5 years ago

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oh god why...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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i liked it...

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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They said there were two games planned. First was revealed to be Diablo 3 on the Switch. Second was assumed to be Diablo 4. Instead, we get a pay to win mobile game


5 years ago

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Pretty much. Everyone expected either D4 or D2 remaster but we got mobile game made by a Chinese developer with a bunch of cashgrab looking RPGs and the trailer has the exact same D3 assets.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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The emergence of a new game(s) does not destroy the existence of the original.

5 years ago

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We can't take that risk with Diablo Immortal.

5 years ago

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I still have my Diablo/Diablo 2 discs around somewhere, I'm safe.

5 years ago

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Check for disk rot immediately and make some backups.

5 years ago

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I'd be more worried about having they activation keys first, as that's my problem. I have the discs, not the boxes/bookelets. :(

5 years ago

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The keys should be on the CD case. (Mine still are.) Register the keys with Battle.net and your account will have them permanently linked. (Just download the installer and play.)

5 years ago

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Aren't the cds useless that way? Can you install the game without the key?

5 years ago

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It's been a few years since I tried to install (the original is 20 years old!), so I can't remember for sure, but I think you cannot play at all without it. Even with the key, I doubt it would run on a modern PC without an updated installer.

5 years ago

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They added compatibility for the latest windows (7-10) during the past years, at least for Diablo II and WC3 (and you can also play without CDs inserted).
Don't tink they did it also for WC2, maybe a win95 virtual machine could work...

5 years ago

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Diablo 1 does not have a product key. It used a disc check. I'm pretty sure patching to the latest version removes that too.

If you want to play Diablo II online you need a non-banned, not-in-use key. If you're just going to play single-player, you can install it with any key you find on google.

5 years ago

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Normally, the key(s) would be on the back of the case(s).

Well, if you really can't find the key, you can pick up the entire Diablo II series for dirt cheap. And yes, it's playable on Windows 10. (I've got it installed, at the moment.)

5 years ago

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and i have 4 copy of each diablo 2 adn LOD :) (because when i was playing this game was with 4 PC :P)

5 years ago

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Or add the games to your Blizzard account by "reedeming" the keys.

5 years ago

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No, but it destroys the sales figures of the future sequels.

5 years ago

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Prove it. I don't see this negatively affecting Diablo as a franchise in any way, shape, or form. It garners new audience members, thus allowing more revenue streams into the IP. If it doesn't, this informs the developers exactly what their fanbase craves and what they should deliver in the future.

5 years ago*

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No, but it destroys the sales figures of the future sequels.

I don't see this negatively affecting Diablo as a franchise in any way, shape, or form.

On the other hand, the fact that 60k people, compared to 2k on the other side, decided to downvote the videos and throw hatespeech-filled trantrums in the comments simply because they're disappointed in the platform choice does destroy any lingering expectations of sensibility we may have had for humanity. So hey, we still get destruction! Clearly, regardless of how Diablo's future fares, the future is looking bright for his brother Baal.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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Isn't Cthulu always looking good, though?

View attached image.
5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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View attached image.
Image Caption:
Look at your human race, now back to me.

Quite so. :P

The bathroom, while using the same core layout, feels like a game of 'Can you spot the differences', but Cthulu is totally nailing his Isaiah Mustafa impression.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

5 years ago

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I'd point to the Solo Star wars movie.

But I don't see it happening here.

5 years ago

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Well, I thought everything from The Phantom Menace on was garbage but that doesn't affect my enjoyment of the original trilogy and it didn't stop them making a lot of money from a new audience with different expectations and tastes.

5 years ago

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Thank you for getting it.

5 years ago

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I don't disagree with that, as long as you can separate the characters or stories from the originals, Rogue One cheapens the efforts of Luke, if one decides to integrate both stories.
I am just addressing a bad entry ruining the market for the next entry in a franchise, which would obviously hurt it in budget, sales and one would expect quality and polish (in a game, through the lack of post-launch support).

I think PM was the low point of the prelude trilogy, #2 and #3 were fairly enjoyable despite the acting and line-writing.

5 years ago

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Imagine the end results. If it's a huge success, it'll change the monetization structure of their future games(bad for the gamers). If it's a fail, Blizzard will think twice before proceeding with a sequel and they'll either push the release date a lot and/or don't take any risks which will probably result in it being a mediocre game much like Diablo 3 when it first came out(bad for the company). I can write pages explaining how bad an idea this is but as everything I ever write, it'll be just my opinion and have no value as a proof of anything.
I can give you an example though. EA pretty much killed the whole Need for Speed franchise because of their focus on a mobile game. When "Need for Speed No Limits " first came out on mobile, it was pure P2W. Most players hated it, it only had a consistent playerbase in asia(china mostly) and as a result NFS: Payback focused on money generating ideas of No Limits and only sold 6k on it's first week(including pre-purchases) on PC. Now, Blizzard is going the same way EA went and gamers are scared. There is no conclusive evidence that Blizzard will spend their reputation to generate money, but Activision is a huge part of their decision making now and it's going exactly the way we all don't want it to go.

5 years ago*

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Very well written out. Exactly what I am thinking,

5 years ago

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If it doesn't, this informs the developers exactly what their fanbase craves and what they should deliver in the future.

pfffffffffffffffft! As if the fanbase hasn't made its desire known by now. P

5 years ago

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What? Where do you get that from?

5 years ago

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Hah, Diablo Immortal will make more money than all other Diablo games together. On the business side, it's a win move from Blizzard, as freemium mobile games are really strong in China and these kinds of market.
And let's be honest, people will buy a future Diablo 4 anyway after this shitstorm will calm down.

5 years ago

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Only in the sense that they might discover that an actual sequel would generate far less profit than a pay-to-win mobile game.

5 years ago

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GGG must be laughing their way to the bank with this announcement. With their new expansion/league hitting next month I imagine a lot of pissed off Diablo fans finally taking the plunge and switching to Path of Exile.

Edit: lmao at whoever created this domain: playdiablo4.com

5 years ago*

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Jim, you are drunk.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Why would you want a PC version when you can just play the actual games.

5 years ago

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why would anyone want a mobile diablo?

5 years ago

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Poor wording. I meant why would I want a PC version of Immortal when I can play the actual PC games instead.

5 years ago

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And which "actual" PC game would that be?

5 years ago

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The existing Diablo games?
Or one of the countless clones, like Torchlight 2 and Path Of Exile.

5 years ago

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> Be New Blizzard
> Drop hints about big Diablo announcement
> Sell more tickets for BlizzCon

Well played.. truly some geniuses at work.

5 years ago

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It's shocking that no one at Activision-Blizzard ever came up with that simple question, apparently.

5 years ago

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In the meantime:

View attached image.
5 years ago

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The legend in the second video is currently doing an AMA

5 years ago

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I was wondering why all the hate, then it said it was for mobile devices. And it all makes sense now.

5 years ago

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Same here.

5 years ago

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Now it will make even more sense - Imagine that you payed money to hear this:

5 years ago

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Do people really pay to see marketing presentations (and then get upset when they are surprised by the surprise announcement they have been anticipating)?

5 years ago

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No Idea how much real ticket costs but you can buy "virtual ticket" for only 40 euro...
YES 40 f***ing euro xD
But you also got couple of garbage items like skins to star-craft 2 or pet for diablo 3 - so everybody can know that you are an idiot xD

5 years ago

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Wow! Hahaha!
Well, I did have a friend at school that would probably have paid money for a dog turd if it was sold by the band U2 or the Manchester United Football Club, so I suppose there have always been tragically fanatical supporters. Perhaps watching a conference from home is a bit like the odd phenomenon of people somehow managing to vicariously enjoy an inane conversation that they aren't participating in on reality TV (e.g. Big Brother). I suppose they are people that place an enormous value in being the first to know what's going on, even though news travels very fast these days. Nevertheless, I am surprised not just that people would pay that, but by the audacity and shameless profiteering to charge it.
By the way, that video is great. I haven't seen too many performers misread the room quite so badly. I wonder if Blizzard will be making some changes to their market research and promotions teams.

5 years ago

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It's awkward and very cringy to see someone having to defend this utter pile of turds. The Blizzard representative is in a really unconfortable position. Painful to see

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

5 years ago*

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But no, the reaction immediately shifts all the way to BLiZzArD hAs KiLLeD dIAbLO 5eVeRRRrrrrrr!!1one

We live in the age of hypberbole, and it's annoying as hell.

5 years ago

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I know, right? It's the worst ever. This hyperbole is going to be the end of civilization!

5 years ago

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If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times, do not exaggerate!

5 years ago

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We live in the age of hypberbole, and it's annoying as hell.

Well, as a Doctor of Journalism, you at least know who's responsible for that.

5 years ago

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The modern audience craves extravagant hyperbole, easily digestible factoids, and numbered lists in lieu of actual articles.

Yes, I know exactly who or what is responsible-- CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT MORE! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT WE UNCOVERED!

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

5 years ago

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I mean, it's easy to see why most people are downright allergic to mobile games, but I agree. Falling to one's knees and dramatically proclaiming: "Oh humanity! The franchise is ruined, RUINED I tell you!" is a little ridiculous. For all we know, it could actually be a decent little game (though I am concerned about the multiplayer).

5 years ago

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It is not a franchise, it is a business model.

This kind of shift in production, means least time, effort and money to other business models. The kind of models that actually sells actual games with actual gameplay.

BTW for me Blizzard is dead from the moment they stopped being a game developer and publisher, and became an online only service provider.

5 years ago

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BTW for me Blizzard is dead from the moment they stopped being a game developer and publisher, and became an online only service provider.

It's on the tip of my tongue, but I'm struggling to remember another game studio that became an online only service provider ...


5 years ago

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The "online only" and "games as services" is the part that bothers me. You still can play offline with your single player games.

Imagine Valve releasing any of the promised 3's with the Diablo 3 or Overwatch formula.

5 years ago*

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Valve and Blizzard seem to be racing each other with these tactics. We now know that for Activision-Blizzard, it meant a 50 billion dollar growth in the past decade, how big is Valve's pile, I wonder.
Things like reputation have become obsolete anyways. EA and UbiSoft are almost universally hated, yet they make giant piles of money. To their credit though, at least them and Activision are doing it to please the real audience, the shareholders. I wonder what Valve's excuse is, since they are a privately-owned company.

5 years ago

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It is a grim future for the gaming industry. This bubble WILL explode.


5 years ago

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Okay, let's entertain that thought for a second and pretend that there is a serious argument to make in favor - the crux here is just one simple thing: How do you control a game like Diablo on a modern phone? You know, as in input controls, etc. What buttons to use? You can only rely on touch events. And you have very limited screen space, where do you put the UI elements and how should that work out?

5 years ago

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Yeah, that's a valid concern, but it's not like having more "complex" games for smartphones/tablets is unheard of nowadays. Perhaps they'll put some effort into creating a comfortable UI & controls, or perhaps they'll screw that up horribly :D We'll see.

5 years ago

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I dunno.. They're teaming up with NetEase for development on this though (instead of them just providing hosting in China, like the other Blizzard games).
So check out NetEase's Guardians of Light, Endless of God, or other mobile-focussed ARPGs.
(Looks like this new Diablo will be a reskin of Endless of God anyway, pay-to-win elements probably included too. Becasue that's what NetEase does).

5 years ago*

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I was just trying to argue a bit in good faith, being nice and stuff...

Okay, then let me be more honest and personal here for a sec:
As someone who owned, enjoyed and played the shit out of every Diablo game ever in existence, for many many hours, if Blizzard is really going to think that I shell out even just one goddamn cent for a fucking Diablo Mobile Edition then they've reached new heights of being wrong in the endless history of being wrong.

Handing over the franchise to some damn Chinese cash milking outfit really takes the cake..

5 years ago

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I read "reskin" and was like "I'm not sure if they would go for cheap reskin of some other game"

clicks link

"Oh no."

5 years ago

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It's not, they're not even making it, it's a reskinned Chinese game.

5 years ago

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People are too mad and saying that giving it out for a mobile game developer makes it trash
that instead of spending time with D2 remaster or D4 they are making this.

If you look at it, somehow the two collide. Like, it's not Blizzard that makes the mobile, YET they are too busy with the mobile game (that is not done by them) to make the remaster/D4.
That's the usual Blizzard fanboy for you, either loving it and defending it with their last breath message, or hating it's very existence/promise so much that reality starts bending from the hate and salt :D

5 years ago

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That's the usual Blizzard fanboy for you

I agree. But also: That's the unusuall Blizzard PR
I can't imagine who came up with idea for that presentation. Also that joke OMG. "You guys have phones? Right?"

5 years ago

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Imagine if they went on like
We here at Blizzard find it extremely important to distinguish our fanbase and unite them - as a community, and for easier communication. So, you guys have phones, right? In the future every Blizzard announcement will have the #phonies hashtag to address our phone-bearing fans!

5 years ago

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You are evil xD
What if they read it right now? Don't give them ideas xD

5 years ago

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It sucks that it's for mobile, but I have to admit the gameplay looks awesome.

5 years ago

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mobile gaming? no thank you!

5 years ago

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Today is the day Blizzard killed the Diablo franchise


5 years ago

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While the mobile game is true to the Diablo style in many ways, there is one notable departure, and that’s in multiplayer. Unlike past Diablo games, Immortal will be massively multiplayer, with persistent outdoor zones populated by other players. This also means you won’t be limited to a four-player party but instead can form much larger dungeons. We saw up to eight players in the gameplay cinematics shown at Blizzcon.


I don't know, the game looks like it could be decent so I'm not going to shit all over it yet. Those who don't want to play on their phone can just play it on PC with an emulator and judging by the control scheme seen in the trailer the controller would probably work well.

5 years ago

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The cinematic was pretty cool...

5 years ago

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Blizzard cinematics are always cool.

5 years ago

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Pretty standard stuff, to be honest. Everyone does it now. Not like Old Blizzard, who has been so far ahead of everyone else at the time..

5 years ago

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Nothing got killed here. Calm down, people.

I personally would actually be interested. At least if it's a paid game. If it's free to play (and I would assume it will be) - no thanks.

5 years ago

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they are pc users, you need to distinguish auditory, so when you get mobile, you should think whats for blizzard now is top 1 priority, im sure its because Activision knows that there is more money in mobile market atm.

5 years ago

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Good chance it did. Mobile games are cheaper to make and print money. It's sadly where a lot of good game dev's are moving. There is a chance D3 is the last actual "game" and from now on the rest are going to be mobile shite

5 years ago

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How do you come to that conclusion that there is a "good chance"? We've seen many big publishers like EA or Ubisoft go on the mobile market. I don't believe we've ever seen any of those completely shift to the mobile market. It's always been just an additional source of revenue from them. So, based on the experience we have I'd say there is actually only a very small chance that this will happen.

5 years ago

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LoL 1k+ extra downvotes in the time it took me to read some of the comments and watch the trailer.

5 years ago

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So, a Diablo game for mobiles... looks pretty solid honestly. We don't know yet just how much will the microtransactions ruin the game, for that we have to wait and see, but I have no idea why you think it "kills the franchise". You know, not all mobile games are pure trash.

Though I'm little concerned about the multiplayer, I have to admit.

5 years ago

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Implying they didn't kill it originally with the god awful real money auction house.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I once killed a man in the next stall over after a giant steak burrito with extra avocado.
I totally feel you, bro.

5 years ago

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Rest In Peace


December 31, 1996 - November 2, 2018

May you live on fondly in our memories...

5 years ago

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Umm, a mobile game means it's the end of the franchise?

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5 years ago

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Yes. In this case, it is exactly what that means.

5 years ago

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Why? Pokemon Go didn't kill Pokemon, porting to iOS and Android didn't kill Fortnite Battle Royale, and as far as I know, Diablo wasn't ruined when it was released on PlayStation. It seems to me that people are really just upset that an ancillary product they don't want has been given the Diablo name, and they are overreacting. It's like screaming that your favourite monster movie is ruined because the studio released a plush toy rendition of the monster when you wanted a hard plastic toy. The game looks like Diablo to me - lots of bright colours and sensory overload to remind kids with short attention spans that they are having fun. Is it just a naming issue, and it would have been better received if it was called Diablo Lite or Diablo Mobile or does the Diablo fanbase really dislike sharing?

5 years ago

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Pokemon GO was a spin off that had nothing to do with the rest of the games, and was made by developers that have not only worked on similar previous project but had it running successfully for a long time.

Fortnite was ported by the original developers of the game, it was a straight up port not a different game, no reason why it would not work.

Diablo on the other hand is a completely new game, using the exact D3 assets from the looks of it, outsourced to a Chinese company with dozens of p2w, cashgrab f2p games behind their back (all continually developed at the same time with very very similar gameplay pointing to a template they use and release with new skin all the time) and on top of that it looks like even Chinese people who do like mobile gaming hate that company. All that on top of the hype people had built up for a new D4 or D2 remastered (which came from various rumors, never something confirmed outside of job offer postings from blizzard for a new Diablo game)

5 years ago

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Okay, trying to stay with the Pokemon analogy:
Consider this scenario, whoever controls Pokemon, I don't know, would drop hints about a new announcement and subsequently the expectations and hype would build up. And then, the big day, at their in-house event (PokemonCon? (for which they sell tickets, obviously, and remember the hints about that announcement? Surely helps with selling those tickets)), they would drop this bomb: The new part of the Pokemon series will be PC only, it will still be the same game, same mechanics and so on, but with a different art style, and of course full with the latest state-of-the-art graphics and high-end render cinematics in 4K or maybe even higher etc. I'm sure you get the drift. System requirements would be: Core i7 6th gen or later resp. AMD equivalent, 32 GB RAM, and a 1080 GPU or better.

And now tell me with a straight fans that Pokemon fans would not be totally pissed right now.

The game looks like Diablo to me - lots of bright colours and sensory overload to remind kids with short attention spans that they are having fun.

Haha, excellent. I don't know how old you are or where you had been when that controversy happened. But using the words "Diablo" and "bright colors" in the same sentence... Oh boy. That is how all that Diablo 3 drama started back then.

5 years ago

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That's not what happened here. PC gamers aren't complaining that they won't be able to play the new game because they don't have mobile phones.
Essentially, people are angry because Blizzard broke a promise that they didn't make. Surprises are inherently surprising - people need to manage disappointment and ground their expectations in reality, not imagination. it's like being furious with your father because he brought home a new vehicle for the family as anticipated but it is not the offroad four-wheel drive vehicle that you had hoped for. Sure, the little hatchback is useful for your sister to learn how to drive and you can use it whenever you want but you'll have to wait a bit longer for a new toy for offroad adventures. The appropriate response is not petulantly sulking, claiming that he doesn't love you and screaming that you wish you were dead.
I'm old enough to have not been interested in the original Diablo on release because I thought that it sacrificed almost everything that was good about RPGs for attention-demanding hordes of enemies to be fought by spamming attacks, and frequent cheap rewards of loot pickups. The flashy colours of Diablo 3 are just an extension of the almost constant stimulation model of the original and are a defining feature of the most recent release in the beloved franchise that is supposedly only now being murdered.

5 years ago

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Are you new to Diablo universe ?
I see many incompetent people in the internet with their useless opinions about games and Activision-Blizzard.
So, Stay awhile and listen...

Diablo universe died 2005, when Blizz North defunct because their Diablo 3 project was canceled
In 2008 Blizzard announce D3 with similar mechanics like D2, runes, jewels, skill tree etc. but maybe they're worried about the fact americans are so stupid that they cannot play this tough game, so they must do self-mobile spamming buttons game. Just a game you cannot make a mistake with skills or spells with many numbers (billions of damage, health, other stats) and graphics like Warcraft 3.
The same year they're start partnership with Activision and screw everything. There's no turning back from this point.
These days we can see the most stupid games/genres they made like HoTs, Overwatch & HS, if someone tells me 10 years ago that they'll release this bullshits I would laugh at him in the facе.
They take 20 millions dollars every month from autistic kids/streamers who buy random packs when 2 days completing quest gives you the same gold for 1 pack..
I'm pretty sure they'll make many millions of Diablo Immortal when released (somewhere in 2020 I suppose).

5 years ago

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IMO they killed it 6 years ago with Diablo 3. Last game I ever preordered, a valuable lesson indeed.

5 years ago

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Yeah, I get that. I can understand the disappointment felt by the many fans of the original Diablo with part three of the series, but, at least for me, I can still defend them here. I played a lot of D3 and really enjoyed it for the most part. It is still a real Diablo, in my opinion.
But this new announcement? Nah, never, that is really the final nail in the coffin.

5 years ago

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I mean, it wasn't an awful game. I still played until level 60 and had fun with it. However, the decision to do away with character builds by removing attribute points, skills that could be swapped at any time, and "MMO-ifying" and simplifying everything really killed the replayability for me.

I put many many hours into Diablo 2, 3 not so much. I feel like other games like Path of Exile and Grim Dawn have taken up the torch that Diablo 3 dropped.

5 years ago

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Yes, I'm totally with you here, don't get me wrong. This is exactly the same discussion I had with some friends back then, and these changes to the skill system you mention was one of the two big issues all the time, the other one being the change to the artistic style, you know, it looks to much like WoW, too bright, to comic-y...
This was even a bigger concern for me, to be honest, and it was a red flag initially. But nonetheless, it was still a Diablo game for me. It deserved the Diablo name, in my opinion. I think that's the real problem.
Because this new thing? A mobile, P2W, MTX cashgrab abomination and then they have the audacity to slap the Diablo name on top of it? That's a real travesty.

5 years ago

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already 6 years has passed?? whoaaa i remember what i felt when played D3.... well ......

D2 + LOD played during at least 8-10 years
D3 just 1 month with a preorder online

5 years ago

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Them deleting negative comments on youtube?
Blizzard is going FULL EA .... NEVER GO FULL EA

5 years ago

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It's reaching new heights (or maybe new lows)

Comment from the official trailer video:

"For everyone disliking this video blizzard replaced the link to this video from the battle .net launcher with one to an unlisted video of the same trailer. Go to that video from the launcher and dislike that video too."

5 years ago

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