rather than what's the best way to do it.
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Exactly. Maybe the concept is good, that's true. But its execution is extremely bad in many ways.
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What's funny is that, if the Euro hadn't been so badly done, the shortcomings in the execution of the EU wouldn't have been so bad, and the EU would have sustained.
The Euro's two biggest problems were that it was too ambitious and too idealistic.
Ambition was to have as many countries join as quickly as possible. They forgot that the EU started with just six countries, and gradually added more countries. If, say, Austria, the Benelux, France, Germany, and the Scandinavian countries had been the initial countries, their economies and economic mentalities were/are similar enough for it to be successful. And it would have been stable enough to slowly absorb one country after the other.
Idealistic is because they agreed that countries should meet certain targets, but didn't include an enforcement mechanism. Like if a bunch of CSGO players agreed not to cheat, but played on a non-VAC enabled server. If I recall correctly, the first year of the Euro not one country met either the inflation or the deficit target.
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A default would do exactly that... all debateurs (meaning, all of us since the EU forced us to spend so much on Greece) would loose all their money.
Do you seriously think they tried protecting Greece from a default for Greece? Ha!
The sad thing is it's pretty much inevitable in the first place, but now atleast we can loose a LOT more money when it happens! Hoozay for great EU-foresight!
And a drachma worth nothing does great for tourism, which is always been one of Greece's major incomes in the first place.
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Obviously, but a default is a bad thing for literally everyone...
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But afterwards recovery can happen.
Now with lifesupport on, nothing at all changes. And it has done so for, what, 8 years now already? Just pumping in more and more and more money, making the fallout for all of us higher and higher and higher when it does happen.
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That's what I said above too. But we also had an economy to sustain ourselves. Maybe not much, but just enough. Now, all the Greek public assets belong to the foreign powers that sell them for a few euros to their "friends". When will that stop? When we won't have anything left? And talgaby, you forgot something. The Queen has the money to sustain herself, not UK, so UK will need to ask for her help. ;P But I believe that she may help.
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The Queen doesn't have much; the royal family is living on what the state gives to them from the taxpayers' money. This is why several politicians and groups proposed several times to switch to democracy and save that amount they pay each year to sustain the monarchy.
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The Crown Estate, which is the largest property owner in England, is not actually hers, but belongs to the Crown (i.e. the state). However, separate from that are her personal finances, (such as money money inherited from her mother). While the details are not known, it's estimated to be worth about £275-£325 million, or about $400-$500 million
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The royal family still has a reserve. And if the Queen dies, stores (or something like that) are supposed to close for several days.
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It depends on how you calculate it but if going on GDP I don't think the UK would drop a place with Scotland removed .. ;)
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Bring on the second referendum for us!
Freedom! This clip hasn't been anymore relevant than it is now!
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If you believed the arguments for Bremain, then you are going to shit yourself about Scoxit.
Scotland didn't vote out even with oil forecast at $100 a barrel, now it's $50 a barrel.
Scotland's has a public debt crisis, the biggest in the UK.
Scotland is even more dependent on trade with the rUK than the UK is with the EU.
Scotland will be leaving the EU regardless of its status in the EU, meaning it will have to reapply - meaning it would have to accept Schengen (physical borders between England & Scotland) and the Euro.
Scotland would also have next to nothing to offer Europe, plus given how desperate Scotland is to join the EU, the EU could ask for massive concessions - particularly Spain who would have no interest in rewarding Scottish independence given the strength of the Catalonian independence movement.
Scotland will be leaving the rUK from a far weaker position than the UK is brexiting.
Even the latest polls of Scots show a big lead for remaining in the UK post-Brexit.
I wish Scotland would vote for Independence, I really do.
I hope if you do get the chance you'll actually take it this time, so the rest of the 96% of the people in the UK don't have to listen to the whining of 4% of the UK's population who voted for Scotland threatening to leave every time they don't get their own way.
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Regardless of Brexit, I'd love Scottish independence (I'm not Scottish).
Sadly they voted against it.
Scotland exports 2.5 times as much to the rest of the UK than it does the rest of the world combined.
Every time the rUK looks like doing something Scotland doesn't like the SNP cry and stamp their feet forgetting that they only make up 8% of the UK population.
Northern Ireland is a different case, but the demand there for independence is much lower than in Scotland.
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Thanks to the german fuhrer thousands of arabs and africans are raping, terrorizing the whole of europe. Who the fuck would want to stay on and deal with merkel's shit?
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But the news said that the GBP decreased in value due to the exit. First time ever I am seeing that happen.
Bundle Stars converts anyway, but any british store with the pound will be cheaper atm. :P
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Until now, it was like buying in any other EU country, as they had € pricing roughly based on the currency exchange rate (except some bundles were cheaper in £).
But when UK will leave the EU, they'll need to make international currency conversions, that might come out unfavourable for us.
Or they could just open a subsidiary in Ireland or Luxembourg, and nothing would really change...
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from a practical perspective, nothing will change.
EU prices will remain on parity with the rest of the euro zone, US prices will remain on par with the rest of the US. Regional prices transcend stores. The major impact is that if the pound devalues further, regional prices in England will have to be adjusted
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Indeed, but that's always been the case.
Whether it's cheaper or not will depend on the rate your payment provider charges you at.
I'd check before you buy because you might find that they haven't updated their exchange rates yet.
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New Zealand and Brazil are still unbeatable, so I'm buying from there if possible. Just thought it was worth mentioning. I always saw the GBP as such a strong currency and this morning I heard it's worse than the EUR now. :D
Thanks for the tip tho!
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The Euro is down as well.
There's an emergency meeting of several EU leaders tomorrow.
Depending on whether there is any public declaration about how the EU wants to proceed that could change.
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What a shake up this has already had on the world economy. Our currency yesterday dropped almost 5% as soon as the announcement was made. Not really sure how that works, but it meant that the currency was weaker against all other currencies apart from the Pound.
Also, take a look at this article on our Brexit affects Game of Thrones. Imagine everyone knew about this. :)
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It won't affect game of thrones in the least (except as noted below)
The show makes more than enough money that it won't be cancelled. The cost of using the Northern Ireland location will increase. Locations are picked as a combination of suitability and cost. Future location selection will be impacted by the discontinuing of subsidies. For existing locations, the producers will need to make a decision: find a new location or pay the higher cost. The show is profitable enough that it can absorb the cost of the increase, but they could decide that no one will notice, and instead choose a new location. Finding a new location takes time and costs money, so there's a pretty good chance they'll just absorb the cost. That means it'll be slightly less profitable for the producers.
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My apologies, I wasn't being 100% literal with the link...more as a joke that if the Game of Thrones fans had their way, they could've changed everything. The internet community seems to be making huge waves recently for some silly reasons.
But, hey, the vote has been cast, and so we continue with our lives waiting to see what the bigger fallout will be.
If more countries decide to leave the EU, it could spell bigger issues for smaller countries such as Greece, maybe even Italy and the likes. We'll see.
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i don't follow what happening in the uk nor what actually happening but, how do we know who voted yes or no, young pp can still want to quit eu, here in canada, we only heard, or mostly, bad thing happening in the eu because of the greece.
Probably they only want to protect them self before it crash badly.
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Well, it wasn't a binding referendum, so they're not obliged to follow up on it. They take the same attitude towards non-binding referenda as their daughter nation, New Zealand, and completely ignore it (probably to be promptly followed by a change in government).
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Can't agree with that at all.. It's elder people who lived during a time before the UK was in the EU and actually have experience of the before and after. It's the elder people who voted to go into the E.E.C. and then saw it change from a trading block into an ever closer political union without ever getting a say in it.
It's the very elderly people who actually fought for our democracy. For you want you to want to shit on that only paints you as ageist, arrogant and discriminatory. Everyone should have equal say.
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"A result is not the way I want it..." "Better blame others for being ignorant and go ignore them, since the will of the people is submissive to my own will, which is of course best."
I wonder if he's politician. Since that's some grade-A twisting I only see politicians do.
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I see your point but the very same old people (in my country anyway) who lived most of their lives under the communism, want it back. Makes you wonder whether they want the good old days back because it was better (in this case it certainly was not) or just because.
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Nostalgia is definitely a thing, and when older people look back on things they can certainly do it through rose-tinted spectacles. That absolutely can happen.
I suppose I see a lot of it balancing out. While the older people may have nostalgia when making decisions, they'd probably say the younger ones are naive or have unrealistic dreams. While the younger ones may be affected by the vote for longer, the older ones have experience and created the very systems that allowed the vote to happen in the first place.
One big danger of allowing a particular demographic's votes or wishes to count for less is that the group of people will probably ending up suffering. If women's votes counted less than men's then a government looking to save money might cut services that mainly affect women as they know they could get away with it more. You can apply it to older people the same way and any other group. Could be younger people, men, people of a certain or no religion, people of a particular sexuality, parents, non parents etc.
Anyway, yes, the gold old days thing is certainly a legit phenomena.
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I would ban youngster to vote instead, minimum age for voting should be 24 yo. They are just to naive to understand, and don' t make me start on this "Imagine" generation which is slowly destroing this society. Only old people can save the world.
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hinking we are better than anyone just because we are white"
This you little racist. It implyies that one think himself better than another for the color of it' s skin. Don' t know how do you see it but for me is a bit rasist lol
Aniway, Imagine. That song is full of mondialism, multi culturalism, good-thinking and atheism references. All deseases that are destroying Europe from within. And the Imagine Generation youngsters with kind hearts and good intents are the first warriors of this destructive line of thougths, so blinded by that aura of moral superiority they like to show of at the point that they can't see the evil they are spreading...
So yes, if I have too chose between an old grandpa and one of those self declared commie with the infinite tatoo, septum pearcing and tinted air, well... I would choose the first one
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Do you think Great Britain will leave the EU? What do you the British people on Steam gifts think? Should Britain stay in the EU or leave?
-edit it appears Leave won 52% of the vote. Congrats Great Britain!
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